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. .


Unit 6 Colours

Story time, Fun time, Cartoon

time, Letter time, Song time, Checkout time, Ticking time, ?

¢ Story time £ ?¥? Yang Ling ¢§currency1''“???fi§fl –??

· ?''???”? …fi'' ?‰ ?? `??'' fi§fl′???

ˉ?˙¨?'' '' ??Fun time ? ?ˇ— ?ˇ

? § ? aWhat colour is this ? aIt s

?? ??o§ ''§ ′ ?Cartoon time ?¥''? Sam Bobby ?

? fl ?? '' Sam Bobby …?? 间里

工人正¢给 涂?…fi'' ? 故事既?§ 复 ? '' 语言知识 还

渗透?? ''核心? aWould you like ? ?Letter time ?¥?字母 Rr ,Ss,

Tt; Song time旨¢ 歌唱形式复 所§过'' 示 '' 词?Checkout time版

可以 ?Story time''巩固活动 § 先涂 再 答 帮助§ ?顾

所§所§''?子?Ticking time 版 ?提醒§ 养 ¢ § 结束后 ?自

我评估''§ 惯?


? '' 重点 该 比较接近§ 实际 活 容易?o§

''§ ′ 再加?Cartoon time '' 味阅读 § 通过 –、听音乐阅读

等方式 体”?故事''幽默 比较容易达 §目标?



red、white、yellow 8 类 词

2.能准确使 Look at my It s . What colour is my ? It s

3.正确理解、朗读Cartoon time£''故事 能读懂其£'' 味之处 ¢ 师''

引导 训练? 养 良好''阅读 惯?

4. 能熟练掌握字母Rr Ss Tt''听说读写能力

5. 熟练ˉ诵读歌谣aColour song



red、white、yellow 8 类 词

. .


2. Look at my It s . What colour is my ? It s

Story time

Story time Song time

Cartoon time

Letter time, Checkout time, Ticking time

(Period 1)

Unit 6 Story time


1. ¢£?¥ ?§currency1 ?''“? red, yellow, green, orange

2. ¢£?¥What colour is the/my/your ,?? It sfifl –

3.? £?·Look at the/my/your ????”?

4.…‰ ??currency1''” `′?? ˉ

? ˙¨

1. ¢£?¥ ?§currency1 ?''“? red, yellow, green, orange

2. ¢£?¥What colour is the/my/your ,?? It sfifl –

? ?

Step 1 Greeting


2.Say rhymes

T: I like English. Do you like English?

S: Yes I do.

T Let say some rhymes to begin our class.

. .


Nice clothes Are you Mike?

Step 2 Warm up and presentation

1.Free talk

2. green

a. green green, ee

/i:/ green, tree, bee


T I like green. I like many colours. Today we ll learn Unit 6 Colours.

Unit 6 Colours

T Please read with me colours .


3. ?Story time

a. Yang Ling

T Hello, boys and girls. Look at this girl. Who s she?

S: She s Yang Ling.

T: Look at Yang Ling. She s giving a magic show.

Look at her skirt.

S: It nice.\It s great.\How nice.\Great.

b.¢£? ¥?§ , currency1''“

T:Let s watch Yang Ling s magic show. Before we watch it, I want to give

you a question.

???§ What colour is Yang Ling s skirt at the beginningfifl –??

It s .

What colour,

T Please read with Miss Jin.

T Do you catch the answer? What colour is Yang Ling s skirt at the

beginningfifl –??

S: It s orange .

(2) orange,

T Look, it s orange.



. .


It s orange.

Look at the It s orange.

1 ?¢£? ¥?green

T:Yang Ling has question.Can you answer it?

Yang Ling §£?

What colour is my skirt now?

now,currency1'' “??

T Who can try?

??? fifl? –?

What colour is my skirt now?

? fifl? –? ?

T Now, let s listen to the tape

T: Do you have the answer now?

S:It s green.

Learning tips:

There are many things with the word?green

Can you read them?

green card ?· green-eyed ????

green hand ”?

3 … ?¢£?

T What colour is it now?

S:It s red\yellow.

Learning tips:

red and yellow ?‰ ?

a +b ab ?

Some words with red

red sky `

a yellow dog ′??ˉ ?


Our national flag :

The stars are yellow,the flag is red.

4 ???

. .


T Let s read after the tape.


T Let s read it togther.

(6)Finish the exercises

Look at my skirt. What colour is my skirt now?

It s orange. It s green.

What colour is it now? It s red and yellow.

Step 3 Consolidation


A: Look at the

B: It nice.\It s great.\How nice.\Great.

A: What colour is the

B: It s


Step 4 Homework

1. Read the dialogue after class

Find the things : red green yellow orange


Unit 6 Colours

A: Look at the

B: It nice.\It s great.\How nice.\Great. green orange

A: What colour is the red yellow

B: It s

. .


(Period 2)

Unit 6 Story time Song time

1. red, yellow, green, orange.

black, blue, brown, white

2. ?What colour is the/my/your¢£?¥ It?s


3. “?? Colour song

? fi fl

1. black, blue, brown,white

2. “?? Colour song

– ??·


? …‰

Step 1 Greeting and warm up


2.Warm up

a. ? `?′ ?fi ?ˉ

?˙¨ ?? ′???ˇ — ? red, yellow, green, orange

T: Last lesson, we learnt some colours. Let?s review them.

? ˙¨? ?

? ˙¨?ˉ What colour is it?

ˇ —§currency1 It?s¢

? currency1''

T What colour is it?

1 ?˙¨ ′

T:What colour is the tree?

S:It?s green.

?˙¨ ′???ˇ — What colour is the¢

It?s green.

T:Which season is green?

. .


S:It s spring.

T:Let s say a rhyme.

Spring is green.

The trees are green.

The bees are dancing .

I like green.


T:What colour is the coat?

S:It s orange.

T Which season is orange?

It s autumn.

? ¢£?¥ ?Rhyme


It s orange.

Autumn is orange.

I like orange.


T Look at this colour. So hot!

Can you guess which season is red?

S It s summer.

T: Yes. Summer is so hot. Summer is red.

Let s say a rhyme.

Summer is so hot.

Summer is red.

I like red.



T What colour are the stars?

S: They are yellow.

T: Let s a rhyme.

. .


Yellow, yellow. I like yellow. The stars are yellow. I love China.

Step 2 Presentation

1.Review-Story time

T:I love these colours. Do you like the

colours, too?

S:Yes,I do.

Liu Tao, Wang Bing, Su Hai, Yang Ling.

T:Who s he/she?

S:He s/She s He s/She s my friend.

Yang Ling.

T:Yang Ling is giving a magic show.

(1)Read Story time

T:Now,let s read after the tape / together.


(3)Retell-Story time

Yang Ling is wearing ?¢ a nice skirt.It s orange .First(£?),the

colour turns(¥?) to green .At last ¢, the colour turns(¥?) to red

and yellow .

wearing §currency1

T:What colour are you wearing today?

today §currency1


2.Learning the song-Colour song

a. Watch the song

b. Explain the sentences

c. Sing with the teacher

d. Sing together

3. ''“?? white black, brown blue

a. ''??white

( ?fifl –?? )

T: Look, spring is green. Summer is red. Autumn is orange. What colour

. .


is winter?

S: It s white.

(1) white,

(2) ,work in pairs.

T What colour is the ?

S: It s white.

flower duck toy bear chair

(3)Say a rhyme

T Let s say a rhyme.

White, white.

I like white.

White, white.

Winter is white.

b. black

T Now, I have a question.

panda What colour is the panda?

S It s white and black.

(1) black

(2) work in pairs.

jeep skirt


T: What colour is the zebra?

S It s white and black.

(4)Say a rhyme

T:I have a rhyme here. Please look at the rhyme. Can you read it?

Black, black.

The panda is white and black.

Black, black.

. .


The zebra is white and black.

c. brown blue

(1) brown

Brain storm

T: ____+______=brown

black green


work in pairs

What colour is the ?

It s brown.

?2¢ blue

T There are three-primary colours.

RYB £?¥? §

R red Y:? B:?


Step 3 Consolidation

1. §

R red Y:yellow B:blue

red+ yellow =orange

blue+yellow =green


2. Summmary

currency1''“? ?? fifl

Step 4 Homework

1.Sing the song after class.

2.Copy the words after class

3.Recite Story time

–??· ?

Unit 6 Colours

green orange

red yellow

. .


A: What colour is the white black

B: It s brown blue

(Period 3)

Unit 6 Cartoon time

1. black blue brown green orange

red white yellow 8

2. ?¢£Look at my It s . What colour is my ? It s

3.??¥? § Cartoon timecurrency1''“?? ?currency1''fifl –?? ?''

· ?? ???”?…''‰ ?

` ′ ??

??¥? § Cartoon timecurrency1''“?? ?currency1''fifl –?? ?''·

?? ???”?…''‰ ?

ˉ ?˙ ¨


? ?ˇ

Step 1 Greeting


2.Say a rhyme and sing a song

Nice clothes Colour song

3. Free talk

T:I like white. What colour do you like?

S:I like

Step 2 Warm up


a. £ '' ?— black, white, red, orange,

yellow, green, blue

T: Look ,here is the rainbow. What colour is this rainbow now? PPT

?? rainbow

S It s black and white.

. .


black and white.

but, there are some colours missing? Can you find the colours.

red, orange, yellow, green, blue

b. brown

T Do we need brown?


2. Story time


T: The colours are in our life everywhere. I like these colours. Look,

our clothes are so colourful.

Look at my skirt. My skirt is black.

Look at my ( ) My ( )is ( )

?¢£?¥?§ currency1''“

b. Yang Ling is giving us a magic show. Let?s read it togrther.

??fi fl

3.Cartoon time.

a.–??· ?

T Look,our friends are coming.Who are they?

S:They are Bobby and Sam.


T: They are gonging shopping.

?” What shop is it?(?…‰ ?)

Let?s watch the cartoon together.( `′)

T(?? ?”): What shop is it?

Ss: It?s an egg shop.

T( ˉ?) Look ,this is an egg.


(1)Read one by one

(2)Read together

(3)Read with the teacher

b.˙¨ ?§?

T What is Sam asking(?)?

. .


Would you like ?

T What is the cock saying?

Learning tips: or

c. ?¢£?¥?

d. Read after the tape

e. Read together.

f. Retell

In the (morning/afternoon/evening),Bobby and Sam are going to an/a

(egg/clothes) shop. Bobby like an egg. The cock(§currency1) ask them which(''

“?) ?colours /shapesflof the eggs they would like? How

interesting( –) the shop is!

Step 3 Homework

1.Read Cartoon time after class

2.Try to tell the story time to your parents

??· ??

Unit 6 Colours

green orange

red yellow

A: What colour is the white black

B: It?s brown blue

(Period 4)

“? ?

Unit 6 Letter time, Checkout time, Ticking time

”? ?…

1.‰ ? `′?? ?? ???ˉblack?blue?brown?green?orange?

red?white?yellow 8 ?˙¨ ?

2.‰? ??Look at my It?s . What colour is my ? It?s

3. ‰ ?ˇ— Rr Ss Tt ` ˉ‰

. .


4. Colour song

5. ?¢£?¥?

§currency1'' currency1“ ?


?currency1?fifl ?


·currency1'' ?

Step 1 Greeting

1. Greeting

T: Good morning/afternoon, class. How are you?

S: I?m fine(well/good),thank you.

2.Say rhymes and sing songs

a.Zip,zip,zip ???”?…

b.Put on your coat ‰

c.Nice clothes ? `′? ?

c.Look at the moon ???”?ˉ ?˙

d.My lovely doll Look at¨ What can you see ??? ? ˉ ?fl ‰

Step 2 Warm up

1.Play a gameˇˇPuzzles

(1)There are some clothes .Can you find them.

— ?? ‰

skirt T-shirt cap jacket

1. skirt 2. T-shirt

3. cap 4. jacket

2.I?m a good painter!

What is RYB?

R red Y yellow B blue

What is RGB?

. .


R red G green B blue

red ,yellow, blue,green

orange black

(4)Brain storm

Why can t the pandas take photos?

3. brown,

T They are all clours. I have another colour here.It s the chocolates

colour.What colour is this chocolate?

What colour is this ?

Ss:It s brown.

brown, , ow ?

4.Checkout time

T Open your books. Please turn to Page 43.

Listen to the tape.Try to colour and say,please.

¢£This is a

It s

5.Play a game----Fun time

T:Let s have a fun. Look,this is a big turntable.


T There are four clothes.What s this?

Ss:It s a


T The hand will go around the turntable.When it stops,please try to

ansewer Miss Jin s question.

6.Sing a song----Colour song.

7.Letters learning.

“???fifl – ???· ???? ”?? …?‰

a. ?… ?

b.… ? ? `

c.′??ˉ… ?

Because the pandas are black and white .

. .


Step 3 Consolidation


?¢£ ?¥ ? §currency1''“ ?£ ? ?fififl

–? ?·fl ? ???”? …fi ‰ ? `′ ?? ˉ fi?

2. Ticking time

??˙¨ ? “ fl ?

Step 4 Homework



Unit 6 Colours

A: What colour is the red yellow blue green

B: It s orange white black brown


Unit 7 Would you like a pie?

? a Story time, Fun time, Cartoon

time, Letter time, Rhyme time, Checkout time, Ticking time,a? ???


Story time ??o ? Mike Su Hai Yang Ling, Liu Tao

Wang Bing ? Fun time ? ??£? 戏

们把? 画 纸¥ 然 ?Would you like ?What about ? 等 言进行? ?

激? 兴趣 Cartoon time ? Sam ?Bobby ?狗 ?

? 再 所 句型?Would you like ? 等 言知识 同时也

渗透 下 新句型?What s this? Letter time 字母 Uu ,Vv, Ww;

Rhyme time 旨 巩固 所 ?品? 词?Checkout time 版?currency1''作为 Story

. .


time Yes No

Ticking time ?¢£? ¥?§currency1'' “???fifl –?? ““·


§ Unit 4 Family ?”? “…‰ This is my? ,§ Unit 5 ? `′

?…currency1? nice § Unit 6 Cartoon time ?ˉ?…˙¨ ?‰ Would you

like ??Yes, please. ? ??? ˉˇ?—



1. ? ? acurrency1?a cake, a pie, a hot dog, a hamburger an egg

2. ` ? ?aWould you like??/What about?? ? Yes,

please. No , thank you.??o ?

3. ` ? ?aNice to meet you. ?? ?¢Nice to meet

you, too.

4. ?… ???? Nice to meet you. 适 围

currency1''? ? 难?

1. ? ? acurrency1?a cake, a pie, a hot dog, a hamburger

2. ` ? ?aWould you like??/What about?? ? Yes,

please. No , thank you.


卡片 PPT currency1?小 片( 来奖励 ‰ currency1?复“ )

¨ 安排:

第 ¨ :Story time

第二¨ :Story time

第三¨ :Cartoon time

第四¨ :Letter time, Fun time, Checkout time, Ticking time

(Period 1)

? 容:

Story time (1)

二 ? :

1. ? ? acurrency1?a cake, a pie, a hot dog, a hamburger an egg

2. ` ? ?aWould you like??/What about?? ? Yes,

please. No , thank you.??o ?

. .


3. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet

you, too.

4. ?¢£?¥?§Nice to meet you.currency1¢''“??

? fi fl –?

1. ? · a cake, a pie, a hot dog, a hamburger

2. Would you like??/What about??¥?? ?Yes,

please.?No , thank you.

” ?…‰ ?

? PPT · `′ ?“?ˉ? ¥?˙¨· ?“?

fi ???



T? Hello, boys and girls.

Ss?Hello, Miss Jin.

2.Sing songs and say some rhymes.

a. Sing songs:

At the market Row ,row ,row your boat?

b. Say rhymes

Are you Mike? At a snack bar ?

At a snack bar

A pie, a cake, a hot dog please.

And a hamburger with cheese.

For Tom, for Marry, for Jack and me.

Thank you, Mr Lee.

T?Well done. You have a good memory.

Step2. Presentation

T: I like the nice food(PPT:— ).Do you like the nice food?

S Yes, I do.

T: I would like to have a picnic.

?Today, we ll learn Unit7 Would you like a pie?

? ?Unit7 Would you like a pie?

fi ?

. .


T Would you like to have a picnic? Ss: Ok./All right.

T Firstly, let s choose some food. Let s go to the snack bar.

1. a cake, a pie, a hot dog, a hamburger, an

egg Would you like a ? Yes, please. /No, thank you.

snack bar ?¢£ ?¥?§¥currency1'', ?§ “

T: Look?this is a snack bar.

What can you see?

S: I can see a

??fifl ¥–? a cake, a pie, a hot dog,

a hamburger, an egg“

T: Would you like a ?? ? ·? ??

Learning tips:

Would you like ? ??” ??

Yes, please. …¥“/No, thank you.‰?“

? · Yes, please. No, thank you.

S: Yes, please./No, thank you.? fifl ?

2.Story time

a. ? fi

T: There are so many nice food. I like them. And my friends like them,

too. Let s go to have a picnic now.

Look, my friends are coming. ?currency1''

T I can see Mike. Who can you see?

Ss: I can see(Liu Tao, Wang Bing )

T Look, Mike is introducing his sister to his friends. What is he saying?

How does Yang Ling greet to her new friend? Let s watch the cartoon.

Mike: This is my sister ,Helen.

Yang Ling: Nice to meet you .

` · Nice to meet you.

Learning tips:

Nice to meet you. ′?? ˉ?˙¨ ¥ ? ?¥? ?? ?ˇ— “

. .


Nice to meet you, too.

T: Helen is their new friend. How do they guest ( ) Helen. Would Helen

like a pie or a cake? Let s watch the cartoon again.

PPT: What would Helen like, a pie or a cake?

She d like a cake

T:How do they guest( ) Helen?

Su Hai: Would you like a pie?

Helen: No , thank you. ?¢£

Yang Ling: What about a cake?

Helen: Yes, please.

?¥ ? What about§? §§currency1 ''

about ou /au/

“?ou ??fifl – blouse mouse mouth

?1? Read one by one

?2? Read together.

Learning tips:

b.· ?¢

?1?Read after the tape(???”?–?…)

?2?Read together

?3?‰ ?

Step 3. Practice \Production

1.?¢`′a cake, a pie, a hot dog, a hamburger, an egg

a. Puzzles(??ˉ? ˙ )

b.¨ ??`′

2.Work in pairs

?PPT?¥?ˇ¥— ?

S1:Would you like a§?

S2: No, thank you.

S1:What about a §?

S2: Yes, please.

. .



S1:Would you like a cake?

S2: No, thank you.

S1:What about a hot dog?

S2: Yes, please.


(1) a cake, a pie, a hot dog, a hamburger

an egg

(2) Nice to meet you.

? ¢£ Nice to meet you, too.

(3)?¥ ? Would you like §? What about §?

4.Eating too much is not healthy. currency1''“???fifl –

Step4. Homework

1.Recite Story time

2.Copy the new words 4 times.(??· ?)


Unit 7 Would you like a pie?

Nice to meet you.

A: Would you like a§? a cake a pie

B: No, thank you. a hot dog a hamburger

A: What about a §?

B: Yes, please.

(Period 2)


Story time (2)

??‰ `

1.′??ˉ a cake, a pie, a hot dog ,a hamburger an egg ?˙ ¨

¨ ¨?? a sweet, an ice cream –

. .


2. Would you like ?/What about ? Yes, please.

No , thank you.

3. Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu

1. ?¢£?¥a cake, a pie, a hot dog,a hamburger?an egg §currency1?''

“?''??''???¥ a sweet, an ice creamfi

2. Would you like ?/What about ? Yes, please.

No , thank you.

3. Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu

fl –??

· ?PPT??¥?? ? ?”? … ?¥‰ ?



1. Greeting

T: Hello, boys and girls.

S: Hello, Miss Jin.

2. Sing songs and say some rhymes

3. Play a game---Rabbit ,go!

?ˉ?˙ ¨ ??fl ??? ˇ?— a cake, a pie,a hot dog, an egg,



1) ?¥ a cake ,a pie , a hot dog ,a hamburger ,an egg.


2) ‰ Would you like ?/What about ..?

Yes, please./No, thank you.

T: There are so many nice food. Would you like a ?

S: Yes ,please./No, thank you.

PPT: ? ?work in pairs

A: Would you like ?/What about ?

B: Yes,please./No, thank you.

3) ‰ ---Story time

T ? I like them. I want to have a picnic. Look, they are having

. .


a picnic. Let s read after the tape.



Step2. Presentation

1, a sweet

T: You did very well. And I gave you some sweets. Look, I have a sweet


a sweet.

Meet-sweet ee/i:



PPT: The sweet is sweet.



T¢Would you like a sweet?

S: Yes, please ./No, thank you.


S: Would you like a sweet?

T: Yes, please. I like sweets. They are sweet. And I like ice creams ,too.

2, an ice cream ea/i:/

£? an

Pay attention

an egg an ice cream

Learning tips¢

¥ ?§ Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu


T¢Would you like an ice cream?

S: Yes, please./No thank you.


S: Would you like an ice cream?

T¢Yes ,please.

3currency1 Rhyme time----For you and me

. .


(1)Magic eyes

T What can you see?

S: I can see a /an

(3) T: There are so nice food for you and me .

Let s enjoy a new rhyme---For you and me.



c. ?¢£

Step3. Practice & Production

Fun time---Make and act

T: Show me you pictures?¥?§currency1 ''“???

A Would you like ?/What about ?

B: Yes, please./No, thank you.

Step4. Homework

1. Copy the new words 4times.

2. Finish the exercises.

fifl –??

Unit 7 Would you like a pie?

Nice to meet you.

A: Would you like a ? a cake a pie

B: No, thank you. a hot dog a hamburger

A: What about a ? an egg an ice cream

B: Yes, please.

(Period 3)


Cartoon time


1.?”?…‰ a cake, a pie, a hot dog, a hamburger an egg a sweet,

. .


an ice cream

2. Would you like ?/What about ? Yes, please.

No , thank you.

3. What s this? It s .

4. ?what s =what is

5. ¢ Cartoon time £?¥


1.?fifl –?a cake, a pie, a hot dog, a hamburger an egg a sweet,

an ice cream

2. Would you like ?/What about ? Yes, please.

No , thank you.

3. What s this? It s .

4. ? what s =what is

?§· ??

?? PPT –?”??…''‰ ? £ `



1. .Greeting

T: Hello, boys and girls.

S: Hello, Miss Kong.

2. Say a rhyme-For you and me

3. Warm up

1) play a game---follow me

ˉ?˙¨ I say a cake three times.

Look at me .A cake ,a cake,a cake.

2) ??– £??£–? ˇ –? a cake ,a pie, a hot dog, a

hamburger, an egg, a sweet, an ice cream

T I can see a cake, C-A-K-E, cake. This is a cake.

Look at my cake. C-A-K-E, cake. It s a cake.

. .


3) It s a .

T: It s a .What can you say?

S: It s a

PPT It s a .

It s a

PPT: Let s go to a clothes shop.

It s a a jacket, a T-shirt ,a skirt

4) What s this?

PPT: Let s go to a snack bar.

T: This is a cake .

This is ---This---this


T What s this ?

What s this ?

Learning tips: What s =what is

?¢What s =What is ,£?he s =he is she s =she is it s =it is

What s this ?

¥ It s a ?§currency1

T Try to work in pairs

S1:What s this?

S2:It s a


1 dog

T: Can you ask Miss Jin?

S: What s this ?

T: It s a hot dog .And what s this ?

S: It s a dog.

dog''“? currency1

1. Cartoon time

a? ?fifl –?currency1

b? ?· ? ?¢currency1

. .


d. Read the dialogue.

2. Review the rhyme---For you and me.


1. Read Cartoon time after class

2. Try to tell the story time to your parents

Unit 7 Would you like a pie?

Nice to meet you.

A: Would you like a ?

B: No, thank you.

A: What about a ?

B: Yes, please.

(Period 4)

Letter time & fun time

1. a cake, a pie, a hot dog, a hamburger?an egg ?a sweet,

an ice cream

2.¢£?¥?§currency1 Would you like ?/What about ?''“??? Yes, please.

fi No , thank you.

3. ¢£?¥?§currency1 Whatfls this? ¢? Itfls .–??

4.¢??·? ? ?? Uu?Vv?Ww

5.??”?…‰ ? ?…

`′ ?′

1. a cake, a pie, a hot dog, a hamburger?an egg ?a sweet,

an ice cream

2.¢£?¥?§currency1 Would you like ?/What about ?''“??? Yes, please.

fi No , thank you.

3. ¢£?¥?§currency1 Whatfls this? ¢? Itfls .–??

4.¢??·? ? ?? Uu?Vv?Ww

5.??”?…‰ ? ?…

. .



Step 1 Greeting

1. Greeting

T: Hello, boys and girls.

S: Hello, Miss Kong.

2. Say a rhyme-For you and me

Step 2 Warm up

1. Magic eyes

1 ? ¢£

2 ?¥?§currency1

3 ''“currency1

2. ''“??

A Would you like ??/What about??

B: Yes, please./No, thank you.

3. Check out time----Look and say

4. fifl § –currency1

5. fifl §Cartoon time.

Step 3 Letters


1. · ??

2. ?·??£???”currency1

3. ?…‰ ??currency1

Step 4 Consolidation


A Listen and tick

B look and say

C Read and choose

D Think and write

F Match and write

Step 5 Homework

. .


Finish the exercise.

Unit 7 Would you like a pie?

Nice to meet you.

A: Would you like a ?

B: No, thank you.

A: What about a ?

B: Yes, please.

Unit 8 Happy New Year!

?¢£Story time, Fun time, Cartoon

time, Letter time, Song time, Checkout time,? Ticking time, ¥? §currency1''“

? Story time §?¢?fifl? Mike –¢Uncle John ???·? ??¢

????·”?fl??…‰¢??· ? `′??ˉFun time ? ˙ ?¨ ?

? ?′?ˇ¢— · ‰ ? ¢ ?Would you like ?What

about ?? “ — ′—? aˉCartoon time ?fi′˙ Sam

Bobby ? ? – ?′??¢ ? ?fifl ?—′o ? Would you

like ?? ¢ ? fl ′?o ?What?s this??ˉLetter

time ?fifl Uu ,Vv, Ww; Rhyme time ???? ?—′ ?¨ “

Checkout time § 作为 Story time ′??活动¢ 让— 看图说 ¢检测

— ?Yes? ??No?′运 能力ˉTicking time ? §˙提醒— 养''?

—?结束 自我评估′—??惯“


— ? ′?Rhyme time??已经接触fl?For you and me?¢如果 师

处理得细致¢那么 ′?This is for ? o ′?fi就不''问?“另外¢

样? ′ Story time ?¢— ·已经初步 flo ?What?s this??“

26 ? 告 段落¢ 师有必 引导— 适当′归¨梳理¢指导相应′

. .


1. Happy New Year! What s this/

that? It s This is for you.

2. uncle, doll, ball, robot, CD?happy, new,

year, for, you, that, car. toy, ah, ha

3. ¢£ Xx,Yy,Zz.

4. ?¥ Happy New Year!

?§ currency1§

1. Happy New Year! What s this/

that? It s This is for you.

2. uncle, doll, ball, robot, CD?happy, new,

year, for, you, that, car. toy, ah, ha


1. ??fi fl – ???· ? ??? ??? ”?…''??

?‰? ? `′?? …''‰ ??ˉ? ??Uncle John ˙?¨ , ?? ?′


2. ?ˇ— ? ? New Year s Day(the first of January/1

1 )

Story time

Fun time?Song time

Cartoon time ,Letter time

Checkout time, Ticking time

(Period 1)


Story time

1. Happy New Year! What s this/ that?

It s This is for you.

. .


2. uncle, doll, ball, robot, CD.

3. happy, new, year, for, you, that, car.

4. Happy New Year!

1. What s this/that?

2. happy, new, year, doll, ball, robot ?

¢ £?¥?

1. §currency1'' “? ? ?fifl –? ?·??fifl ?? ? ?”? ?

fi?§…‰ ? ·` ?”? ′·??–`flUncle Johnˉ ?˙, ¨ ?


2. ??ˇ— –˙fl New Year s Day(the first of January/1

1 )

A. Greetings

B. Say a rhyme For you and me

C. Free talk

1. Uncle John ?ˉ

T: Who s this? He s Uncle John. Now, I m Uncle John.( ?˙). Hello,

boys and girls.

Ss: Hello, Uncle John.

uncle, John. ?

2. –??fi

T: Look, there are some clothes.? ?fi? fla `What s this? Guess.

S1: It s a T-shirt.

T: No.

S2:It s a jacket.

T: Yes. Look at this jacket. It s red.

S2: How nice!

T: This is for you.? ? ?fl?? ? Thank you`

S2: Thank you.


T: What s this? Guess.

. .


S3: It s a skirt.

T: Yes. What colour is it?

S3: It s green.

T: Good. This is for you.

S3: Thank you.

3. ,

T: What s this? Guess.

S4: It s a cake..

T: Would you like a cake?

S4: Yes, please.

T: This cake is for you. Here you are.

S4: Thank you.

D. Story time

1. , ? ¢£?¥?§currency1 ''“?

T: What s this?

S1: It s a doll.

T: Great. It s a doll. D-O-L-L, doll.

Ss: D-O-L-L, doll.

T: This is for you.?? fifl – ?

S1: Thank you.

? ?· ¢£ ??? ?

”? …‰ ?¢£? ?

2`′??ˉ ¢£ ? ? ˙? ??¢£¨

3. ??? ? ? ?ˇ—?‰

T: What are they? Maybe it s a doll it s a ball. Guess.

T: What s this?

S1: It s a doll.

T: No.

S2: It s a car.

. .


T:Yes. This is for you.

S2: Thank you.

What s this? What s that? ?

T: What s that?

S2: It s a robot.

T: Yes. You are right. This is for you.( )

S2: Thank you.

¢ ¢

4. £? ¥?§ currency1'' “???Happy New Year.

T: It s New Year s Day. Happy New Year. £? fifl Happy New Year.

Ss: Happy New Year.

5. “? Story time – £? ???

6. · ????” ?… ‰ ?? `?`′

7. ??ˉ??˙¨?

E. Consolidation

1. ?Story time?? ˉ ??˙¥ ?”?

2. ?ˇ—

S1: Happy New Year.

S2: Happy New Year.

S1: This is for you.

S2: Thank you. What s this?

S1: It s a toy cae.

S2: It s nice.

? ?? ?

F. Homework

1. · ? ??Story time?” ?a

2. ?? ?happy, new, year, for, you, that, car, yes.


Unit8 Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! uncle

What s this/ that? doll

It s¢ ball

. .


This is for you. robot


(Period 2)

Fun time, Song time

? ¢£ ?¥?

§ currency1''“

? ? ?fi

? ¢£ ?¥?

§ currency1''“

fl –??

1. · ? ?? ?”? …‰? ??? ` ,′?Story time

?ˉ ? ˙`“

2. ???”? …‰? ??? ` ¨ ?? ?? ?“

? ˇ—

A. Greetings

B. Sing a song

1) “

2) ? a“

3) ?

C. Revison

1) ?? o ?˙` ` ? ?

– “

2) ??Story time??? ??? ?? – 举起`

编?ˉ 其余 “

3)?? ?? ` 拼 “

4) Free talk

£物‰(包括…物 ? 衣?等) 字`或? ¨ ??

. .


T: What s this?

S1: It s a cake.

T: Would you like a cake.

S1: Yes, please.

T: This cake is for you.

S1: Thank you.

T: What s this?

S2: It s a skirt.

T: What colour is it?

S2: It s yellow.

T: You re right. This is for you.

S2: Thank you

D. Fun time

1. P52


T: What s this?

S1: It s a CD.

T: No, it isn t.

S2: It s a robot.

T: You re right. This is for you.

S2:Thank you.

E. Homework

1. Fun time

2.?¢ £?¥?£§


Unit8 Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! uncle

What s this/ that? doll

It s ball

This is for you. robot

. .



(Period 3)

Cartoon time, Letter time

1. Happy New Year What s this/ that? It s This is for


2. Happy birthday!

3. toy, ah, ha

4. Xx,Yy,Zz.

? ¢£

1. ? ¥?Cartoon time§currency1''“?

2. Xx,Yy,Zz.

? ?fifl

1. –?? · ?? ??? ??

2. ”?…‰ ?? `?

′ ??

A. Greetings

B. Revision

1) ˉ?Story time ?? ?? “

2) ˉ?˙¨ ???? ?§currency1? ?????''“

T: What s this?

S1: It s a doll.

T: No.

S2: It s a car.

T: Yes, you re right. This is for you.

ˇ— ? ? ? ?? ?

. .


C. Song time

1. Sing the song Happy New Year

2. T: Can you sing song Happy birthday to you?( )

Let s sing Happy birthday to you together

D. Cartoon time

T: Today is Bobby s birthday. Let s watch a cartoon.

Cartoon time


T: Who s this?

Ss: It s Sam.

T: Who s this?

Ss: This is Bobby.

T: Yes. This is Dog. And this is their friend, Monkey. What s in the



T: Whose birthday is this?

Ss: It s Bobby s birthday.

T: Good. Look at Picture2. what s this?

Ss: It s a toy car.( toy)

T: Look at Picture .What s this?


T: It s a clown.

4. ?¢£?¥?§?§currency1

5. ''“?£??

E. Letter time

1. fifl P54–???· ?Xx,Yy,Zz.

2. ??£ ?? ? ”?…?‰ ¢£

3. ?£? ?”? ‰ ?`′??

4. ˉ?˙

F. Homework

1. ¨ ?˙? ?? ˇ

2. —˙ ?Xx,Yy,Zz.

. .


Unit8 Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

What s this/ that? Xx, Yy, Zz

It s toy

(Period 4)

Checkout time Ticking time

?¢£ ?¥?§currency1''“?? ?fifl £

–? ??·''“ ¥??

? ?” ?”

?¢£ ?¥?§currency1''“?? ?fifl £

–? ??·''“ ¥??

… ‰ ?

`′? ?ˉ£ ?˙¨? ?,? £?¢Aa?Zz ??

? ˇ—

A. Greetings

B. Song time

1. Sing the song Happy New Year

2. Sing the song Colour song

3. ? ?˙¨ ?£ ?˙¨

C. Say a rhyme For you and me

ˉ?£ ? ˉ?

A doll, a ball

I can see.

A dall, a ball

For you and me

D. Letter time

. .


1. Aa Zz.

2. ?¢

£?¥? §currency1''“???fi fl –??· ¢? ?

· ? ?? ? ¥?? ??”¢ ?

E. Cartoon time

Cartoon time…‰ ¥? §? `

F. Checkout time

1) Look and say

Checkout time…‰ ′`

T: ??ˉ?˙¨ ? ?What s this?

Ss: It s a robot.

T: What colour is it?

Ss: It s white.

T: Yes. It s a white robot.

T: What s that?

Ss: It s a robot.

T: Yes. It s a robot, too. What colour is it?

Ss: It s black.

T: Yes, you re right. It s a black.

·? ? ˇ— ` ? ? ? ?

2?Listen and choose

?? ?

·?? a′

3?Listen and repeat

¢ ? ??oˇ ?

G. Homework

? Aa Zz


Unit8 Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

What s this/ that?

. .


It s

This is for you.
