

 新用户17038774 2025-03-08 发布于河南


2. 今早我是快7点时起的床,起床后,喂完鸡鸭,再把狗子放出去之后,我和老爸就下了些汤圆和水饺,当做早饭。

3. 早饭后我俩继续斗上一炉火,装上酿酒设备,准备开始今天的蒸馏酒酿造工作。期间老爸去街上买了些菜,而我正在家里看着炉子,顺便听听小说。

4. 这一忙一直忙到1点多才终于完成了这一炉酒的蒸馏工作。期间自然是简单的吃了点饭,随后我顺便眯了一会儿。

5. 下午忙完之后,我先给小鸡儿们拌了些饲料。有趣的是这些小鸡儿吃了呢,用酒糟拌的饲料之后,一个个都像喝晕了似的,在太阳下老老实实的睡着,那样子还真的挺可爱的。

6. 随后我又带着俩小狗去河滩转了一圈,还是出门走走看看花花草草,更能让人开心。


I had several chaotic dreams last night, and as a result, I woke up several times in the middle of the night. When it was almost 5 o'clock, I simply couldn't fall asleep anymore, so I just started listening to a novel.
I got up at almost 7 o'clock this morning. After getting up, I fed the chickens and ducks, and after letting the dog out, my dad and I cooked some tangyuan (sweet rice balls) and dumplings, which we had for breakfast.
After breakfast, the two of us lit another fire and set up the wine-making equipment, getting ready to start today's work of distilling wine. During that time, my dad went to the street to buy some vegetables, while I was at home watching the stove and listening to a novel by the way.
We were so busy that we finally finished distilling this batch of wine after 1 o'clock. Of course, we had a simple meal during that time, and then I took a little nap by the way.
After finishing my work in the afternoon, I first mixed some feed for the little chicks. Interestingly, after these little chicks ate the feed mixed with distiller's grains, they all seemed to be drunk and were lying down soundly in the sun. They really looked quite cute.
Then I took the two little dogs for a walk by the riverbank. It's always more pleasant to go out, take a stroll and look at the flowers and plants.

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