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Old Main 380 360.650.3850 Advising@wwu.edu

College of Fine and Performing Arts

Music Performance, BMus

Contact Information:

Music Department Website:


Undergraduate Advisor:

Dennis Bonner

PA 263, 360-650-4091


Piano Coordinator:

Milica Jelaca Jovanovic

PA 17,


String Coordinator:

Walter Schwede

PA 139,


Woodwind Coordinator:

Eugene Zoro

PA 145, Gene.Zoro@wwu.edu

Brass/Percussion Coordinator:

Dr. Chris Bianco

PA 271, Chris.Bianco@wwu.edu

Vocal Coordinator:

Dr. Leslie Guelker-Cone

PA 043, Leslie.Guelker-


Guitar Coordinator:

David Feingold



Sample Careers:

University/College Professor

Studio Musician

Orchestra Musician

Arts Administrator/Manager

Member of Professional

Opera Company

Church Music Director

Voice/Instrument Teacher

What Is the Study of Music Performance?

In addition to a core set of courses in Music Theory and History, students in the performance degree

program will receive comprehensive instruction on their Primary Instrument/Voice.

Why Should I Consider This Major?

If your ultimate career goal is to be a performer in a professional orchestra or opera company or if

you aspire to teach private lessons at the college level, the Bachelor of Music in Performance is the

degree program for you.

How to Declare:

The prerequisite for all Music degrees is the entrance audition on the Primary Instrument/Voice. This

audition must be completed prior to the quarter in which the student intends to enroll. The audition

deadline for fall quarter is the end of the previous May.

Auditioned, approved entering freshmen will be declared as Music Pre-majors until the student has

passed a performance level jury. At this time the student may formally declare the Performance


Mid-Program Checkpoint:

Students intending to complete a Bachelor’s of Music degree in Music Performance within four years

should complete the following courses by the start of their junior year. Students are expected to

follow all prerequisite requirements for courses and seek early departmental advisement.


Take freshman Music core courses.

Take one or more GURs each quarter.

Take sophomore Music major core courses.

Academic Advising Center Old Main 380 360.650.3850 Advising@wwu.edu


Other Activities:

Declare Music Pre-major.

Meet with the undergraduate advisor each


Seek advising and begin studies in minor or

second major.

Academic Advising Center Old Main 380 360.650.3850 Advising@wwu.edu

Other Music Options

B.A. in Music (60 credits)

B.A.Ed. in Music—Elementary (44 credits plus 106 credits for the

Elementary Education Professional Program)

B.Mus in Music Composition (116-123 credits)

B.Mus in Music Education P-12 (161-165 credits minimum, this

includes credits for Secondary Education Professional Program)

B.Mus in Music History and Literature (116-123 credits)

Music Minor (30 credits)


These courses are offered within this major and may be used to

satisfy GUR or Writing Proficiency Requirements.

HUM: MUS 104, 105


WP: Three Writing Proficiency points are required for graduation

(they are noted as WP1, 2, and 3). Check Classfinder or Online

Timetable for departmental offerings each quarter.

? MUS 099 (0) Concert Attendance Required for every quarter

in residence. Minimum 8 concert programs or ticket stubs


? MUS 121 Aural and Keyboard Skills I (1)

? MUS 122 Theoretical and Analytical Skills I (3)

? MUS 123 Aural and Keyboard Skills I (1)

? MUS 124 Theoretical and Analytical Skills I (3)

? MUS 125 Aural and Keyboard Skills I (1)

? MUS 126 Theoretical and Analytical Skills I (3)

? MUS 221 Aural and Keyboard Skills II (1)

? MUS 222 Theoretical and Analytical Skills II (3)

? MUS 223 Aural and Keyboard Skills II (1)

? MUS 224 Theoretical and Analytical Skills II (3)

? MUS 225 Aural and Keyboard Skills II (1)

? MUS 226 Theoretical and Analytical Skills II (3)

? MUS 341 History of Music to 1600 (3)

? MUS 342 History of Music 1600-1830 (3)

? MUS 343 History of Music 1830-Present (3)

? MUS 351 Basic Conducting (2)

? MUS 466 Applied Music Pedagogy (1-3)

? MUS 499 Senior Recital (3)

? One course from:

MUS 441 Notation (3)

MUS 442 Seminar in Music History (4)

MUS 443A History of Musical Genres: Choral Music (3)

MUS 443B History of Musical Genres: Solo Song (3)

MUS 443C History of Musical Genres: Opera (3)

MUS 443D History of Musical Genres: Keyboard Music (3)

MUS 443E History of Musical Genres: Chamber Music (3)

MUS 443F History of Musical Genres: Symphonic Music (3)

MUS 443G History of Musical Genres: Concerto (3)

MUS 443H History of Musical Genres: Symphonic Music in the

20th Century (3)

MUS 443I History of Musical Genres: Opera I (3)

MUS 443J History of Musical Genres: Opera II (3)

MUS 444 Shakespeare and Music (3)

Note: Voice majors must take voice majors must take 443B or


? Two courses from:

MUS 322 Form and Analysis: Music to 1900 (3)

MUS 324A Modal Counterpoint (3)

MUS 324B Tonal Counterpoint (3)

MUS 326 Orchestration/Arranging (3)

MUS 328B Midi Notation and Sequencing for Composition (3)

MUS 422 Analytical Techniques: 20th-Century Music (3)

? Four courses from:

MUS 275 Chamber Jazz Ensembles (2)

MUS 278 Opera Workshop (1-2)

MUS 280 Collegium Musicum (1-2)

MUS 281A Applied Chamber Music: Flute (1-2)

MUS 281B Applied Chamber Music: Double Reed (1-2)

MUS 281C Applied Chamber Music: Single Reed (1-2)

MUS 281F Applied Chamber Music: High Brass (1-2)

MUS 281H Applied Chamber Music: Low Brass (1-2)

MUS 281K Applied Chamber Music: Percussion (1-2)

MUS 281L Applied Chamber Music: Strings (1-2)

MUS 281M Applied Chamber Music: Piano (1-2)

MUS 281N Applied Chamber Music: Guitar (1-2)

MUS 283 Chamber Vocal Ensembles (2)

MUS 284 Vocal Jazz Ensemble (2)

MUS 475 Chamber Jazz Ensemble (2)

MUS 478 Advanced Opera Production (1-2)

MUS 480 Advanced Collegium Musicum (1-2)

MUS 481 Advanced Applied Chamber Music (2)

MUS 483 Advanced Chamber Vocal Ensembles (2)

MUS 484 Advanced Vocal Jazz Ensemble (2)

MUS 485 New Music Ensemble (1-2)

? Applied music on major instrument or voice: (minimum 30


MUS 212 Applied Instruction: Piano (1-4)

MUS 213 Applied Instruction: Strings (1-4)

MUS 214 Applied Instruction: Winds and Percussion (1-4)

MUS 215 Applied Instruction: Voice (1-4)

MUS 216 Applied Instruction: Classical Guitar (1-4)

MUS 312 Applied Instruction: Piano (1-4)

MUS 313 Applied Instruction: Strings (1-4)

MUS 314 Winds and Percussion (1-4)

MUS 315 - Applied Instruction: Voice (1-4)

MUS 316 Applied Instruction: Classical Guitar (1-4)

including at least three credits from the following:

MUS 412 Applied Instruction: Piano (1-4)

MUS 413 Applied Instruction: Strings (1-4)

MUS 414 Applied Instruction: Winds and Percussion (1-4)

MUS 415 Applied Instruction: Voice (1-4)

MUS 416 Applied Instruction: Classical Guitar (1-4)

? Entrance by performance audition—student must expect to

achieve upper-division applied instruction by the

sophomore year.

? Applied music on major instrument or voice: MUS 212-216;

312-316; 412-416 (minimum 30 credits); including at least

three credits in courses numbered 412-416

? Chamber Music: minimum 4 quarters (4-8 credits) selected

from MUS 275, 278, 280, 281, 283, 284, 475, 478, 480,

481, 483, 484, 485

? Conducting: MUS 351 (2 credits)

? Advanced Applied Pedagogy: MUS 466 (minimum 4 credits)

? Junior Recital (required performance; prerequisite for Senior

Recital; not a course; schedule with approval of Applied

Instructor; see Music Advisor).

? Senior Recital: MUS 499 (3 credits)

? Electives: 8 credits minimum selected under advisement. Piano

student must take Applied Music Literature – MUS 467 (6

credits minimum). Voice students will take Voice Studies –

MUS 166A & 166B (5 credits), and Vocal Diction – MUS

366A, 366B, and 366C (3 credits). Guitar students must

take Fretboard Harmony – MUS 367 (minimum 1 credit),

and Introduction to Guitar Reperatory – MUS 467A and

467B (4 credits minimum).

Piano students will take a combination of major performing

ensemble and MUS 276/476 (piano accompanying) as

follows: Performance – three quarters major performing

ensemble, remaining quarters piano accompanying. Guitar

students as follows: six quarters Major Performance Ensemble

(MUS 271-or 471); three quarters of Collegium (MUS 280

or 480); and three quarters of Guitar ensemble (MUS 281N

or 481).

This document has been created for advising purposes only. Please contact the appropriate department for updates and changes.

Music Performance, BMus

(116 - 123 credits)
