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2023-03-31 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
P1 / Day98

DJI - Introducing the Mavic Air

When people say the sky is the limit, we ask, why stop there? This is the

relentless spirit and passion of DJI. And from that, we have created another

glimpse at the future of possible.

This is the Mavic Air, the newest addition to the DJI family, and another great

leap forward for the industry. The Mavic Air takes cues from all of DJI’s

landmark drones of the past and yields something unique and new in the

process. From the sleek chassis to the incredible technology inside it, it’s a

work of art that produces works of art. It is incredibly compact so you can take

it everywhere. It’s exceptionally light, making it nimble in the air without

sacrificing stability. The Mavic Air''s powerful camera is housed inside a

compact, 3-axis gimbal system, and is the only drone of its size to have one,

captures slow-motion in full HD at 120 frames per second, and takes still

photos at 12 megapixels with low latency. The new and improved Panorama

mode captures stunning 360° photos at the push of a button.

The Mavic Air''s striking industrial design is the perfect union of form and

function. And even with its compact size, Mavic Air remains stable in

unfavorably windy conditions and at higher land elevations, something that

was once only possible with larger, more expensive drones. Multiple

environment-sensing cameras ensure the safety of the Mavic Air while flying.

With front and back obstacle avoidance sensors, the Mavic Air sees more

obstructions faster.

Mavic Air redefines power and portability in a way that only DJI can make

possible. And with the Mavic Air in your hands, it will feel like anything is


一 .核心词汇

relentless [r?’lentl?s] adj. 持续强烈的;不减弱的

glimpse [ɡl?mps] n. 一瞥 vt.&vi. 瞥见

drone [dr??n] n. 无人机

yield [ji?ld] vt. 出产,产生 vt.&vi. 被迫放弃;屈服

sleek [sli?k] adj. 光滑的;线条流畅的

chassis [‘??s?] n. 底盘,底座

compact [‘kɑmp?kt] adj. 小型的;紧凑的;袖珍的

P2 / Day98

nimble [‘n?mb(?)l] adj. 敏捷的

stability [st?’b?l?t?] n. 稳定性

house [ha?s] vt. 把 …… 储藏在房内

axis [‘?ks?s] n. 轴线

gimbal [?ɡ?m.b?l] n. 常平架;稳定云台

slow-motion [‘sl?u''m?u??n] adj. 慢动作的 n. 慢动作视频

HD 高清晰度 ( High Definition)

frame [fre?m] n. 框架;【电影】画面

megapixel [‘meɡ?p?ks?l] n. 百万像素

latency [‘le?t?ns?] n. 潜伏期;延迟

stunning [‘st?n??] adj. 令人震惊的

striking [‘stra?k??] adj. 引人注目的;显著的

unfavorably [?n’feiv?r?bli] adv. 不利地;不适宜地

avoidance [?’v??d?ns] n. 避免,逃避

portability [?p?rt??b?l?ti] n. 轻便,便携

二 .核心表达

the sky is the limit 没有限制,不可限量

a great leap forward 向前一大步,一次巨大的飞跃

take cue from 模仿 …… 的样子去做;按 …… 的暗示去做

a work of art 一件艺术品

3-axis gimbal system 三轴增稳云台系统

environment-sensing camera 环境感知镜头

obstacle avoidance sensor 避障传感器

三 .参考译文

P3 / Day98

大疆 “御 ”Mavic Air无人机介绍

每当人们感叹 “天空遥不可及 ”,我们不禁质疑:为何就此放弃?大疆锐意进取

的开拓精神和创新热忱,激励我们再一次定义 “未来无所不能 ”。

这,就是 “御 ”Mavic Air,大疆的最新成员,它代表了行业的又一大飞跃。

“御 ”Mavic Air承袭了大疆过去所有旗舰级产品的优点,并融入了自己独特的创

新。风格和美感不仅体现在流线型机身和令人惊叹的先进科技, “御 ”Mavic Air

创造出来的作品也犹如艺术品般动人。 “御 ”Mavic Air轻小便捷,可以带到任何

地方。出色的轻量化机身让飞行灵活而不失平稳。虽然如此便捷,却拥有同 尺


还支持拍摄 120帧高清慢动作视频,及 1200万像素静态照片,并且延时极


“御 ”Mavic Air精湛的工业设计体现了形态和功能的完美结合。尽管机身小巧,


才能做到。多个环境感知镜头保证了飞行安全。前后避障传感器,让 “御 ”Mavic


“御 ”Mavic Air重新定义了无人机的 “强大 ”和 “便携 ”,能成就着一切的,唯有大疆

创新。 “御 ”Mavic Air在手,拥有无所不能的未来。

四 .文本精讲


When people say the sky is the limit, we ask, why stop there? 当人们说天

空就是界限,我们问到,为什么就此停止呢? limit,字面意思是 “天空是界

限 ”,不过在日常生活里,这个表达指的是 “限制你的只有头顶的天空 ”, 言外之

意其实是 “没有界限、不可限量 ”。比如说: When it comes to designing, the

sky is the limit.(谈到设计,没有什么界限。)也就是说:谈到设计,你可以自


不过在原文当中, the sky is the limit其实取的只是字面意思,是一个消极的说


出的是一种不愿受束缚的价值观。我们继 续往下看:

This is the relentless spirit and passion of DJI. 这就是大疆创新从不减弱的


relentless作形容词,表示 “持续强烈的、不减弱的 ”。

And from that, 从这种精神和激情当中,

we have created 我们创造出了

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another glimpse at the future of possible. 另一种未来可能性的体验。


这里有个表达,叫做 the sky is the词,本意是 “一瞥 ”, 也就是 “看一眼 ”,不过

这个词也可以表示 “短暂的感受或体验 ”。另外, the Future of Possible,字面意

思是 “可能的未来 ”,这也是大疆创新公司的口号,中文叫做 “未来无限可能 ”。所

以结合大疆创 新的企业背景和汉语的表达逻辑,这句话我们也可以理解成:大

疆锐意进取的开拓精神和创新热忱,激励我们再次创造出了 “未来无所不能 ”的




This is the Mavic Air, 这,就是 “御 ”Mavic Air,

然后是两个并 列的同位语,进一步引出这款无人机在大疆创新公司里的地位:

the newest addition to the DJI family, 大疆创新家族最新加入的成员,

and another great leap forward for the industry. 同时也是这个行业的又一


a great leap forward,表示 “向前一大步、一次巨大飞跃 ”。


The Mavic Air takes cues from all of DJI’s landmark drones of the past

cue作名词,表示 “暗示、线索 ”。这里有个非常好 的表达,叫做 take cue from

sth.,字面意思是 “从某物当中提取线索 ”,生活当中表示 “模仿 …… 的样子去

做 ”。这里也就是说: “御 ”Mavic Air承袭了过去大疆创新所有标志性无人机的优

and yields something unique and new in the process. 并且在(生产)过


yield作动词,表示 “出产、产生 ”。这里我们也可以简单理解成:并且融入了自


From the sleek chassis 从流线形的底盘

sleek是形容词 “光滑的、流线形的 ”; chassis这个词来自 case(箱子、盒

子),作名词指的是 “机动车的底盘、底座 ”。

to the incredible technology inside it, 到机身内部难以置信的科技,

it’s a work of art 它是一件艺术品

P5 / Day98

什么样的艺术品呢?然后是一个 that引导的定语从句:

that produces works of art. 制造艺术品(的艺术品)。

这里写得非常好。不光把 “御 ”Mavic Air的完美机型展现了出来,也暗示了它强


It is incredibly compact 它令人难以置信地袖珍

compact作形容词,表示 “小型的、紧凑的、袖珍的 ”。

so you can take it everywhere. 所以你可以把它带到任何地方。

It’s exceptionally light, 它异常地轻巧,


making it nimble in the air 这使得它在空中很敏捷

without sacrificing stability.(同时)不会牺牲稳定性。

stability这个 词,来自 stable( 形容词 “稳定的 ”),作名词表示 “稳定性 ”。

The Mavic Air''s powerful camera “御 ”Mavic Air强大的相机

is housed inside a compact, 3-axis gimbal system, 内嵌在一个紧凑的三轴


house这个词,除了可以作名词表示 “房子 ”,也可以作动词,表示 “把 …… 储藏

在房内 ”,这里我们可以理解成 “内嵌 ”。

另外这里有个比较专业的表达,叫做 3-axis gimbal system(三轴稳定云台系

统 )。 axis是名词 “轴 ”, 3-axis表示 “三轴 ”; gimbal作名词表示 “常平架 ”,指的

是 ”支撑任何物体,并且能在支撑座倾斜时仍保持水平状态的装置 ”,很像猫头


gimbal这个词翻译成相机或者摄像机的 “稳定云台 ”。

这里的 3-axis gimbal system(三轴稳定云台系统),指的是相机在 X、 Y、 Z

三个方向上都很稳定,不会四处晃动。也就是说,即使无人机在空中高 速飞


大的 特色之一。不过三轴稳定云台一般体积都比较大,而且和相机本身也是分

离的,而 “御 ”Mavic Air这款无人机直接把相机镶嵌在了云台内,而且还在保证



and is the only drone of its size to have one, 这也是唯一一款这种体积的无


P6 / Day98

到这里这句话还没完,紧接着还是共用一个主语 The Mavic Air''s powerful

camera( “御 ”Mavic Air强大的相机),继 续来阐述这款相机的其它功能:

captures slow-motion 拍摄慢镜头(画面)

in full HD at 120 frames per second, 用完全高清的每秒 120帧的方式,

这里有两个相对比较专业的术语,一个是 HD(高清),全称叫做 High

Definition,也就是 “高清晰度 ”。另一个是 120 frames per second(每秒 120

帧),简称叫做 120 FPS。所谓的 “1帧 ”( 1 frame), 指的就是 “一张静止的图

像 ”,而人眼在观看物体时,物体会成像在视网膜上,并且由 视神经输入大脑,

感觉到物体的像,但是当物体移动的时候,视神经对之前物体的印象 不会立即

消失,要延续 1/24秒左右的时间,也就是说,如果同一系列的图像变化速度能

够达到每秒 24帧,也就是 24张系列的图像在一秒内连续播放,在人眼里就会

形成连贯的运动画面。这就是为什么每秒 24帧( 24 FPS),也是动画、电影


这个时候,我们再看看 “御 ”Mavic Air拍摄慢动作视频的每秒 120帧,就大概能



and takes still photos at 12 megapixels 并且能拍摄 1200万像素的静止相片

with low latency. 以一种低延时的方式。

latency作名词,表示 “潜伏 ”,也就是 “该出现的还没有出现 ”,在摄影摄像当

中,指的是无线传输过程当中的 “延时 ”,比如说你已经按下了快门,但是隔了

好几秒才拍下自己想拍的画面,这 种延时对于捕捉一些转瞬即逝的珍贵镜头是


另外,这里还有个摄影行业的常见术语,叫做 megapixel(百万像素),

mega-做前缀表示 “百万、兆 ”, pixel是名词 “像素 ”,和 picture(图像)相关。



The new and improved Panorama mode 全新优化过的全景模式

captures stunning 360° photos( 可以)拍摄令人震惊的 360度相片

at the push of a button. 在按下按键的时候。


The Mavic Air''s striking industrial design

striking这个词,来自 strike(动词 “打击 ”),做形容词表示 “引人注目的、显著

的 ”,其实就是 “打动人心的 ”。这里是说: “御 ”Mavic Air显著的工业设计

P7 / Day98

is the perfect union of form and function. 是外 形和功能的完美结合。

And even with its compact size, 即使伴随着它紧凑的尺寸,

Mavic Air remains stable “御 ”Mavic Air(仍然能)保持稳定


in unfavorably windy conditions 在不利的多风环境

and at higher land elevations, 以及在更高的海拔上,

unfavorably这个词,来自 favorable(形容词 “有利的 ”),作副词表示 “不利

地 ”。

然后是一个同位语,具体来解释 “御 ”Mavic Air的这种稳定性能:

something that was once only possible with larger, more expensive


Multiple environment-sensing cameras 多个环境感知镜头

也就是类似 “精灵 4”上的雷达传感器。

ensure the safety of the Mavic Air while flying. 保证了 “御 ”Mavic Air的飞行


With front and back obstacle avoidance sensors, 伴随着前后的避障传感


avoidance这个词,来自 avoid(动词 “避免 ”),作名词意思不变。这里的

obstacle avoidance sensors,字面意思是 “障碍躲避传感器 ”,我们可以简单理

解成 “避障传感器 ”。

the Mavic Air sees more obstructions faster. “御 ”Mavic Air能够更快发现更


到目前为止,我们对 “御 ”Mavic Air的性能、特点可以说都了解得很到位了。接


Mavic Air redefines power and portability “御 ”Mavic Air重新定义了 “强大 ”和

“便携 ”

portability这个词来自 portable(形容词 “便携的 ”),作名词表示 “便携、轻

便 ”。


P8 / Day98

in a way that only DJI can make possible. 用一种只有大疆创新可以变为可



And with the Mavic Air in your hands, “御 ”Mavic Air在手,

it will feel like anything is possible. 就会感觉到一切皆有可能 。

作 为无人机行业的绝对佼佼者,大疆创新通过多年来不断自主研发和推出的各


发展。 2017年,大疆的无人机航拍功能由于在电视节目领域的突出贡献,比如

美国真人秀节目《极速前进》( The Amazing Race), HBO电视网史诗级科

幻电视剧《权力的游戏》( Game of Thrones)等等当中的大量航拍镜头,赢

得了 “技术及工程艾美奖 ”( Technology & Engineering Emmy Award),也为

影视拍摄的方式打开了更多精彩画面的可 能。希望通过这两课内容的学习,大



DJI - Introducing the Mavic Air

When people say the sky is the limit, we ask, why stop there? This is the

relentless spirit and passion of DJI. And from that, we have created another

glimpse at the future of possible.

This is the Mavic Air, the newest addition to the DJI family, and another great

leap forward for the industry. The Mavic Air takes cues from all of DJI’s

landmark drones of the past and yields something unique and new in the

process. From the sleek chassis to the incredible technology inside it, it’s a

work of art that produces works of art. It is incredibly compact so you can take

it everywhere. It’s exceptionally light, making it nimble in the air without

sacrificing stability. The Mavic Air''s powerful camera is housed inside a

compact, 3-axis gimbal system, and is the only drone of its size to have one,

captures slow-motion in full HD at 120 frames per second, and takes still

photos at 12 megapixels with low latency. The new and improved Panorama

mode captures stunning 360° photos at the push of a button.

The Mavic Air''s striking industrial design is the perfect union of form and

function. And even with its compact size, Mavic Air remains stable in

unfavorably windy conditions and at higher land elevations, something that

was once only possible with larger, more expensive drones. Multiple

environment-sensing cameras ensure the safety of the Mavic Air while flying.

With front and back obstacle avoidance sensors, the Mavic Air sees more

obstructions faster.

P9 / Day98

Mavic Air redefines power and portability in a way that only DJI can make

possible. And with the Mavic Air in your hands, it will feel like anything is



大疆 “御 ”Mavic Air无人机介绍

每当人们感叹 “天空遥不可及 ”,我们不禁质疑:为何就此放弃?大疆锐意进取

的开拓精神和创新热忱 ,激励我们再一次定义 “未来无所不能 ”。

这,就是 “御 ”Mavic Air,大疆的最新成员,它代表了行业的又一大飞跃。

“御 ”Mavic Air承袭了大疆过去所有旗舰级产品的优点,并融入了自己独特的创

新。风格和美感不仅体现在流线型机身和令人惊叹的先进科技, “御 ”Mavic Air

创造出来的作品也犹如艺术品般动人。 “御 ”Mavic Air轻小便捷,可以带到任何

地方。出色的轻 量化机身让飞行灵活而不失平稳。虽然如此便捷,却拥有同尺


还支持拍摄 120帧高 清慢动作视频,及 1200万像素静态照片,并且延时极


“御 ”Mavic Air精湛的工业设计体现了形态和功能的完美结合。尽管机身小巧,


才能做到。多个环境感知镜头保证了飞行安全。前后避障传感器,让 “御 ”Mavic


“御 ”Mavic Air重新定义了无人机的 “强大 ”和 “便携 ”,能成就着一切的,唯有大疆

创新。 “御 ”Mavic Air在手,拥有无所不能的未来。

五 .亮解单词

下 面我们一起来看一下这个片段里的核心词汇:

1. relentless [r?’lentl?s] adj.持续强烈的;不减弱的


relent [r?’lent] vi. 减弱;变缓和

relent这个词,听读音非常像 relax(放松),作动词表示 “减弱、变缓和 ”。比

如说: After two days, the rain relented.(两 天后,雨势减弱了。)或者说:

Her parents eventually relented and let her go to the party.(她父 母的态度最


relentless作形容词,意思是 “不减弱的、持续强烈的 ”。比如说 relentless heat

(持续的高温), relentless pressure(不断施压)等等。

P10 / Day98

2. glimpse [ɡl?mps] n. 一瞥;短暂的体验 vt. 瞥见

这个词和 glance(一瞥、瞥见)相关,不过相比 glance, glimpse也可以表示

“短暂的体验 ”,是一种比喻的用法。比如 说: This program gave us a glimpse

of a great artist at work.(这个项目让我们短暂体验了伟大艺术家工作时的情


glimpse也可以作动词,表示 “瞥见 ”,但是是个及物动词,后面要加名词。比如

说: He glimpsed his watch.(他瞥了一眼他的手表。)但是 glance作动词,

是个不及物动词,所以刚才那句话我们也可以说 成: He glanced at his watch.

3. drone [dr??n] n. 无人机

drone是个拟声词,形容的是雄峰煽动翅膀的 “嗡嗡 ”声,而无人机螺旋桨的声音

和这种嗡嗡声非常接近,所以 drone就变成了 “无人机 ”的意思。

4. yield [ji?ld] vt. 出产,产生 vt.&vi. 被迫放弃;屈服

yield作动词,在生活里常见的意思有两个,一个是 “出产、产生 ”,尤其指的是

“出产作物 ”或者 “产生效益 ”等等。比如说: Favorable weather yielded a good

crop.(好天气带来了好收成。)或者说: This investigation yielded some

unexpected results.(这次调查产生了一些出乎意料的结果。)

yield作动词,也可以表示 “被迫放弃、屈服 ”,也就是 “给困难或者敌人让步 ”。

比如说: He refused to yield (up) his gun.(他拒绝缴枪屈服。)或者说: We

shall never yield to a conqueror.(我们永远不会向征服者低头。)

5. sleek [sli?k] adj. 光滑的;线条流畅的

这个词从读音上和 slip(滑动)很像,作形容词表示 “光滑的、线条流畅的 ”。比

如说: She has sleek black hair.(她有着乌黑光滑的头发。)或者说: The

new car has very sleek lines.(这辆新车的线条很流畅。)

生活当中, sleek作形容词,也可以表示 “圆滑的、滑头的 ”。比如说: He''s one

of those sleek businessman types.(他是那种很滑头的生意人类型。)

6. compact [‘kɑmp?kt] adj. 小型的;紧凑的;袖珍的

前缀 com-表示 “共同 ”;后面的 pact和 pack(打包)相关,表示 “收紧、扎紧 ”。

compact的字面意思,是 “全部都收紧 ”,作形容词表示 “紧凑的、小型的、袖珍

的 ”。比如说 a compact camera,指的就是 “袖珍照相机 ”。另外,我们平时说的

“小型车 ”或者 “紧凑型车 ”,英语就可以叫做 compact cars。

7. nimble [‘n?mb(?)l] adj. 灵巧的;敏捷的

这个词和 number(数字)相关。再往前推,这两个单词都和 “拿、分配 ”相关,

number( 数字)指的是 “用手分配数量 ”,而 nimble指的是 “手拿的动作很快 ”,

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作形容词表示 “灵巧的、敏捷的 ”。比如说: You need nimble fingers to do this

job.(干这份工作需要你手指灵活。)或者说: He has a nimble tongue.(他的


8. frame [fre?m] n. 框架;【电影】画面

这个词和 from(来自 …… )相关,作名词表示 “框架 ”,也就是 “基本形态 ”,既可

以指 “建筑物的框架 ”,也可以指 “一个计划的基础结构 ”。比如说 a picture frame

(一个画框),或者 the basic framework of society(社会的基本构架),这

里的 framework,指的就是 “框架、构架 ”。

在电影行业当中, frame指的是构成一个连贯动态画面的其中一张照片,汉语

里叫做 “帧 ”。我们平时说的 FPS,全称叫做 Frames Per Second(每秒的帧


9. latency [‘le?t?ns?] n. 潜伏期;延迟


latent [‘le?t(?)nt] adj. 潜伏的;隐藏的

这个词前面的 lat和我们之前学过 Lethe(勒特河)相关。在希腊神话里,死去

的亡魂喝了勒特河的水,就会昏睡,忘掉前世的一切,而 latent作形容词,指

的是 “潜伏的、隐藏的 ”,也就是 “暂时不表现出来的 ”。我们平时说的病毒的 “潜

伏期 ”,英语就叫做 latent period。

10. stunning [‘st?n??] adj. 令人震惊的


stun [st?n] vt. 使震惊

这个词和 astonish(使吃惊)相关,而且从读音上很像 astonish的简化形式,

只不过 stun突出的吃惊程度更高,作动词表示 “使震惊 ”。比如说: News of the

disaster stunned people throughout the world.(灾难消息使全世界的人震


stunning作形容词,表示 “令人震惊的 ”。这个词可以表示褒义,比如说: She

looks stunning in that red dress.(她穿着那条红裙子让人很震惊。)这个时候


stunning也可以表示贬义,比如说: He suffered a stunning defeat in the




P12 / Day98

六 .带读训练


When ''people↗ say the ''sky is the ''limit, ''we ask, why↗ stop ''there↘?

( 1)语调:注意重读词汇(全文标出); 2处升调;

( 2)语音: the咬舌( th咬舌音全 文标出); sky is连读; we ask连读。

''This↗ / is the re''lentless s''pirit↗ and ''passion of ''DJI↘.

( 1)语调: 2处升调; 1处断句;

( 2)语音: re''lentless s''pirit↗ and只读一个 s+连读 +尾音 d不读; passion


And from ''that, ''we have cre''ated↗ a''nother g''limpse at the ''future

of ''possible↘.

( 1)语调: 1处升调;

( 2)语音: And读成 n(全文标出); we have连读; cre''ated↗ a’nother连

读; g''limpse at连读 +尾音 t不读; future of连读。

''This / is the ''Mavic↗ ''Air, the ''newest ad''dition to the ''DJI ''family, and

a''nother↗ great ''leap↗ ''forward for the ''industry↘.

( 1)语调: 1处断句; 3处升调;

( 2)语音: Mavic↗ ‘Air连读(全文标出); newest ad’dition连读; to弱读

[t?]; and a’nother连读; the ‘industry连读。

The ''Mavic↗ ''Air takes ''cues↗ from ''all of ''DJI’s ''landmark ''drones

of the ''past / and ''yields↗ something u''nique and''new in the ''process↘.

P13 / Day98

( 1)语调: 3处升调; 1处断句;

( 2)语音: from ''all of连读; drones of连读; and读成 n(全文 标出);

yields↗ something连读; u''nique and连读 +尾音 d不读; new in连读。

From the s''leek↗ ''chassis↗ to the in''credible tech''nology in''side it, it’s

a ''work↗ of ''art that pro''duces / ''works↗ of ''art↘.

( 1)语调: 4处升调; 1处断句;

( 2)语音: the in''credible连读; tech''nology in''side it连读; it’s a连读;

work↗ of ‘art连读 +尾音 t不读; that弱读 +尾音 t不读; works↗ of ‘art连


It is in''credibly ''compact so ''you can take it ''everywhere↘.

语音: It is in’credibly连读; take it ‘everywhere连读。

It’s ex''ceptionally ''light, ''making it ''nimble in the ''air↗ with''out↗ ''sacrificing


( 1)语调: 2处升调;

( 2)语音: It’s ex’ceptionally连读; making it连读 +尾音 t不读; nimble in连

读; the ‘air连读; with''out尾音 t不读。

The ''Mavic↗ ''Air''s ''powerful↗ camera↗ is ''housed↗ inside

a ''compact, ''3-axis ''gimbal ''system, and is the ''only drone↗ of its ''size

to ''have↗ one,

( 1)语调: 6处升调;

( 2)语音: camera↗ is连读; housed↗ inside a连读; and is连读; the

‘only连读; drone↗ of its ‘size连读; have↗ one连读。

P14 / Day98

''captures s''low-''motion in ''full ''HD at ''120 ''frames per ''second, and ''takes

still ''photos at ''12 ''megapixels with ''low ''latency↘.

语音: captures s''low-''motion in连读 +captures s''low只读一个 s; HD at ‘120

连读; photos at ‘12连读 +只读一个 t; latency鼻腔爆破。

The ''new↗ and im''proved↗ ''Pano''rama mode↗ ''captures

s''tunning ''360° ''photos / at the ''push of a ‘button↘.

( 1)语调: 3处升调; 1处断句;

( 2)语音: The ''new↗ and im’proved↗连读 +尾音 d不读; captures

s’tunning只读一个 s; at尾音 t不读; push of a连读; button鼻腔爆破。

The ''Mavic ''Air''s s''triking in''dustrial de''sign / is the ''perfect ''union of ''form

and ''function↘.

( 1)语调: 1处断句;

( 2)语音: Mavic ''Air''s s''triking in''dustrial连读; perfect ''union of ''form and

连读 +只读一个 f+尾音 d不读。

And ''even↗ with its ''compact ''size, ''Mavic ''Air remains s''table

in ''un''favorably ''windy con''ditions↗ ''and↗ at ''higher ''land ''ele''vations,

( 1)语调: 3处升调;

( 2)语音: And ‘even连读; with its连读; compact尾音 t不读; remains

s''table in只读一个 s+连读; land ‘ele''vations连读。

''something↗ that was ''once↗ ''only ''possible with ''larger, ''more↗

ex''pensive drones↘.

( 1)语调: 3处升调;

( 2)语音: that尾音 t不读; more↗ ex’pensive连读。

P15 / Day98

''Multiple↗ en''vironment-''sensing ''cameras en''sure the ''safety of the ''Mavic

''Air↗ while ''flying↘.

( 1)语调: 2处升调;

( 2)语音: Multiple↗ en’vironment-''sensing连读 +t不读; cameras en’sure

连 读; safety of连读。

With ''front↗ / ''and↗ ''back↗ ''obstacle ''avoidance ''sensors↗, the ''Mavic

''Air↗ sees ''more↗ obs''tructions↗ / ‘faster↘.

( 1)语调: 7处升调; 2处断句;

( 2)语音: front尾音 t不读; and尾音 d不读; back↗ ''obstacle ''avoidance

‘sensors连读 +avoidance ‘sensors中间只读一个 s; more↗ obs’tructions连


''Mavic↗ ''Air ''rede''fines ''power and ''port''ability / in a ''way that ''only ''DJI can

make ''possible↘.

( 1)语调: 1处升调; 1处断句;

( 2)语音: power and连读 +尾音 d不读; in a连读; that尾音 t不读。

And ''with the ''Mavic ''Air in ''your hands, it will ''feel like ''anything

is ‘possible↘.

语音: with the只读一个 th; it尾音 t不读; anything is连读。


When ''people↗ say the ''sky is the ''limit, ''we ask,

why↗ stop ''there↘?''This↗ / is the re''lentless s''pirit↗ and ''passion

P16 / Day98

of ''DJI↘.And from ''that, ''we have cre''ated↗ a''nother g''limpse

at the ''future of ''possible↘.

''This / is the ''Mavic↗ ''Air, the ''newest ad''dition to the ''DJI ''family, and

a''nother↗ great ''leap↗ ''forward for the ''industry↘.The ''Mavic↗ ''Air

takes ''cues↗ from ''all of ''DJI’s ''landmark ''drones of the ''past /

and ''yields↗ something u''nique and''new in the ''process↘.From the

s''leek↗ ''chassis↗ to the in''credible tech''nology in''side it, it’s a ''work↗ of

''art that pro''duces / ''works↗ of ''art↘.It is in''credibly ''compact so ''you can

take it ''everywhere↘.It’s ex''ceptionally ''light, ''making it ''nimble in the

''air↗ with''out↗ ''sacrificing sta''bility↘.The ''Mavic↗

''Air''s ''powerful↗ camera↗ is ''housed↗ inside a ''compact, ''3-

axis ''gimbal ''system, and is the ''only drone↗ of its ''size to ''have↗

one,''captures s''low-''motion in ''full ''HD at ''120 ''frames

per ''second, and ''takes still ''photos at ''12 ''megapixels

with ''low ''latency↘.The ''new↗ and im''proved↗ ''Pano''rama mode↗

''captures s''tunning ''360° ''photos / at the ''push of a ‘button↘.

The ''Mavic ''Air''s s''triking in''dustrial de''sign / is the ''perfect ''union of ''form

and ''function↘.And ''even↗ with its ''compact ''size, ''Mavic ''Air remains

s''table in ''un''favorably ''windy con''ditions↗ ''and↗ at ''higher ''land

''ele''vations,''something↗ that was ''once↗ ''only ''possible

with ''larger, ''more↗ ex''pensive drones↘.''Multiple↗ en''vironment-

''sensing ''cameras en''sure the ''safety of the ''Mavic

P17 / Day98

''Air↗ while ''flying↘.With ''front↗ / ''and↗ ''back↗ ''obstacle ''avoidance

''sensors↗, the ''Mavic ''Air↗ sees ''more↗ obs''tructions↗ / ‘faster↘.

''Mavic↗ ''Air ''rede''fines ''power and ''port''ability / in a ''way that ''only ''DJI can

make ''possible↘.And ''with the ''Mavic ''Air in ''your hands, it will ''feel

like ''anything is ‘possible↘.

七 .课下练习


a. 核心 词汇回顾 :

请结合语境,在括号内填写划线单词的 汉语 意思或在横线上填写括号内汉语所对


DJI - Introducing the Mavic Air

When people say the sky is the limit, we ask, why stop there? This is the

_______(持续强烈的 ) spirit and passion of DJI. And from that, we have

created another _______(一瞥 ) at the future of possible.

This is the Mavic Air, the newest addition to the DJI family, and another great

leap forward for the industry. The Mavic Air takes cues from all of DJI’s

landmark _______s(无人机 ) of the past and _______s(产生 ) something

unique and new in the process. From the _______(圆滑的 ) chassis ( )

to the incredible technology inside it, it’s a work of art that produces works of

art. It is incredibly compact ( ) so you can take it everywhere. It’s

exceptionally light, making it ______(敏捷的 ) in the air without sacrificing

_______(稳定性 ). The Mavic Air''s powerful camera is housed ( ) inside

a compact, 3-axis ( ) _______(云台 ) system, and is the only drone of

its size to have one, captures _______(慢 动作的视频 ) in full HD ( ) at

120 _______s(画面 ) per second, and takes still photos at 12 megapixels

( ) with low _______(延迟 ). The new and improved Panorama mode

captures stunning ( ) 360° photos at the push of a button.

The Mavic Air''s _______(引人注目的 ) industrial design is the perfect union of

form and function. And even with its compact size, Mavic Air remains stable in

unfavorably ( ) windy conditions and at higher land elevations,

P18 / Day98

something that was once only possible with larger, more expensive drones.

Multiple environment-sensing cameras ensure the safety of the Mavic Air

while flying. With front and back obstacle _______(避免 ) sensors, the Mavic

Air sees more obstructions faster.

Mavic Air redefines power and ________(轻便;便携 ) in a way that only DJI

can make possible. And with the Mavic Air in your hands, it will feel like

anything is possible.

核心词汇 :

relentless不停的 ; 持续强烈的 glimpse一瞥 drone无人机

yield出产 , 产生 sleek圆滑的 chassis底盘 , 底座

compact紧凑的 nimble敏捷的 stability稳定性

house把 …… 储藏在房内 axis轴线 gimbal常平架 ; 云

slow-motion慢动作的视频 HD 高清晰度 ( High Definition) frame

框架 ; 【电影】画面

megapixel百万像素 latency潜伏期 ; 延迟 stunning极好的 ;


striking引人注目的 ; 显著的 unfavorably不利地 ; 不适宜地 avoidance

避免 , 逃避

portability轻便 , 便携

b. 核心表达回顾 :

DJI - Introducing the Mavic Air

When people say the sky is the limit, we ask, why stop there? This is the

relentless spirit and passion of DJI. And from that, we have created another

glimpse at the future of possible.

This is the Mavic Air, the newest addition to the DJI family, and another great

leap forward for the industry. The Mavic Air takes cues from all of DJI’s

landmark drones of the past and yields something unique and new in the

process. From the sleek chassis to the incredible technology inside it, it’s a

work of art that produces works of art. It is incredibly compact so you can take

it everywhere. It’s exceptionally light, making it nimble in the air without

sacrificing stability. The Mavic Air''s powerful camera is housed inside a

compact, 3-axis gimbal system, and is the only drone of its size to have one,

captures slow-motion in full HD at 120 frames per second, and takes still

photos at 12 megapixels with low latency. The new and improved Panorama

mode captures stunning 360° photos at the push of a button.

P19 / Day98

The Mavic Air''s striking industrial design is the perfect union of form and

function. And even with its compact size, Mavic Air remains stable in

unfavorably windy conditions and at higher land elevations, something that

was once only possible with larger, more expensive drones. Multiple

environment-sensing cameras ensure the safety of the Mavic Air while flying.

With front and back obstacle avoidance sensors, the Mavic Air sees more

obstructions faster.

Mavic Air redefines power and portability in a way that only DJI can make

possible. And with the Mavic Air in your hands, it will feel like anything is



1.the sky is the limit ____________________

2.向前一大步 , 一次巨大的飞跃 ____________________

3.take cue from ____________________

4.一件艺术品 ____________________

5.3-axis gimbal system ____________________

6.环境感知镜头 ____________________

7.obstacle avoidance sensor ____________________

参考答案 :

1. 没有限制 , 不可限量 2. a great leap forward

3. 模仿 …… 的样子去做 ; 按 …… 的暗示去做 4. a work of art

5. 三轴增稳云台系统 6. environment-sensing camera

7. 避障传感器

c.举一反三 :

1._______ your cue _______ me at the party about when it is time to leave.


2. The actual nest is a work of art. (英译汉 )


3. They have found that, in terms of both salary and career success, _______

_______ _______ _______ _______.


P20 / Day98

4. These applications propose higher requirements for the navigation and ___

____ _______ ability of mobile robot.


5. 中国的经济近几年得到了跳跃式的发展。 (汉译 英 )


参考答案 :

1. Take… from…;

2. 真实的鸟巢十分精致

3. the sky is the limit;

4. obstacle avoidance;

5. China''s economy has made a great leap forward in recent years.


1. 大疆锐意进取的开拓精神和创新热忱 , 激励我们再一次定义 “未来无所不

能 ”。



2. 前后避障传感器,让 “御 ”Mavic Air能够更快发现更多障碍物。



参考答案 :

1. This is the relentless spirit and passion of DJI. And from that, we have

created another glimpse at the future of possible.

2. With front and back obstacle avoidance sensors, the Mavic Air sees more

obstructions faster.

附听力训练参考答案 :

1. The Mavic Air takes cues from all of DJI’s landmark drones of the past and

yields something unique and new in the process.

2. Mavic Air redefines power and portability in a way that only DJI can make

