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Chin J Gen Surg, 2025, 34(2):183-194. doi:10.7659/j.issn.1005-6947.240661 扫码或点击下方链接阅读下载全文 肠梗阻导管在防治肠梗阻中的临床应用专家共识 中国医师协会肛肠医师分会,湖南省老年医学学会肠梗阻分会 摘 要 肠梗阻是普通外科最常见且最棘手的急腹症之一,其防治一直是临床工作中的重点与难点。肠梗阻导管的出现为肠梗阻的治疗、预防及辅助诊断提供了新方法,不仅显著提高了非手术治疗的成功率,还在预防肠梗阻复发和辅助诊断方面发挥了重要作用。近年来,随着肠梗阻导管的广泛应用,越来越多的医院开始采用该治疗方法,但在肠梗阻导管的适应证、并发症防治、疗效评估及外科干预时机等方面,仍存在较大争议。鉴于肠梗阻导管的规范化应用仍缺乏权威参考标准,且国内外尚无相关指南或共识对其临床实践进行规范,在中国医师协会肛肠医师分会和湖南省老年医学学会肠梗阻分会的倡议下,国内该领域专家共同组建编审专家组。专家组基于最新的循证医学证据,广泛参考国内外研究的核心成果和结论,制定了《肠梗阻导管在防治肠梗阻中的临床应用专家共识》。该共识旨在为普通外科、消化内科、介入科及相关专业的医师提供权威指导和参考,推动我国肠梗阻导管的规范化临床应用。 Expert consensus on clinical application of ileus tubes in prevention and treatment of bowel obstruction Anorectal Physicians Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Bowel Obstruction Branch of the Hunan Province Geriatric Society Abstract Intestinal obstruction is one of the most common and challenging acute abdominal conditions in general surgery, and its prevention and treatment have always been a key focus in clinical practice. The advent of ileus tubes has provided a new approach to the treatment, prevention, and auxiliary diagnosis of intestinal obstruction. It has significantly improved the success rate of non-surgical treatment and played an essential role in preventing recurrence and assisting in diagnosis. In recent years, with the widespread application of the ileus tubes, an increasing number of hospitals have begun using this treatment method. However, there are still considerable controversies regarding to the indications of ileus fubes, management of complications, efficacy evaluation, and the timing of surgical intervention. Given the lack of authoritative reference standards for the standardized use of ileus tubes and the absence of relevant guidelines or consensus to guide their clinical practice at home and abroad, experts in this field in our country have formed an editorial panel at the initiative of the Anorectal Physicians Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, and the Bowel Obstruction Branch of the Hunan Province Geriatric Society. Based on the latest evidence from clinical practice and relevant research findings, the expert panel developed the 'Expert consensus on clinical application of ileus tubes in prevention and treatment of bowel obstruction.' This consensus aims to provide guidance for physicians in general surgery, gastroenterology, interventional medicine, and related specialties, hoping to promote the standardized clinical application of ileus tubes in China. 近年来,随着肠梗阻疾病认知和肠梗阻导管放置技术的不断发展,肠梗阻导管的临床应用越发广泛。但随之而来也出现了许多问题,例如肠梗阻导管放置的适应证不够明确、并发症防治未得到重视、疗效评估缺乏统一标准、外科干预时机把握不准等。为了规范肠梗阻导管的临床应用,中国医师协会肛肠医师分会和湖南省老年医学学会肠梗阻分会组织业内专家根据国内外的临床研究和实践经验制订了《肠梗阻导管在防治肠梗阻中的临床应用专家共识》。 该共识通过系统文献检索、筛选、文献质量评价、提出共识问题及初稿撰写、改良Delphi法评审及面对面讨论等环节而最终形成,共包括推荐意见11条。文献检索数据库包括:PubMed、MEDLINE、中国知网(CNKI)、万方数据库等。检索关键词包括:Ileus Tube、Long Intestinal Tube、Obstruction Catheter、Drainage Tube、Bowel Obstruction、Intestinal Obstruction。文献纳入标准包括与肠梗阻导管临床应用相关的系统评价、Meta分析、随机对照试验(randomized controlled trial,RCT)、队列研究、病例对照研究等。来自16个省、自治区、直辖市,25家单位的34名具有肠梗阻导管应用及培训经验的外科医生共同参与了该共识的制定。本共识的证据级别采用GRADE(grading of recommendations assessment,development and evaluation)系统界定,证据分级标准与证据水平定义见表1[1]。专家投票等级分为六级:A完全同意,B基本同意,C部分同意,D部分反对,E较多反对,F完全反对。最终形成的推荐程度根据专家赞同率(即A B比例)分为:高(≥90%)、中(80%~<90%)、低(70%~<80%)三种。本共识所有推荐意见的专家赞同率都在90%以上,推荐程度为高。因此,本共识可以为肠梗阻导管的临床实践提供规范统一的指导性意见;同时也将有助于肠梗阻导管在我国的规范化推广和应用,进而提高肠梗阻导管防治肠梗阻的整体疗效,改善肠梗阻患者的预后和生活质量,减少肠梗阻患者的医疗费用支出,带来良好的社会效益和经济效益。 (在框内向上滑动手指即可浏览全部参考文献) [2]王丽波, 何平, 吴双, 等. 经鼻肠梗阻导管在老年术后早期炎性肠梗阻治疗中的应用[J]. 中国老年学杂志, 2010, 30(2):250-251. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-9202.2010.02.048. 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