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facts & information


facts & information

Aging – The effect on materials of exposure to an environment

for an interval of time. The process of exposing materials to an

environment for an interval of time. (ASTM D883-91a – Standard

Terminology Relating to Plastics)

Antimicrobial (Biocide) – A compound commonly added to

a polymeric compound or coating to inhibit the growth of

bacteria, fungi and algae on the surface of a finished product.

Artificial Aging – The accelerated testing of materials to

determine the changes of properties (dimension stability,

chemical/solvent resistance, low temperature cracking, etc.).

(Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Artificial Weathering – Exposure to laboratory conditions, which

may be cyclic, involving changes in temperature, relative humidity,

radiant energy, and any other elements found in the atmosphere

in various geographical areas. Discussion: the laboratory condi-

tions are usually intensified beyond those encountered in actual

outdoor exposure in an attempt to achieve an accelerated effect.

(ASTM D883-91a – Standard Terminology Relating to Plastics)

Biodegradable Plastic – A degradable plastic in which the

degradation results from the action of naturally occurring

microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and algae. (ASTM

D883-91a – Standard Terminology Relating to Plastics)

Blocking – Unintentional adhesion between plastic films

or between a film and another surface. (ASTM D883-91a –

Standard Terminology Relating to Plastics)

Calendered Film – A polymeric material formed into a sheet

of uniform gauge by passing through a series of precision rolls.

Calendering – Process of forming materials to make a film/sheet

by passing them through a series of heated rolls with designated

speeds and gaps to determine the product thickness. Calender

coated fabrics have a selected textile material adhered to the

plastic film/sheet. (Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics by Lloyd

R. Whittington)

Cast Coating – A process where a liquid coating is spread on

a reusable release paper, fused or dried in an oven, and then

removed from the release paper as a solid film.

Cast Film – A film made by depositing a layer of plastic, either

molten, in solution, or in a dispersion, onto a surface, solidifying

and removing the film from the surface. (ASTM D883-91a –

Standard Terminology Relating to Plastics)

Casting – Liquid plastic poured continuously on a preformed

shape or texture for a mirror effect when dried and separated.

Cellular Plastics (Expanded, Foamed) – All names for materials

with a composition of cells dispersed throughout its mass. The

cells can be open or closed structures, and the product’s density

can be varied depending upon the formulation and/or process.

(Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Chemical Fabric – A polymeric material in a sheet form

attached to a fabric.

Chemical Film – A polymeric material that is formed in a sheet

using either naturally occurring or synthetic chemicals.

Coated Fabrics – Fabrics coated/impregnated with a plastic

solution, dispersion, hot melt, or powder. The material is usually

spread over the surface in a uniform manner. Also, fabrics with

the formed film applied from a calender or extruder are called

Laminated Coated Fabrics. (Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics

by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Coated Film – A film to which a liquid polymeric coating has

been applied to the surface to affect the surface properties

of the product.

Coating – A material that is applied to the surface of a product

with the gravure or some other process in order to change the

color or surface properties of the product.

Coating Operation – A process where a coating is applied to

a substrate and is subsequently air dried, cured in an oven,

or cured by radiation.

Coextrusion – Process of extruding multiple films from different

extruders that pass through a single die with multiple orifices

that form the exudates into a single merged film/sheet consisting

of individual welded layers. (Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics

by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Colorants – Pigments or dyes used to impart the color to a

material. They can be from natural or synthetic sources and

can be organic or inorganic in composition. (Whittington’s

Dictionary of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)


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facts & information


Composite – A construction consisting of two or more polymeric

films (usually PVC, PVC-ABS, or TPO) laminated together

or laminated to a non-polymeric substrate such as a fabric.

Compound/Compounding – A mixture of resin(s) and additives

needed to modify the resin into a suitable form to make the

finished article and the process of doing that operation.

(Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Conditioning – Placing a material into a set of standard envi-

ronmental or stress conditions prior to testing the product.

(Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Degradable Plastic – A plastic designed to undergo a significant

change in its chemical structure under specific environmental

conditions resulting in a loss of some properties that may vary

as measured by standard test methods appropriate to the

plastic and the application in a period of time that determines

its classification. (ASTM D883-91a – Standard Terminology

Relating to Plastics)

Delamination – The separation of the layers of material in

a laminate or composite. (ASTM D883-91a – Standard

Terminology Relating to Plastics)

Drape – A term to describe the way a fabric, coated fabric

and/or film falls while it hangs; the suppleness and ability

of a fabric to form graceful configurations.

Embossing – The process of imparting a specific pattern or

graining to the surface of the material. This can be done during

the film formation process or at a later operation. It generally

requires the material to be at an elevated temperature during

the process and then cooled to set in the embossing pattern.

(Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Extruder/Extrusion – A process in which heated or unheated

plastic is forced through a shaping orifice (a die) in one contin-

uously formed shape, as in film, sheet, rod, or tubing. (ASTM

D883-91a – Standard Terminology Relating to Plastics)

Fabric – In the coated fabrics industry, this term refers to the

textile material used to enhance the physicals of the composite

formed by the coating/lamination of the plastic to the textile.

The fabric usually is in a woven, knitted, or nonwoven construction.

Woven Fabrics consist of materials formed on a loom with two

separate yarns (warp and filling) that are at right angles to each

other. The two yarns go over and under each other in a desig-

nated pattern. Knitted Fabrics are formed by a single or multiple

yarns making interlocking loops. Non-Woven Fabrics are formed

by laying a continuous web of random spaced fibers to form

a uniform batting. The fibers are then bonded to form a fabric

by chemical adhesion, thermal or mechanical processes.

(Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Fabricating – The manufacture of plastic products from molded

parts, rods, tubes, sheeting, extrusions, or other forms by

appropriate operations such as punching, cutting, drilling

and tapping including fastening plastic parts together or

to other parts by mechanical devices, adhesives, heat sealing,

or other means. (ASTM D883-91a – Standard Terminology

Relating to Plastics)

Film – In plastics, an optional term for sheeting having a nominal

thickness not greater than 0.25 mm (0.01 in.). (ASTM D883-91a –

Standard Terminology Relating to Plastics) A thin sheet of uniform

gauge without any underlying support fabric.

Gravure Coating – A process by which a design or full coating is

applied to the surface of a product using an engraved cylinder.

Gravure Printing (Rotogravure) – A roll printing process where

the amount and areas of application are determined by the

location and depth of depressions engraved on the roll surface.

The excess print vehicle is wiped off the surface of the roll with

a doctoring blade prior to application. The metered print is

applied to the plastic material as it passes between the gravure

roll and a resilient surface backing roll. (Whittington’s Dictionary

of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

HAP (Hazardous Air Pollutant) – A material identified by the

EPA which has been identified as toxic when released to the


Hand – The tactile qualities of a fabric, coated fabric and/or film,

e.g., softness, firmness, elasticity, fineness, resilience, and other

qualities perceived by touch. (Man-Made Fiber and Textile

Dictionary – Celanese Corporation)

Intumescence – The condition where a plastic material expands

when exposed to very high heats and/or flames. It aides in

reducing the flamespread of a material. (Whittington’s

Dictionary of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Knitted Fabrics – See “Fabric.”


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facts & information


Lacquer – A solution of a resin(s) in a volatile solvent that when

applied to the surface of a material forms an adherent film when

the solvents have evaporated. The film has similar properties to

the resins used to make the original lacquer. (Whittington’s

Dictionary of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Laminated Coated Fabrics – See “Coated Fabrics.”

Laminate – Product(s) consisting of two or more layers which

are bonded together by an adhesive, heat, and/or pressure.

(Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Laminating – The process of combining two or more natural

or synthetic layers together.

Laminator – A machine used to combine multiple layers of poly-

mer film or a polymeric film with a fabric. This process can use

various adhesives or simply heat and pressure to combine the

multiple layers.

Latex/Latices – A resinous polymer dispersion of material in

a mainly aqueous vehicle. (Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics

by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Machine Direction and Cross Machine Direction – Machine

direction is parallel to the orientation through the equipment

by which a film is manufactured (MD). Cross machine is per-

pendicular to machine direction.

Metamerism – A term used to note the condition where a mate-

rial matches the color of another item in one type of light and

does not in another type of light. Example: two pieces match

in sunlight (daylight) but one looks too red when looked at

under incandescent light. (Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics

by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Nonrigid Plastic – For purposes of general classification, a plastic

that has a modulus of elasticity either in flexure or in tension of

not over 70 Mpa (10,000 psi) at 23°C and 50% relative humidity

when tested in accordance with ASTM Test Methods D790,

D747, D638, or D882. (ASTM D883-91a – Standard Terminology

Relating to Plastics)

Non-Woven Fabrics – See “Fabric.”

Offset Printing – Process of applying a print coat to a material

where the printing material is first applied to an intermediate

roll/plate surface. It is then transferred to the surface to be printed.

(Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Organasol – A suspension of resin and plasticizer mixture with

a volatile organic liquid (at >5% level). Used mainly to lower

viscosity of liquid material. (Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics

by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Pigments – Colorants that are insoluble in the medium in which

they are used. They can be organic (contain carbon in molecule

basic component) or inorganic (contain a metal in molecule basic

component) and derived from both natural or synthetic sources.

(Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Plastic – A material of one or several organic polymers of

large molecular weight that is solid in its finished application.

It should flow in some state of its manufacturing operation.

This definition excludes certain materials that meet some or

all of the criteria such as rubber, paint, adhesives, etc.

(Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Plasticizer – A substance incorporated in a material to increase

its workability, flexibility, or distensibility. (ASTM D883-91a –

Standard Terminology Relating to Plastics)

Plastisol – A vinyl homopolymer or copolymer suspension

containing plasticizer(s) and other needed additives. The liquid

suspension is relatively stable at lower temperatures, but will

solvate the resin to form a flexible solid material at elevated

temperatures. The plastisol can be used in varied manufacturing

processes including coating or casting a film. (Whittington’s

Dictionary of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Polymer – A product made by the reaction of simple molecular

material(s) (monomer(s)) that are linked together to form much

larger molecular structure(s) that are multiples of the monomer(s).

(Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Poly(Vinyl Chloride) – A polymer prepared by the polymerization

of vinyl chloride as the sole monomer. (ASTM D883-91a –

Standard Terminology Relating to Plastics)

Primer – A coating applied to the surface of a film to improve

the receptivity of the surface for further coating application

or improve bonds to an adhesive.

Recycled Plastic – Those plastics composed of post-consumer

material or recovered material only, or both, that may or may

not have been subject to additional processing steps of the

types used to make products such as recycled-regrind or

reprocessed or reconstituted plastics. (ASTM D883-91a –

Standard Terminology Relating to Plastics)


facts & information


facts & information


Rigid Plastic – For purposes of general classification, a plastic

that has a modulus of elasticity, either in flexure or in tension,

greater than 700 Mpa (100,000 psi) at 23°C and 50% relative

humidity when tested in accordance with ASTM Test Methods

D747, D790, D638, or D882. (ASTM D883-91a – Standard

Terminology Relating to Plastics)

Rotogravure – See “Gravure Printing.” (Whittington’s Dictionary

of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Sheet – An individual piece of sheeting. (ASTM D883-91a –

Standard Terminology Relating to Plastics) Also, see “Film.”

(Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Sheeting – A form of plastic in which the thickness is very small

in proportion to length and width and in which the plastic is

present as a continuous phase throughout, with or without filter.

(ASTM D883-91a – Standard Terminology Relating to Plastics)

Skin Layer – The relatively solid layer on the top surface of an

expanded layer of coated material. This is usually applied for

improved physical properties. (Whittington’s Dictionary of

Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Spanishing – A printing process where the print solution is

deposited in the bottoms and sides of the grain depressions

of an embossed material. Usually, the top of the grain surface is

wiped clean of the print vehicle. Also referred to as shadowing,

wash coating, and flood coating. (Whittington’s Dictionary of

Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Stabilizer – Additive being used in polymers to prevent

degradation during processing and product life against heat,

mechanical and ultraviolet stress.

Substrate – Unexposed layer or layers in a composite used

to impart physical properties rather than appearance.

Supported Product – A polymeric film laminated to a fabric

for support and strength.

Surface Tension – A measure of the surface energy of a film

or liquid. For liquid, the surface tensions are those forces

which hold the liquid together as a drop and prevent it from

wetting a surface.

Thermoplastics – Resins or plastic compounds that can be

softened by heating and reharden at cooler temperatures.

(Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Thermosets – Resins or plastic compounds that once they have

been cured (by heat, catalyst, or some chemical means) will not

resoften when heated. Note: some thermoplastic materials

can be made thermoset by cross linking with some materials.

(Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Top Coat – A term used to signify the coating applied to the

surface of the plastic material. (Whittington’s Dictionary of

Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

Transfer Coating – A process of making the coated fabrics.

The plastisol coatings are applied directly to a treated release

paper or continuous belt. After one or several layers are applied

and partially cured, a thin layer of adhesive plastisol is applied

and the textile substrate is laid onto the material. The final curing

process is completed. Then, the coated material is stripped

from the treated paper. The paper can either be flat or have

an embossed grain. It can normally be reused several times.

(Whittington’s Dictionary of Plastics by Lloyd R. Whittington)

UEV – An unsupported expandable vacuum formable product

usually produced by the cast coating process.

Vinyl Chloride Plastics – Plastics based on polymers of vinyl

chloride or copolymers of vinyl chloride with other monomers,

the vinyl chloride being the greatest amount by mass. (ASTM

D883-91a – Standard Terminology Relating to Plastics)

VOC – Volatile organic compounds that flash off from a coating

when it dries.

Waterborne Coating or Ink – A coating or ink containing solids

that is dispersed or dissolved in a vehicle that is primarily water.

Whitening – Marking of the surface of a film, coated fabric,

or composite when it is either bent or flexed.

Woven Fabrics – See “Fabric.”

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