这是医学院的校徽。 这是救护车上贴的标识。 这是世界卫生组织的会徽。 为啥这些图像都是一条蛇盘在一根棍上呢? 其实,这起源于古希腊神话中的医疗之神阿斯克勒庇俄斯(Asclepius)和他的蛇杖。 These emblems come from the ancient Greek god of medicine, Asclepius, and his serpent-entwined rod.
(此蛇杖非彼蛇杖!这位你跑错片场了!) 其中,木棒代表人体的脊椎骨,缠绕在木棒的蛇则是因为希腊人认为,蜕皮的蛇,象征恢复和更新的过程以及疗伤的能力,有重生的意涵,体现在医学上即是治疗、恢复健康、挽回生命等医疗行为。 The rod symbolizes the human spine, with the snake coiled around it representing the ancient Greek belief in snakes shedding their skin as a symbol of renewal and rejuvenation. This signifies a concept of rebirth, which in turn translates to healing and saving lives in the field of medicine.
阿斯克勒庇俄斯。 阿斯克勒庇俄斯曾手持蛇杖四处行医,深得人心,阿斯克勒庇俄斯之杖也逐渐成为了医学的标志。 Asclepius traveled far and wide with his rod, healing people and gaining their trust. Over time, the Rod of Asclepius became a symbol of medicine.
阿斯克勒庇俄斯在治疗病人。 在中医里,蛇的地位同样十分重要,比如蛇蜕、蛇胆、蛇毒等等都可以入药!更不用说那个以蛇为主角的美丽传说,《白蛇传》!白素贞和许仙一起开药铺治病救人,在千年的流传演绎的故事中,白蛇青蛇成为了有情有义的化身。 In traditional Chinese medicine, snakes hold significant importance. Snake sloughs, snake gallbladders, and snake venom are all utilized as valuable remedies. There is the enchanting Chinese legend known as the Legend of the White Snake. In this tale, the snake spirit Bai Suzhen and her human husband Xu Xian opened a pharmacy to treat and heal people. Over centuries of retelling and interpretation, the white snake and the green snake have come to symbolize love and righteousness.
尽管在今人眼中,蛇经常以恶毒、狠毒、阴毒等各种“大反派”形象出现,但是在遥远的古代,蛇几乎受到了来自全世界的崇拜。 中国的女娲、盘古、伏羲等上古大神都有蛇的特征…… 《伏羲女娲图》。
古希腊等众多西方文明中,也曾用一条“衔尾蛇”(Ouroboros )来寄托对无穷无尽宇宙的思考…… 衔尾蛇乌洛波罗斯。 Although in the eyes of people today, snakes often appear as villains, in ancient times, snakes were almost universally revered worldwide. In China, ancient figures like Nyuwa, Pangu and Fuxi have snake-like features. In many Western civilizations such as ancient Greece, the Ouroboros has also been used to symbolize the infinite variety of all things and the cyclical nature of the universe.
就连《哈利·波特》中所谓“反派”辈出的斯莱特林学院,也有斯内普、斯拉格霍恩这样闪烁着人性之光的角色。 In Harry Potter, even Slytherin students have their moments of brilliance, such as Severus Snape and Horace Slughorn.
西弗勒斯·斯内普 霍拉斯·斯拉格霍恩 “相爱相杀”的几千年里,人类对蛇的情感之复杂,已经不能简单地用“讨厌”“喜欢”来描述了。 小小的蛇究竟有什么魅力,能承载起古人对于世界的想象,还能成为响当当的中国十二生肖之一呢? 戳视频,来一窥究竟吧! 编辑:弓玥琪 左卓