

 新用户17038774 2024-09-27 发布于河南


2. 早上起床后,我就给小鸡小鸭们拌上一大盆饲料,把它们喂得饱饱的,再给它们换上充足的水。毕竟今天打算去二姨家走亲戚,至少有半天没时间给他们换水、弄吃的。

3. 早饭后收拾一下,我和老爸便一起骑上三轮车,准备去二姨家。

4. 到了二姨家之后,老爸就收拾好渔具钓鱼去了。二姨热情的给我拿上各种水果,比如橘子、梨之类的,这些还没吃完呢,二姨又抓来了一大把板栗。真是好久没有这样被当做孩子似的接待了。后来在二姨的要求下,我还邀请小舅也来一起吃午饭了。

5. 果然中午,二姨和姨嫂一起做了一大桌子菜,我们几个吃的热闹又开心。

6. 中午喝了些啤酒,我感觉有点儿晕晕的,趁着这股微醺劲儿,我正好准备好好午休一会儿。

7. 等我午休结束时,已经快3点了。老爸还在钓鱼,我去看了一下,发现他钓了一条筷子那么长的大鲫鱼。

8. 傍晚等我们赶回家时,发现那些小鸡小鸭们饿的吱哇乱叫。于是我赶紧给它们弄些吃的喝的,看着这些小家伙们兴奋的抢着吃的喝的,真是让人开心。

9. 今晚老爸做的米饭特别成功,吃着特别香,没想到我一不小心还吃撑着了。


1. The temperature last night was actually quite nice and suitable for sleeping. Sleeping under a thin quilt was quite comfortable. However, I had one strange dream after another all night. For example, the homework was too difficult and it was about to be handed in but I hadn't finished it yet.After finally having a class, it turned out to be an exam, and I couldn't do the questions I encountered. After finally finishing class, when I went out and returned to the dormitory, I couldn't find my way back. These absurd dreams.

2. After getting up in the morning, I mixed a large basin of feed for the chicks and ducklings and fed them until they were full. Then I replaced their water with an ample supply. After all, I plan to visit my aunt's house today. At least I don't have time to change their water and get food for them for half a day.

3. After tidying up after breakfast, my dad and I rode on a tricycle together and prepared to go to my aunt's house.

4. After arriving at my aunt's house, my dad packed up his fishing gear and went fishing. My aunt enthusiastically brought me all kinds of fruits, such as oranges and pears. Before I finished eating these, my aunt grabbed a large handful of chestnuts again. It's been a long time since I was received like a child like this. Later, at my aunt's request, I also invited my uncle to come and have lunch together.

5. Sure enough, at noon, my aunt and sister-in-law cooked a large table of dishes. We had a lively and happy meal.

6. I drank some beer at noon and felt a little dizzy. Taking advantage of this slight tipsiness, I was just about to take a good nap.

7. When I finished my nap, it was almost 3 o'clock. Dad was still fishing. I went to take a look and found that he had caught a big crucian carp as long as a chopstick.

8. In the evening, when we hurried home, we found that those chicks and ducklings were so hungry that they were chirping loudly. So I quickly got them some food and drink. Watching these little guys excitedly scrambling for food and drink is really delightful.

9. Tonight, the rice cooked by my dad was particularly successful and tasted extremely fragrant. Unexpectedly, I accidentally ate too much.

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