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2023-05-27 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
2021北京东城初二(上)期末英 语一、单项选择1. Jack is a kind boy. He is always ready to
help _________ classmates.A. herB. hisC. theirD. your2. The best
time to visit Beijing is _________ September or October.A. onB. o
fC. atD. in3.- _________ do you go to the park, Sara?- Once a wee
k.A. How longB. How farC. How oftenD. How much4. Table tennis is
_________ than tennis in China.A. popularB more popularC. most po
pularD. the most popular5. I felt really tired yesterday, _______
__ I went to bed earlyA. orB. butC. soD. for6.- Must I arrive bef
ore 7: 00 tomorrow morning?- Yes, you _________ .A. mustB. mayC.
canD. need7. Chinese people usually _________ chopsticks to eat n
oodles.A. useB. are usingC. will useD. used8.-Tom, I told you to
tidy up your room, but you didn''t do it.- Sorry, Mum, I forgot. I
_________ it after lunch.A. doB. didC. am doingD. will do9. You
can''t find Sam in his room right now. He _________ in the library
.A. studiesB. was studyingC. is studyingD. studied10. Mary ______
___ to the museum with her friends last week.A. is goingB. goesC.
will goD. went11. He hoped _________ a good grade in the exam.A.
to getB. gotC. gettingD. get12. My mother _________ the house wh
en I got home.A. cleansB. was cleaningC. is cleaningD. cleaned二、完
形填空Chris carried the last chair up from the basement (地下室) . He s
et it out and got himself a glass of orange juice from the table.
"Chris, that''s for the 13 , "his mother said. "But I''m thirst
y. ""Then get yourself a drink from the fridge. And when you''re d
one, help your father set up the volleyball net. " "Why isn''t Ku
rt 14 ? "Chris asked. "It''s his graduation (毕业) party. Why am
I doing all the work while he''s out with his friends? "Chris was
heading to the backyard when Kurt got back on his bike. Chris tu
rned and glared (瞪着) at his 15 ."I''m going to take a shower befo
re the party, " Kurt said, heading inside."Chris, could you get a
nother table from the basement? "his mom said.Chris was quite 16
. "I''m doing all the work and he''s going to shower! "he thoug
ht. Chris helped his father with the volleyball net and then sear
ched the basement for another table. He saw one in the space unde
r the stairs and tried to pull it out."I''ll get it, "Kurt said, c
oming up behind him."It''s time for you to do 17 . This is you
r party. And people are going to give you presents and money. But
I wasted my whole day setting up while you were out with your fr
iends. ""You thought I was spending time with my friends? ""Weren
''t you? " "No. I was 18 . I had to get a job to help pay for
college. I started mopping (用拖把拖) floors at the supermarket at fi
ve o''clock this morning. ""Oh, "Chris said. 19 , he felt carr
ying a few table sand chairs wasn''t so bad. "There''s still an hou
r before the party starts. You should relax. Take a nap (小睡) or s
omething. ""You don''t 20 helping set up while I nap? "Kurt asked
."No. "Chris smiled. "Happy graduation! "13. A. dinnerB. picnicC.
partyD. trip14. A. drinkingB. helpingC. talkingD. playing15. A.
motherB. fatherC. sisterD. brother16. A. unhappyB. afraidC. serio
usD. calm17. A. anythingB. somethingC. nothingD. everything18. A.
sleepingB. studyingC. restingD. working19. A. SuddenlyB. Luckily
C. SlowlyD. Hopefully20. A. enjoyB. finishC. mindD. try三、阅读理解ABoo
k ReviewsAction PlanAction Plan is all about famous sportspeople,
and there are some and wonderful photos of them.You''ll photos of
them.are You''ll some also find out about things like the food th
ey eat the number of hours they train. and what they do to what t
hey prepare for important matches.Parrots in ParadiseThis adventu
re story is about a young girl lost on a beautiful island with on
ly birds and animals. The story tells about some of the difficult
ies she has, but it''s also an exciting story. If you love adventu
res, this book is for you!Endless DaysIn this book, the writer te
lls the true story of the first pilots (飞行员) to fly across the At
lantic. With plenty of photos and a discussion of the importance
of these flights for the modern world, the book successfully brin
gs history to life forreaders everywhere.Our LivesThis is the per
fect book if you’re interested in how people live in how people l
ive in different parts of the world. It also has recipes (食谱) for
traditional meals from these places. There are wonderful photos,
not only of the people, but also of the countryside and the wildl
ife in each place.21. If you like adventure stories, you should r
ead _________ .A. Action PlanB. Our LivesC. Parrots in ParadiseD.
Endless Days22. Action Plan is about _________ .A. some pilotsB.
famous sportspeopleC. a young girlD. wildlife in the world23. Fr
om Our Lives, you can learn about _________ .A. important flights
in historyB. training and preparation for matchesC. difficulties
in living alone on an islandD. people''s lives in different parts
of the worldBGrowing up PoorMy name is Mike, and I was born in a
very poor neighborhood in Los Angeles. When I was little, my fat
her died and my mother took care of my brother and me alone. She
had to take two jobs so that we could have food, clothes, and a p
lace to live in. She was great. We loved her and were thankful fo
r her. Every day, she usually arrived home very late, and she was
tired. Still, she always cooked nice meals for us, played with u
s, and made sure that we did our homework. She always told us how
important it was to get a good education. "I couldn''t finish sch
ool because I was too poor. That''s why I must work so hard now, a
nd I make so little money, "she often said.Most children in our n
eighborhood were very rude, so it wasn''t easy to be a good studen
t in our neighborhood. The other children hated you if you got go
od grades, so I wasn''t very popular. The only good thing about li
ving in that place was that you needed to be very clever to survi
ve (生存), and that helped me later in life. Finally, my brother an
d I could finish high school. I went to university because I was
a very good basketball player. On the day of my graduation, my mo
ther was in tears (眼泪). And she was in tears again the day I show
ed her our new flat, away from the neighborhood. Do you know how
difficult it is to get out of a poor neighborhood? It''s very hard
, but thanks to my mum, I did it. Now she doesn''t have to do two
jobs anymore, and I take care of her.24. The writer''s mother told
him it was important _________ .A. to work after schoolB. to get
a good educationC. to make much moneyD. to take care of his fami
ly25. The writer wasn''t popular in the neighborhood because _____
____ .A. his family was too poorB. he couldn''t play basketballC.
the other children were cleverer than himD. the other children di
dn''t like good students26. How does the writer feel about his lif
e now?A. Surprised.B. Bored.C. Pleased.D. Worried.27. What does t
his story mainly tell us?A. We should try to improve our life.B.
Children must listen to their mothers.C. We must live in a friend
ly neighborhood.D. Parents and children should love each other.CW
orking on Your Workout Most people know that regular (经常的) exerci
se is very important for good health and appearance. However, mos
t people do not know how to exercise in the right way. They make
the same common workout mistakes. If someone is not working out c
orrectly, he or she will hardly see the results he or she wants.
Here are a few tips to help you get the best workout results.One
of the most common workout mistakes is doing the same routine (日常
锻炼) over and over again. This does not challenge your muscles (肌肉
), and it can actually stop your muscles from growing and repairi
ng themselves. It is important to change your routine every six t
o eight weeks. You can add different workouts to your routine, su
ch as swimming, yoga or biking, to make sure your whole body stay
s fit. This will help make your workouts more interesting, and be
nefit your health and muscle development as well. Another mistake
people often make is to work out too hard, too often.Your body n
eeds to rest between workouts. It is best to have no more than tw
o hard workouts every week. If you want to have more than two har
d workouts every week, you''d better work out for only about twent
y minutes on the other days. Or you can plan easier workouts for
forty to sixty minutes between days of shorter and harder workout
s. However, experts suggest resting at least one day each week, e
specially after hard workout days.If you want to make a real diff
erence in your health, remember not to make these common workout
mistakes, and always have fun while exercising.28. Changing your
workout routine every six to eight weeks can _________ .A. make w
orkouts easier for youB. help your whole body stay fitC. stop you
r muscles from growingD. make you lose interest in working out29.
What suggestion does the passage give us?A. Resting at least one
day every week.B. Doing hard workouts for an hour every day.C. H
aving more than two hard workouts every week.D. Planning easy wor
kouts before hard workouts every time.30. What''s the main idea of
this passage?A. We should try to have fun while exercising.B. Re
gular exercise is very important for good health.C. Most people k
now how to exercise in the right way.D. Exercising correctly is t
he key to getting the best results.D The Amazon rainforest is the
largest rainforest in the world. It covers around 5. 5 million s
quare kilometers of land in South America. About 60% of the Amazo
n rainforest is in Brazil. It is home to thousands of animals. Bu
t the rainforest''s future is worrying. People are quickly destroy
ing this rich land. Deforestation has been a big problem in the A
mazon since the 1960s. Farmers cut down trees to clear more land
for farms and homes. Loggers (伐木工人) want more wood from the trees
. Some companies want to dig under the ground. Scientists have fo
und that the Amazon is losing about 11, 000 square kilometers a y
ear.Why should we worry about a rainforest far from where we live
? Deforestation reduces the rainforest''s diversity(多样性) of plants
and animals. The Amazon is one of the richest areas of the world
in animal and plant diversity. Scientists guess that they have f
ound only a small number of all species(物种) that live in the rain
forest. As people destroy the forest, some animals and plants may
die out before they are found. Deforestation affects people too.
Many of the foods and medicines we need come from the rainforest
. The Amazon is called the "lungs of the earth. " lts trees clean
the air by taking in carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) and giving off oxygen
. Too much carbon dioxide in the air is harmful. It makes global
(全球) warming worse. Stopping deforestation is not an easy task. B
razil''s government set up two national parks in the Amazon rainfo
rest. It placed about 15, 000 square kilometers of rainforest und
er protection. But many international leaders and scientists said
it was not enough. "The main cause of deforestation is populatio
n growth in Brazil, "scientist Jim Bowyer of the University of Mi
chigan said, "People need land for farming and wood for heat and
cooking. To stop deforestation, we need to solve the problem of p
opulation growth first. "31. The word "destroying"in Paragraph 2
probably means " _________ ".A. leavingB. developingC. harmingD.
searching32. What do Paragraphs 3 and 4 mainly talk about?A. The
reasons for protecting the Amazon.B. The causes of deforestation
in the Amazon.C. The scientists'' research work in the Amazon.D. T
he living situations of all species in the Amazon.33. What can we
learn from the passage?A. Farmers cut down trees mainly to sell
for money.B. Cutting down trees makes global warming worse.C. Sci
entists know most of the animals and plants in the Amazon.D. The
main solution to deforestation is setting up national parks.四、任务型
阅读Culture makes one group of people different from another. Each
society has its own ways of doing things and this makes each cult
ure different and special.The original (最早的) people of New Zealan
d are the Maori. They came to New Zealand from the Pacific in the
10th century. Today, about 15 percent of the population is Maori
. Maori customs (习俗), language and culture are special to New Zea
land and make up a large part of New Zealand culture. Over the la
st two hundred years other people have come: first British people
, then Chinese, Indians and Europeans. More recently, people from
the Pacific, Asia, Alrica and the Middle East have made New Zeal
and their home. All these people add to New Zealand culture.What
makes New Zealand different? Tourists come to New Zealand for the
beautiful natural scenery (景色) and nature plays a very important
part in the lives of New Zealanders. They like to go to the sea,
go for walks in the forest, and go camping in the holidays. They
are proud of their beautiful country. When you think of New Zeal
and, what do you think of? You might think of sheep. It is true t
hat there are far more sheep than people. Wherever you drive in t
he country, sooner or later you will see sheep. You might think o
f rugby. New Zealanders are known for their love of sports.New Ze
alanders call themselves Kiwis. The kiwi, the kiwi national bird,
can''t fly and only comes out at night. However, Kiwi people like
to travel to other countries, probably because New Zealand is a
long way from anywhere else. They also like to stay at home at night and go to bed early. Many visitors, especially from Asian countries, are surprised that there is so little night life in New Zealand. Many things make up the culture of a country. These are some of the things that make New Zealand culture different and special.34. When did the Maori come to New Zealand?35. What do tourists come to New Zealand for?36. What animals can you see in New Zealand?37. Why do Kiwi people like to travel to other countries?38. What is the passage mainly about?五、写作根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。文中已给出内容 不计入总数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。假如你是李华,你们学校英文校刊正在开展以“My favourite sport”为 主题的征文活动。请你写一篇短文投稿,谈谈你最喜欢的运动是什么和喜欢 它的原因,做这项运动的时间和地点,以及这项运动对你的益处等。提示词语: running, easy, playground, at weekends, keep fit 提示问题: ? What''s your favourite sport? Why do you like it?? When and where do you usually do the sport?? What benefits do you get from doing the sport?My favourite sport 1 / 1