1、在工作表“单据录入”里: Option Explicit Dim arr(), arrtemp(), DeliverNumber As String Dim sql As String Dim i As Long, j As Long
Private Sub CmdAddNew_Click() Call clsRG.clearData Call updateDeliverNumber End Sub
Private Sub CmdDelete_Click() Dim rng As Range On Error Resume Next Set rng = Intersect(Selection.EntireRow, clsRG.数据区域) On Error GoTo 0 If Not rng Is Nothing Then If Not wContinue("即将删除:" & rng.Address & "所在单元格记录!") Then Exit Sub rng.ClearContents End If End Sub
Private Sub CmdPrint_Click() Call printWorksheet(clsRG.打印区域) End Sub
Private Sub CmdRefresh_Click() Call updateDeliverNumber End Sub
Private Sub CmdSave_Click() Dim bookYear As String, currYear As String If clsDQ.IsDeliverNumberExists(clsRG.单据编号) Then MsgBox "单据号已存在,请更新单据号后再保存!" Exit Sub End If bookYear = getSetting("当前年度") currYear = Year(clsRG.单据日期) If bookYear <> currYear Then MsgBox "单据日期年度:" & currYear & "应为:" & bookYear & Chr(10) & "请重新修改后保存!" Exit Sub End If
processType = "新增保存"
Call saveNew End Sub
Private Sub CmdSaveAndPrint_Click() Dim bookYear As String, currYear As String
If clsDQ.IsDeliverNumberExists(clsRG.单据编号) Then MsgBox "单据号已存在,请更新单据号后再保存!" Exit Sub End If
bookYear = getSetting("当前年度") currYear = Year(clsRG.单据日期) If bookYear <> currYear Then MsgBox "单据日期年度:" & currYear & "应为:" & bookYear & Chr(10) & "请重新修改后保存!" Exit Sub End If
processType = "新增保存" Call printWorksheet(clsRG.打印区域) Call saveNew
End Sub
Private Sub CmdClear_Click() clsRG.clearData End Sub
Private Sub CmdSwitch_Click() If Range("A3") = "采购入库单" Then BillingType = "出库" Call shBillingFormat Call updateDeliverNumber NegativeInventoryRemind = True '//负库存提醒 Else BillingType = "入库" Call shBillingFormat Call updateDeliverNumber
End If End Sub
Private Sub CmdUpdate_Click() If Not clsDQ.IsDeliverNumberExists(clsRG.单据编号) Then MsgBox "单据号不存在,无法更新!" Exit Sub End If processType = "更新保存" Call saveNew End Sub
Private Sub CmdUpdateAndPrint_Click() If Not clsDQ.IsDeliverNumberExists(clsRG.单据编号) Then MsgBox "单据号不存在,无法更新!" Exit Sub End If processType = "更新保存"
Call printWorksheet(clsRG.打印区域) Call saveNew End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() If dbs = "" Then dbs = ThisWorkbook.FullName End If
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim arr(), rng As Range Dim DeliverNumber As String Dim currRow As Integer, currCol As Integer Dim targetCol As Integer Dim currBalance As Double Dim inventoryCode As String Dim dic As Object '//控制存货编码不重复 Dim currYear As String, bookYear As String Dim tm
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.dictionary")
'//单据日期与单据号,如果是新单据日期,更新单据号; '//否则根据单据号读取数据 If Target.Address = clsRG.单据日期.MergeArea.Address Then bookYear = getSetting("当前年度") tm = Target.Value currYear = Year(tm(1, 1)) If bookYear <> currYear Then MsgBox "当前年度应为:" & bookYear ' Target = "" Exit Sub End If
If blnUpdateDeliverNumber Then Call updateDeliverNumber Else blnUpdateDeliverNumber = True End If End If If Target.Address = clsRG.单据编号.Address Then If shBilling.Range("A3") = "采购入库单" Then tbl = "[采购入库$]" Else tbl = "[销售出库$]" End If
DeliverNumber = Target.Value If clsDQ.IsDeliverNumberExists(DeliverNumber) Then blnUpdateDeliverNumber = False NegativeInventoryRemind = False Set rng = clsRG.数据区域 rng.ClearContents sql = "select * from " & tbl & " where 单据编号='" & DeliverNumber & "'" arr = clsDQ.getData(sql) clsRG.单据日期 = arr(0, 0) clsRG.客户名称 = arr(2, 0) clsRG.联系方式 = arr(3, 0) clsRG.地址 = arr(4, 0) With rng For i = 0 To UBound(arr, 2) .Cells(i + 1, 1) = i + 1 For j = 5 To UBound(arr) .Cells(i + 1, j - 3) = arr(j, i) Next Next End With blnUpdateDeliverNumber = True NegativeInventoryRemind = True End If End If '//流水号根据序号自动生成,当单据号存在的时候,不自动修改流水号 '//自动填写序号,当物料名称填写之后
If Not Intersect(Target, clsRG.存货编码) Is Nothing And Target.CountLarge = 1 Then '//序号 Target.Offset(0, -1) = Target.Row - 6
End If
If Not Intersect(Target, clsRG.序号) Is Nothing And Target.CountLarge = 1 Then If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(clsRG.序号, Target.Value) > 1 Then MsgBox "序号重复,请重新输入!" Target.ClearContents Exit Sub End If targetCol = clsRG.流水号.Column - 1 DeliverNumber = clsRG.单据编号 If Not clsDQ.IsDeliverNumberExists(DeliverNumber) Then If Target.Value > 0 Then Target.Offset(0, targetCol).Value = clsRG.单据编号 & Format(Target, "00") Else Target.Offset(0, targetCol).Value = "" End If End If End If
'//数量、单价Change,重算金额、合计数 If Not Intersect(Target, clsRG.数量) Is Nothing And Target.CountLarge = 1 Then '//检查一下 If IsNumeric(Target.Value) = False Then MsgBox "数量只能输入数字,请重新输入!" Target.ClearContents Exit Sub End If
'//出库时,检查库存余额 If NegativeInventoryRemind Then If Range("A3") = "销售出库单" And Target <> 0 Then inventoryCode = Target.Offset(0, -3) currBalance = clsDQ.getBalance(inventoryCode) If currBalance - Target < 0 Then If Not wContinue("库存不足,继续吗?") Then Intersect(Target.EntireRow, clsRG.数据区域).ClearContents Exit Sub End If End If End If End If
'//金额 Target.Offset(0, 2).Value = Target.Value * Target.Offset(0, 1).Value
clsRG.数量合计 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(clsRG.数量) clsRG.金额合计 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(clsRG.金额)
End If
If Not Intersect(Target, clsRG.单价) Is Nothing And Target.CountLarge = 1 Then '//检查一下 If IsNumeric(Target.Value) = False Then MsgBox "单价只能输入数字,请重新输入!" Target.ClearContents Exit Sub End If Target.Offset(0, 1).Value = Target.Value * Target.Offset(0, -1).Value clsRG.金额合计 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(clsRG.金额) End If
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) On Error Resume Next Dim iRow As Integer, iCol As Integer Dim iWidth As Single Dim currBalance As Double Dim inventoryCode As String
'//客户名称 Dim ws As Worksheet, currRow As Integer, lastRow As Integer Dim arr(), dic As Object, dkey As String
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") dbs = ThisWorkbook.FullName If shBilling.Range("A3") = "采购入库单" Then tbl = "[采购入库$]" Else tbl = "[销售出库$]" End If
dkey = Target.Address currRow = Target.Row
If Target.Address = clsRG.客户名称.MergeArea.Address Then
'//客户、供应商合并为客商,有没有必要区分? If shBilling.Range("A3") = "采购入库单" Then sql = "select distinct 客商名称,联系方式,地址 from [客商档案$] where isnull(客商名称)=false" Else sql = "select distinct 客商名称,联系方式,地址 from [客商档案$] where isnull(客商名称)=false" End If arr = clsDQ.getData(sql) iWidth = Range("B3:D3").Width Call setTextBox(Target, iWidth, 3, arr) ElseIf Target.Address = clsRG.单据编号.MergeArea.Address Then sql = "select count(*) from " & tbl If clsDQ.RecordValue(sql) = 0 Then Call updateDeliverNumber Exit Sub End If
sql = "select distinct 单据编号 from " & tbl & " where isnull(单据编号)=false order by 单据编号 DESC" arr = clsDQ.getData(sql) iWidth = Target.Width Call setTextBox(Target, iWidth, 1, arr) ElseIf Not Intersect(Target, clsRG.存货编码) Is Nothing And Target.CountLarge = 1 Then If Range("A3") = "采购入库单" Then sql = "select distinct 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号,0 as 数量,采购单价 from [存货档案$] " Else sql = "select distinct 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号,0 as 数量,销售单价 from [存货档案$] "
End If arr = clsDQ.getData(sql) 'iWidth = clsRG.数据区域.Width - clsRG.数据区域.Columns(1).Width For i = 2 To 7 iWidth = iWidth + Columns(i).Width Next Call setTextBox(Target, iWidth, 6, arr) ElseIf Target.Address = clsRG.单据日期.MergeArea.Address Then
Me.TextBox1.Visible = False Me.TextBox1 = "" Me.ListBox1.Visible = False Me.ListBox1.Clear
Else Me.TextBox1.Visible = False Me.TextBox1 = "" Me.ListBox1.Visible = False Me.ListBox1.Clear
End If
'//显示余额 With Me.Label1 If Not Intersect(Target, clsRG.数量) Is Nothing And Target.CountLarge = 1 Then inventoryCode = Target.Offset(0, -3) If inventoryCode <> "" Then currBalance = clsDQ.getBalance(inventoryCode) .Visible = True .Caption = Format(currBalance, "0.00") .Top = Target.Top + 10 .Left = Target.Left + Target.Width Else .Visible = False .Caption = ""
End If Else .Visible = False .Caption = ""
End If End With
End Sub Private Sub setTextBox(Target As Range, iWidth As Single, iCols As Integer, arr()) Dim iRow As Integer, iCol As Integer
On Error Resume Next iRow = UBound(arr) iCol = UBound(arr, 2) On Error GoTo 0
If iCol = 0 Then arrtemp = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(arr) Else ReDim arrtemp(0 To iCol, 0 To iRow) For i = 0 To iCol For j = 0 To iRow arrtemp(i, j) = arr(j, i) Next Next End If With Me.TextBox1 .Visible = True .Top = Target.Top + Target.Height .Left = Target.Left .Width = Target.Width .Height = Target.Height With Me.ListBox1 .Visible = True .Top = Me.TextBox1.Top + Me.TextBox1.Height .Left = Me.TextBox1.Left .Width = iWidth .ColumnCount = iCols .List = arrtemp ' .Height = 30 + (.ListCount - 1) * 12 ' If .Height > 100 Then ' .Height = 100 ' End If End With End With
End Sub
Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) Dim dic As Object Dim inventoryCode As String Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
With ListBox1 If Selection.Address = clsRG.客户名称.MergeArea.Address Then
clsRG.客户名称 = .List(.ListIndex, 0) clsRG.联系方式 = .List(.ListIndex, 1)
clsRG.地址 = .List(.ListIndex, 2)
ElseIf Selection.Address = clsRG.单据编号.MergeArea.Address Then clsRG.单据编号 = .List(.ListIndex) ElseIf Not Intersect(Selection, clsRG.存货编码) Is Nothing Then
For i = 7 To 16 inventoryCode = Cells(i, 2) If inventoryCode <> "" And i <> Selection.Row Then dic(inventoryCode) = dic(inventoryCode) + 1 End If Next
inventoryCode = .List(.ListIndex, 0) If dic(inventoryCode) > 0 Then MsgBox "已有存货编码!" Intersect(Selection.EntireRow, clsRG.数据区域).ClearContents Exit Sub End If
For i = 2 To 6 Cells(Selection.Row, i) = .List(.ListIndex, i - 2) Next Cells(Selection.Row, 5).Select End If End With Me.TextBox1.Visible = False Me.TextBox1 = "" Me.ListBox1.Visible = False Me.ListBox1.Clear 'clsRG.数据区域.Cells(1, 2).Select
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_Change() Dim arr(), arrtemp(), sql As String Dim currRow As Integer Dim txbValue As String
'On Error Resume Next currRow = ActiveCell.Row txbValue = Me.TextBox1
If Selection.Address = clsRG.客户名称.MergeArea.Address Then
sql = "SELECT 客商名称,联系方式,地址 FROM [客商档案$] WHERE 客商名称 LIKE '%" & txbValue & "%' " _ & "OR 联系方式 LIKE '%" & txbValue & "%' " _ & "OR 地址 LIKE '%" & txbValue & "%' " _ & "ORDER BY 客商名称 ASC"
arr = clsDQ.getData(sql) Call setListBox(arr) ElseIf Selection.Address = clsRG.单据编号.MergeArea.Address Then If shBilling.Range("A3") = "采购入库单" Then sql = "select distinct 单据编号 from [采购入库$] where 单据编号 LIKE '%" & txbValue & "%' order by 单据编号 DESC" Else sql = "select distinct 单据编号 from [销售出库$] where 单据编号 LIKE '%" & txbValue & "%' order by 单据编号 DESC" End If arr = clsDQ.getData(sql) Call setListBox(arr) ElseIf Not Intersect(Selection, clsRG.存货编码) Is Nothing And Selection.CountLarge = 1 Then If shBilling.Range("A3") = "采购入库单" Then sql = "select distinct 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号,0 as 数量,采购单价 from [存货档案$] WHERE 存货编码 LIKE '%" & txbValue & "%' " _ & "OR 存货名称 LIKE '%" & txbValue & "%' " _ & "OR 规格型号 LIKE '%" & txbValue & "%' order by 存货名称" Else sql = "select distinct 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号,0 as 数量,销售单价 from [存货档案$] WHERE 存货编码 LIKE '%" & txbValue & "%' " _ & "OR 存货名称 LIKE '%" & txbValue & "%' " _ & "OR 规格型号 LIKE '%" & txbValue & "%' order by 存货名称" End If arr = clsDQ.getData(sql) Call setListBox(arr) End If End Sub Private Sub setListBox(arr()) Dim iRow As Integer, iCol As Integer, t As Integer On Error GoTo Er iRow = UBound(arr) iCol = UBound(arr, 2) GoTo Pr Er: t = 1 Pr: If t = 1 Then arrtemp = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(arr) Else ReDim arrtemp(0 To iCol, 0 To iRow) For i = 0 To iCol For j = 0 To iRow arrtemp(i, j) = arr(j, i) Next Next End If With ListBox1 .Clear .List = arrtemp ' .Height = 30 + (.ListCount - 1) * 12 ' If .Height > 100 Then ' .Height = 100 ' End If End With End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) '//检查是否按下了 ESC 键,在textBox中输入时,如果习惯按Esc取消输入法编码,代码会中断 If KeyCode = 27 Then KeyCode = 0 End If End Sub
Option Explicit #If VBA7 Then '64-bit version Private Declare PtrSafe Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, _ ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As LongPtr, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare PtrSafe Function MoveWindow Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal x As Long, _ ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal bRepaint As Long) As Long Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare PtrSafe Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal hDC As LongPtr) As LongPtr #Else '32-bit version Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, _ ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare Function MoveWindow Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal x As Long, _ ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal bRepaint As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hDC As Long) As Long #End If Public preDate As Date
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Call BackToMain ThisWorkbook.Save End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range) Dim lHwnd As Long Dim lDC As Long Dim lCaps As Long Dim lngLeft As Long Dim lngTop As Long Dim sngPiexlToPiont As Single Dim lngTitleBarHeight As Long Dim clsDC As New DateControl Dim tm, currValue
On Error Resume Next '全选工作表会报错
If Target.Address = clsRG.单据日期.MergeArea.Address Then If clsDC.IsFormActive("Usf_DateSelect") Then Unload Usf_DateSelect
End If IsSheetDate = True With Usf_DateSelect
tm = currValue currValue = tm(1, 1) If currValue <> "" Then If IsDate(currValue) Then .Caption = currValue .Controls("CmbYear") = Year(Selection) .Controls("CmbMonth") = Month(Selection) preDate = currValue Else .Caption = Date .Controls("CmbYear") = Year(Date) .Controls("CmbMonth") = Month(Date) preDate = Date End If Else If Target.Offset(-1, 0).Value <> "" Then If IsDate(Target.Offset(-1, 0)) Then .Caption = Target.Offset(-1, 0).Value .Controls("CmbYear") = Year(Target.Offset(-1, 0).Value) .Controls("CmbMonth") = Month(Target.Offset(-1, 0).Value) preDate = Target.Offset(-1, 0).Value Else .Caption = Date .Controls("CmbYear") = Year(Date) .Controls("CmbMonth") = Month(Date) preDate = Date End If Else .Caption = Date .Controls("CmbYear") = Year(Date) .Controls("CmbMonth") = Month(Date) preDate = Date End If End If If Format(.Caption, "YYYYMM") < Format(Date, "YYYYMM") Then .BackColor = RGB(139, 69, 19) ElseIf Format(.Caption, "YYYYMM") > Format(Date, "YYYYMM") Then .BackColor = RGB(144, 238, 144) Else .BackColor = RGB(147, 112, 219) End If .Show
Const lLogPixelsX = 88 lDC = GetDC(0) lCaps = GetDeviceCaps(lDC, lLogPixelsX) lngTitleBarHeight = GetSystemMetrics(4) ' 4 对应的是 SM_CYCAPTION sngPiexlToPiont = 72 / lCaps * (100 / Application.ActiveWindow.Zoom) lngLeft = CLng(ActiveWindow.PointsToScreenPixelsX(0) + ((Target.Offset(1, 0).Left + Target.Width) / sngPiexlToPiont)) lngTop = CLng(ActiveWindow.PointsToScreenPixelsY(0) + ((Target.Offset(1, 0).Top - lngTitleBarHeight + Target.Height) / sngPiexlToPiont)) Usf_DateSelect.StartUpPosition = 0
lHwnd = FindWindow(vbNullString, Usf_DateSelect.Caption) MoveWindow lHwnd, lngLeft, lngTop, .Width / (72 / lCaps), .Height / (72 / lCaps) * 1.01, True
Usf_DateSelect.Show End With Else Unload Usf_DateSelect End If
Target.Activate 'IsSheetDate = False End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open() '//如果有不案例警告,可启用下列代码后重新打开工作表,然后再注释掉 Dim ctrlRegStatus As Integer Dim ws As Worksheet ctrlRegStatus = getSetting("控件注册状态") If ctrlRegStatus <> 1 Then On Error Resume Next Dim WShell As Object Set WShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") WShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\VBA\Security\LoadControlsInForms", 1, "REG_DWORD" Set WShell = Nothing SettingValueRange("控件注册状态").Value = 1 End If NegativeInventoryRemind = True '//负库存提醒
'//删除所有工作表的空白行 For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets If ws.Name <> shBilling.Name Then Call deleteEmptyRows(ws) End If Next End Sub
Public Sub InventorySetting(ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl) Call BackToMain tableType = "存货档案" UserForm1.Show End Sub
Public Sub CustomerSetting(ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl) Call BackToMain tableType = "客商档案" UserForm1.Show End Sub
Public Sub OpeningBalance(ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl) Call BackToMain tableType = "期初库存" UserForm1.Show End Sub Public Sub InOrder(ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl) BillingType = "入库" shBilling.Visible = xlSheetVisible shBilling.Activate shBillingFormat clsRG.单据日期 = clsDQ.getMaxDate("采购入库") Call HideOther Call updateDeliverNumber End Sub Public Sub OutOrder(ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl) BillingType = "出库" shBilling.Visible = xlSheetVisible shBilling.Activate shBillingFormat clsRG.单据日期 = clsDQ.getMaxDate("销售出库") Call HideOther Call updateDeliverNumber NegativeInventoryRemind = True '//负库存提醒 End Sub Public Sub InQuery(ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl) Call BackToMain tableType = "采购入库" UserForm1.Show End Sub Public Sub OutQuery(ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl) Call BackToMain tableType = "销售出库" UserForm1.Show End Sub Public Sub InventoryQuery(ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl) Call BackToMain UsfQuery.Show End Sub
Public Sub ShowAllTables(ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl) Call ShowAll End Sub
Public Sub HideOtherTables(ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl) Call HideOther End Sub
Public Sub BackToMainSheet(ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl) Call BackToMain End Sub
Public Sub setItems(ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl) Call BackToMain tableType = "Settings" UserForm1.Show End Sub
Option Explicit #If VBA7 Then Private Declare PtrSafe Function SendMessageLong Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal wMsg As LongPtr, ByVal wParam As LongPtr, ByVal lParam As LongPtr) As LongPtr Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetScrollPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal nBar As LongPtr) As LongPtr Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr) As Long Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare PtrSafe Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal hDC As LongPtr) As LongPtr Private Declare PtrSafe Function LockWindowUpdate Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr) As LongPtr #Else Private Declare Function SendMessageLong Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As long, ByVal wMsg As long, ByVal wParam As long, ByVal lParam As long) As long Private Declare Function GetScrollPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As long, ByVal nBar As long) As long Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As long) As Long Private Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As long, ByVal hDC As long) As long Private Declare Function LockWindowUpdate Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long #End If
Private Const LVM_FIRST = &H1000 Private Const LVM_SCROLL = (LVM_FIRST + 20) Private Const SB_HORZ = 0 Private Const LOGPIXELSX = 88
Private EditableCol As String '可编辑列号,格式"01/03/10" Private EditableField As String '可编辑表头字段,根据它来转化成EditableCol Private strRequiredCol As String '必填列,格式"01/03/10" Private strRequiredField As String '必填字段,根据它来转化成strRequiredCol Private sngPixelPerPoint As Double '每像素的磅数 Private blnSave As Boolean '是否将InkEdit更新到ListView,按下Esc键时,不更新,取消修改 Private strOriginal As String '记录每次显示InkEdit时的原始值,用于其退出时的比较 Dim preColor As Double '颜色值
Dim nameCol As Integer, monthCol As Integer Dim totalCol As Integer Dim keyWord As String Dim arrData(), arrWidth(), temp() Dim lvItem As ListItem Dim total As Double Dim dicName As Object, dicMonth As Object Dim firstRow As Integer Dim lastRow As Long, lastCol As Long Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim StrikeTimes As Integer '记录Esc键的按键次数 Dim lastEscapeTime As Single '记录第一次按下ESC的时间
Dim dicType As Object, dicState As Object, dicNameList As Object '//用于检查数据
Private Sub CheckBox1_Change() If Me.CheckBox1 Then shSettings.Cells(2, 3).Value = "On" Me.CmdDelete.Enabled = True Me.CmdAddNew.Enabled = True
Else shSettings.Cells(2, 3).Value = "Off" Me.CmdDelete.Enabled = False Me.CmdAddNew.Enabled = False
End If End Sub
Private Sub CmdAddNew_Click() Dim lastNo As String Dim lastCol As Integer Dim currNo As String Dim Prefix As String With Me.LvDetail If .ListItems.count = 0 Then
If tableType = "存货档案" Then Prefix = "CH" ElseIf tableType = "客商档案" Then Prefix = "KS" ElseIf tableType = "Settings" Then Prefix = "ST" End If currNo = Prefix & "000000" Else currNo = .ListItems(.ListItems.count).Text End If lastNo = Left(currNo, 2) & Format(Right(currNo, Len(currNo) - 2) + 1, "000000") lastCol = .ColumnHeaders.count
Set lvItem = .ListItems.Add
With lvItem .Text = lastNo wsData.Cells(lastEmptyRow, 1) = lastNo .SubItems(lastCol - 1) = lastEmptyRow lastEmptyRow = lastEmptyRow + 1 .EnsureVisible End With End With End Sub
Private Sub CmdDelete_Click() Dim k As Long Dim i As Long Dim RowIndex As Long Dim endCol As Long Dim totalRows As Long With Me.LvDetail endCol = .ColumnHeaders.count totalRows = .ListItems.count For i = totalRows To 1 Step -1 If .ListItems(i).Checked Then k = k + 1 If k = 1 Then If Not wContinue("即将删除勾选记录!") Then Exit Sub End If RowIndex = .ListItems(i).SubItems(endCol - 1) .ListItems.Remove i wsData.Rows(RowIndex).Delete End If Next
'//如果不是全部删除,则重新加载数据 If k < totalRows Then Call LoadData Call ReNew End If End With Me.CmdSelectAll.Caption = "全选" If k > 0 Then MsgBox "成功删除" & k & "条记录!" End If End Sub
Private Sub CmdSelectAll_Click() With Me.LvDetail If Me.CmdSelectAll.Caption = "全选" Then For i = 1 To .ListItems.count .ListItems(i).Checked = True Next Me.CmdSelectAll.Caption = "全消" 'Me.CmdSelectAll.BackColor = RGB(176, 224, 230) Me.CmdSelectAll.ForeColor = vbBlue Else For i = 1 To .ListItems.count .ListItems(i).Checked = False Next Me.CmdSelectAll.Caption = "全选" 'Me.CmdSelectAll.BackColor = RGB(143, 188, 143) Me.CmdSelectAll.ForeColor = vbRed End If End With End Sub
Private Sub InkEdit1_DblClick()
'//显示输入选项(日期窗体、下拉列表窗体等) If InStr(Me.LvDetail.ColumnHeaders(colIndex), "日期") > 0 Or Me.LvDetail.ColumnHeaders(colIndex) = "交货期" Then Usf_DateSelect.Show 1 With Usf_DateSelect .StartUpPosition = 0 .Left = UserForm1.Left + Me.InkEdit1.Left + Me.InkEdit1.Width .Top = UserForm1.Top + Me.InkEdit1.Top + Me.InkEdit1.Height + 20 End With Me.InkEdit1 = tempValue ElseIf Me.LvDetail.ColumnHeaders(colIndex) = "姓名" Then inputType = "姓名" UserForm2.Show Me.InkEdit1 = tempValue ElseIf Me.LvDetail.ColumnHeaders(colIndex) = "性质" Then inputType = "性质" UserForm2.Show Me.InkEdit1 = tempValue ElseIf Me.LvDetail.ColumnHeaders(colIndex) = "状态" Then inputType = "状态" UserForm2.Show Me.InkEdit1 = tempValue End If End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim currMonth As String Dim strList As String, temp
On Error Resume Next Application.ScreenUpdating = False IsSheetDate = False '//日期控件变量
Call getDic
EditableField = "Except/编号/存货编码/客商编码/RwIdx" strRequiredField = "Except/备注" If shSettings.Cells(2, 3) = "On" Then Me.CheckBox1.Value = True Me.CmdDelete.Enabled = True Me.CmdAddNew.Enabled = True Else Me.CheckBox1.Value = False Me.CmdDelete.Enabled = False Me.CmdAddNew.Enabled = False End If
Me.CmdSelectAll.ForeColor = vbRed
Call LoadData
With Me.LvDetail
'//ListView的基本设置 .View = lvwReport .Gridlines = True .Sorted = False .CheckBoxes = True .LabelEdit = lvwManual .FullRowSelect = True
'//添加表头 'shQuery.Rows(2).Clear For i = 1 To lastCol If InStr(arrData(1, i), "金额") > 0 Then .ColumnHeaders.Add , , arrData(1, i), arrWidth(i) * 5, lvwColumnRight Else .ColumnHeaders.Add , , arrData(1, i), arrWidth(i) * 5 End If
''//查询结果表表头 'With shQuery '.Cells(2, i) = arrData(1, i) '.Cells(2, i).Borders.LineStyle = 1 'End With Next
'//添加数据 For i = 2 To UBound(arrData) If arrData(i, 1) <> "" Then If tableType = "采购入库" Or tableType = "销售出库" Or tableType = "期初库存" Then total = total + arrData(i, totalCol) End If Set lvItem = .ListItems.Add With lvItem .Text = arrData(i, 1) For j = 2 To lastCol .SubItems(j - 1) = IIf(IsNull(arrData(i, j)), "", arrData(i, j)) Next End With End If Next End With With Me.LbSum If tableType = "采购入库" Or tableType = "销售出库" Or tableType = "期初库存" Then .Caption = "金额合计:" & Format(total, "Standard") '.Left = Me.LvDetail.ColumnHeaders(totalCol).Left - .Width + Me.LvDetail.ColumnHeaders(totalCol).Width Else .Visible = False End If
End With
Me.Caption = tableType If InStr("客商档案/存货档案/Settings/期初库存", tableType) > 0 Then Me.LbName.Caption = "关键字:" Me.CmbMonth.Visible = False Me.CmbName.Visible = False Me.LbMonth.Visible = False With Me.TxbKeyWords .Visible = True .Left = Me.LbName.Left + Me.LbName.Width + 10 .Width = 150 Me.CmdQuery.Left = .Left + .Width + 20 End With
End If
'根据指定字段转化可编辑列、必填列 With Me.LvDetail For i = 1 To .ColumnHeaders.count If InStr(EditableField, "All") Then If .ColumnHeaders(i) <> "ID" Then '//如果是数据库,ID字段不能修改 EditableCol = EditableCol & Format(i, "00") & "/" End If ElseIf InStr(EditableField, "Except") Then If .ColumnHeaders(i) <> "ID" And InStr(EditableField, .ColumnHeaders(i)) = 0 Then EditableCol = EditableCol & Format(i, "00") & "/" End If Else If InStr(EditableField, .ColumnHeaders(i)) Then EditableCol = EditableCol & Format(i, "00") & "/" End If End If If InStr(strRequiredField, "All") Then '如果是所有列都必填,第一列ID也是不需要且不能编辑的 If .ColumnHeaders(i) <> "ID" Then strRequiredCol = strRequiredCol & Format(i, "00") & "/" End If ElseIf InStr(strRequiredField, "Except") Then If .ColumnHeaders(i) <> "ID" And InStr(strRequiredField, .ColumnHeaders(i)) = 0 Then strRequiredCol = strRequiredCol & Format(i, "00") & "/" End If Else If InStr(strRequiredField, .ColumnHeaders(i)) Then strRequiredCol = strRequiredCol & Format(i, "00") & "/" End If End If Next End With
preColor = RGB(72, 201, 176) With InkEdit1 .BackColor = preColor .Font.Size = Me.LvDetail.Font.Size .Width = 0 .Text = "" '.MultiLine = False '在控件属性中设置 .ZOrder 0 '把InkEdit1移到最上一层,避免被Listview遮住 End With sngPixelPerPoint = Pixel2PointX blnSave = True '指示InkEdit1_Exit事件是否保存修改。按下Escape键时设为False
LvmPreWndProc = GetWindowLong(Me.LvDetail.hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC) InkPreWndProc = GetWindowLong(InkEdit1.hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC) SetWindowLong LvDetail.hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, AddressOf WndProc SetWindowLong InkEdit1.hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, AddressOf WndProc Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
'***************************↓使得ListView可编辑相关代码↓********************************* 'InkEdit失去焦点时即可发生Exit事件 'InkEdit退出事件。退出时需要指定是否保存修改内容。 Private Sub InkEdit1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) writeData blnSave blnSave = True End Sub
Private Sub InkEdit1_KeyUp(pKey As Long, ByVal ShiftKey As Integer) '//InkEdit控件的按键处理程序 Dim ItemIndex As Long Dim ColCount As Long Dim ItemCount As Long Dim lvItem As ListItem Dim currIntervals As Single
If pKey = 27 Then StrikeTimes = StrikeTimes + 1 If StrikeTimes = 1 Then lastEscapeTime = Timer ElseIf StrikeTimes = 2 Then currIntervals = Timer - lastEscapeTime Else StrikeTimes = 0 End If End If
With LvDetail ItemIndex = .SelectedItem.Index ColCount = .ColumnHeaders.count ItemCount = .ListItems.count blnSave = True
Select Case pKey Case 13 '13=回车键 .SetFocus If colIndex = ColCount Then If ItemIndex < ItemCount Then Set .SelectedItem = .ListItems(ItemIndex + 1) colIndex = 2 Else Set lvItem = .ListItems.Add Set .SelectedItem = .ListItems(.ListItems.count) colIndex = 2 End If Else Set .SelectedItem = .ListItems(ItemIndex) colIndex = colIndex + 1 End If
If InStr(EditableCol, Format(colIndex, "00")) Then .SelectedItem.EnsureVisible ShowInkEdit End If Case 37 '37=向左键头 .SetFocus '先触InkEdit1_Exit事件,此后Listview已获焦 If colIndex > 1 Then colIndex = colIndex - 1 ShowInkEditForLRKey 37 End If Case 38 '38=向上键头 .SetFocus If ItemIndex > 1 Then Set .SelectedItem = .ListItems(ItemIndex - 1) .SelectedItem.EnsureVisible ShowInkEdit End If Case 39 '39=向右键头 .SetFocus If colIndex < ColCount Then colIndex = colIndex + 1 ShowInkEditForLRKey 39 End If Case 40 '40=向下箭头 .SetFocus If ItemIndex < ItemCount Then Set .SelectedItem = .ListItems(ItemIndex + 1) .SelectedItem.EnsureVisible ShowInkEdit End If Case 27 '27 = Esc键,取消修改 If StrikeTimes = 2 Then '按2次Esc键,并且两次按键时间小于2秒,才退出inkedit,在输入法中会用Esc取消输入 If currIntervals < 0.8 Then blnSave = False .SetFocus StrikeTimes = 0 End If End If
End Select End With End Sub
Private Function Pixel2PointX() As Double
'//把X方向的像素值转为磅。VBA窗体的度量单位是磅。 '//像素和磅的转换跟屏幕密度有关,不同电脑可能不同值。 Dim hDC As Long, DPIx As Long hDC = GetDC(0) '获取屏幕设备环境句柄 DPIx = GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSX) '获取屏幕X方向像素密度 ReleaseDC 0, hDC '释放屏幕设备环境 Pixel2PointX = 72 / DPIx End Function
Private Sub LvDetail_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As stdole.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS, ByVal y As stdole.OLE_YPOS_PIXELS)
'//鼠标事件主要计算点击的列号。 Dim sngDiff As Double Dim ScrollPos As Double Dim sngMousePosX As Double With LvDetail ScrollPos = sngPixelPerPoint * GetScrollPos(.hwnd, SB_HORZ) sngMousePosX = sngPixelPerPoint * x For colIndex = 1 To .ColumnHeaders.count sngDiff = .ColumnHeaders(colIndex).Left - ScrollPos If sngMousePosX > sngDiff And sngMousePosX < sngDiff + .ColumnHeaders(colIndex).Width Then Exit For Next If colIndex > .ColumnHeaders.count Then colIndex = 0 '计算失败时,置为零 End With End Sub
Private Sub writeData(Optional ByVal blnSave As Boolean = True)
'//InkEdit控件退出时的处理程序,将修改内容同步到Listview,同时更新到工作表 Dim currValue As String On Error Resume Next With LvDetail If .SelectedItem Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If strOriginal = InkEdit1.Text Then '//InkEdit的值有改变时才执行后面语句 InkEdit1.Width = 0 Exit Sub End If
If InStr(strRequiredCol, Format(colIndex, "00")) Then If Len(InkEdit1.Text) = 0 Then MsgBox "该项为必填项,修改已被取消!", vbCritical InkEdit1.Width = 0 Exit Sub End If End If
currValue = Trim(InkEdit1.Text) Call checkDic If Not IsDataValid(currValue, colIndex) Then MsgBox "输入的值不符合要求,请重新输入!" Exit Sub End If
If blnSave Then If colIndex > 1 Then currValue = Trim(InkEdit1.Text) .SelectedItem.SubItems(colIndex - 1) = currValue 'wsdata.Cells(getRow(.SelectedItem.Text), colIndex) = currValue '这是根据第一列序号来确定工作表的行号
'//加载数据到数组arrData时,多增加一列,写入行号,据以更新数据 wsData.Cells(.SelectedItem.SubItems(.ColumnHeaders.count - 1), colIndex) = currValue End If Else .SelectedItem.Text = InkEdit1.Text '第一列基本上更新不到 End If .SelectedItem.ListSubItems(colIndex - 1).ForeColor = vbRed '修改的记录标红
'修改后重新加载数据 Call LoadData If .ColumnHeaders(colIndex) = "合同金额" Then Call ReNew End If End With
InkEdit1.Width = 0 InkEdit1.Text = "" tempValue = "" End Sub
Private Function getRow(ItemText As String) '//定位到当前序号,暂时未用 Dim i As Long For i = 2 To UBound(arrData) If CStr(arrData(i, 1)) = ItemText Then getRow = i Exit For End If Next End Function
Private Sub LvDetail_Click()
'//点击ListView的Item,如果是否修改为TRUE,且点击的列设定为可编辑 If Me.CheckBox1 Then If InStr(EditableCol, Format(colIndex, "00")) Then Call ShowInkEdit End If End If End Sub
Private Sub ShowInkEditForLRKey(ByVal intKey As Integer)
'//左右方向键处理程序。主要计算是水平滚动条的滚动量,以确保InkEdit可见 Dim NewInkLeft As Double Dim ScrollAmount As Long Dim InkLocked As Boolean With LvDetail If colIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub If .SelectedItem Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If InStr(EditableCol, Format(colIndex, "00")) = 0 Then Exit Sub
If colIndex > 1 Then InkEdit1.Text = .SelectedItem.SubItems(colIndex - 1) Else InkEdit1.Text = .SelectedItem.Text End If If intKey = 37 Then '向左 NewInkLeft = InkEdit1.Left - .ColumnHeaders(colIndex).Width If NewInkLeft < .Left + 1.5 Then ScrollAmount = CLng((NewInkLeft - (.Left + 1.5)) / sngPixelPerPoint) '滚动量,单位像素 SendMessageLong .hwnd, LVM_SCROLL, ScrollAmount, 0 '拖动Listview水平滚动条,保持InkEdit可见 InkEdit1.Left = .Left + 1.5 Else InkEdit1.Left = NewInkLeft End If Else '向右 NewInkLeft = InkEdit1.Left + .ColumnHeaders(colIndex - 1).Width If NewInkLeft + .ColumnHeaders(colIndex).Width > .Left + .Width Then ScrollAmount = CLng((NewInkLeft + .ColumnHeaders(colIndex).Width - (.Left + .Width)) / sngPixelPerPoint) SendMessageLong .hwnd, LVM_SCROLL, ScrollAmount, 0 InkEdit1.Left = .Left + .Width - .ColumnHeaders(colIndex).Width
Else InkEdit1.Left = NewInkLeft End If End If InkEdit1.Top = .Top + .SelectedItem.Top + 1.5 InkEdit1.Width = .ColumnHeaders(colIndex).Width InkEdit1.Height = .SelectedItem.Height
If InStr(EditableCol, Format(colIndex, "00")) = 0 Then InkLocked = True Else InkLocked = False End If InkEdit1.Locked = InkLocked InkEdit1.SelStart = 0 InkEdit1.SelLength = Len(InkEdit1.Text) strOriginal = InkEdit1.Text InkEdit1.SetFocus End With End Sub
Private Sub ShowInkEdit() '//显示InkEdit控件的处理程序。需要显示InkEdit时调用
Dim ScrollPos As Double Dim InkLocked As Boolean Dim iItem As String Dim RowIndex As Long
With LvDetail If colIndex = 0 Then Exit Sub '点击的列号未计算成功 If .SelectedItem Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 'Listview列表为空时退出 ScrollPos = sngPixelPerPoint * GetScrollPos(.hwnd, SB_HORZ) If colIndex > 1 Then InkEdit1.Text = .SelectedItem.SubItems(colIndex - 1) strOriginal = InkEdit1.Text RowIndex = .SelectedItem.Index Else InkEdit1.Text = .SelectedItem.Text End If
InkEdit1.Left = .ColumnHeaders(colIndex).Left + .Left + 1.5 - ScrollPos InkEdit1.Top = .Top + .SelectedItem.Top + 1.5 InkEdit1.Width = .ColumnHeaders(colIndex).Width InkEdit1.Height = .SelectedItem.Height If InStr(EditableCol, Format(colIndex, "00")) = 0 Then InkLocked = True Else InkLocked = False End If InkEdit1.Locked = InkLocked InkEdit1.SelStart = 0 InkEdit1.SelLength = Len(InkEdit1.Text) InkEdit1.SetFocus
End With End Sub '关闭窗体时,还原Listview和InkEdit控件的窗口程序,在退出窗体时调用 Private Sub RestoreAPI() SetWindowLong LvDetail.hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, LvmPreWndProc SetWindowLong InkEdit1.hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, InkPreWndProc
End Sub
Private Sub CmdQuery_Click() Dim currName As String, currMonth As String Dim keyWords As String Dim strWhole As String currName = Me.CmbName currMonth = Me.CmbMonth total = 0 keyWords = Me.TxbKeyWords With Me.LvDetail .ListItems.Clear If InStr("客商档案/存货档案/Settings/期初库存", tableType) > 0 Then For i = 2 To UBound(arrData)
strWhole = "" For j = 1 To UBound(arrData, 2) strWhole = strWhole & arrData(i, j) & "|" Next If InStr(strWhole, keyWords) > 0 Then Set lvItem = .ListItems.Add With lvItem .Text = arrData(i, 1) For j = 2 To lastCol .SubItems(j - 1) = arrData(i, j) Next End With End If
Next Else For i = 2 To UBound(arrData)
If InStr(arrData(i, nameCol), currName) > 0 And InStr(Format(arrData(i, monthCol), "yyyymm"), currMonth) > 0 Then Set lvItem = .ListItems.Add With lvItem .Text = arrData(i, 1) For j = 2 To lastCol .SubItems(j - 1) = arrData(i, j) Next End With total = total + arrData(i, totalCol) End If Next End If
End With Me.LbSum = "金额合计:" & Format(total, "Standard")
End Sub
Private Sub CmdOutput_Click()
Call outPutListView(Me.LvDetail, shQuery) End Sub
Private Sub CmdShowAll_Click() total = 0 With Me.LvDetail .ListItems.Clear For i = 2 To UBound(arrData) Set lvItem = .ListItems.Add With lvItem .Text = arrData(i, 1) For j = 2 To lastCol .SubItems(j - 1) = arrData(i, j) Next total = total + arrData(i, totalCol) End With Next
End With Me.LbSum = "金额合计:" & Format(total, "Standard") Me.CmbMonth = "" Me.CmbName = ""
End Sub
Private Sub CmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub
Private Sub LoadData() '//加载数据 Dim currMonth As String Dim ws As Worksheet Set dicName = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set dicMonth = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
keyWord = "序号" If tableType = "采购入库" Then Set wsData = shInOrder With Me.CheckBox1 .Value = False .Enabled = False End With Me.CmdAddNew.Enabled = False
ElseIf tableType = "销售出库" Then Set wsData = shOutOrder With Me.CheckBox1 .Value = False .Enabled = False End With
Me.CmdAddNew.Enabled = False
ElseIf tableType = "客商档案" Then Set wsData = shCusSup ElseIf tableType = "存货档案" Then Set wsData = shInventory ElseIf tableType = "Settings" Then Set wsData = shSettings ElseIf tableType = "期初库存" Then Set wsData = shOpening With Me.CheckBox1 .Value = False .Enabled = False End With Me.CmdAddNew.Enabled = False End If
With wsData On Error Resume Next firstRow = .Cells.Find(keyWord).Row On Error Resume Next If firstRow = 0 Then firstRow = 1
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row lastCol = .Rows(firstRow).Cells.Find(what:="*", _ lookat:=xlPart, _ LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ searchorder:=xlByColumns, _ searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Column arrData = .Range(.Cells(firstRow, 1), .Cells(lastRow, lastCol)).Value
lastRow = UBound(arrData, 1) lastCol = UBound(arrData, 2) + 1
ReDim Preserve arrData(1 To lastRow, 1 To lastCol) arrData(1, lastCol) = "RwIdx" '工作表对应行号"
ReDim arrWidth(1 To lastCol) For i = 1 To lastCol - 1 arrWidth(i) = .Columns(i).ColumnWidth Next End With
total = 0
For i = 1 To lastCol If arrData(1, i) = "客户名称" Or arrData(1, i) = "供应商名称" Then nameCol = i End If If arrData(1, i) = "金额" Then totalCol = i End If If arrData(1, i) = "单据日期" Then monthCol = i End If Next
For i = 2 To UBound(arrData) arrData(i, lastCol) = i - firstRow + 1 'total = total + arrData(i, totalCol) dicName(arrData(i, nameCol)) = "" currMonth = Format(arrData(i, monthCol), "yyyymm") dicMonth(currMonth) = "" Next lastEmptyRow = UBound(arrData) - (firstRow - 1) + 1 Me.CmbName.List = dicName.keys Me.CmbMonth.List = dicMonth.keys End Sub
Sub ReNew() '//修改金额后,更新合计数 total = 0 With Me.LvDetail If .ListItems.count = 0 Then Me.LbSum = "金额合计:0.00" Else ' For i = 1 To .ListItems.Count ' total = total + .ListItems(i).SubItems(totalCol - 1) ' Next Me.LbSum = "金额合计:" & Format(total, "Standard") End If End With End Sub
Private Function IsDataValid(currData As Variant, currCol As Integer) As Boolean
With Me.LvDetail If InStr(.ColumnHeaders(currCol), "日期") > 0 Or .ColumnHeaders(currCol) = "交货期" Then If IsDate(currData) Then IsDataValid = True
ElseIf InStr(.ColumnHeaders(currCol), "数量") > 0 Or InStr(.ColumnHeaders(currCol), "单价") > 0 Or InStr(.ColumnHeaders(currCol), "金额") > 0 Then If IsNumeric(currData) Then IsDataValid = True
ElseIf .ColumnHeaders(currCol) = "姓名" Then If dicNameList.exists(currData) Then IsDataValid = True
ElseIf .ColumnHeaders(currCol) = "性质" Then If dicType.exists(currData) Then IsDataValid = True
ElseIf .ColumnHeaders(currCol) = "状态" Then If dicState.exists(currData) Then IsDataValid = True
Else IsDataValid = True End If End With
End Function Private Sub checkDic() If dicNameList.count = 0 Or dicType.count = 0 Or dicState.count = 0 Then Call getDic End If End Sub
Private Sub getDic() Dim temp, strList As String Set dicNameList = CreateObject("Scripting.dictionary") Set dicType = CreateObject("Scripting.dictionary") Set dicState = CreateObject("Scripting.dictionary")
'// "性质" strList = shSettings.Cells(3, 3) temp = Split(strList, ",") For i = 0 To UBound(temp) dicType(temp(i)) = "" Next
'// "状态" strList = shSettings.Cells(4, 3) temp = Split(strList, ",") For i = 0 To UBound(temp) dicState(temp(i)) = "" Next End Sub 4、在用户窗体UserForm2里(这个窗体暂时没有用到,但在InkEdit控件的事件中有启动此窗体的代码,所以暂时保留,以后也许有用):Option Explicit
Private Sub CmdConfirm_Click() tempValue = Me.ComboBox1 Unload Me End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Dim dic As Object Dim arr Dim strList As String On Error Resume Next
If inputType = "性质" Then strList = shSettings.Cells(3, 3) arr = Split(strList, ",") ElseIf inputType = "状态" Then strList = shSettings.Cells(4, 3) arr = Split(strList, ",") ElseIf inputType = "姓名" Then With shName arr = .Cells(2, 2).Resize(.Cells(.Rows.count, 2).End(xlUp).Row - 1, 1) End With End If Me.ComboBox1.List = arr Me.Caption = inputType
End Sub
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private clsDC As New DateControl Private co As New Collection 'Public sLabelName As String 'Dim myDate As Date Dim arrWeek As Variant '星期几 Dim arrForeColor As Variant '前景色(文本颜色)
'窗体加载 Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim clsCommandButton As MSForms.CommandButton Dim clsComboBox As MSForms.ComboBox Dim wholeWidth As Double Me.BackColor = RGB(147, 112, 219)
'添加 年列表 左按钮 Set clsCommandButton = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1", "YearDecrease") With clsCommandButton .Width = 15 .Height = 15 .Caption = ChrW(&H25C0) .Font.Size = 7 .ForeColor = vbBlue .BackStyle = 0
End With
clsDC.ReceiveCommandButton clsCommandButton co.Add clsDC Set clsDC = Nothing
'添加 年列表 Set clsComboBox = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.ComboBox.1", "CmbYear") With clsComboBox For i = 1900 To 2999 .AddItem i Next .Left = Me.Controls("YearDecrease").Left + Me.Controls("YearDecrease").Width .Width = 45 .Height = 15 .Value = Year(myDate) .Font.Size = 11 .ListWidth = 50 '.ColumnWidths = 18 '.Style = fmStyleDropDownList .TextAlign = fmTextAlignLeft .Text = Year(Date) End With clsDC.ReceiveComboBox clsComboBox co.Add clsDC Set clsDC = Nothing
'添加 年列表 右按钮 Set clsCommandButton = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1", "YearIncrease") With clsCommandButton .Left = Me.Controls("CmbYear").Left + Me.Controls("CmbYear").Width .Width = 15 .Height = 15 .Caption = ChrW(&H25B6) .Font.Size = 7 .ForeColor = vbBlue .BackStyle = 0 End With clsDC.ReceiveCommandButton clsCommandButton co.Add clsDC Set clsDC = Nothing
'添加 月列表 左按钮 Set clsCommandButton = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1", "MonthDecrease") With clsCommandButton .Left = Me.Controls("YearIncrease").Left + Me.Controls("YearIncrease").Width + 2 .Width = 15 .Height = 15 .Caption = ChrW(&H25C0) .Font.Size = 7 .ForeColor = RGB(100, 149, 237) .BackStyle = 0
End With clsDC.ReceiveCommandButton clsCommandButton co.Add clsDC Set clsDC = Nothing
'添加 月列表 Set clsComboBox = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.ComboBox.1", "CmbMonth") With clsComboBox For i = 1 To 12 .AddItem i Next .Left = Me.Controls("MonthDecrease").Left + Me.Controls("MonthDecrease").Width .Width = 35 .Height = 15 .Value = Month(myDate) .Font.Size = 11 .ListWidth = 35 '.ColumnWidths = 18 .Text = Month(Date) End With clsDC.ReceiveComboBox clsComboBox co.Add clsDC Set clsDC = Nothing
'添加 月列表 右按钮 Set clsCommandButton = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1", "MonthIncrease") With clsCommandButton .Left = Me.Controls("CmbMonth").Left + Me.Controls("CmbMonth").Width .Width = 15 .Height = 15 .Caption = ChrW(&H25B6) .Font.Size = 7 .ForeColor = RGB(100, 149, 237) .BackStyle = 0
End With clsDC.ReceiveCommandButton clsCommandButton co.Add clsDC Set clsDC = Nothing
Me.Width = Me.Controls("MonthIncrease").Left + Me.Controls("MonthIncrease").Width
arrWeek = Array("日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六") '初始化 星期几 数组 '初始化 Label 前景色 arrForeColor = Array(vbRed, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, vbRed)
'添加星期标签 For i = LBound(arrWeek) To UBound(arrWeek) With Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", arrWeek(i)) .Top = 17 .Left = i * 20 + 1.5 .Width = 20 .Height = 11 .Caption = arrWeek(i) .TextAlign = fmTextAlignCenter .BackColor = RGB(176, 196, 222) .ForeColor = arrForeColor(i) ' .BorderStyle = fmBorderStyleSingle End With Next wholeWidth = 20 * 7 + 1.5 * 6 + 5 AddLabel_Day preDate Me.Caption = preDate Me.Width = wholeWidth
End Sub
'添加日期标签 Public Sub AddLabel_Day(ByVal myDate As Date) Dim iCol As Integer '列标 Dim iRow As Integer '行标 Dim arrForeColor As Variant '前景色(文本颜色) Dim datStartDay As Date '开始日期 Dim datLastDay As Date '结尾日期 Dim clsLabel As control
'删除原有的日期标签 For Each clsLabel In Controls If clsLabel.Name Like "LbDay*" Then Controls.Remove clsLabel.Name Next
arrForeColor = Array(vbRed, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, vbRed) '初始化 Label 前景色 datStartDay = DateSerial(Year(myDate), Month(myDate), 1) datStartDay = datStartDay - WeekDay(datStartDay) + 1 '取得开始日期
datLastDay = DateSerial(Year(myDate), Month(myDate) + 1, 0) datLastDay = datLastDay + 7 - WeekDay(datLastDay) '取得结尾日期
For i = datStartDay To datLastDay iCol = (i - datStartDay) Mod 7 iRow = Int((i - datStartDay) / 7) Set clsLabel = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "LbDay" & i) With clsLabel .Top = iRow * 13 + 30 .Left = iCol * 20 + 1.5 .Width = 20 .Height = 13 .Caption = Day(i) .Font.Size = 11 .Font.Name = "Georgia" .TextAlign = fmTextAlignCenter ' .BorderStyle = fmBorderStyleSingle If Month(i) = Month(myDate) Then '设置前景色,如果日期不在本月的,设成灰色 .ForeColor = arrForeColor(iCol) Else .ForeColor = RGB(150, 150, 150) End If If i = Date Then '设置当前日期标签的背景色,今天标色,当前日期标色 .BackColor = RGB(0, 250, 154) ElseIf i = myDate Then .BackColor = RGB(100, 149, 237) Else .BackColor = RGB(255, 250, 205) End If End With clsDC.ReceiveLabel clsLabel co.Add clsDC Set clsDC = Nothing Next lngTitleBarHeight = GetSystemMetrics(4) Me.Height = Controls("LbDay" & datLastDay).Top + Controls("LbDay" & datLastDay).Height + lngTitleBarHeight + 1.5
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) '//强制点击日期 Dim i As Integer Dim usfCount As Integer For i = 0 To UserForms.count - 1 usfCount = usfCount + 1 Next If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then '如果是通过控制按钮(X)关闭 If usfCount > 1 Then
Cancel = True '取消关闭操作 End If End If End Sub
Option Explicit Dim clsDQ As New DataQuery Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long Dim lvItem As ListItem Dim lastRow As Long, lastCol As Long
Private Sub CmbBeginMonth_Change() If Me.CmbBeginMonth.Text > Me.CmbEndMonth Then Me.CmbEndMonth = Me.CmbBeginMonth End If End Sub
Private Sub CmbEndMonth_Change() If Me.CmbEndMonth < Me.CmbBeginMonth Then Me.CmbBeginMonth = Me.CmbEndMonth End If End Sub
Private Sub CmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub
Private Sub CmdOutput_Click()
Call outPutListView(Me.LvDetail, shQuery)
End Sub
Private Sub CmdQuery_Click() Dim sql As String, sqlA As String, sqlB As String, sqlC As String, sqlD As String Dim beginMonth As String, endMonth As String Dim bookYear As String Dim arrData(), temp bookYear = getSetting("当前年度") beginMonth = Me.CmbBeginMonth endMonth = Me.CmbEndMonth
If beginMonth = "" Then beginMonth = bookYear & "01" End If If endMonth = "" Then endMonth = bookYear & "12" End If '//期初 sqlA = "select 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号, " _ & "sum(数量) as 期初数量, sum(金额) as 期初金额, " _ & "0 as 收入数量,0 as 收入金额, " _ & "0 as 发出数量,0 as 发出金额, " _ & "sum(数量) as 结存数量, 0 as 结存金额 " _ & "from [期初库存$] group by 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号 order by 存货编码"
'//收入 sqlB = "SELECT 存货编码, 存货名称, 规格型号, " & _ "0 AS 期初数量, " & _ "0 AS 期初金额, " & _ "SUM(IIF(FORMAT(单据日期, 'yyyymm') < " & beginMonth & ", 数量, 0)) AS 收入数量, " & _ "SUM(IIF(FORMAT(单据日期, 'yyyymm') < " & beginMonth & ", 金额, 0)) AS 收入金额, " & _ "0 AS 发出数量, 0 AS 发出金额, " & _ "SUM(IIF(FORMAT(单据日期, 'yyyymm') < " & beginMonth & ", 数量, 0)) AS 结存数量, " & _ "0 AS 结存金额 " & _ "FROM [采购入库$] " & _ "GROUP BY 存货编码, 存货名称, 规格型号 " & _ "ORDER BY 存货编码" 'temp = clsDQ.getData(sqlB) '//发出 sqlC = "select 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号, " _ & "0 as 期初数量, 0 as 期初金额, " _ & "0 as 收入数量,0 as 收入金额, " _ & "SUM(IIF(FORMAT(单据日期, 'yyyymm') < " & beginMonth & ", 数量, 0)) AS 发出数量, " _ & "0 as 发出金额, " _ & "SUM(IIF(FORMAT(单据日期, 'yyyymm') < " & beginMonth & ", 数量, 0))*(-1) as 结存数量, 0 as 结存金额 " _ & "from [销售出库$] group by 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号 order by 存货编码"
sql = sqlA & " UNION ALL " & sqlB & " UNION ALL " & sqlC 'temp = clsDQ.getData(sql) sql = "Select 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号," _ & "sum(期初数量) as 期初数量, " _ & "sum(期初金额) as 期初金额, " _ & "sum(收入数量) as 收入数量, " _ & "sum(收入金额) as 收入金额, " _ & "sum(发出数量) as 发出数量, " _ & "iif(sum(期初数量)+sum(收入数量)=0,0,round(sum(发出数量)*(sum(期初金额)+sum(收入金额))/(sum(期初数量)+sum(收入数量)),2)) as 发出金额, " _ & "sum(期初数量)+sum(收入数量)-sum(发出数量) as 结存数量, " _ & "iif(sum(期初数量)+sum(收入数量)=0,0,round((sum(期初数量)+sum(收入数量)-sum(发出数量))*(sum(期初金额)+sum(收入金额))/(sum(期初数量)+sum(收入数量)),2)) as 结存金额 " _ & "from (" & sql & ") as a where isNull(存货编码)=FALSE group by 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号 order by 存货编码"
' temp = clsDQ.getData(sql)
'//新的期初 ' Dim SQL1 As String, SQL2 As String, SQL3 As String, SQL4 As String sqlA = "select 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号, " _ & "结存数量 as 期初数量, 结存金额 as 期初金额, " _ & "0 as 收入数量,0 as 收入金额, " _ & "0 as 发出数量,0 as 发出金额, " _ & "结存数量 , 结存金额 " _ & "from (" & sql & ") as b "
' temp = clsDQ.getData(SQL1)
'//新收入 sqlB = "select 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号, " _ & "0 as 期初数量, 0 as 期初金额, " _ & "SUM(IIF(FORMAT(单据日期, 'yyyymm') >= " & beginMonth & " AND FORMAT(单据日期, 'yyyymm') <= " & endMonth & ", 数量, 0)) AS 收入数量, " _ & "SUM(IIF(FORMAT(单据日期, 'yyyymm') >= " & beginMonth & " AND FORMAT(单据日期, 'yyyymm') <= " & endMonth & ", 金额, 0)) AS 收入金额, " _ & "0 as 发出数量,0 as 发出金额, " _ & "SUM(IIF(FORMAT(单据日期, 'yyyymm') >= " & beginMonth & " AND FORMAT(单据日期, 'yyyymm') <= " & endMonth & ", 数量, 0)) AS 结存数量, " _ & "0 as 结存金额 " _ & "from [采购入库$] group by 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号 "
' temp = clsDQ.getData(SQL2)
'//新发出 sqlC = "select 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号, " _ & "0 as 期初数量, 0 as 期初金额, " _ & "0 as 收入数量,0 as 收入金额, " _ & "SUM(IIF(FORMAT(单据日期, 'yyyymm') >= " & beginMonth & " AND FORMAT(单据日期, 'yyyymm') <= " & endMonth & ", 数量, 0)) AS 发出数量, " _ & "0 as 发出金额, " _ & "SUM(IIF(FORMAT(单据日期, 'yyyymm') >= " & beginMonth & " AND FORMAT(单据日期, 'yyyymm') <= " & endMonth & ", 数量, 0))*(-1) as 结存数量, 0 as 结存金额 " _ & "from [销售出库$] group by 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号 "
' temp = clsDQ.getData(SQL3)
sql = sqlA & " UNION ALL " & sqlB & " UNION ALL " & sqlC
sql = "Select 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号," _ & "sum(期初数量) as 期初数量, " _ & "sum(期初金额) as 期初金额, " _ & "sum(收入数量) as 收入数量, " _ & "sum(收入金额) as 收入金额, " _ & "sum(发出数量) as 发出数量, " _ & "round(sum(发出数量)*(sum(期初金额)+sum(收入金额))/(sum(期初数量)+sum(收入数量)),2) as 发出金额, " _ & "sum(期初数量)+sum(收入数量)-sum(发出数量) as 结存数量, " _ & "round((sum(期初数量)+sum(收入数量)-sum(发出数量))*(sum(期初金额)+sum(收入金额))/(sum(期初数量)+sum(收入数量)),2) as 结存金额 " _ & "from (" & sql & ") as c where isNull(存货编码)=FALSE group by 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号 order by 存货编码"
' temp = clsDQ.getData(sql)
'Debug.Print sql With Me.LvDetail .ListItems.Clear ''//添加数据 temp = clsDQ.getData("Select count(*) from (" & sql & ")") If temp(0, 0) > 0 Then arrData = clsDQ.getData(sql) Else Exit Sub
End If
For i = 0 To UBound(arrData, 2) Set lvItem = .ListItems.Add With lvItem .Text = arrData(0, i) For j = 1 To UBound(arrData) .SubItems(j) = IIf(IsNull(arrData(j, i)), 0, Format(arrData(j, i), "0.00")) Next End With Next Call addSumLine(Me.LvDetail) End With
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim sql As String, sqlA As String, sqlB As String, sqlC As String, sqlD As String Dim arrData(), tbTitle(), arrWidth, temp() Dim sqlCount As String Dim currYear As String Dim maxMonth As Integer, maxDate As Date ' On Error Resume Next
tbTitle = Array("存货编码", "存货名称", "规格型号", "期初数量", "期初金额", "收入数量", "收入金额", "发出数量", "发出金额", "结存数量", "结存金额") arrWidth = Array(60, 100, 80, 60, 80, 60, 80, 60, 80, 60, 80)
'//期初 sqlA = "select 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号, " _ & "sum(数量) as 期初数量, sum(金额) as 期初金额, " _ & "0 as 收入数量,0 as 收入金额, " _ & "0 as 发出数量,0 as 发出金额, " _ & "sum(数量) as 结存数量, 0 as 结存金额 " _ & "from [期初库存$] group by 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号 order by 存货编码"
'//收入 sqlB = "select 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号, " _ & "0 as 期初数量, 0 as 期初金额, " _ & "sum(数量) as 收入数量,sum(金额) as 收入金额, " _ & "0 as 发出数量,0 as 发出金额, " _ & "sum(数量) as 结存数量, 0 as 结存金额 " _ & "from [采购入库$] group by 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号 order by 存货编码"
'//发出 sqlC = "select 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号, " _ & "0 as 期初数量, 0 as 期初金额, " _ & "0 as 收入数量,0 as 收入金额, " _ & "sum(数量) as 发出数量,0 as 发出金额, " _ & "sum(数量)*(-1) as 结存数量, 0 as 结存金额 " _ & "from [销售出库$] group by 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号 order by 存货编码"
sql = sqlA & " UNION ALL " & sqlB & " UNION ALL " & sqlC
sql = "Select 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号," _ & "sum(期初数量) as 期初数量, " _ & "sum(期初金额) as 期初金额, " _ & "sum(收入数量) as 收入数量, " _ & "sum(收入金额) as 收入金额, " _ & "sum(发出数量) as 发出数量, " _ & "round(sum(发出数量)*(sum(期初金额)+sum(收入金额))/(sum(期初数量)+sum(收入数量)),2) as 发出金额, " _ & "sum(期初数量)+sum(收入数量)-sum(发出数量) as 结存数量, " _ & "round((sum(期初数量)+sum(收入数量)-sum(发出数量))*(sum(期初金额)+sum(收入金额))/(sum(期初数量)+sum(收入数量)),2) as 结存金额 " _ & "from (" & sql & ") where isNull(存货编码)=FALSE group by 存货编码,存货名称,规格型号 order by 存货编码" 'lastCol = UBound(tbTitle) - LBound(tbTitle) + 1
With Me.LvDetail
'//ListView的基本设置 .View = lvwReport .Gridlines = True .Sorted = False .CheckBoxes = True .LabelEdit = lvwManual .FullRowSelect = True
For i = LBound(tbTitle) To UBound(tbTitle) If InStr(tbTitle(i), "数量") > 0 Or InStr(tbTitle(i), "金额") > 0 Then .ColumnHeaders.Add , , tbTitle(i), arrWidth(i), lvwColumnRight Else .ColumnHeaders.Add , , tbTitle(i), arrWidth(i) End If ' Next
''//添加数据 If clsDQ.getData("Select count(*) from (" & sql & ")")(0, 0) > 0 Then arrData = clsDQ.getData(sql) Else Exit Sub
End If
For i = 0 To UBound(arrData, 2) Set lvItem = .ListItems.Add With lvItem .Text = arrData(0, i) For j = 1 To UBound(arrData) .SubItems(j) = IIf(IsNull(arrData(j, i)), 0, Format(arrData(j, i), "0.00")) Next End With Next Call addSumLine(Me.LvDetail) End With
currYear = getSetting("当前年度") maxDate = Application.Max(clsDQ.getMaxDate("采购入库"), clsDQ.getMaxDate("销售出库")) maxMonth = Month(maxDate) ReDim temp(1 To maxMonth) For i = 1 To maxMonth temp(i) = currYear & Format(i, "00") Next Me.CmbBeginMonth.List = temp Me.CmbEndMonth.List = temp
End Sub
Private Sub addSumLine(lv As ListView, Optional colHeaders As String = "数量/金额/余额") If lv.ListItems.count = 0 Then Exit Sub Dim lvItem As ListItem, currCol As Integer Dim temp, currSum As Double Dim m As Long temp = Split(colHeaders, "/") Set lvItem = lv.ListItems.Add lvItem.Text = "合计" lvItem.ForeColor = vbRed For i = 1 To lv.ColumnHeaders.count For j = 0 To UBound(temp) If InStr(lv.ColumnHeaders(i), temp(j)) > 0 Then currSum = 0 For m = 1 To lv.ListItems.count currSum = currSum + Val(lv.ListItems(m).SubItems(i - 1)) Next lvItem.SubItems(i - 1) = Format(currSum, "0.00") lvItem.ListSubItems(i - 1).ForeColor = vbRed End If Next Next End Sub
Option Explicit
'API 声明 #If VBA7 Then Public Declare PtrSafe Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" _ (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal nIndex As LongPtr) As LongPtr Public Declare PtrSafe Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" _ (ByVal hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal nIndex As LongPtr, ByVal dwNewLong As LongPtr) As LongPtr Public Declare PtrSafe Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias "CallWindowProcA" _ (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As LongPtr, ByVal hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal Msg As LongPtr, _ ByVal wParam As LongPtr, ByVal lParam As LongPtr) As LongPtr #Else Public Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" _ (ByVal hwnd As long, ByVal nIndex As long) As long Public Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" _ (ByVal hwnd As long, ByVal nIndex As long, ByVal dwNewLong As long) As long Public Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias "CallWindowProcA" _ (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As long, ByVal hwnd As long, ByVal Msg As long, _ ByVal wParam As long, ByVal lParam As long) As long
#End If
'常量定义 Public Const WM_HSCROLL = &H114 Public Const WM_VSCROLL = &H115 Public Const WM_MOUSEWHEEL = &H20A Public Const GWL_WNDPROC = (-4)
'全局变量 #If VBA7 Then Public LvmPreWndProc As LongPtr Public InkPreWndProc As LongPtr #Else Public LvmPreWndProc As Long Public InkPreWndProc As Long
#End If Public colIndex As Integer '当前列号 Public tempValue Public IsSheetDate As Boolean Public inputType As String Public lastEmptyRow As Long '//wsdata表的最后第一个空白行,用于更新 Public BillingType '//出入库类型-“出库”或“入库” Public tableType '//表格类型 Public wsData As Worksheet '//Listview处理的数据表格 Public NegativeInventoryRemind As Boolean '//负库存提醒
'窗口过程函数 #If VBA7 Then
Public Function WndProc(ByVal hwnd As LongPtr, ByVal Msg As LongPtr, _ ByVal wParam As LongPtr, ByVal lParam As LongPtr) As LongPtr #Else
Public Function WndProc(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal Msg As Long, _ ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long #End If With UserForm1 Select Case hwnd Case .LvDetail.hwnd If Msg = WM_VSCROLL Or Msg = WM_HSCROLL Then .LvDetail.SetFocus WndProc = CallWindowProc(LvmPreWndProc, hwnd, Msg, wParam, lParam) Case .InkEdit1.hwnd If Msg = WM_MOUSEWHEEL Then .LvDetail.SetFocus WndProc = CallWindowProc(InkPreWndProc, hwnd, Msg, wParam, lParam) End Select End With End Function
Function wContinue(Msg As String) As Boolean '//确认继续函数 Dim Config As VbMsgBoxStyle Dim answer As VbMsgBoxResult Config = vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2 answer = MsgBox(Msg & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "是(Y)继续?" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "否(N)退出!", Config) wContinue = (answer = vbYes) End Function
Sub shBillingFormat() With shBilling If BillingType = "入库" Then .Range("A3") = "采购入库单" .Range("A4") = "供应商名称:" .Range("A5") = "发货地址:" .Range("J6") = "白(存根)红(客户)蓝(财务)黄(采购)" .Range("A6:I6").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 165, 0) .Range("A17:I17").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 165, 0) .CmdSwitch.BackColor = RGB(255, 165, 0) ElseIf BillingType = "出库" Then .Range("A3") = "销售出库单" .Range("A4") = "客户名称:" .Range("A5") = "收货地址:" .Range("J6") = "白(存根)红(供应商)蓝(财务)黄(销售)" .Range("A6:I6").Interior.Color = RGB(15, 158, 213) .Range("A17:I17").Interior.Color = RGB(15, 158, 213) .CmdSwitch.BackColor = RGB(15, 158, 213) End If End With End Sub
Option Explicit Public clsDQ As New DataQuery Public clsRG As New clsRanges Public dbs As String, tbl As String Public blnUpdateDeliverNumber As Boolean Public processType As String Dim sql As String
Function GetExtn(iName) '//取得文件扩展名 GetExtn = Right(iName, Len(iName) - InStrRev(iName, ".") + 1) End Function
Sub updateDeliverNumber() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim DeliverNumber As String Dim strDate As String Dim Prefix As String Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("单据录入") With ws strDate = Format(clsRG.单据日期, "yyyymmdd") DeliverNumber = clsDQ.getMaxDeliverNumber(strDate) If shBilling.Range("A3") = "采购入库单" Then Prefix = "RK" & strDate Else Prefix = "CK" & strDate End If
If InStr(DeliverNumber, Prefix) > 0 Then DeliverNumber = Prefix & Format(Val(Right(DeliverNumber, 2)) + 1, "00") Else DeliverNumber = Prefix & "01" End If clsRG.单据编号 = DeliverNumber End With End Sub
Sub saveNew() Dim DeliverNumber As String Dim strCnn As String Dim cnn As Object, rs As Object Dim arr(), ws As Worksheet, lastRow As Integer, lastCol As Integer Dim supplier As String, category As String, employee As String Dim warehouse As String, currDate As Date Dim serialNumber As String Dim rng As Range, cell As Range Dim Prefix As String Dim i As Long, j As Long, t As Integer Dim strZero As String dbs = ThisWorkbook.FullName If shBilling.Range("A3") = "采购入库单" Then tbl = "[采购入库$]" Else tbl = "[销售出库$]" End If Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("单据录入") With ws DeliverNumber = clsRG.单据编号 '//检查单据号是否存在,如果存在则提示、退出 '//如果数据无误,可修改单号后保存(这种情况一般不会出现) If processType = "新增保存" Then If clsDQ.IsDeliverNumberExists(DeliverNumber) Then MsgBox "已存在单据号!请检查!" Exit Sub End If End If End With '//数据完整性检查,表头字段不为空 If Not IsDate(clsRG.单据日期) Then MsgBox "单据日期错误!" Exit Sub ElseIf clsRG.客户名称 = "" Then MsgBox "客户为空!" Exit Sub ElseIf clsRG.单据编号 = "" Then MsgBox "单据编号为空!" Exit Sub
End If
'//检查单据号与单据日期是否一致 If shBilling.Range("A3") = "采购入库单" Then Prefix = "RK" & Format(clsRG.单据日期, "yyyymmdd")
Else Prefix = "CK" & Format(clsRG.单据日期, "yyyymmdd")
End If If InStr(DeliverNumber, Prefix) = 0 Then MsgBox "单据号有误,请更新单据号后再保存!" Exit Sub End If
'//检查流水号 For i = 1 To clsRG.序号.Rows.count If clsRG.序号.Cells(i, 1) > 0 Then serialNumber = clsRG.单据编号 & Format(clsRG.序号.Cells(i, 1), "00") If clsRG.流水号.Cells(i, 1) <> serialNumber Then If Not wContinue("流水号有误,自动更新?") Then Exit Sub t = 1 Exit For End If End If Next '//根据单据编号与序号重写流水号 If t = 1 Then For i = 1 To clsRG.序号.Rows.count If clsRG.序号.Cells(i, 1) > 0 Then clsRG.流水号.Cells(i, 1) = clsRG.单据编号 & Format(clsRG.序号.Cells(i, 1), "00") End If Next End If
For i = 1 To clsRG.数量.Rows.count If clsRG.数量.Cells(i, 1) = 0 Then If clsRG.存货编码.Cells(i, 1) <> "" Then strZero = strZero & i & "/" End If End If Next t = Len(strZero) If t > 0 Then strZero = Left(strZero, t - 1) If Not wContinue("以下数据行数量为0,继续保存吗?" & Chr(10) & strZero) Then Exit Sub End If
Set rng = clsRG.数据区域 If processType = "新增保存" Then Set cnn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strCnn = clsDQ.GetStrCnn(dbs) cnn.Open strCnn With rs .Open tbl, cnn, 1, 3 For i = 1 To rng.Rows.count If rng.Cells(i, 1) > 0 Then .addNew .Fields("单据日期") = clsRG.单据日期 .Fields("单据编号") = clsRG.单据编号 If shBilling.Range("A3") = "采购入库单" Then .Fields("供应商名称") = clsRG.客户名称 Else .Fields("客户名称") = clsRG.客户名称 End If .Fields("联系方式") = clsRG.联系方式 .Fields("地址") = clsRG.地址 For j = 2 To rng.Columns.count .Fields(CStr(clsRG.表头.Cells(1, j).Value)) = rng.Cells(i, j) Next .Update End If Next End With cnn.Close Set cnn = Nothing Set rs = Nothing ElseIf processType = "更新保存" Then For i = 1 To rng.Rows.count If rng.Cells(i, 1) > 0 Then serialNumber = clsRG.流水号.Cells(i, 1) If shBilling.Range("A3") = "采购入库单" Then sql = "UPDATE [采购入库$] " & _ "SET 供应商名称 = '" & clsRG.客户名称 & "', " & _ "联系方式 = '" & clsRG.联系方式 & "', " & _ "地址 = '" & clsRG.地址 & "', " & _ "存货编码 = '" & rng.Cells(i, 2) & "', " & _ "存货名称 = '" & rng.Cells(i, 3) & "', " & _ "规格型号 = '" & rng.Cells(i, 4) & "', " & _ "数量 = '" & rng.Cells(i, 5) & "', " & _ "单价 = '" & rng.Cells(i, 6) & "', " & _ "金额 = '" & rng.Cells(i, 7) & "', " & _ "备注 = '" & rng.Cells(i, 8) & "' " & _ "WHERE 流水号 = '" & serialNumber & "'" Else sql = "UPDATE [销售出库$] " & _ "SET 客户名称 = '" & clsRG.客户名称 & "', " & _ "联系方式 = '" & clsRG.联系方式 & "', " & _ "地址 = '" & clsRG.地址 & "', " & _ "存货编码 = '" & rng.Cells(i, 2) & "', " & _ "存货名称 = '" & rng.Cells(i, 3) & "', " & _ "规格型号 = '" & rng.Cells(i, 4) & "', " & _ "数量 = '" & rng.Cells(i, 5) & "', " & _ "单价 = '" & rng.Cells(i, 6) & "', " & _ "金额 = '" & rng.Cells(i, 7) & "', " & _ "备注 = '" & rng.Cells(i, 8) & "' " & _ "WHERE 流水号 = '" & serialNumber & "'" End If clsDQ.ExecuteSQL (sql) End If Next End If ThisWorkbook.Save
Call clsRG.clearData Call updateDeliverNumber MsgBox "保存成功!" End Sub
Sub printWorksheet(rng As Range) Dim ws As Worksheet, lastRow As Integer, lastCol As Integer If Not Application.Dialogs(xlDialogPrinterSetup).Show Then Exit Sub Set ws = rng.Parent With ws ' lastRow = 20 ' lastCol = 12 ' Set rng = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(lastRow, lastCol)) With .PageSetup .PrintArea = rng.Address .PaperSize = xlPaperA4 .Orientation = xlPortrait .FitToPagesWide = 1 .FitToPagesTall = 1 End With .PrintOut copies:=1 End With End Sub
Function IsArrEmpty(ByVal sArray As Variant) As Boolean '//判断数组是否为空 Dim i As Long IsArrEmpty = False On Error GoTo lerr: i = UBound(sArray) Exit Function lerr: IsArrEmpty = True End Function
Sub BackToMain() '//显示“Main”,隐藏其他工作表 Dim ws As Worksheet On Error Resume Next shMain.Visible = xlSheetVisible shMain.Activate For Each ws In Excel.ThisWorkbook.Worksheets If ws.Name <> shMain.Name Then ws.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden End If Next End Sub
Sub ShowAll() '//显示所有工作表 Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets ws.Visible = xlSheetVisible Next shMain.Activate End Sub
Sub HideOther() '//隐藏其他工作表 Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets If ws.Name <> ActiveSheet.Name Then ws.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden End If Next End Sub
Function getSetting(settingItem As String) '//查找值 Dim temp temp = Application.VLookup(settingItem, shSettings.Range("B:C"), 2, 0) getSetting = IIf(IsError(temp), "", temp) End Function
Function SettingValueRange(settingItem As String) As Range '//取得对应项目的值所在单元格 Dim rng As Range, cell As Range Set rng = shSettings.UsedRange For Each cell In rng.Columns(2).Cells If CStr(cell.Value) = settingItem Then Set SettingValueRange = cell.Offset(0, 1) Exit Function End If Next End Function Sub outPutListView(lv As ListView, ws As Worksheet) Dim lastRow As Long, lastCol As Long Dim arr(), i As Long, j As Long Dim rng As Range With lv If .ListItems.count = 0 Then Exit Sub lastRow = .ListItems.count lastCol = .ColumnHeaders.count ReDim arr(1 To lastRow + 1, 1 To lastCol) For i = 1 To lastCol arr(1, i) = .ColumnHeaders(i) Next For i = 1 To lastRow arr(i + 1, 1) = .ListItems(i).Text For j = 2 To lastCol arr(i + 1, j) = .ListItems(i).SubItems(j - 1) Next Next End With With ws lastRow = .UsedRange.Rows.count lastCol = .UsedRange.Columns.count If lastRow > 1 Then .Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(lastRow, lastCol)).Clear End If Set rng = .Cells(2, 1).Resize(UBound(arr), UBound(arr, 2)) With rng .Value = arr .Borders.LineStyle = 1 Call setNumFormats(rng) End With .Visible = xlSheetVisible .Activate .Cells(1, 1) = Replace(lv.Parent.Caption, "查询", "") & "查询结果" Call HideOther End With Unload lv.Parent
End Sub
Sub setNumFormats(rng As Range) Dim i As Long, j As Long With rng For i = 1 To .Columns.count If InStr(.Cells(1, i), "数量") > 0 Or InStr(.Cells(1, i), "单价") > 0 Or InStr(.Cells(1, i), "金额") > 0 Then .Cells(2, i).Resize(.Rows.count - 1, 1).NumberFormat = "_ * #,##0.00_ ;_ * -#,##0.00_ ;_ * ""-""??_ ;_ @_ " End If Next End With
End Sub Sub deleteEmptyRows(ws As Worksheet) Dim lastRow As Long, endRow As Long Dim lastCol As Long Dim i As Long, j As Long Dim emptyCells As Integer With ws lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row endRow = .UsedRange.Rows.count lastRow = Application.Max(lastRow, endRow) lastCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column If lastRow > 1 And lastCol > 1 Then For i = lastRow To 2 Step -1 emptyCells = 0 For j = 1 To lastCol If .Cells(i, j) = "" Then emptyCells = emptyCells + 1 End If Next
'//空白单元格超过一半,认定为空白行 If emptyCells / lastCol > 0.5 Then .Rows(i).Delete End If Next End If End With End Sub
Private ws As Worksheet Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("单据录入") End Sub
Public Property Get 单据日期() As Range Set 单据日期 = ws.Range("H5") End Property Public Property Get 单据编号() As Range Set 单据编号 = ws.Range("H4") End Property
Public Property Get 客户名称() As Range Set 客户名称 = ws.Range("B4") End Property
Public Property Get 联系方式() As Range Set 联系方式 = ws.Range("E5") End Property
Public Property Get 地址() As Range Set 地址 = ws.Range("B5") End Property Public Property Get 数量() As Range Set 数量 = ws.Range("E7:E16") End Property
Public Property Get 单价() As Range Set 单价 = ws.Range("F7:F16") End Property
Public Property Get 数量合计() As Range Set 数量合计 = ws.Range("E17") End Property
Public Property Get 金额() As Range Set 金额 = ws.Range("G7:G16") End Property Public Property Get 金额合计() As Range Set 金额合计 = ws.Range("G17") End Property
Public Property Get 数据区域() As Range Set 数据区域 = ws.Range("A7:I16") End Property
Public Property Get 存货编码() As Range Set 存货编码 = ws.Range("B7:B16") End Property Public Property Get 序号() As Range Set 序号 = ws.Range("A7:A16") End Property
Public Property Get 流水号() As Range Set 流水号 = ws.Range("I7:I16") End Property
Public Property Get 表头() As Range Set 表头 = ws.Range("A6:I6") End Property
Public Property Get 打印区域() As Range Set 打印区域 = ws.Range("A1:J20") End Property
Public Sub clearData() 客户名称 = "" 地址 = "" 联系方式 = "" 数据区域.ClearContents 数量合计 = 0 金额合计 = 0 End Sub
Dim strCnn As String Dim cnn As Object '数据库连接 Dim rs As Object '临时数据表纪录 Function GetStrCnn(ByVal DbFile As String, Optional ByVal Psw As String = "") '//获取数据库连接字符串 Dim sType$ sType = GetExtn(DbFile) If InStr(sType, "accdb") Then Select Case Application.Version * 1 '设置连接字符串,根据版本创建连接 Case Is <= 11 GetStrCnn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=" & Psw & ";Data Source=" & DbFile Case Is >= 12 GetStrCnn = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=" & Psw & ";Data Source=" & DbFile End Select ElseIf InStr(sType, "xl") Then GetStrCnn = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;Data Source=" & DbFile End If End Function
Sub ExecuteSQL(sql As String) '//执行SQL语句 ' On Error Resume Next Set cnn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") dbs = ThisWorkbook.FullName strCnn = GetStrCnn(dbs, Psw) cnn.Open strCnn '打开数据库链接 cnn.Execute (sql) cnn.Close Set cnn = Nothing End Sub
Function RecordValue(sql) '函数名的含义为“记录值”,实际为取到的第一行第一列的值 '通常用来 select count() 来取值,这样,函数的值或为0,或大于0,如果值为0,则表示没有记录 '可以用来判断一个表有没有记录,或者有没有指定字段符合一定条件的记录 On Error Resume Next Dim arr() Set cnn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") On Error Resume Next dbs = ThisWorkbook.FullName strCnn = GetStrCnn(dbs, Psw) cnn.Open strCnn '打开数据库链接 Set rs = cnn.Execute(sql) '执行查询,并将结果输出到记录集对象 arr = rs.getrows RecordValue = arr(0, 0) rs.Close Set rs = Nothing cnn.Close Set cnn = Nothing End Function
Function getData(sql) '//获取查询结果,存到数组
Set cnn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") On Error Resume Next dbs = ThisWorkbook.FullName strCnn = GetStrCnn(dbs, Psw) cnn.Open strCnn '打开数据库链接 Set rs = cnn.Execute(sql) '执行查询,并将结果输出到记录集对象 getData = rs.getrows rs.Close Set rs = Nothing cnn.Close Set cnn = Nothing End Function
Function IsDeliverNumberExists(DeliverNumber As String) As Boolean '//判断单据编号是否存在于“数据” Dim tbl As String, sql As String Dim arr() If shBilling.Range("A3") = "采购入库单" Then tbl = "[采购入库$]" Else tbl = "[销售出库$]" End If
sql = "select count(*) from " & tbl & " where 单据编号='" & DeliverNumber & "'"
arr = getData(sql) If arr(0, 0) > 0 Then IsDeliverNumberExists = True Else IsDeliverNumberExists = False End If End Function
Function getMaxDeliverNumber(strDate As String) As String '//取得当前单据日期最大的付款单号 On Error Resume Next Dim tbl As String, sql As String Dim arr() If shBilling.Range("A3") = "采购入库单" Then tbl = "[采购入库$]" Else tbl = "[销售出库$]" End If sql = "select top 1 单据编号 from " & tbl & " where format(单据日期 ,'yyyymmdd') ='" & strDate & "' order by 单据编号 DESC" arr = getData(sql) getMaxDeliverNumber = arr(0, 0) End Function
Function IsSerialNumberExists(serialNumber As String) As Boolean
'//判断流水号是否存在于“数据” Dim tbl As String, sql As String Dim arr() If shBilling.Range("A3") = "采购入库单" Then tbl = "[采购入库$]" Else tbl = "[销售出库$]" End If
sql = "select count(*) from " & tbl & " where 流水号='" & serialNumber & "'"
arr = getData(sql) If arr(0, 0) > 0 Then IsSerialNumberExists = True Else IsSerialNumberExists = False End If End Function
Function getBalance(inventoryCode As String) As Double Dim OpeningBalance As Double Dim inBalance As Double Dim outBalance As Double Dim arr()
'//期初库存 sql = "select sum(数量) from [期初库存$] Where 存货编码='" & inventoryCode & " '" arr = getData(sql) OpeningBalance = IIf(IsNull(arr(0, 0)), 0, arr(0, 0))
'//本期入库 sql = "select sum(数量) from [采购入库$] Where 存货编码='" & inventoryCode & " '" arr = getData(sql) inBalance = IIf(IsNull(arr(0, 0)), 0, arr(0, 0))
'//本期出库 sql = "select sum(数量) from [销售出库$] Where 存货编码='" & inventoryCode & " '" arr = getData(sql) outBalance = IIf(IsNull(arr(0, 0)), 0, arr(0, 0))
getBalance = OpeningBalance + inBalance - outBalance End Function
Function IsCusSupExists(CusSupName As String) As Boolean Dim arr(), numCount As Integer sql = "Select count(*) From [客商档案$] Where 客商名称='" & CusSupName & "'" arr = getData(sql) numCount = arr(0, 0) If numCount > 0 Then IsCusSupExists = True Else IsCusSupExists = False End If End Function
Function getMaxDate(Optional processType As String = "采购入库") As Date Dim arr(), tempDate Dim bookYear As String bookYear = getSetting("当前年度")
If processType = "采购入库" Then sql = "select max(单据日期) from [采购入库$]" Else sql = "select max(单据日期) from [销售出库$]" End If arr = getData(sql) tempDate = arr(0, 0) If IsNull(tempDate) Then getMaxDate = CDate(bookYear & "-1-1") ElseIf tempDate = Date Then getMaxDate = Date ElseIf tempDate < CDate(bookYear & "-12-31") Then getMaxDate = CDate(tempDate) + 1 Else getMaxDate = CDate(bookYear & "-12-31") End If
End Function
Private WithEvents clsLabel As MSForms.Label Private WithEvents clsComboBox As MSForms.ComboBox Private WithEvents clsCommandButton As MSForms.CommandButton Property Get myDate() As Date With Usf_DateSelect myDate = CDate(Usf_DateSelect.Caption) End With End Property
Public Sub ReceiveLabel(ByVal reLabel As MSForms.Label) Set clsLabel = reLabel End Sub
Public Sub ReceiveComboBox(ByVal reComboBox As MSForms.ComboBox) Set clsComboBox = reComboBox End Sub
Public Sub ReceiveCommandButton(ByVal reCommandButton As MSForms.CommandButton) Set clsCommandButton = reCommandButton End Sub
Private Sub clsComboBox_Change() With Usf_DateSelect .AddLabel_Day DateSerial(.Controls("CmbYear"), .Controls("CmbMonth"), Day(.Caption)) End With End Sub
Private Sub clsCommandButton_Click() Dim currValue As Integer Dim currMonth As String Dim currFirstDay As Date
With Usf_DateSelect Select Case clsCommandButton.Name Case "YearDecrease" currValue = .Controls("CmbYear").Value If currValue <> 1900 Then .Controls("CmbYear").Value = currValue - 1 Case "YearIncrease" currValue = .Controls("CmbYear").Value If currValue <> 2999 Then .Controls("CmbYear").Value = currValue + 1 Case "MonthDecrease" currValue = .Controls("CmbMonth").Value .Controls("CmbMonth").Value = IIf(currValue - 1 Mod 12, currValue - 1, 12) Case "MonthIncrease" currValue = .Controls("CmbMonth").Value .Controls("CmbMonth").Value = IIf(currValue Mod 12, currValue + 1, 1) End Select currMonth = .Controls("CmbYear").Value & Format(.Controls("Cmbmonth").Value, "00") currFirstDay = CDate(.Controls("CmbYear").Value & "/" & .Controls("Cmbmonth").Value & "/1") If currMonth <> Format(.Caption, "YYYYMM") Then .AddLabel_Day currFirstDay End If
If currMonth < Format(Date, "YYYYMM") Then .BackColor = RGB(139, 69, 19) ElseIf currMonth > Format(Date, "YYYYMM") Then .BackColor = RGB(144, 238, 144) Else .BackColor = RGB(147, 112, 219)
End If
End With End Sub
Private Sub clsLabel_Click() If IsSheetDate Then Selection = Replace(clsLabel.Name, "LbDay", "") Selection.NumberFormatLocal = "yyyy/m/d" 'tempValue = myDate Else tempValue = Replace(clsLabel.Name, "LbDay", "") End If Unload Usf_DateSelect End Sub
Private Sub clsLabel_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal y As Single) clsLabel.BorderStyle = 0 clsLabel.BackColor = RGB(135, 206, 250)
End Sub
Function IsFormActive(UsfName As String) As Boolean Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To UserForms.count - 1 IsFormActive = UserForms(i).Name = UsfName If IsFormActive Then Exit Function Next End Function
11、自定义功能菜单XML文件代码: <customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui"> <ribbon> <tabs> <!-- 保留默认功能区选项卡 --> <tab idMso="TabHome" />
<!-- 自定义选项卡 --> <tab id="customTab" label="库存管理"> <group id="customGroup1" label="基础设置"> <button id="customButton1" imageMso="AddInCommandsMenu" size="large" label="商品编码" onAction="Thisworkbook.InventorySetting" /> <button id="customButton2" imageMso="AccountSettings" size="large" label="客商编码" onAction="Thisworkbook.CustomerSetting" /> <button id="customButton3" imageMso="GroupContTypeManage" size="large" label="Settings" onAction="Thisworkbook.SetItems" /> <button id="customButton4" imageMso="CheckEntities" size="large" label="期初库存" onAction="Thisworkbook.OpeningBalance" /> </group> <group id="customGroup2" label="入库管理"> <button id="customButtonG2-1" imageMso="FilesToolAddFiles" size="large" label="入库录入" onAction="Thisworkbook.InOrder" />
</group> <group id="customGroup3" label="出库管理"> <button id="customButtonG3-1" imageMso="InsertRowAbove" size="large" label="出库录入" onAction="Thisworkbook.OutOrder" />
</group> <group id="customGroup4" label="查询管理"> <button id="customButtonG4-1" imageMso="CalendarViewFormatBarStyles" size="large" label="入库查询" onAction="Thisworkbook.InQuery" /> <button id="customButtonG4-2" imageMso="CalendarViewGallery" size="large" label="出库查询" onAction="Thisworkbook.OutQuery" /> <button id="customButtonG4-3" imageMso="CostTrackingForm" size="large" label="库存查询" onAction="Thisworkbook.InventoryQuery" /> </group> <group id="customGroup5" label="工作表管理"> <button id="customButtonG5-1" imageMso="VisibilityVisible" size="large" label="显示所有工作表" onAction="Thisworkbook.ShowAllTables" /> <button id="customButtonG5-2" imageMso="CondolatoryEvent" size="large" label="隐藏其他工作表" onAction="Thisworkbook.HideOtherTables" /> </group>
</tab> </tabs> </ribbon> </customUI>