

 新用户17038774 2024-10-02 发布于河南


2. 应该是这两天气温忽高忽低,于是好几只小鸭子都生病了,没办法,我只能在给他们弄完吃的喝的之后,又把那些生病的小家伙一一抓过来喂上一些药,希望它们能好起来。

3. 早饭后,老爸收拾上东西,继续钓鱼去了。而我则继续在家里看着这些小鸡小鸭们,原本准备去我一个兄弟家吃席的,结果有事耽搁了,于是干脆在家得了。

4. 中午我自己做了一锅地锅饭,这锅地锅饭按老爸做饭的经验退火比较晚,而且留的火炭比较多,于是锅巴做的比较厚,而且比较香。我炒了些冬瓜,中午这顿饭吃的挺不赖的。

5. 我都快午休结束了,老爸钓鱼才回来。

6. 下午三四点,果然像预报说的那样开始下起小雨了到了晚上更是淅淅沥沥地终于雨声渐大,也最终打湿了地面,希望这次的雨能够多下点儿,好让我们种下的那些蔬菜能够发芽吧。


1. It was very hot in the first half of last night. I had to turn on the fan to feel a bit more comfortable. It was not until nearly 10 o'clock that it got a little cooler and I could fall asleep after turning off the fan. I woke up once at a little after 2 o'clock. During this time, I had a long and strange dream. I dreamed that I was carrying an extremely heavy schoolbag, and no matter how I tried, I just couldn't stand up. I also dreamed that my upper body was wrapped up tightly and I didn't feel cold, but my lower body was only wearing a thin pair of long - johns and I felt very cold... When I woke up, I found that the temperature had dropped. My upper body was covered with a sheet and didn't feel cold, but my lower body had bare legs... I think it was because my legs felt cold that I had such a strange dream.

2. It should be that the temperature has been fluctuating these two days, so several little ducks have fallen ill. There was nothing I could do but, after getting their food and water ready, catch those sick little ones one by one and feed them some medicine. I hope they will get better.

3. After breakfast, Dad packed his things and went fishing again. And I continued to take care of these chicks and ducklings at home. Originally, I was going to have a banquet at one of my brothers' houses, but something held me up, so I simply stayed at home.

4. At noon, I made a pot of clay - pot rice by myself. According to Dad's cooking experience, this pot of clay - pot rice takes a long time to cool down and leaves a lot of charcoal, so the crust is relatively thick and fragrant. I stir - fried some white gourds, and this lunch was quite good.

5. My lunch break was almost over when Dad came back from fishing.

6. At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, as the forecast had said, it began to drizzle. In the evening, it was pattering more steadily, and finally the rain got heavier and finally wet the ground. I hope this rain can last a bit longer so that the vegetables we planted can germinate.

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