

 航海资料收藏 2025-01-06 发布于北京

在航运业的广袤海洋中,船舶的安全与合规运营犹如坚实的灯塔,指引着每一次航程顺利前行。而港口国监督(PSC)作为保障海上安全、防止海洋污染的重要防线,时刻审视着过往船舶的状况。其中,巴黎备忘录(Paris MoU)在 PSC 领域扮演着举足轻重的角色。今天,就让我们一同深入探究其涉及的 PSC 滞留和缺陷相关内容,详细解读那些可滞留缺陷以及需彻底检查的关键项目,为航运从业者、相关从业者以及关注航运安全的朋友们揭开这一重要领域的神秘面纱,助力大家更好地理解和应对 PSC 检查,确保船舶在安全的航道上扬帆远航。


一. 消防安全
  1. 机舱送风机防火挡板无法工作且风道变形。The fire dampers of the engine room (E/R) supply fans are not working and the duct is distorted.
  2. 防火门 - 上层甲板通往楼梯入口处变形。The entrance to the staircase on the upper deck of the fire door is distorted.
  3. 测试期间发现应急消防泵无法运行。The emergency fire pump was found inoperative during the test.
  4. 厨房 A 级防火门固定为开启状态。The A-class fire door in the galley is fixed in the open position.
  5. 水雾系统有缺陷。The water mist system is defective.
  6. 部分防火门有缺陷且未完全关闭。Some fire doors are defective and not completely closed.
  7. 用于测深管和液位指示器的几个自闭阀卡在开启位置。Several self-closing valves for sounding pipes and level indicators are stuck in the open position.
  8. 主机滑油冷却器因密封垫损坏而漏油。There is an oil leakage from the main engine oil cooler due to the damaged gasket.
  9. 主甲板主消防管无法工作(冻结)。The main fire line on the main deck is inoperative (frozen).
  10. 消防水带泄漏和消防总管腐蚀。There is a leakage of the fire hose and corrosion of the fire main line.
  11. 油漆间喷头堵塞无法启动。The sprinkler nozzles in the paint room are clogged and failed to activate.
  12. 机舱舱底污水井充满油混合物。The bilge well in the engine room is full of oil mixture.
  13. 自给式呼吸器(SCBA)漏气。There is an air leakage from the self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).
  14. 燃油舱速闭阀故障。The quick closing valve for the fuel oil tank is malfunctioning.
  15. 货舱火灾探测系统有缺陷。The fire detection system in the cargo holds is defective.
  16. 固定二氧化碳瓶软管松动。The hose of the fixed CO2 bottle is loosening.
  17. 厨房排气管道油腻脏污(有火灾风险)。The exhaust trunk of the galley is oily and dirty (risk of fire).
  18. 速闭阀故障。The quick closing valve is malfunctioning.
  19. 燃油舱液位计自动关闭阀固定在开启位置。The auto closing valve of the fuel oil tank level gauge is fixed in the open position.
  20. 绳索间逃生路线因障碍物未固定。The escape route of the rope store is not secured due to obstacles.
  21. 不熟悉消防演习。Not familiar with fire drills.
  22. 消防演习期间对消防员装备检查不足(忽略面罩漏气和气瓶气压低警报)。Insufficient check of the fireman's outfit during the fire drill (ignoring the air leakage in the mask and the low air pressure alarm of the air bottle).

  1. 基于众多缺陷存在的可滞留 ISM 缺陷。ISM detainable deficiency based on many deficiencies.
  2. 因违反国际海上避碰规则(COLREG)导致碰撞。Collision due to non-compliance with the COLREG.
  3. 消防演习不令人满意。The fire drill is not satisfactory.
  4. 船员不熟悉工作语言。The crew is not familiar with the working language.
  5. 船员不熟悉固定二氧化碳系统。The crew is not familiar with the fixed CO2 system.
  6. 船员不熟悉雷达操作和应急操舵。The crew is not familiar with the radar operation and emergency steering.
  7. 封闭空间程序实施不当。The procedures for enclosed space are inappropriately implemented.
  8. 高级船员无法演示自由降落式救生艇的操作。The officers are unable to demonstrate the operation of the free fall lifeboat.
  9. 安全管理体系(SMS)实施失败。The implementation of the safety management system (SMS) fails.
  10. 船员不熟悉船上机械操作和设备位置。The crew is unfamiliar with the operation of the machinery and the position of the equipment on board.
  11. 没有救生艇操作记录。There is no record of the lifeboat operation.

  1. 船上连续概要文件过时。The CSR document on board is outdated.

  1. 住舱供暖系统。Accommodation heating systems.
  2. 住舱内厕所冲洗系统无法正常工作。The toilet flushing system in the accommodation is not working correctly.
  3. 住舱不干净。The accommodation is not clean.
  4. 所有船员工资未全额按月支付。All crew members' wages are not paid in full and at monthly intervals.
  5. 完全缺乏新鲜蔬菜和水果。在蔬菜储藏室可见腐烂的卷心菜。There is a total lack of fresh vegetables and fruits. Rotten cabbage is visible in the vegetable store.
  6. 厨房的水非常脏且水槽堵塞,没有可用的热水用于洗手和安全准备饭菜。The water in the galley is very dirty and the basin is clogged. There is no usable hot water available for hand washing and safe meal preparation.
  7. 寄生虫 / 害虫检测(厨房地板和腐烂的储藏室)。Parasite/pest detection (galley floor and rotting storage room).
  8. 肉类储藏室电线外露有触电风险。There is a risk of electric shock due to the wires falling out in the meat storage room.
  9. 海员就业协议(SEA)过期,超过海员在船服务最长期限。The seafarer employment agreement (SEA) has expired and exceeds the maximum period of shipboard service for seafarers.
  10. 船上两名船员非法延期 / 超过集体谈判协议(CBA)允许范围。Two (2) crew members on board have an illegal extension/to more than allowed by the CBA.
  11. 两名普通船员不符合《海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约》(STCW 公约)。Two (2) ratings do not comply with the STCW convention.
  12. 空调故障(船上无备件)。The air conditioner is malfunctioning (spare part not on board).
  13. 坞修后,垃圾和备件堆放在整个主甲板上。After drydock, garbage and spare parts are stowed all along the main deck.
  14. 医用氧气不能立即使用。The medical oxygen is not ready to use immediately.
  15. 洗衣设备的数量和位置不充足。The quantity and position of the laundry equipment are not adequate.
  16. 由于停电,所有厕所无法使用且生活条件低于标准(无水、无供暖)。Due to the blackout, all toilets are not available and the living conditions are below standard (no water, no heating).
  17. 机舱高温部件绝缘状况不佳。The insulation of the high temperature parts in the engine room is not in good condition.
  18. 起重机工作有风险(能见度差)。There is a risk of working in the crane (bad visibility).


  1. 救生艇发动机无法启动。The lifeboat engine cannot start.
  2. 救生艇未降下并操纵入水。The lifeboats are not lowered and maneuvered into the water.
  3. 救生艇艇体裂缝(堆叠的玻璃钢部分分离)。The hull of the lifeboat has a crack (the stacked FRPs are separated partially).
  4. 救助艇和救生筏有缺陷。The rescue boat and life raft are defective.
  5. 救生筏过期。The life raft has expired.
  6. 垃圾干扰左舷救生筏操作。The garbage interferes with the operation of the port life raft.
  7. 救生艇内磁罗经有缺陷。The magnetic compass in the lifeboat is defective.
  8. 救助艇释放吊艇架液压泄漏且压力表无法工作。The hydraulic system of the rescue boat launching davit leaks and the pressure gauge is inoperative.
  9. 救助艇吊艇架无法回转。The rescue boat davit fails to slew.
  10. 呼吸器背架损坏。The back rack of the breathing apparatus is broken.
  11. 几个紧急逃生呼吸器(EEBD)气压不足。Several EEBDs have insufficient air pressure.
  12. 救生筏左右舷绳梯绳结处腐烂。The ropes of the life raft ladders on the port and starboard sides are rotten at the splices.
  13. 救生筏存放在其他位置。The life raft is stored in another location.
  14. 救生筏未妥善固定。The life raft is not properly secured.
  15. 救助艇释放区域应急灯故障。The emergency light in the way of the rescue boat launching area is malfunctioning.
  16. 带灯救生圈故障。The light life buoy is malfunctioning.
  17. 救助艇在演习期间因碰撞受损。The rescue boat is damaged due to contact during the drill.

  1. 甲板上充满油污危害。The deck is full of oil pollution hazards.
  2. 进入硫排放控制区(SECA)时转换程序不充分(辅机和锅炉)。Insufficient procedure for changeover when entering the SECA (auxiliary engines and boiler).
  3. 废气洗涤系统(EGCS)在排放控制区内参数值保持不变。The parameter value of the exhaust gas cleaning system (EGCS) remains unchanged within the emission control area.
  4. 污水处理装置不能正常工作。The sewage treatment plant is not working properly.
  5. 污水处理装置加药泵不工作。The dosing pump of the sewage treatment plant is not working.
  6. 油水分离器(OWS)采样管关闭,仅用淡水循环以使油含量监测仪显示为 0ppm。The sampling pipe of the oily water separator (OWS) is closed and circulated with fresh water only to indicate 0ppm on the oil content monitor.
  7. 机舱舱底高水位警报器不工作。The high water level alarm in the engine room bilge is inoperative.
  8. 油水分离器不工作且发现有泄漏。The oily water separator is inoperative and some leakage is found.
  9. 舱口盖液压缸发现泄漏。The hydraulic cylinder of the hatch cover is found leaking.
  10. 油水分离器电磁阀不工作。The solenoid valve of the OWS is inoperative.
  11. 轮机日志中记录的主机扫气箱排放柜留存量为 0.2 立方米,船上实际发现留存量为 0.12 立方米,少了 0.08 立方米。The retention indicated in the oil record book for the M/E scavenging air box drain tank is 0.2m³. The retention really found on board in the drain tank is 0.12m³. 0.08m³ is missing.
  12. 污油舱(油渣舱)和舱底水收集舱已满(在油类记录簿上未正确填写)。The residual tank (sludge tank) and bilge collecting tank are full (not correctly filled out on the oil record book).
  13. 在船上发现许多装有油渣的桶。Many casks with sludge oil are found on board.
  14. 加油期间发生溢油(不符合加油程序)。There is an oil spill during bunkering (not in accordance with the bunkering procedure).
  15. 氮氧化物技术文件不在船上。The NOx technical file is not on board.
  16. 压载水管理系统(BWTS)无法运行且三个警报无法复位。The BWTS is inoperable and three alarms cannot be reset.
  17. 焚烧炉燃烧室有孔且部分隔热材料缺失。There are holes in the burning chamber of the incinerator and the insulation materials are partially missing.

  1. 舷侧壳板裂缝。Side shell crack.
  2. 从机舱通往舱底龙骨空间的人孔打开。The manhole from the engine room to the bilge keel space is open.
  3. 舱口围板支架裂缝。The hatch coaming bracket is cracked.
  4. 通风筒头损坏且被卡住,金属浮盘破裂且卡住,橡胶密封件脱落,自然通风筒(蘑菇型)有孔并临时修补,鹅颈式通风筒关闭装置缺失。The air vent head is damaged and seized, the metallic float disc is broken and seized, the rubber seal is detached, the natural ventilator (mushroom type) is holed and patched temporally, and the gooseneck air vent closing devices are missing.
  5. 舱口盖夹扣缺失。The hatch cover cleat is missing.
  6. 货舱通风挡板铰链缺失且关闭装置状况不佳。The hinge for the cargo hold ventilator damper is missing and the closing device is in poor condition.

  1. 燃油污染损害民事责任保险证书无效(仅为复印件)。The civil liability for bunker oil pollution damage certification is not valid (only photocopy).
  2. 连续概要文件缺失。The CSR document is missing.
  3. 非法排放含油污水(证书无效)。The oily water is discharged illegally (certificate not valid).
  4. 二副、三副和轮机长缺少船旗国批注。The flag endorsement is missing for the 2/O, 3/O and C/E.
  5. 健康证书过期。The medical certificate has expired.
  6. 船长未持有全球海上遇险与安全系统(GMDSS)通用操作员证书(GOC)。The captain is not holding the GMDSS General Operator Certificate (GOC).
  7. 船上没有安全管理证书(SMC)。There is no Safety Management Certificate (SMC) on board.
  8. 《国际海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS)培训手册和消防手册与船舶实际细节不符。The SOLAS Training Manual and Fire Fighting Manual are different from the ship details.
  9. 所有船员的海员就业协议(SEA)不是原件且未经船东签字(仅盖章)。The SEAs of all crew members are not original and not signed by the ship owner (stamp only).
  10. 连续两次颁发临时《国际劳工公约》(MLC)证书。The interim MLC certificates were issued two times consecutively.
  11. 国际防止船舶造成污染证书(IBWM 证书)无效。(国际防止油污证书(IOPP)更新是在船旗国许可下进行的,且压载水管理系统安装延期)。The IBWM certificate is not valid. (The IOPP renewal was conducted under the permission of the flag with the extension of the BWTS installation).
  12. 国际海事组织(IMO)标志部分缺失。The IMO symbol is partially missed.
  13. 无法确认国际防止油污证书电子证书的真实性。Unable to confirm the authenticity of the IOPP electronic certificate.

  1. 航行数据记录仪(VDR)不工作。The VDR is inoperative.
  2. 航行数据记录仪符合声明不在船上。The VDR statement of compliance was not on board.
  3. 几个航行灯损坏且不工作。Several navigation lights are damaged and inoperative.
  4. 电子海图显示与信息系统(ECDIS)未及时更新使用(电子海图(ENC)过时)且故障。The ECDIS is not in use up to date (the ENC is outdated) and malfunctioning.
  5. 预定航次的纸质海图未及时更新。The paper charts for the intended voyage are not up to date.
  6. 中高频(MF/HF)和甚高频(VHF)数字选择性呼叫(DSC)不工作。The MF/HF and VHF DSC are not operational.
  7. 没有海图和航海出版物可用。There are no charts and nautical publications available.
  8. 驾驶台发现一扇窗户厚度不同(薄很多)。One window on the bridge is found to be of different thickness (much less).
  9. 汽笛不工作。The whistle is inoperative.
  10. 船钟缺失。The ship's bell is missing.
  11. 船舶自动识别系统(AIS)信号弱。The AIS signal is weak.
  12. 全球定位系统(GPS)位置信息错误。The GPS position information is incorrect.
  13. 左舷 / 右舷电罗经复示器与驾驶台电罗经不同步。The gyro repeater of the port/stbd side is not synchronized with the bridge gyro compass.
  14. 国际海事卫星 C 站(INMARSAT C)故障。The INMARSAT C is faulty.
  15. 中高频天线损坏。The MH/HF antenna is damaged.
  16. 船舶正式航海日志记录的工作语言为英语和越南语。The working language recorded on the ship's official log book is English and Vietnamese.
  17. 船员之间沟通不畅。Poor communication between crew members.

  1. 甲板蒸汽管有几处蒸汽和水泄漏。There are several steam and water leakages on the deck steam pipes.
  2. 机舱应急出口从内部被钢板堵住。The emergency exit from the engine room is blocked from the inside by a steel plate.
  3. 进港前货舱通风不足(超过爆炸下限限制)。There is insufficient ventilation of the cargo holds before entering a port (excess of the LEL limitation).
  4. 对上一次港口国监督检查中发现的缺陷未采取纠正措施。No corrective action has been taken against the deficiencies identified during the last PSC inspection.
  5. 水手长储物间内几个用于空舱人孔的螺母和螺栓缺失。Several nuts and bolts for the void space manholes in the bosun store are missing.
  6. 锅炉水位观察镜故障。The boiler water level sight glass is malfunctioning.
  7. 焚烧炉未妥善维护(柴油电磁阀有缺陷)。The incinerator is not properly maintained (the diesel oil solenoid valve is defective).
  8. 舷梯 / 登乘梯不安全(支柱损坏)。The gangway/accommodation ladder is unsafe (broken stanchion).
  9. 进港前未进行压载水交换。The ballast water exchange is not performed before entering the port.
  10. 两份航海通告未定期更新。Two sailing directions are not regularly updated.
  11. 应急灯不能正常工作。The emergency lights are not working properly.
  12. 左舷和右舷几个压载水舱人孔未妥善关闭 / 螺母缺失 / 密封垫损坏。Several manholes for the ballast water tanks on the portside and starboard side are not properly closed/missing nuts/damaged gaskets.
  13. 对船舶配电系统(SWBD)进行了不当改造。There is an improper modification on the SWBD.
  14. 机舱直接舱底阀无法打开。The E/R direct bilge valve is not able to open.
  15. 货舱舱底警报浮子功能损坏。The bilge alarm floaters in the cargo hold are functionally damaged.
  16. 应急无线电示位标(EPIRB)测试不工作,定期全球海上遇险与安全系统(GMDSS)日志不在船上。The EPIRB test is inoperative and the periodical GMDSS log is not on board.
  17. 由于舵机房进水(水密门打开)导致适航性丧失。The seaworthiness is lost due to the flooding of the steering gear room (the water-tight door was open).
  18. 因缺乏燃料停电且未能恢复电力。There is a blackout due to lack of fuel and the power fails to be recovered.
  19. 在主机油雾探测器上安装了一个仿制过滤器。An imitation filter is installed on the oil mist detector of the main engine.
  20. 油水分离器的配电板电缆未妥善固定,电缆连接部分状况不佳。The switchboard cable of the OWS is not properly secured and the cable connection part is not in good condition.

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