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2023-05-31 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
本卷命题范围:高考范围。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对
段对话仅读一遍。1. What is the weather like now?A. Sunny. B. Cloudy.
C. Rainy.2. Where does the woman want to go?A. A post office.
B. A hotel. C. The airport.3. Where does the conversation p
robably take place?A. In a classroom. B. In a library. C. I
n a computer store.4. When can the woman collect her clothes?A. O
n Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Saturday.5. How does the wom
an feel now?A. Relaxed. B. Delighted. C. Worried.第二节(共15小题;
回答第6、7题。6. Why does the man cancel the appointment with the woman
?A. He has to help with his sister’s study.B. He dislikes the Pic
asso exhibition.C. He needs to prepare for his exams.7. What will
the woman do on Sunday?A. See a film. B. Visit a gallery.
C. Feed pandas.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What is the relationship betwee
n Max and the woman?A. Guide and tourist.B. Salesman and customer
. C. Husband and wife.9. What does the woman like doing?A. Shoppi
ng. B. Surfing. C. Diving.10. What will the man do for the
woman next?A. Pay for her travel B. Make a reservation. C.
Return her credit card.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What is the ticket p
rice for children?A. $5. B. $10. C. $15.12. What will be pu
t in the top left—hand corner of the ticket?A. The ticket price.B
. The ticket holder’s name.C. The ticket number.13. Where will th
e fair be held?A. In Fun Park. B. In Central Park. C. In Ko
wloon Park.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. Why did the woman work as a tour
guide?A. To enjoy free trips. B. To gain experience. C. To
continue her study.15. What does the man think of the woman’s pre
vious job?A. Great. B. Boring. C. Challenging.16. Why did t
he woman quit her job?A. It lacked creativity.B. It brought uncer
tainty.C. It made her very busy.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is WSP
?A. A service organization.B. An international school.C. A childr
en’s holiday center.18. What is the requirement for the project i
n Spain?A. Work experience in villages. B. The deep love for cou
ntry life. C. A good command of Spanish.19. How long does the pro
ject in Egypt last?A. For three weeks. B. For six weeks. C.
For a year.20. What are volunteers expected to do for the projec
t in India?A. Paint children’s rooms.B. Teach disabled children.C
. Provide medical care.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5
分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWhat’s on in Melbourne?Melbour
ne Magic ShowThe lights are not bright and you take your seat in
an elegant back room of a five—star Melbourne hotel. The stage is
set, the mood is relaxed and the guests are ready to witness the
impossible made by Luke Hocking. You’ve seen magic shows before
but probably never this close.Cooks’ CottageOriginally located in
Yorkshire, England, and built in 1755 by the parents of Captain
James Cook, Cooks’ Cottage was brought to Melbourne by Russell Gr
imwade in 1934. Navigator and explorer Captain James Cook never l
ived in the cottage—he’d been away from home for almost ten years
when his father built it—but this connection to the Cook family
was enough to prompt(促使)Grimwade to transport the cottage to the
other side of the world.ArtPlayArtPlay brings together children (
from babies to 13 years of age) and artists to explore and create
innovative art experiences that encourage self—expression and pl
ayful exchanges ArtPlay offers creative encounters that are by, f
or and with children and can be experienced at ArtPlay or in your
own home. Bookings or registration at the door is required for a
ll onsite events.Flight Experience AustraliaPrepare for take—off
as you sit in the pilot’s seat of a Boeing 737 jet airliner and t
ake charge of the controls at Flight Experience Australia. As exc
iting as the real thing, and used by trainee pilots, the flight s
imulators(模拟器)include scenic flights, city circuits, team— buildi
ng flights and even a course to overcome fear of flying.1. What i
s Luke Hocking?A. A magician.B. An architect.C. A painter.D. A wa
iter.2. What did Russell Grimwade do to Cooks’ Cottage in 1934?A.
He sold it to James Cook.B. He rebuilt it with his family.C. He
moved it to Australia.D. He brought it back to England.3. Which o
f the following suits those who want to try driving planes?A. Art
Play.B. Cooks’ Cottage.C. Melbourne Magic Show.D. Flight Experien
ce Australia.BToday, the original Beetle has largely disappeared
from the world’s roads since Volkswagen stopped producing it in G
ermany in 1978. But the instantly recognizable car was once every
where. From the 1970s to the 1990s, more than 21 million Beetles
were produced worldwide. Many adults in their 40s or above have a
story about the Beetle, or at least a memory.Part of its univers
al appeal is its unique look. There’s something about the car tha
t just makes people smile: its happy shape its cheerful colors, a
nd perhaps its small size. However, the smiles that beetles evoke
, in people are not simply due to their design. It has a characte
r almost. It has a sort of soul in a way. It’s beyond a machine.
For the better part of a century this car has been a part in peop
le’s lives. Seeing these cars on the road is like a time capsule.
It opens people to memories and stories that might otherwise go
untold. By allowing us to travel back in time, they remind us of
what’s important. In today’s world, this car represents something
very basic and earthy and genuine. Exactly the kind of travel we
need right now.“My parents had three, a white one, then a red on
e, and then an orange one. It was the car I grew up with,” said a
ctor Ewan McGregor. “They would put us in the back of the Beetle
in Scotland and drive to France for camping holidays in summer. M
y first car was a 1978 Beetle and now I own two, parked at my hom
e in Los Angeles.”McGregor thinks the car’s future is electric. H
e has recently turned his 1978 model into a fully electric car. “
Moving forward maybe we’ll just have to think; smaller cars, low
emissions (排放), and something that makes us feel happy,” he says.
4. When was the production of Beetles stopped in Germany?A. In th
e 1990s.B. In the 1980s.C. In the late 1970s.D. In the early 1960
s.5. Which of the following best explains “evoke” underlined in p
aragraph 2?A. To keep an unpleasant feeling in one’s mind.B. To f
ind out information about one’s character.C. To bring a feeling o
r a memory into one’s mind.D. To ask somebody to do something in
a rude way.6. Why does Ewan McGregor own two Beetles?A. He wants
to be reminded of his childhood.B. They are used to decorate his
new home.C. He has too many children for just one car.D. His pare
nts have left one of their cars to him.7. In which section of a n
ewspaper does this text most probably appear?A. Advertisement.B.
Lifestyle.C. Environment.D. Economy.CLast summer, Steven Eaton re
ceived more than 200 young people on his organic farm. None of th
em said that they wanted to make money from farming. Some of them
described it as a kind of protest against the idea that success
means a big paycheck and many took it as a means to protect the e
nvironment.Steven Eaton understands such idealists(理想主义者)and he w
as one of them about a decade ago. In 2010, he was in a law schoo
l in Washington, DC, but not enjoying it much. Then he applied to
work on a farm in West Virginia in summer.“I felt lost when I wa
s in the city. It’s in the field that I found peace and harmony i
n my life,” recalls Eaton, who now runs an organic farm close to
New York City. “So I went back to West Virginia after graduation.
”Farming—the independence and the connection to something as real
as soil and food—was the one thing that he wanted to throw himse
lf into. And he’s been doing it ever since. But it wasn’t always
a big happy folk dance. “I had a lot of failures in the first cou
ple of years and I didn’t really know what I was doing,” he laugh
s. Eventually, he learned to be realistic about farming. “It’s go
od to be an idealist. But if you’re going to stick with it, and e
xpect to make a living at it, you’ve got to be realistic about th
e business aspects: Money, managing money, borrowing money, and a
ll the things that a business person has to do. You have to learn
to like that and be willing to be good at that. That may even me
an burning a little more fossil fuel, so you can get your produce
to cities, where people pay higher prices.”That sense of farming
as a practical form of idealism is probably the biggest thing th
e young people have to learn. When you’re farming, you have to pu
t survival first.8. Why did many of the young people want to beco
me farmers?A. To make a lot of money.B. To apply their learning t
o practice.C. To protect the environment.D. To study the pollutio
n in agriculture.9. Which of the following best describes Steven
Eaton as a law student?A. Idealistic.B. Realistic.C. Selfless.D.
Successful.10. What message does Steven Eaton want to convey to t
he young people?A. Put environment before profit.B Be realistic a
bout the business aspects.C. Stick to your idealism forever.D. Fi
nd a much easier job than farming.11. What does the author think
of Steven Eaton’s advice?A. Outdated.B. Useless.C. Funny.D. Valua
ble.DResearchers found that our bodies aren’t just programmed to
be nice. They reward us for being kind.One of them, psychology pr
ofessor Sonja Lyubomirsky from University of California, has put
that concept to the test in many experiments over 20 years and ha
s repeatedly found that people feel better when they are kind to
others, even more than when they are kind to themselves. In one e
xperiment, she asked subjects to do an extra three acts of kindne
ss for other people a week and asked a different group to do thre
e acts of self—kindness. They could be small, like opening a door
for someone, or big. The same even occurred with spending money
on themselves or others. She found that the people who were kind
to others became happier and felt more connected to the world tha
n those who just did acts of self—kindness.Lyubomirsky thinks it
is because people spend too much time thinking and worrying about
themselves and when they think of others while doing acts of kin
dness, it redirects them away from their own problems.The other r
esearchers have found that we prize kindness over any other value
. When psychologists put values into ten categories and asked peo
ple what was more important, kindness comes out on top, beating p
hysical pleasure, creativity, ambition, security, seeking social
justice and power, said University of London psychologist Anat Ba
rdi, who studies value systems.“Kindness, like religion, does see
m to be universal,” said Oliver Curry, a researcher from Universi
ty of Oxford. “I think reasoning is the secret. We’re kind becaus
e under the right circumstances we all benefit from kindness. Tha
t is why we donate blood when there are disasters.”12. Why can be
ing kind to others make people feel happy according to Lyubomirsk
y?A. It takes their attention away from their own problems.B. The
world becomes much better due to their kindness.C. Their problem
seems less serious compared to others’.D. Their action gives the
m a sense of power and achievement.13. Which of the following do
people value most according to paragraph 4?A. Making a lot of mon
ey.B. Volunteering and donating.C. Inventing a new machine.D. Fin
ding a rare and delicious food.14. What does Oliver Curry stress
in his explanation?A. Social values.B. Personal virtues.C. Religi
ous beliefs.D. Potential rewards.15. What is the best title for t
he text?A. We Can Be Programmed to Be KindB. Researchers Find Tha
t Being Kind Pays OffC. Happier People Tend to Do Kind ActsD. Res
earch Shows Random Kindness Helps the Needy第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.
5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Going to college can
be exciting, but it’s also nerve wracking. College will require
you to excel in a new environment. ___16___ Fortunately, you can
prepare for this stage of your life by following these tips.Get s
ome reading out of the way. ___17___ You’ll have to devote time a
nd effort to earning good grades so that you can eventually gradu
ate and land a satisfactory job. If you want to make this process
faster and easier when you start college, start by reading diffe
rent materials weeks or even months before the start of your coll
ege life. ___18___ If you want to prepare for college, it’s impor
tant to look back at your performance during high school and work
on your academic weak points. Taking this step before your colle
ge begins will increase your chances of being an excellent colleg
e student. Depending on the subject you struggle with, you can pa
y for tutorial services or make use of free learning materials on
line.Get organized. With the number of things on your plate when
you start your journey in college, organization is key. ___19___
If being organized is still new to you, start by using a centrali
zed calendar (日历). This calendar should contain the schedule of y
our classes or quizzes. Your social responsibilities — attending
family gatherings and meeting with friends — should also be inclu
ded to avoid any time conflicts in the future.Start saving. Money
, although often provided by your parents or guardians, can affec
t your experiences in college. It’ll be very tough for you to foc
us on studying if you’re too worried about how you can buy your m
eals or afford your tuition (学费). ___20___A. Improve your academi
c weak points.B. Create a reading-friendly environment.C. Set goa
ls for your future academic performance.D. And this kind of envir
onment usually causes stress and anxiety.E One of the biggest rea
sons why you need to go to college is to learn.F. Therefore, to a
void any financial stress in college, learn how to save money.G.
It can help you balance your time and energy between different re
sponsibilities.第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从
每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。This is a story about workers and
their boss in a small pizza restaurant in New Jersey. It’s also
a story about how one good turn____21____another.Bryan Morin____2
2____a pizza restaurant in the town of Jersey Shore. In summer, i
t delivers pizzas to the beach, a few blocks away. In winter, cus
tomers usually gather in the____23____restaurant.But Bryan Morin
was____24____these days. He stayed awake in bed night after night
when the health crisis spread rapidly in the country. Eventually
, it brought life to a full stop and led to massive____25____as b
usinesses closed down.Bryan Morin was____26____not to let this ha
ppen at his pizza restaurant.“If our workers don’t have a salary,
they won’t be able to____27____their rent, their credit card bil
ls and their gas,” he said. “I decide to do the right thing and t
ake the____28____. I’ll make it up later in the future.”So about
two weeks ago, he borrowed $50,000 from the bank. He____29____to
his workers that they’d have a job for at least the next two mont
hs and that he’d do everything possible to keep the checks flowin
g after that.As word of the promise got around, customers began__
__30____. They usually put an extra $10 on top of the usual 20%__
__31____.But then, something____32____happened. In order to show
their____33____for the health workers, people called and asked Br
yan Morin to charge their credit cards for food to be sent to tho
se frontline heroes. In just two days last week, Bryan Morin____3
4____took.in more than $4,000.“This is such a____35____time,” sai
d Kirsten Phillips, a nurse at one of the hospitals. “But we care
about each other. This is also the best pizza I''ve ever had.”21.
A. deservesB. acceptsC. opposesD. completes22. A. destroysB. fin
dsC. operatesD. sees23. A. smellyB. hugeC. expensiveD. warm24. A.
ashamedB. delightedC. worriedD. amused25. A. unemploymentB. prof
itC. developmentD. growth26. A. satisfiedB. annoyedC. excitedD. d
etermined27. A. refuseB. checkC. takeD. afford28. A. hopesB. trea
tmentsC. lossesD. benefits29. A. promisedB. liedC. complainedD. a
pologized30. A. calming downB. fighting backC. pulling upD. helpi
ng out31. A. tipB. interestC. shareD. cost32. A. strangeB. unimpo
rtantC. extraordinaryD. terrible33. A. appreciationB. fearC. ambi
tionD. suggestion34. A. eventuallyB. secretlyC. unexpectedlyD. cu
riously35. A. happyB. scaryC. longD. free第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The Taj Mahal is____36____(wide)
considered one of the most beautiful buildings ever____37____(cre
ate). It is not only a permanent monument to Shah Jahan’s love fo
r his wife but also one of the long-lasting artistic____38____(ac
hievement) of the ancient India.The Taj Mahal’s familiar round to
ps are surrounded with four towers, from____39____Indians are cal
led to pray. Each tower____40____(build) with a slight outward le
an(倾斜) to protect those round tops in case one of them should fal
l down. Two red sandstone buildings are also set up on either sid
e of the main building. One, to the west, is a church.____41____o
ther is a guesthouse. All these buildings are set within a beauti
ful garden, complete with a huge pool to reflect the beauty of th
e Taj Mahal in the water.The inside of the main building is a str
iking (if smallish) space that____42____(invite) some leisurely e
xploration.____43____the best part of any visit to the Taj Mahal
should be spent looking at the building from the outside. The whi
te stonewalls change in color to match the mood of the world outs
ide-a phenomenon so____44____(amaze) that it should be enjoyed in
_____45_____(variety) conditions, such as in the rosy sunrise or
in the magical light of a full moon.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)4
6. 假定你是李华。本周末有一场露天音乐会,请给你的英国朋友 Lynn写封邮件邀请他参加。内容包括:1.音乐会的时间和地点2.音乐
会简介。注意:1.写作词数应为80左右2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Dear Lynn,________________
__________________Yours,Li Hua第二节(满分25分)47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续
写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Kate double—checked the words on her spelling tes
t. Ms. Cormack said that whoever won in her class’s Spelling Chal
lenge today, they’d win a brand new dictionary. Plus, the teacher
had promised to do a handstand if anyone got a perfect score.Thr
ee more words to go. N—i—c—e—l—y. Q—u—i—c—k—ly. H—o—n—e—s—t—y. Wa
it! She’d spelled “honesty”, not “honestly”. She hurriedly erased
the t—y and wrote l—y before handing in her paper.Ms. Cormack gr
aded the test papers at break. Meanwhile, Kate sat restlessly in
her seat with her fingers crossed. Then, Ms. Cormack walked to th
e front of the class and cleared her throat. As if she were an Ol
ympic gymnast, Ms. Cormack did a perfect handstand.“Congratulatio
ns, Kate! You did it!” she announced while standing on her hands.
The whole class broke into applause! Ms. Cormack righted herself
and presented Kate with her prize. Kate smiled as she read the la
bel on the box:To Kate Carter, for her perfect score in the Spell
ing Challenge.“Is everything OK?” Mom asked as Kate rushed throug
h the front door after school. Kate didn’t answer. As if by magic
, she took out her spelling test paper and prize and showed them
to her mother. Mom hugged her, asking her to put the test paper o
n the fridge so that Dad could see it when he got home.Kate took
another look at the test paper before putting it on the fridge. S
uddenly, her hands stopped in mid—air. She just couldn’t believe
her eyes. “Honesly”?YES! H—O—N—E—S—L—Y!Mom sensed something unusu
al and asked why. Kate put the test paper into her backpack and e
xplained that she was just too excited. Mom brought her some tea.
Yes, a “t” was exactly what she needed.After drinking a little,
Kate kept walking in her bedroom, lost in thought. How could she
tell the class she hadn’t earned the prize and that Ms. Cormack d
id the handstand for nothing?注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答
。Two hours later Dad came home.__________________________________
Eventually, she knew what she should do._________________________
_________听力答案:1~5 ACBBC 6~10 CACAB 11~15 BCABA 16~20AACBC高三英语考
本卷命题范围:高考范围。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对
段对话仅读一遍。1. What is the weather like now?A. Sunny. B. Cloudy.
C. Rainy.2. Where does the woman want to go?A. A post office.
B. A hotel. C. The airport.3. Where does the conversation p
robably take place?A. In a classroom. B. In a library. C. I
n a computer store.4. When can the woman collect her clothes?A. O
n Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Saturday.5. How does the wom
an feel now?A. Relaxed. B. Delighted. C. Worried.第二节(共15小题;
回答第6、7题。6. Why does the man cancel the appointment with the woman
?A. He has to help with his sister’s study.B. He dislikes the Pic
asso exhibition.C. He needs to prepare for his exams.7. What will
the woman do on Sunday?A. See a film. B. Visit a gallery.
C. Feed pandas.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What is the relationship betwee
n Max and the woman?A. Guide and tourist.B. Salesman and customer
. C. Husband and wife.9. What does the woman like doing?A. Shoppi
ng. B. Surfing. C. Diving.10. What will the man do for the
woman next?A. Pay for her travel B. Make a reservation. C.
Return her credit card.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What is the ticket p
rice for children?A. $5. B. $10. C. $15.12. What will be pu
t in the top left—hand corner of the ticket?A. The ticket price.B
. The ticket holder’s name.C. The ticket number.13. Where will th
e fair be held?A. In Fun Park. B. In Central Park. C. In Ko
wloon Park.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. Why did the woman work as a tour
guide?A. To enjoy free trips. B. To gain experience. C. To
continue her study.15. What does the man think of the woman’s pre
vious job?A. Great. B. Boring. C. Challenging.16. Why did t
he woman quit her job?A. It lacked creativity.B. It brought uncer
tainty.C. It made her very busy.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is WSP
?A. A service organization.B. An international school.C. A childr
en’s holiday center.18. What is the requirement for the project i
n Spain?A. Work experience in villages. B. The deep love for cou
ntry life. C. A good command of Spanish.19. How long does the pro
ject in Egypt last?A. For three weeks. B. For six weeks. C.
For a year.20. What are volunteers expected to do for the projec
t in India?A. Paint children’s rooms.B. Teach disabled children.C
. Provide medical care.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5
分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A【1~3题答案】【答案】1. A 2. C 3.
DB【4~7题答案】【答案】4. C 5. C 6. A 7. BC【8~11题答案】【答案】8. C
9. A 10. B 11. DD【12~15题答案】【答案】12. A 13. B 14. D 1
5. B第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项
为多余选项。【16~20题答案】【答案】16. D 17. E 18. A 19. G 20. F第三部分
可以填入空白处的最佳选项。【21~35题答案】【答案】21. A 22. C 23. D 24. C 25. A 26. D 27. D 28. C 29. A 30. D 31. A 32. C 33. A 34. C 35. B第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)【36~45题答案】【答案】36. widely 37. created 38. achievements 39. which 40. is built 41. The 42. invites 43. But##Yet 44. amazing 45. various第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)【46题答案】【答案】One possible version:Dear Lynn,I’m writing to invite you to attend an outdoor concert held in the park near our school at 9:00 am this Saturday.The concert will last three hours. Many popular songs will be performed by famous singers from our city, which will definitely make a deep impression on us. What’s more, your favourite star will give his brilliant performance. I believe he will entrance the audience with his classical singing.All in all, it will be a great music event. I do hope you could join me to enjoy the feast.Yours,Li Hua第二节(满分25分)【47题答案】【答案】One possible version:Two hours later Dad came home. Kate greeted him at the door with her Mom who urged her to show her test paper to him. Reluctantly, she went to her room and pulled out the test paper. Dad fixed his eyes on the paper and his faced brightened. Kate pretended to be smiling all the time. But she was afraid to look at him in the eye. That night she felt so guilty that she had a sleepless night for the first time in her life.Eventually, she knew what she should do. The next morning, she went to Ms. Cormack’s office and handed her the spelling paper and the dictionary. She told her teacher what had happened. For a moment, Ms. Cormack stood there, quietly reading the label on the dictionary. Then she picked up her pen and replaced the word “perfect” with “honest” before returning the dictionary to Kate.听力答案:1~5 ACBBC 6~10 CACAB 11~15 BCABA 16~20AACBC学科网(北京)股份有限公司 第1页/共1页