

 新用户17038774 2024-09-28 发布于河南


2. 昨晚鸡笼门堵得更紧了,这些小鸡小鸭们终于没有天还没亮就自己跑出来了。等天亮起床后,我去喂它们时,再打开鸡笼门这些小家伙们一窝蜂的冲出来急霍霍地抢饲料的样子还真是可爱又喜人。

3. 喂完小鸡小鸭后,我骑上自行车,带着俩小狗出门转了一圈,顺便把昨天帮忙给嫂子带回来的快递给她送了过去。

4. 早饭后老爸钓鱼去了,而我在家继续看小鸡儿,小鸭们顺便追追小说。8点多,我本来准备去街上买点儿豆腐和青菜的,等到了街上才发现今天不是逢集,没有卖豆腐的,后来在我一个堂姐那儿买了些青菜,才发现这时候的青菜好贵。

5. 中午我在老爸炖的鸡肉里加了些板栗和干豇豆,煮好之后我又尝了一下味道,才发现有点腥,于是又多加了几个辣椒壳,这样才好多了。

6. 午休之后一觉醒来已经快2点了,我带上喷雾器和除草剂去桃园,又打了一遍除草剂。

7. 或许是因为下午干了些农活,多了些运动量,晚上我吃饭格外香。


1. Last night, the temperature was neither high nor low. It was quite suitable for sleeping. However, I drank a little too much water at night, so I went to the toilet many times throughout the night. Even more miraculously, although I went to the toilet several times, I had a continuous dream. In the dream, it was said that I would open a restaurant. This is really a magical experience. After all, I have never thought about such a thing.

2. Last night, the chicken coop door was blocked even tighter. These chicks and ducklings finally didn't run out on their own before dawn. After getting up at dawn, when I went to feed them and then opened the chicken coop door, these little guys rushed out in a swarm and scrambled for feed. It was really cute and delightful.

3. After feeding the chicks and ducklings, I rode a bicycle and took two puppies out for a spin. By the way, I delivered the express package that I brought back for my sister-in-law yesterday.

4. After breakfast, Dad went fishing. While I stayed at home and continued to watch the chicks and ducklings. By the way, I chased after novels. At around 8 o'clock, I was originally going to go to the street to buy some tofu and green vegetables. When I got to the street, I found that today is not a market day and there is no tofu for sale. Later, I bought some green vegetables from one of my elder female cousins. Only then did I find that green vegetables are very expensive at this time.

5. At noon, I added some chestnuts and dried cowpeas to the chicken stewed by Dad. After cooking it, I tasted it again and found it a bit fishy. So I added a few more chili peppers. Only then did it get much better.

6. After taking a nap, when I woke up, it was almost 2 o'clock. I took a sprayer and herbicide and went to the peach orchard and sprayed herbicide again.

7. Perhaps because I did some farm work in the afternoon and had more exercise, I ate especially deliciously in the evening.

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