

 好思勤 2024-10-04

While the avid readers among us may be working their way through the best books of all time or devouring each of our most anticipated books of the year, most people don't have their noses stuck in a book. And that's a shame, because there are so many benefits of reading. 虽然我们中间的狂热读者可能正在读完所有时代最好的书籍,或吞噬每年最期待的书籍,但大多数人并没有沉迷于书籍。这是一个遗憾,因为阅读有很多好处。

It gives your brain a workout. 它给你的大脑带来锻炼。

Want to challenge your mind? Crack open a book. A study linked reading with better thinking skills in kids. 想要挑战你的思维吗?打开一本书。一项研究将阅读与儿童更好的思维能力联系在一起。

'The more you read, the better your brain works,' explains psychotherapist Diana Anson. 'Even problem-solving becomes easier as you develop the ability to see problems from different angles. … Reading is to the mind what the gym is to the body — only without the sweaty gym clothes.“ “你读得越多,你的大脑工作得越好,”心理治疗师戴安娜·安森解释道。“随着你培养出从不同角度看待问题的能力,解决问题也变得更加容易。……阅读之于大脑就像健身房之于身体——只是没有出汗的健身服。”

Ultimately, reading challenges your brain more than watching TV or playing video games. That's because reading connects 'parts of the brain that have evolved for other functions — such as vision, language and associative learning,' Ken Pugh, PhD, president and director of research of Yale's Haskins Laboratories, said. 最终,阅读比看电视或玩电子游戏更能挑战你的大脑。这是因为阅读连接了“进化出其他功能的脑部区域——如视觉、语言和联想学习”,耶鲁大学哈斯金斯实验室的总裁兼研究主任肯·普夫博士说。

It helps you learn new things. 它帮助你学习新东西。

Want to learn something new every day? Open a book — any book. 'Reading helps kids understand the world around them,' says Judy Newman, chief impact officer at Scholastic. 'The majority of parents … believe reading fiction and nonfiction is important for their child.' 想每天学到新东西吗?打开一本书——任何书。“阅读帮助孩子们理解周围的世界,”学乐教育的首席影响官朱迪·纽曼说。“大多数家长……认为阅读小说和非小说对他们的孩子很重要。”

It's true: Almost any book can teach you new things. Great travel books can teach you about new languages and cultures. Even beach reads can teach you a thing or two about communication and relationships. Anson calls 'how-to' books the original Google and says reading nonfiction is 'like having a conversation with the world's experts without them interrupting you to check their phones.' 这是真的:几乎任何书都能教你新东西。伟大的旅行书籍可以教你新的语言和文化。甚至是沙滩读物也可以教你一些关于沟通和人际关系的知识。安森称“如何”书籍为原始的谷歌,并说阅读非小说类书籍“就像与世界专家对话,而他们不会中途打断你去看手机。”

It melts away stress. 它消除压力。

If you've ever been swept up in a story, you're probably aware of the stress-reducing effect, one of the most immediate benefits of reading books. 如果你曾经沉浸在一个故事中,你可能意识到这种减轻压力的效果,这是阅读书籍的最直接的好处之一。

'Reading is like escaping to a calmer dimension without leaving your couch,' says Anson. 'It can reduce stress and give you the same health benefits as deep relaxation and meditation.' “阅读就像是在不离开沙发的情况下逃到一个更平静的维度,”安森说。“它可以减轻压力,并带来与深度放松和冥想相同的健康益处。”

It's a great motivator. 它是一个很好的激励工具。

Have you ever finished a great book and felt inspired by what you read? Maybe it's a young adult book that follows a main character's growth from a shy wallflower to a confident heroine. It could be that a protagonist's romantic mishaps shine a light on fixes for your own relationship miscommunications. Or that a self-help book's story of a brave request for a promotion motivates you to schedule a meeting with your boss. 你是否曾读完一本好书并被其中的内容所激励?也许是一本青少年小说,讲述了一个主角从害羞的壁花成长为自信的女英雄。可能是某个主角的浪漫失误让你看到了自己恋爱中的误解的解决方法。或者是一本自助书籍中勇敢请求升职的故事激励你去安排与老板的会议。

How often do you have to read to reap the benefits? 你需要多久读一次书才能获得这些好处?

Unfortunately, there's no magic answer to exactly how often you need to pick up a book to experience the benefits of reading. It's more about reading regularly than clocking a certain number of minutes per day. 不幸的是,没有一个确切的答案来说明你需要多长时间读一次书才能体验阅读的好处。关键在于定期阅读,而不是每天读多少分钟。

'Try to plan three to four times a week when you can read with minimal disruptions,' suggests Anson. “尽量计划每周三到四次,当你可以在最少干扰的情况下阅读时,”安森建议道。

It sounds obvious, but Newman suggests that one of the keys to reading more often is enjoying the activity. So if you're struggling to find time to read three or four times a week, try getting pickier about your reading material. Is the biography on your nightstand boring you? It may not be a matter of learning how to focus properly. Just try a different book — maybe historical fiction or an easy, breezy rom-com. 听起来很明显,但纽曼建议,经常阅读的关键之一是享受这个活动。所以,如果你发现很难每周读三到四次书,试着对你的阅读材料更挑剔。床头柜上的传记让你感到无聊吗?这可能不是学习如何正确集中注意力的问题。试试另一本书——也许是历史小说或轻松愉快的浪漫喜剧。

'Each reading moment, when it creates a sense of 'book joy,' leads to the next, and together they build a frequent reader,' says Newman. “每一个带来'读书乐趣’的阅读时刻,都会带来下一个,这些时刻共同塑造了一个经常阅读的人,”纽曼说。

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