四、安装标准和针对引水梯的常规疑问 为了进一步增加船舶靠PORT HEDLAND 的安全可靠性,港口当局改进了在港口使用引航梯的操作规范 不符合标准要求引航梯的使用可能会导致人员受伤甚至死亡的严重问题。 ![]() ![]() Two man ropes of not less than 28 mm and not more than 32 mm in diameter properly secured to the ship if required by the pilot; man-ropes shall be fixed at the rope end to the ring plate fixed on deck and shall be ready for use. Only Grade one manila ropes are permitted. Vessel shall maintain a relevant certification for man ropes. * 两根直径在28-32mm的扶手绳根据引航员要求系固在船上固定位置,并且每根扶手绳必须有证书 In light draft condition, the pilot ladder is secured at thimble end with shackles. However, due to the varying freeboard, it would not be possible to secure the pilot ladder at thimbles. Under such circumstances it must be secured at an intermediate length. This can be done in a safe way by ensuring that the weight of the ladder is transferred from ladder’s side ropes to the approved strong point on deck directly. Steps, spreaders, or chocks should not be used to carry the weight of the ladder as they are not designed for this and do not have sufficient strength. Moreover, they may damage the ladder and exert stress on the parts of the ladder which are not designed as end weight bearing component of the ladder. It is common industry practice to use a rope stopper usually in the form of a rolling hitch knot between the pilot ladder sides ropes and the approved strong point on the main deck. This will transfer the weight of the ladder arrangement directly onto the designated strong point and will not damage the ladder. It is suggested that two strong (at least 2 x 24 kN) manila ropes be used to secure the pilot ladder. Securing lines must be replaced at 12 months interval. 总结一下就是 由于引水梯踏板和防扭转长踏板不是设计用来承受所有重量的,以及位置受限等原因在安放过程中不能使用卸扣了,使用卸扣可能会破坏梯子,而是要根据实际情况用马尼拉绳子系固于船上牢固位置。(马尼拉绳的要求 至少 2 x 24 kN 并且12个月内必须更换) 这里有几个实际案例 供参考: 2. Who can conduct the ladder and step attachment strength test? 谁可以测试? The ladder and step attachment strength test must be conducted by the manufacturer or at a facility approved by the manufacturer, the vessel’s Flag State or Classification Society. 制造商 船籍国 船级社 反正船员做不了 船员可以自己维修引航梯吗? 6.If the vessel carries out marine pilot transfer by helicopter, is a compliant pilot ladder still required? 如果用直升机接送引航员 引水梯还需要吗? Yes, marine pilot transfers can be carried out by pilot boat or helicopter, as per operational requirements and the method of pilot boarding can change at short notice. Therefore, all vessels are required to comply with this Local Marine Notice. 是的 即使使用直升机接送引航员,引水梯还是需要符合要求.因为接送引航员的方式随时可能改变,所以引航梯必须准备就绪。 澳洲对引航梯的要求相对严格,国内也出现了多起船舶由于引航梯的不规范使用遭到的投诉。 特别提醒:卸完货一定要把引航梯附近和铝梯上的货物清扫干净,由于残货掉落砸到引航员被投诉的也屡见不鲜。 |
来自: 洋儿时 > 《船长业务学习资料》