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2023-02-21 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
四年级英语下册Lesson9单元测试卷(含答案)听力部分一、听录音,选择所听到的单词或词组。() 1. A. snowB. skirtC.
still() 2. A. busyB. bodyC. bear() 3. A. fifteenB. favoriteC. fri
end() 4. A. autumnB. winterC. summer() 5. A. come upB. call upC.
get up() 6. A. of courseB. be fromC. just then二、听录音,选择所听到的句子。() 1
. A. Betty likes summer.B. Billy likes autumn.C. Betty likes autu
mn.() 2. A. Do you like snow?B. Do you have a skirt?C. Do you lik
e snowman?() 3. A. It’s spring. I can fly a kite.B. It’s summer.
I can swim.C. It’s spring. I like green trees.() 4. A. What about
you?B. Can I help you?C. How are you?三、听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。() 1. A.
B.() 2. A.B.() 3. A.B.() 4. A. B.() 5. A. B.四、听录音,补全句子。—Wh
at’s your ?—My is.—Do you ?—Yes, .笔试部分一、读一读,写出与所给单词同类的单
词。brownyellowblue summerwinterautumn deermonkeybear deskschoolbag
pencil boygirlwoman inonunder 二、选择填空。() 1. Lilysummer.like toB. l
ikeC. likes () 2. —Do you like autumn?— Yes, I can.B. Yes, I do.C
. Yes, I like. () 3. Spring is. It’s.come, warmB. coming, warmC.
coming, cold () 4. Billy ishome.atB. inC. on () 5. Betty has no h
ome. She is very cold. She is.happyB. busyC. sad () 6. It’s. I ca
n eat mooncakes.springB. summerC. autumn () 7. I don’t like winte
rit’s too cold.soB. becauseC. also () 8. What colourshoes?is myB.
are himC. are his () 9. —Whose ruler is it?—It’s.A. PeterB. Pete
rsC. Peter’s三、图文匹配。—What’s your favorite season?A.—Autumn.—Do you
have a new bike?B.—Yes, I do.—What are these?C.—They’re toy cars
.—Where are you from?D. —We are from the USA.—Do you like winter?
E.—Yes, I do. I can make a snowman.It’s summer. I can swim.F.四、阅读
理解。It’s a rainy (下雨的) day. I am in a bus. And an old man with a d
og gets on the bus. It is a small (小的) dog and its feet are not c
lean (干净的).I don’t want the dog to sit near me. But the old man s
ays to the conductor (售票员), “Oh, I pay for (为……付款) the dog. Can h
e sit here like the other people (其他人)?”The conductor looks at th
e dog and says, “Yes, sir. But like the other people, he must not
put his feet on the chair.”根据短文内容回答问题。How is the weather (天气)? I
t’s aday.What is the dog like?It’s adog and its feet are .Where
are they?They are on a.Can the dog sit like the other people? ,
it.Is the conductor clever (聪明的)? , he.参考答案听力材料——听力部分一、1. snow2.
bear3. favorite4. summer5. come up6. be from二、Betty likes summer.
Do you have a skirt?It’s spring. I can fly a kite.How are you?三、—
What’s your favorite season?—Summer.—Do you like summer?—Yes, I l
ike swimming.Let’s make a snowman.I like autumn best.—Do you have
a toy pig?—No, I don’t. I have a toy panda.四、—What’s your favori
te season?—My favorite season is spring.—Do you like winter?—Yes,
I like snow.听力答案一、l-6 ACBCA二、ABAC三、BABAB四、favorite; season; favo
rite; season; springlike; winter; I; like; snow笔试部分一、略二、l-9 CBBACCBCC三、(1)-(6) FDAECB四、(1) rainy (2) small; not clean (3) bus (4) No, can’t (5) Yes; is第 1 页 共 7 页