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12Summary Writing3明确体裁梳理结构提取要点Tips For Reading4 确定话题3. Structure 1.现象利
弊建议2.问题成因影响3.研究 结论分项说明总结This passage is a(an) ________. A
. narration(记叙文) B. exposition(说明文) C. argumentation(议论文)
B. exposition1. Writing Style 本文本话题是 ________________________.
2. Topic geographical puzzles in the United Kingdom 3.Structu
re 三者之间缺乏内在逻辑3.Structure ① ② ③ ④⑤ ⑥Part 1Part 2Part 3U KEnglandLo
ndon9Part Iof how the UK was formedfour countries, historyWales w
as linked to it in the 13th century.England and Wales were joined
to Scotland in the 17th century.In the early 20th century, North
ern Ireland joined with England, Wales and Scotland to become the
United Kingdom.First, there was England.10简单罗列,缺乏整合11理解不到位,与原意不符
12Part Iof how the UK was formedfour countries, historyWales was
linked to it in the 13th century.England and Wales were joined to
Scotland in the 17th century.in the early 20th century, Northern
Ireland joined with England, Wales and Scotland to become the Un
ited Kingdom.First, there was England. 尝试用一句中文概括这些关键信息 13Part I
From the thirteenth century to the twentieth century, Wales, Scot
land and Northern Ireland were joined/linked to England successiv
ely to become the United Kingdom.从13到20世纪,Wales, Scotland 和Northe
n Ireland相继加入英格兰,形成了联合王国。14Part IPara. 3 To their credit
the four countries do work together in some areas(e.g. the curren
cy and international relations), but they still have very differe
nt institutions. For example, Northern...定义:A summary is a brief
statement that gives only the main points of something not the de
15选取段落中的要点,删去例子、引言、数据等细节信息。多使用概括性语言,少用具体描述性词语。16Part IPara. 3
To their credit the four countries do work together in some
areas(e.g. the currency and international relations), but they st
ill have very different institutions. For example,Northern...17Pa
rt IThe four countries work together in some fields but differ in
institutions.这四个王国在一些领域相互统一,但在制度上存在差异。18Part II19习作1:习作2:20hasis
, the largest one, is geographically divided into three zones wit
h most population in the South and most industrial cities in the
Midlands and the North.England, the largest one, is geographicall
y divided into three zones with the South most populated and the
Midlands and the North most industrialized.England,作为四个王国中最大的,分为三
个区。其中人口聚集在南部,工业城市聚集在中部和北部。Part II22Part III23习作1:习作2:24习作3:25Key
points直译:伦敦,有最宝贵的历史珍宝。曾经的入侵者给伦敦留下了古老的历史遗迹和文化印迹。London, which was
once profoundly influenced by the cultures of its invaders, is of
great cultural and historical significance. 转译:伦敦,因深受其入侵者的文化影响,有
着重大的文化和历史意义。London is of great cultural and historical significan
ce because it was once profoundly influenced by the cultures of i
ts invaders, 2660-80词 .用一段话包含所有要点(4-5个要点).要点之间衔接连贯.尽量用自己的话客观
转述.Rules For Writing27分段!2896分段!!超字数!!29主观看法!! From the thirteent
h century to the twentieth century, Wales, Scotland and Northern
Ireland were joined to England successively to become the United
Kingdom. (要点1) The four countries work together in some fields bu
t differ in institutions.(要点2) England, the largest one, is geogr
aphically divided into three zones with the South most populated
and the Midlands and the North most industrialized. (要点3) London
, once deeply influenced by the cultures of the invaders, is of
great cultural and historical significance.(要点4)(81)31B应用语法结构和词汇的准确性C上下文的连贯性D对各要点表达的独立性情况A对原文要点的理解和呈现情况概要写作评分标准32①要点表述有偏差.②照抄原句④抄原文、遗漏要点③④过渡自然⑤随意添加个人看法11-1534涵盖所有要点能用自己语言客观概述 行文流畅无拼写和标点错误. 19-22