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2023-05-31 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
绝密★启用前兰州市第六十一中学2023届高三第一次质量检测英 语第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第 一 节 (共5小题;每小题1.
秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What will Jack do after supper? (
)A.Go to the park. B.Stay at home. C.Have a walk.2. What was Je
rry doing when Peter came in? ( ) A.Making a phone. B.Preparing a
report. C.Talking with Mary.3.How much did the car cost? ( )A.$
15,000. B.$30,000. C.$50,000.4.What does the man mean? ( )A. Bi
ll should feed the dog today. B.Bill forgot to feed the dog yest
erday.C. There is no need to feed the dog today5.Why does the man
turn down the woman? ( )A.He has no MP4 player at all. B.He brok
e his MP4 player last weckend.C.He has lent his MP4 player to som
eone.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、
B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每
段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.Who is going to hold a party? ( )A.Tom
. B. Mary. C.Peter.7. What is the man doing tonight? ( ) A. Goin
g out with the woman. B. Going to the movies.C. Watching a footba
ll match at home.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. How does the woman feel about
the rock concert? ( )A. Very interesting. B. Too noisy. C.So tir
ing.9. What is the woman''s last suggestion? ( ) A. Catching a mo
vie, B.Going to a play. C.Playing tennis.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Why
does the woman blame the man? ( ) A.He works a little slow. B.
He can''t operate the machine.C.He designs machines for right hand
ers.11.Who was left-handed in the woman''s family besides her? (
)A. Her father. B.Her mother. C. Her brother.12. What happened
to the man''s right hand? ( ) A.It was cut off. B.It was broken.
C.It was burnt.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.Why does the man buy a new ce
ll phone? ( )A.To listen to music. B.To send it to his daughter.
C.To surf the Internet.14. How many colors does the cell phone c
ome in? ( ) A.Three. B.Four.C.Five.15. Which cell phone does the
man choose? ( ) A.A white one. B.A black one. C.A pink one.16. H
ow long is this cell phone guaranteed? ( ) A. Refund it in 5 day
s and exchange it in one year.B. Refund it in 7 days and exchange
it in one month.C. Refund it in 7 days and exchange it in one ve
ar.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Where was the Margherita pizza''s birthpl
ace? ( ) A.Naples. B.Roman. C. Italy.18. How long is the curren
t longest pizza? ( ) A.2 kilometers. B. 1,261 meters. C. 1,595 m
eters.19. Who was the largest pizza on record in honor of? ( ) A.
Octavian Augustus. B.Bourbon Queen Regina Margherita.C.The Queen
of Italy.20. When was the Margherita pizza first baked? ( )A.In
2017. B.In 1889. C.In 2000.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第 一 节 (共15小题;每小题
2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AThe OECD is a global e
conomic forum(论坛)working with 36 member countries and more than 1
00 emerging and developing economies to make better policies for
better lives. Our mission is to promote policies that will improv
e the economic and social well-being of people around the world.
We provide a unique forum in which governments work together to s
hare experiences on what drives economic,social and environmental
change,seeking solutions to common problems.What do Young Profess
ionals do?The Young Professionals Programme(YPP)brings talented y
oung professionals into the OECD to workand develop their career
with the guidance of senior colleagues.The programme lasts two ye
ars during which our Young Professionals(YPs)work with experience
d andenthusiastic people,representative of a rich diversity of cu
ltures,languages and professional backgrounds.They work with seni
or national policy makers who participate in the OECD''s technical
and policy meetingseach year.Are you an ideal candidate for this
programme?First,to be qualified,you must satisfy these 2 criteri
a:● be born on or after 30 September 1989(exceptions will be made
for nationals of OECD member countries which have madatory milit
ary service)● have an OECD member country nationality● an advance
d academic degree in a subject of relevance to the OECD''s work● a
minimum of two years'' full-time professional experience in relat
ed fields for candidates with Master''s degree(s)● strong quantita
tive and analytical skills demonstrated by academic achievement F
or more information,please contact us at www.oecd.org/social-medi
a.21. What is special about OECD? ( ) A. It''s a website working f
or 36 countries.B. It provides some policies beneficial to econom
ic.C. It is aimed at improving the economic situations globally.D
. It offers more job opportunities to those who love sharing expe
riences.22. What kind of people can become a member of YPP? ( ) A
. People who are young and really talented. B. People who are tal
ented and richly experienced. C. Young people who are skilled in
a certain area. D. Young people who are gifted in a specific fiel
d.23. How many requirements do you need to meet to apply for YPP?
( ) A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Six.BA couple of years ago,the id
ea of putting on a pair of boxing gloves would have had me weepin
g with laughter. I was always the girl with two left feet; more l
ikely to accidentally slap myself in the face than accurately hit
a boxing pad . Despite being highly suspicious(怀疑的)of the gym,I
had managed to stay moderately fit andstrong through an active li
festyle,but formal exercise has always felt like something that w
asn''t for me.But in late 2017,at the age of 35,the previous mind
worked their way loose. Due to a mixture of outside stresses and
overwork,I found myself no longer the confident,decisive and happ
y person I had been.My thoughts took themselves down a sense of w
orry and panic.My life felt confusing,and I couldn''t find pleasur
ein the things I loved. I was unwell and needed to find a way to
get better.With some financial support from my parents,I enlisted
a personal trainer.My trainer,Jo,presentedexercise in a way I ha
d never seen before:as a way to boost myself up rather than shrin
k down,and to help mybody be stronger and fitter for the things I
wanted to do every day. With this framework,I finally found myse
lfunderstanding why I would want to make exercise part of my life
.Then one day,out came a pair of boxing gloves.I put them on and
aimed at the pads before me. I had never thrown a punch before an
d expected to feel ridiculous.Instead,it felt good. I quickly lea
ned how to rotate(转动) my fist and then swiftly pull it back to gu
ard my face; how to use the power in my legs and my stomach muscl
es. Now,when I find myself wondering who I am and what I''m worth,
I look down at my arms. Thanks to the boxing,my newly defined mus
cle remind me of what I''m made of;the determination to thrive(成长)
as well as survive.24. What can we learn about the author from th
e first paragraph? ( ) A. She was injured when boxing. B. She ha
s no gift for exercising.C. She likes boxing very much. D. She d
islikes doing exercise.25. Why did the author decide to find a pe
rsonal trainer? ( ) A.To keep stronger. B.To learn boxing. C. To
beat anxicty. D.To find a hobby.26. What does the underlined word
“it”in Paragraph 4 refer to? ( ) A.Glove. B.Hand. C.Leg. D.Fist
.27. What does the author intend to say in the last paragraph? (
) A. She is proud of her boxing. B. She feels content with her b
ody.C. She will go on playing boxing. D. She got benefits from bo
xing.COver one million immigrants enter the United States each ye
ar. They have three key roles to play: leaders or caregivers of t
heir families,community members,and workers.For each of these rol
es,learning and usingthe English language is critical to helping
them integrate into their new home!Typically,an immigrant''s Engli
sh as a Second Language(ESL)classes will be3-6 hours/week and the
y will continue for at least 120 hours. They will need to learn l
anguage for specific areas such as family, healthcare,financial,a
nd literary. Learning English for purposes of exploring the civic
requirements for the U.S. Naturalization test and employment are
two other important reasons and will help immigrants make theirn
ew home much easier.Transitioning to a new culture,including lear
ning the language and traditions,can be very difficult and emotio
nally distressing .Sometimes a psychologist is turned to for help
. A psychologist will have an advanceddegree with a license for t
he particular state and evaluate mental,emotional or behavior dis
orders.There are many ways within the family to work on English w
hile spending time with family. Reading out loud each evening,suc
h as a chapter from a book all will enjoy,will help train the car
to English and help with pronunciation. Playing simple games whe
re reading and speaking some easier words is also a good idea,suc
h as Go Fish.28. What is the key to helping immigrants integrate
into their new home? ( ) A. Ignoring the English language. B. Stu
dying and using English.C. Attending a Second Language(ESL)class.
D. Reading and speaking some easier words.29. How long does an i
mmigrant need to learn a Second Language? ( )A.3-6 hours/day. B.
3 weeks. C. Not less than 120 hours. D.At most 120 hours.30. What
does the underlined word“distressing”in Paragraph 3 probaily mea
n? ( ) A.Annoying B.Exciting. C.Encouraging D.Surprising31. What
can we know from the last paragraph? ( ) A. We can''t learn Engli
sh when we''re with family.B. Playing difficult games is useful fo
r learning English.C. We should read a book we don''t enjoy.D. Rea
ding out loud is helpful to learn English.DFor the past four deca
des,the IOC Athletes''Commission has worked tirelessly to increase
support for athletes and ensure that their views are represented
as part of the IOC decision-making process.But whatexactly is th
e Commission,and how does it work?The Athletes''Commission is a te
am of up to 23 Olympians,volunteers who have been the link and vo
ice between athletes and IOC ever since the Commission was first
founded back in 1981.They work to ensure that athlete viewpoints
are at the heart of all the decisions made by the Olympic Movemen
t,which is one of the key objectives of Olympic Agenda 2020.A maj
ority of the Commission members are elected by their fellow athle
tes,and appointed members may be added to the Commission to provi
de additional professional knowledgeand ensure a good balance bet
ween regions,genders and sports.One of the Commission''s main role
s is to empower athlete participation through various projects,su
ch as the historic Athletes'' Rights and Responsibilities Declarat
ion,which was adopted at the IOC Session in Buenos Aires in Octob
er 2018.The Commission is also devoted to supporting athlete deve
lopment on and off the field of play,working with the IOC on reso
urces such as Athlete365,the one-stop digital platform for excell
ent athletes 365 days a year, and Athlete365 Career +,which has s
o far helped more than45,000 athletes makethe transition to a new
career post-sport,or combine athletic performance with work.In a
ddition,The Commission also tries to find ways to advocate for th
e views of athletes who havetraditionally been under-represented
in global sports decision-making.32. How does the Commission asso
ciate athletes with IOC? ( )A. By expressing volunteers'' views.
B. By offering help in professional knowledge.C. By making athlet
es'' ideas a reality in decision. D.By balancing the differences b
etween regions.33. Which of the following best explains the under
lined word“empower”in Paragraph 3? ( ) A.Enable. B.Enhance. C.Pr
ovide. D.Allow.34. What can we know about the Commission? ( ) A.
It succeeds in solving athletes'' employment.B. It plays an import
ant part in helping athletes.C. It can improve athletes'' particip
ation in competition.D. It mainly devotes to athletes'' developmen
t in various fields.35. What can be a suitable title for the text
? ( )A. The Role of the IOC B. The Past and Future of the IOCC.
The Aim of the Athletes''Commission D. The Introduction of the Ath
letes'' Commission第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳
选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。No matter how confident and strong you are,you wil
l have to deal with rough times at some point in yourlife. 36 He
re''s how to never lose hope and live a positive life.There''s no p
erfect life.Your life can be happy,miserable or boring,but not pe
rfect. 37 Learn how to turn your failuresand disappointment into
success and try to surround yourself with positive people only.H
ave a plan.You probably have many goals and dreams,but do you hav
e an actual plan? Your plan inspires you towork hard and never gi
ve up.It shows you the right direction and helps you be successfu
l. 38 Don''t let others take you for granted.Your boss asks you to
work overtime each day and you are afraid to say no because you
love your job. Your partner tells you should change your plans to
day and you change them because you don''t want to upsethim 39 L
earn how to say no when you don''t feel like doing something.40 If
you can''t drop weight,develop healthy habits or reach any carcer
goal, find someone who has a similargoal or dream as you. This w
ay,you won''t let each other to lose hope and definitely achieve t
hat goal.A.Cultivate long-term thinking.B.Find someone who has a
similar goal.C.If you don''t have a plan yet,make it now.D.You wi
ll never lose hope of living a better life.E. The problem is,you
let people take you for granted.F. If you choose to live a happy
life,hope will always be with you.G. Sometimes we feel like there
''s no way oul but hope is always here.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 (
ueen Elizabeth I is the only person in Britain who can drive with
out a license or number plate on herstate car.According to Britis
h law,the Queen does not 41 a driving license because driving 4
2 are issuedin her name.She is the Sovereign.The 92-year-old has
been 43 since she was 19.She was then titled Princess Elizabet
h. She had not yet been crowned(that happened in 1953 at age 27),
and the BBC reports that she did indeed,in 1945, have a driving l
icense.She learned to drive at a training 44 at the wartime Aux
iliary ''Territorial Service. 45 as Second Subaltern Elizabeth Wi
ndsor,she trained in London as a mechanic and military truck and
ambulance 46 ,She is the only female member of the royal family
to have entered the armed47andis the only living head of state w
ho 48 in World War Ⅱ.In 1998,Prince Abdullah— 49 the crown pri
nce and actual ruler of Saudi Arabia—was visiting Balmoral,the Qu
een''s estate(玫瑰庄园)in Scotland . After lunch,the Queen had 50 he
r royal guest whether he would like a 51 of the estate.Abdullah
agreed. The royal Land Rovers were pulled up in front of the cas
tle.The Crown Prince 52 into the front seat of the front Land Ro
ver.His interpreter sat in the53 behind.To Abdullah''s 54 ,the Qu
een climbed into the driving seat, 55 the ignition(点火开关),and dr
ove off. Women,at the time,were not 56 to drive in Saudi Arabia
.Abdullah was not 57 to being driven by a woman, let alone a 58
.However,the Queen drove like the 59 ,talking all the while,a
nd accelerating.Abdullah was terrified. He begged the Queen to sl
ow down and 60 on the road ahead.41. A. keep42. A. licenses43.
A. sitting44. A. center45. A. Discovered46. A. builder47. A. date
s48. A. served49. A.thus50. A. shared51. A. tour52,A.reviewed53.
A. space54. A. surprise55. A. changed56. A. matched57. A. used58.
A. citizen59. A. rain60. A. concentrateB. needB. buildingsB. wri
tingB. schoolB. SungB. seniorB. forcesB. speededB. thenB. experie
ncedB. marchB. scoldedB. seatB. joyB. clearedB. allowedB. deserte
dB. emperorB. snowB. congratulateC. dareC. crowdsC. drivingC. cor
nerC. DevotedC. drivetC. storesC. exploredC. nowC. obtainedC. sai
lC. climbedC. roomC. excitementC. promotedC. forbiddenC. achieved
C. queenC. cloudC. devoteD. bringD. reportsD. listingD. campusD.
KnownD. dancerD. officialsD. turnedD. sinceD. askedD. flyD. chang
edD. wayD. delightD. turnedD. addedD. countedD. princeD. windD. d
esire( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括
号内单词的正确形式。Scientific studies have showed that musicians have bett
er language skills, 61 it''s not clear why that might be the cas
e.Now a study of 74 Chinese kindergartners 62 (suggest)six month
s of piano lessons can improve the brain''s response to changes in
pitch(音高).Kids who got piano lessons were also better at 63 (t
ell)two similar-sounding Mandarin words containing different cons
onantsthan students who got extra reading training,or went throug
h 64 (regularly)kindergarten.Mandarin is a tonal language—the fa
mous example is the word“ma” 65 can mean mother or horse dependi
ng on its pitch. So might musical training be better to Mandarin
than 66 would to English?“Yeah,it''s possible that influenced th
e results.”said Robert Desimone,a neuroscientist at the McGovern
Institute at MIT.And what our study added on top of that was some
ideas of the neural basis forthose 67 (benefit).If you don''t ow
n 68 piano,don''t despair.The reading group actually did just a
s good on many measures as the piano group. Reading''s pretty good actually. We don''t mean to reduce the importance of reading.Instead,to show piano wasn''t actually 69 (bad)than reading for these skills,and toencourage schools 70 (lack)fund not to give up their music programs.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(l)画掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I like sports so much. When I was a little boy,my father often took me watch the basketball match. Gradually,sports have became part of my life.When I started to go to school,I join the basketball team.I had much time to practice with our friends.Now,though high school life is extreme busy and I have to learn so many subject,I still keep take exercise every day. Sports meeting is my favorite when I can take part in many activities,such as football, basketball or high jump.I am a person with a great energy.I enjoy takingexercise.第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,随着5G时代的来临,智能家居也逐渐进入人们的生活中。为适应发展,某英文宣传网站欲招聘一名在线智能家居解说员,请你用英语写信申请该职位。内容包括:1. 写信目的;2. 个人优势;3. 表达期望。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:智能家居smart homes 解说员commentator学科网(北京)股份有限公司 zxxk.com学科网(北京)股份有限公司