大家好! 整理读书笔记时,发现以前读过的一本不错的英文书—The Genie Within: Your Subconcious Mind--How It Works and How to Use It,作者是Harry W Carpenter.透过书名就能猜到此书和潜意识有关。全书主要探讨了潜意识的力量,以简单明了的方式讲解了潜意识的运作原理,提供了具体的技巧和方法,帮助读者学会训练大脑,利用潜意识的力量,实现个人的成功与幸福。读完这本书后,我对潜意识有了更深的理解,并学会了一些应对生活中问题的方法,例如如何释放压力、如何转变消极想法等。作为一本自助类书籍,如果能将其中的知识内化并应用,确实可以帮助自己实现真正的改变。分享书中部分印象深刻的内容。“The conscious mind is logical. It has the ability to think, think abstractly, reason, criticize, analyze, judge, choose, select, discriminate, plan, invent and compose, use hindsight and foresight. It uses both deductive and inductive reasoning. The subconscious mind, conversely, is not logical; it is the feeling mind. It is the source of love, hatred, anguish, fear, jealousy, sadness, anger, joy, desire, etc.”书中的这段话让我更好地理解了意识和潜意识的区别。前者与逻辑相关,是有觉知的思维过程;而后者则与感受相关,是无意识的反应。了解两者的不同,不仅能帮助我们理解为何情绪或习惯难以改变,还能让我们更深入地认识自己的行为和情感。“The conscious mind has a limited memory and most of it is short-term. The subconscious mind, in stark contrast, has virtually infinite memory. When your conscious mind and your subconscious mind are in conflict, your subconscious mind wins, but only if you do not know how to control.”不知为何,读到这段话时,我联想到“冲动是魔鬼”这句俗语。我觉得“冲动”这种情绪正好说明了,当我们的理性意识无法控制时,潜意识中的“冲动”会占上风,驱使我们做出下一步的行动。而人是极难时刻保持清醒的意识去控制自己的行为。Some thoughtless parents or teachers might program young malleable subconscious minds with:- “You’ll never amount to anything,”
- “You will never be successful,”
- “You are a bad boy (or girl).”
- “You will never graduate.”
These negative statements will have no effect when they are said to the child only a few times. But if they are repeated, especially under emotional circumstances, they are likely to be accepted by the subconscious mind.关于这点,我亲身经历过类似的事。从小学开始,我经常听身边人说我数学不好,久而久之,我的潜意识似乎已经接受了这个观点,逐渐开始相信自己学不会数学。结果,数学从此成了我的“瘸腿”,大多数考试里数学成绩都不太理想。回头看,如果当时能多一些积极的暗示,或许数学不会成为我的阴影。毕竟,我也曾考过不错的成绩,证明过是能学好数学的。有时候,真的不是能力问题,而是被负面思想裹挟影响。研究表明,负面思维和自我怀疑会极大地影响人的表现,尤其是在学业、工作和人际关系等方面。如果我们长期被负面情绪,消极思想不断轰炸灌输,我们也会逐渐变得消极和沉沦。远离负能量,远离PUA我们的环境,真的有助于我们保持心理健康。➊“Worry is a powerful affirmation and you would be implanting this powerful, negative affirmation directly into your subconscious mind.”➋“The subconscious mind does not see any more than a computer sees. Consequently, the subconscious mind does not know the difference between real and imagined.” ➌“Doing something with the conscious mind requires effort.”➍“Remember. The subconscious mind accepts everything as true and literal.”书中的精华实在太多,对潜意识和自我帮助话题感兴趣的朋友可以读起来。因为公众号平台更改了推送规则。不想错过内容的朋友们,记得点下“赞”和“在看”,还有➕星标,防走失哦! 参考资料:https://www./book/show/576387.The_Genie_Within
-感谢关注- 本文作者:Eveline静 (Evelyne,独立老师)