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2023-05-28 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
2014-2021北京初中英语期末汇编:名词一.选择题(共8小题)1.(2021春?门头沟区期末)The second month of a
year is______.(  )A.JanuaryB.FebruaryC.MarchD.April2.(2021春?门头沟区
期末)﹣ What''s the weather like in______in Beijing,Mike?﹣ It''s very
hot.(  )A.springB.summerC.autumnD.winter3.(2021春?海淀区校级期末)There is
some _________in the noodles.(  )A.beefB.eggC.potatoesD.vegetabl
e4.(2020秋?海淀区期末)﹣ Tom, what are you going to be when you grow up?
﹣ I am going to be_______because I think it is exciting to play a
role in a movie.(  )A.a pilotB.an actorC.a pianistD.an engineer5
.(2019春?西城区期末)Our school project has been a big __________. It wo
n first prize.(  )A.pityB.dreamC.problemD.success6.﹣﹣﹣Will you ke
ep these old toys?﹣﹣﹣Of course.They hold the sweetest _____ about
my childhood.(  )A.goldB.silenceC.researchD.memory7.﹣You may go
to Milan for a free trip.﹣It''s a very kind_____,but I really can''
t accept it.(  )A.excuseB.offerC.promiseD.decision8.﹣What is the
____ of your excellent spoken English?﹣Practice makes perfect!(
末)The second month of a year is______.(  )A.JanuaryB.FebruaryC.Ma
ary一月 C.March三月 D.April四月";故排除A、C和D。故选:B。【点评】名词词义辨析类题目,要先弄明白空白处所缺
失部分在句子中的含义,然后再从所给选项中逐一比对,直至找到正确答案。2.(2021春?门头沟区期末)﹣ What''s the we
ather like in______in Beijing,Mike?﹣ It''s very hot.(  )A.springB.
summerC.autumnD.winter【分析】﹣﹣麦克,北京夏天的天气怎么样?﹣﹣太热了。【解答】从答语"It''s too
hot太热了"我们可以推出,他们在谈论北京的"夏天summer"天气,而不是"A.spring 春天 C.autumn 秋天D.w
选项中逐一比对,直至找到正确答案。3.(2021春?海淀区校级期末)There is some _________in the n
oodles.(  )A.beefB.eggC.potatoesD.vegetable【分析】面条里有一些牛肉。【解答】根据is和
淀区期末)﹣ Tom, what are you going to be when you grow up?﹣ I am goin
g to be_______because I think it is exciting to play a role in a
movie.(  )A.a pilotB.an actorC.a pianistD.an engineer【分析】﹣﹣汤姆,你长大
后打算做什么?﹣﹣我要成为一名演员,因为我认为在电影中扮演一个角色是令人兴奋的。【解答】a pilot一名飞行员;an actor
一名演员;a pianist一名钢琴家;an engineer一名工程师。根据I think it is exciting to
play a role in a movie"我认为在电影中扮演一个角色是令人兴奋的"可知,应该是"一名演员"。故选:B。【点评】
考查名词,要在理解名词意思的基础上,根据具体语境,掌握一些常识,选择合适答案。5.(2019春?西城区期末)Our school
project has been a big __________. It won first prize.(  )A.pityB
.dreamC.problemD.success【分析】我们学校的项目取得了很大成功.它得了一等奖.【解答】根据题干It won
first prize,推出我们学校的项目取得了很大成功.结合选项,A.遗憾 B.梦想 C.问题 D.成功.句意:我们学校的项目取
得了很大成功.它得了一等奖.故选:D.【点评】熟悉名词词义的用法,结合题意,给出答案.6.﹣﹣﹣Will you keep the
se old toys?﹣﹣﹣Of course.They hold the sweetest _____ about my ch
ildhood.(  )A.goldB.silenceC.researchD.memory【分析】﹣﹣你将要保存这些旧玩具吗?﹣﹣
意思是"研究";memory意思是"记忆".根据"the sweetest _____ about my childhood."我
代的美好记忆."综上所述,故选D.【点评】首先要掌握这个句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案.7.﹣You may
go to Milan for a free trip.﹣It''s a very kind_____,but I really c
an''t accept it.(  )A.excuseB.offerC.promiseD.decision【分析】﹣﹣你可以去米兰
免费旅行.﹣﹣这是一个非常好的提议,但是我真的不能接受.【解答】A.excuse 借口; B.offer出价,提议; C.prom
ise 诺言;D.decision决定.根据but I really can''t accept it.可知我不能接受的应是一个提议
.故选B.【点评】明确给出的四个单词的意义,然后根据句意做出正确解答.8.﹣What is the ____ of your
excellent spoken English?﹣Practice makes perfect!(  )A.resultB.influenceC.dutyD.secret【分析】﹣你的极好的英语口语的秘密是什么?﹣熟能生巧.【解答】A.结果 B.影响 C.职责 D.秘密,根据Practice makes perfect熟能生巧,推出问的是:你的极好的英语口语的秘密是什么?故选:D.【点评】熟悉名词的基本词义和基本用法,结合题意,给出答案. 2 / 2