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2023-06-02 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
2020北京西城初三一模英 语考生须知1.本试卷共9页,共五道大题,39道小题。满分60分。考试时间90分钟。2.在试卷和答题卡上准确填写
C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Betty is so happy about having a baby bro
ther. She wants to share every toy with . A. himB. herC. me
D. you2.----Mom, which sweater looks better on me?----Sweetheart?
I think you look nicer red.A. onB. for C. atD.in3.----_______w
as your trip to China, Peter?----It couldn’t have been more wonde
rful!A. WhatB. WhyC. HowD. When 4. ——Sorry, I’ll turn it down now
.A. CouldB. NeedC. Must D. ShouldShe never stops trying, she i
s making great progress.A. orB. butC. andD. ifBen has been in Bei
jing for years, and he can speak Chinese as_______ as the locals.
A. goodB. wellC. betterD. bestIf there _______anything I can do
to help? please let me know.A. isB. will beC. wasD. has beenDavid
_______so hard. He is always the first to come and the last to l
eave.A. will workB. worksC. workedD. was working9. ----I went to
your home yesterday afternoon, but nobody was in.----Sorry, we___
____basketball in the gym at that time.A. playB. will playC. were
playingD. have played10. I _______that movie several times, and
I still want to see it again.A. seeB. sawC. am seeingD. have seen
Spring Festival _______in many countries now.A. celebratesB. is c
elebratedC. will celebrateD. will be celebrated----Your jacket lo
oks so cool! Can you tell me _______?----Sure. I will send you th
e shop''s address later.A. where will you buy itB. where you will
buy itC. where did you buy itD. where you bought it完形填空(共8分,每小题1分
)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选 项中,选择最佳选项。A Michigan high sc
hool football team came together to surprise their beloved water
boy, Robby Heil, who has Down syndrome (唐氏症). He''s a senior schoo
l student and has worked as an assistant supplying team drinking
water for the school''s football team for four years. The decided
to do something special for Robby, so they designed a 13 just for
him.Last Friday, the team put Robby in the game and gave him the
ball. As the crowd repeated his name loudly, Robby ran down the
field and scored a touchdown. Robby’s father 14 the moment on hi
s video camera, while his mother fell to her knees with joy as sh
e watched from the sidelines.The family was really happy and also
surprised by all of the15 they have received. When the head coa
ch, Burnside, who planned the whole event, telephoned the coach o
f the other team, everyone was 16 all for it. When Robby was sco
ring, everyone was shouting out his name. All the players cheered
him, including the opposing team—they even gave Robby a sports s
hirt that they all had 17 . “I think the sportsmanship is the g
reat part," said Burnside. "The sportsmanship from both sides was
just 18 . Their coaches were in tears, our coaches were in tea
rs. When they watched the game, their 19 also had signs with Rob
by5s numbers up."“Robby is just a great kid. He 20 a lot to the
kids," Burnside added. "I am hoping that everybody can learn from
him. I’ve learned more from him than he has from me in the past
four years. ”A. courseB. gameC. schoolD. team14. A. enjoyedB. ima
ginedC. recordedD. chose15. A. supportB. adviceC. expectationsD.
complaints16. A. probablyB. secretlyC. nervouslyD. immediately17.
A. neededB. wornC. washedD. signed18. A. popularB. limitedC. ama
zingD. different19. A. standsB. computersC. roomsD. books20. A. r
eadsB. meansC. sendsD. speaks阅读理解(共36分)三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A
、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。(共26分,每小题2分)AEvery year, many inventions are
introduced to the world. Some help us solve problems. Others make
life easier, or more fun. Here are four of last year''s best inve
ntions.LUMI was designed for music lovers. “We hope that LUMI can
help people who have just started learning how to play music," s
ays the inventor Will MacNamara. The small Eumi keyboard lights u
p, allowing users to know which keys to press. And with the LUMI
app, users can learn their favorite songs.Millions of people arou
nd the world have to face the problem of unsafe food. Marc Oshima
says his indoor farming technology can help. Instead of growing
in dirt, crops grow in reusable cloth. The plants are watered wit
h mist. This requires 95% less water than field farming.For peopl
e who are blind, the ORCAM MYEYE 2 could be a game changer. It mi
ght also prove useful for people with reading difficulties. Descr
ibed as utalking glasses", it can read text aloud. Amnon Shashua
invented the technology.Christine Schindler is an engineer. She w
anted to help stop the spread of foodborne illnesses f so she cre
ated PATHSPOT. It uses light to scan (扫描)a person''s hands for har
mful germs. Restaurant workers hold their hands under the scanner
. Then the scanner decides whether they should be rewashed.21. LU
MI was designed for .A. indoor farmersB. music loversC. blind peo
pleD. restaurant workers22. Who is the inventor of the ORCAM MYEY
E 2?A. Will MacNamara.B. Marc Oshima.C. Amnon Shashua.D. Christin
e Schindler.23. Where can we probably read this passage?A. A medi
cal website.B. A travel guide.C. A school notice.D. A science mag
azine.BThis Family Keeps Their Community Warm by Cutting Firewood
for Those in NeedWashington is home to lots of trees—it is the E
vergreen State, after all—— and it has lots of fireplaces and woo
d-burning heaters too. But what if you lived there and couldn’t c
ut wood or couldn’t afford to pay someone to do it? Luckily, Shan
e McDaniel and his twin sons, Harrison and Henry McDaniel, are ha
ppy to help. The three men cut truckloads of wood一then give it to
those m need.The idea actually started as a father-son relations
hip project, Shane told msn.com. “I cut wood with my dad. He just
loved doing it, " said Shane. He wanted to pass along that feeli
ng, so he and the twins spent the summer cutting. The result was
a great wall of wood piled up (堆积)around their house. To buy that
much it would cost about $10,000.It was too much for the McDanie
ls to use themselves, and when the weather turned cold that Novem
ber, Shane started thinking of others. He posted online: "IF YOU
message] ME! ... If you know someone who BURNS WOOD, please help
me and my boys make sure NO ONE GOES COLD IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD,Th
e response (反应)was immediate. One man offered to donate (捐赠)a woo
d-burning stove. Others raced over to Shane''s house with more woo
d. One woman, noticing the photo of the McDaniels? started to fee
l warm in other ways: "I don''t need the wood. But I am truly happ
y for what you have done! ”Single mom Katelyn Ticer, 29, and her
four-year-old daughter depended on a wood-burning stove as their
only way of heat, so it was so good to receive a truckload of fir
ewood from the McDaniels."To get that much wood brought me to tea
rs,” she told msn.com. “ So much stress and worry is off my shoul
ders. I couldn''t be more thankful. ”Shane is ready to help more p
eople. " Giving is the reward, he said. " It has nothing to do wi
th how well it’s received; it''s about how much it’s needed.”24. W
hat did Shane and his sons do to help their neighbors?A. They gav
e firewood to those in need.B. They bought wood-burning stoves.C.
They raised about 10,000 dollars.D. They paid someone to cut woo
d.25. What happened after Shane posted messages online?A. His fam
ily received lots of presents.B. Some people quickly offered to h
elp.C. Lots of wood piled up around their house,D. The weather su
ddenly turned freezing cold.26. What did Shane think of what he h
ad done to help others?A. Being needed drives us to give.B. Love
is not giving but receiving.C. Helping others is just helping our
selves.D. It’s better to help people fish than to give them fish.
CIt Is Never Too Early to Think—and Communicate—like a ScientistW
ho is a scientist and what is his job? A chemist doing experiment
s? A geologist out studying rocks? When most people think about s
cience, they imagine characters making discoveries or finding cur
es (治疗方法)for new diseases. However, these leave out an extremely
important part of the scientific process: communicating一sharing t
he results of that work.Imagine if someone discovered something i
mportant about a disease. Other scientists need to understand the
work well enough to use these new developments to make even more
discoveries in the future. The public, too, needs to understand
how these discoveries might influence their lives. But none of th
is will be possible if the work is not shared. Being a scientist
goes far beyond the moment of discovery.Without clear communicati
on, scientists would not be able to use the work that has already
been done. So how do scientists tell others about the work that
they have done? How do they make sure that everything that they s
hare is as clear and correct as possible?Researchers publish thei
r work in scientific journals (期刊).These journals can be read by
other researchers around the world. It is very important for thes
e journals, and for the scientists who read them, to make sure th
at the research included is as correct as possible. In order to d
o that, articles given to scientific journals before publication
first go through a process called peer review. Other scientists w
ho do research in areas related to the work in an article are ask
ed to read through it. Scientists also provide feedback to the wr
iters. They bring up new questions the writer may not have consid
ered, recognize limitations to the results being described, and a
lso make sure that no mistakes were made during the process.Front
iers for Young Minds is a scientific journal written for—and rev
iewed by young people. All of the articles in it are based on wor
ks already published in a peer reviewed scientific journal. Howev
er, while scientists are good at making sure that articles are un
derstandable for other scientists, there are no better experts to
make sure that something can be understood by young people than
the young people themselves- By working together with an experts
young reviewers read the article to see if any part of the articl
e is hard to understands make it clear why the experiment was don
e in the way it was done) and check whether the figures (数据)clear
ly explain the point of the article.Basically, these young review
ers learn to think like scientists. It is never too early to star
t! Ask questions, learn new things, and don''t forget the importan
ce of communicating your findings.27. What is Paragraph 2 mainly
about?A. What is required to be a good scientist.B. Who should un
derstand a scientist’s job.C. Why sharing the results of scientif
ic work is important.D. How scientists make sure their work is cl
ear and correct.28. From the passage we can know that .A. scient
ists are good at working together with othersB. young people usua
lly enjoy reading scientific journalsC. in peer review, other sci
entists bring up questions to readersD. young reviewers help make
articles in Frontiers for Young Minds more readable29. What is t
he writer''s main purpose in writing this passage?A. To introduce
how scientists do their jobs.B. To offer practical advice on how
to ask scientific questions.C. To explain the effects of peer rev
iew on scientific journals.D. To encourage young people to think
and excommunicate like scientists.DWhy Wisdom (智慧)Doesn''t Work as
Well as We Think It DoesWe relate wisdom to age. Most of us beli
eve that gaining wisdom is like picking up stones on a path: the
longer you''re on the path, the more stones you''ll collect.It seem
s a reasonable inference, then, the older you are, the more wisdo
m you have. Older people usually make fewer careless mistakes, an
d they often know the best course of action in a given situation.
But I think there''s another explanation at play here, which we m
ight consider in the light of what we know about human decision-m
aking.There are two different ways of decision-making: plans and
habits. Here''s an example of how these ways differ. If you5re dri
ving somewhere for the first time, you''ll need a plan. You will n
eed to know whether to turn left or right, because you don’t alre
ady have that information stored away in your head. On the other
hand, you don''t need a plan when you''re going somewhere familiar
(熟悉的) because the order of steps that will take you there is stor
ed as a habit. But if you find that the road is blocked by fallen
trees, you’ll have to think about another way. Such a plan allow
s you to more easily deal with new situations, but they require a
lot more attention.The use of plans and habits changes over the
course of our lives. A baby can''t use habits to make decisions, b
ecause any situation she5s in will be a new one. As we build up a
store of familiar situations, the more we can depend on habits.
The older you are, the more likely your behavior is based on trie
d- and-true habits rather than fresh planning.But what does this
tell us about wisdom? Well, it suggests that wisdom is interactiv
e, not static: it is a relationship between a person and their su
rroundings (环境),The reason that wisdom seems to come out so effor
tlessly from well-seasoned minds is that they have a store of hab
itual information about how to act in a given situation.But it al
so makes a worrying prediction: if older people were put in a new
situation, with which they had no familiarity, they wouldn''t mak
e better decisions than someone who is young. It is the same with
mistakes. Older, seemingly wiser people make fewer mistakes beca
use they''re familiar with surroundings they often deal with. If y
ou controlled for the familiarity of the situation, then people i
n different age groups would probably make the same number of mis
takes. Younger people might even make fewer mistakes, because the
y are better at coming up with fresh plans.While wisdom gives you
expertise within a particular environment, it doesn''t mean that
you''ll be able to generalize that to new experiences. It''s not th
at we necessarily get wiser as we get older, but we put ourselves
in fewer situations where we are likely to make mistakes.30. Wha
t do we know about the two ways of decision-making according to t
he passage?A. Using plans or habits to make decisions is an ever-
changing process.B. The use of plans and habits requires lots of
attention and effort.C. When going somewhere familiar, we need to
work out a plan.D. Younger people depend more on habits to make
decisions,31. What can we learn from the passage?A. Younger peopl
e have a great advantage in becoming wiser.B. Older people are be
tter at making careful plans before action.C. Older people seem w
iser because they’ve stored more habitual information.D. Younger
people make more mistakes when they''re in unfamiliar surroundings
.32. What does the underlined word “static” probably mean in Para
graph 5?A. Uncontrolled.B. Unchanged.C. Increasing.D. Surprising.
33. What is the writer''s main purpose in writing this passage?A.
To stress the importance of gaining wisdom.B. To compare the two
different ways of decision-making.C. To call on younger people to
learn more from older people.D. To remind us to view the wisdom
of older people reasonably.四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)What is
art This question has confused great thinkers for centuries. In f
act, there is disagreement about exactly what art is. Most of us
would agree that Leonardo da Vinci''s Mona Lisa is art, but what a
bout a video game? One dictionary states that art is making objec
ts? images or music, etc. that are beautiful or that express cert
ain feelings. This, however, could be regarded as too general a d
efinition (定义).Art is usually divided into two areas: fine art, s
uch as painting, music and sculpture (雕塑)and applied art (实用美术),s
uch as fashion design, furniture making and gardening. According
to Aristotle, fee art is something which has a conceptual functio
n.(概念功能). He noted that artists produced objects, drama and music
which showed their emotions and ideas? rather than just trying t
o offer a true image of nature. Andy Warhol, the American artist
famous for his Pop Art in the 1960s, once said, “An artist produc
es things that people don''t need to have. This is the biggest dif
ference between fine and applied art. Applied art requires an obj
ect to be functional as well as beautiful.In the twentieth centur
y T however, artists began to challenge the accepted idea of art.
The French artist Marcel Duchamp changed peopled understanding o
f what sculpture was by mounting a bicycle wheel upside down on a
stool in 1913 and calling it art. In 2002, Japanese artist Yayoi
Kusama created an art work that required the public''s involvemen
t. In this work, visitors were asked to cover a white room that h
ad white furniture and objects in it, with many colorful sticker
dots (圆形贴纸).He once said? “Everything an artist produces is art”
. Today, we can see examples of art all around us which are not e
xpensive, Many towns and cities have public art which can be enjo
yed by all. Some museums, like the National Art Museum of China i
n Beijing, have no entrance fee. Others are free for children and
students. Street art is also popular m different neighborhoods a
round the world.Art can make our ordinary, everyday lives a littl
e more special. This idea may not work for all art, but perhaps w
e can agree that it is a goal towards which all artists should wo
rk.34. What question has confused great thinkers for centuries?35
. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?36. What does applied art requ
ire according to this passage?37. When did artists begin to chall
enge the accepted idea of art?38. What’s the writer’s opinion on
art?书面表达(共10分)五、文段表达(10分)39. 从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的 文
段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写 出你的校名和姓名。题目①假如你是李华,你的传统文化课老师布置了
本月在线学习课程任务,你们班交换生Peter给 你发邮件询问相关事情。请用英语回复一封邮件,告诉他课程的主要内容,学习要求并分享你
将 如何学习课程的一些想法。提示词语:Chinese traditional culture, custom, festival,
tea art, papercut art, website, plan 提示问题: ①What is the online c
ourse about?②What do you need to do to complete the course?③What
would you like to share with Peter about preparing for the course
Dear Peter,I''m glad to receive your email. If there is anything
more that I can help with, please let me know.Yours,Li Hua题目②自主学习
cted learning),,为主题的征文活动。假/如你是李 华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈在过去的两个月期间你是如何自主学习
的,以及这样做给你 带来的好处。提示词语:learning resources, goal, manage time, tools
, apps, plan, improve提示问题:? What did you do for your self-directe
d learning?? What benefits have you got from doing so?2020北京西城初三一
辨析。him他,宾格;her她,宾格;她的,形容词性物主代词;me我,宾格;you你,主宾格,share with“和……分享”,
with为介词,其后用代词的宾格形式,而a baby brother“弟弟”为男孩,所以用宾格him,故选A。2.【答案】D【解析
为了;at在(某处);in穿着,根据问句which sweater looks better on me?可知她向妈妈征求建议:穿
怎么样,彼得?——再美妙不过了!考查特殊疑问句。What什么;Why为什么;How怎么样;When什么时候,根据答语It coul
dn’t have been more wonderful!“再美妙不过了!”,可知对程度提问,所以用how,故答案为C。4.【答
grandma is sleeping“我奶奶在睡觉。”可知应婉转地向他人提出请求,故选A。5.【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解
果,根据She never stops trying和she is making great progress的句意,可知这两句属
此时and相当于so,可译为“便”、“于是”、“因而”、“结果”等。 如:She couldn''t find her mother
and began to cry.她找不到妈妈,于是哭了起来。It''s a fine day today, and everyo
ne is busy.今天是个好天气,因而人人都很忙。6.【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:Ben在北京已经很多年了,他说中文和当地
人一样好。考查副词原级比较。good好,形容词;well好,副词;better更好的,good 和well的比较级;best最好的
,good 和well的最高级,根据动词speak“说”,可知用副词修饰speak,而as…as…表示同级的比较。中间可以放入形容
态。is一般现在时,be动词的三单形式;will be一般将来时;was一般过去时;has been现在完成时,此处用if表达真实
离开。考查时态。will work一般将来时;works一般现在时;worked一般过去时;was working过去进行时,根据
He is always the first to come and the last to leave.中的“频率副词alway
在家。——对不起。 当时我们在健身房打篮球。考查时态。play一般现在时;will play一般将来时;were playing过
去进行时;have played现在完成时,根据I went to your home yesterday afternoon,可
知at that time“当时”指的是“yesterday afternoon昨天下午”,此处指“我昨天下午去你家时,没人在家,
那部电影好几次了,我还是想再看一遍。考查现在完成时。see一般现在时;saw一般过去时;am seeing现在进行时;have s
een现在完成时,因为several times“好几次”表示“已经完成的动作对现在造成影响或后果”,所以本句用现在完成时,其基本
态和语态。celebrates庆祝,一般现在时的主动语态;is celebrated一般现在时的被动语态;will celebra
te一般将来时的主动语态;will be celebrated一般现在时的被动语态,根据now,可知此句用一般现在时态,句子的主语
Spring Festival是动作“celebrate庆祝”的承受者,所以用被动语态be+过去分词,本句是一般现在时,主语Spr
ing Festival为单数名词,所以用助动词is,即is celebrated,故选B。12.【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:
——你的夹克看起来很酷! 你能告诉我你在哪里买的吗? ——当然。我稍后会把店铺的地址发给你。考查时态和宾语从句。根据题干,可知考查
改为宾语从句则应调整为陈述句语序。I don’t know where he is now. 我不知道他现在在哪。2.引导词当宾语
用连词if或 whether引导,意思为“是否”,表示选择。注意:if和 whether在引导宾语从句时,一般可以互换。3.时态主
句:一般现在时→从句:根据实际需要各种时态,如:She says (that) she works from Monday to
Friday. 她说她从周一至周五上班。(从句是一般现在时)而在本题中,可知夹克是在过去买的,所以宾语从句的时态用一般过去时。二、
完形填空【答案】13. B 14. C 15. A 16. D 17. D 18. C 19.
A 20. B【解析】【分析】密歇根高中足球队为患有唐氏综合症的送水男孩举办了一场足球比赛的故事,展现了足球队成员帮扶特殊
ame比赛,游戏;school学校;team团队,根据下文“Last Friday, the team put Robby in
the game and gave him the ball. ”上周五,球队让Robby参加了比赛,并给了他球。由in the
在一旁观看时高兴地跪了下来。enjoyed享受;imagined想象;recorded记录;chose选择,根据on his vi
deo camera在他的摄像机上,可知Robby的父亲用他的摄像机上记录了这一刻,故选C。【15题详解】句意:这家人真的很高兴,
,根据下文“When the head coach, Burnside, who planned the whole event,
telephoned the coach of the other team, everyone was ____4____ a
ll for it. When Robby was scoring, everyone was shouting out his
name. All the players cheered him, including the opposing team—th
ey even gave Robby a sports shirt”当总教练Burnside计划了整个活动,他给另一支球队的教练打
据下文“When Robby was scoring, everyone was shouting out his name. A
ll the players cheered him, including the opposing team—they even
gave Robby a sports shirt”当Robby进球时,每个人都在喊他的名字。所有的球员都为他欢呼,包括对方球队
bby一件他们都签过字的运动衫。needed需要;worn穿;washed洗;signed签名,根据下文“When they wa
tched the game, their _____7_____ also had signs with Robby’s num
bers up. ”当他们观看比赛时,他们的 上也签着Robby的号码牌。also“也”暗示了此处用signed,与下文相呼应,故
ferent不同的,根据上句“教练”说:“I think the sportsmanship is the great part.
我认为体育精神是最重要的”和下一句“Their coaches were in tears, our coaches were
in tears.两队“教练”都热泪盈眶。再结合全文中队员们为了这位唐氏综合症患儿所做的一切,我们可以体会到这令人惊叹的体育精神。
上文教练的感慨I am hoping that everybody can learn from him. I’ve learne
d more from him than he has from me in the past four years. 我希望每个
义衔接必须自然、合理,最后根据语境,结合选项,选出正确答案。如,第6小题,根据上句“教练”说:“I think the sport
smanship is the great part. 我认为体育精神是最重要的”和下一句Their coaches were i
n tears, our coaches were in tears.两队“教练”都热泪盈眶。再结合全文中队员们为了这位唐氏综合症
患儿所做的一切,我们可以体会到这令人惊叹的体育精神。所以应该选“amazing”。故选C。阅读理解【答案】21. B 22.
C 23. D【解析】本文主要讲了发明帮助我们解决问题,让人们的生活容易而有趣。并介绍了去年最好的四项发明。【21题详解】
细节理解题。根据上文LUMI was designed for music lovers. 可知LUMI是为音乐爱好者设计的。故选
B。【22题详解】细节理解题。根据对ORCAM MYEYE 2的描述中,Amnon Shashua invented the te
chnology. 可知Amnon Shashua发明了这项技术。故选C。【23题详解】推理判断题。A.医疗网站;B.旅行指南;C
.学校的通知;D.一本科学杂志。本文主要讲了去年最好的四项发明。由此推断本文出自于一本科学杂志。故选D。【答案】24. A
25. B 26. A【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了主人公带领家人给有需要的人无偿提供木柴的故事,表达了“付出就是回报”的
奉献精神。【24题详解】细节理解题。根据上文The three men cut truckloads of wood——then
give it to those m need. 这三个人把一卡车的木头,然后捐给那些需要的人。故选A。【25题详解】细节理解题。
根据上文The response (反应)was immediate. One man offered to donate (捐赠
)a wood-burning stove. Others raced over to Shane''s house with mo
re wood.反应很快。有一个人捐赠了一个烧木头的炉子。另一些人带更多的木头跑到了谢恩家。可知有些人很快主动提出帮忙。故选B。【
26题详解】推理判断题。根据上文Giving is the reward, he said. It has nothing to
do with how well it’s received; it''s about how much it’s needed.”
给予是回报,他说。这与它的受欢迎程度无关,而是它被需要多少。可知Shane认为“被需要驱使我们付出”。故选A。【答案】27. C
28. D 29. D【解析】本文讲了交流的重要性,并鼓励年轻人像科学家一样交流和思考。【27题详解】主旨大意题。根
据第一段末尾However, these leave out an extremely important part of the
scientific process: communicating—sharing the results of that wo
rk. 然而,这些都忽略了科学过程中一个极其重要的部分:交流——分享这项工作的结果。由此引出下一段的话题,由第二段Imagine
if someone discovered something important about a disease…Being a
scientist goes far beyond the moment of discovery. “想象一下,如果有人发现了
故选C。28题详解】推理判断题。根据原文第四段“In order to do that, articles given to sc
ientific journals before publication first go through a process c
alled peer review.”可知“peer review”是其他科学家给文章作者提意见,而非读者。D选项的出处为第五段中
“However, while scientists are good at making sure that articles
are understandable for other scientists, there are no better expe
rts to make sure that something can be understood by young people
than the young people themselves.”中文意为:“然而,尽管科学家能保证他们写的文章能被同行们读懂
该杂志的文章更具可读性”这一结论,即选项D。【29题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段It Is Never Too Early to
Think—and Communicate—like a Scientist“像科学家一样思考和交流永远不会太早”。和最后一段Ba
sically, these young reviewers learn to think like scientists. It
is never too early to start! Ask questions, learn new things, an
d don''t forget the importance of communicating your findings. 最根本
的是,这些年轻人要学会像科学家一样思考。从现在开始永远不会太早! 提出问题,学习新事物,不要忘记交流发现的重要性。可知作者写作的目
的是鼓励年轻人像科学家一样思考和交流。故选D。【答案】30. A 31. C 32. B 33. D【解析】【分
程。根据上文“The use of plans and habits changes over the course of our
lives. ”在我们的生活过程中,计划和习惯的使用发生了变化。由此可知“利用计划或习惯做出决定是一个不断变化的过程。”所以此选
项说法正确。B. 计划和习惯的使用需要大量的关注和努力。根据上文“On the other hand, you don''t nee
d a plan when you''re going somewhere familiar (熟悉的) because the o
rder of steps that will take you there is stored as a habit. ”另一方
新状况的发生,所以此项说法错误。C.当我们去熟悉的地方时,我们需要制定一个计划。根据上文“On the other hand, y
ou don''t need a plan when you''re going somewhere familiar (熟悉的) b
ecause the order of steps that will take you there is stored as a
habit. ”另一方面,当你去熟悉的地方时,你不需要一个计划,所以此项说法错误。D.年轻人更依赖习惯来做决定,根据上文“You
nger people might even make fewer mistakes, because they are bett
er at coming up with fresh plans. ”年轻人甚至可能犯更少的错误,因为他们更善于想出新的计划。可知
因为年轻人经验少,他们更善于想出新的计划,而不是依赖习惯,所以此项说法错误。故选A。【31题详解】推理判断题。A. 年轻人在变得更
聪明方面有很大的优势。根据上文“the older you are, the more wisdom you have. Olde
r people usually make fewer careless mistakes, and they often kno
w the best course of action in a given situation. ”你越老,你就越有智慧。老年人
上文“Younger people might even make fewer mistakes, because they ar
e better at coming up with fresh plans.”可知年轻人甚至可能犯更少的错误,因为他们更善于想出
新的计划。所以此项说法错误。C.老年人似乎更聪明,因为他们储存了更多的习惯性信息。根据上文the older you are, t
he more wisdom you have. The reason that wisdom seems to come out
so effortlessly from well-seasoned minds is that they have a sto
re of habitual information about how to act in a given situation.
可知此项说法正确。D.年轻人在不熟悉的环境中会犯更多的错误。据上文Younger people might even make f
ewer mistakes, because they are better at coming up with fresh pl
ans. 可知年轻人甚至可能犯更少的错误,因为他们更善于想出新的计划。故选C。【32题详解】词句猜测题。A.失控的;B. 不变的;
C.增加;D.令人惊讶的。根据上文wisdom is interactive, not static: it is a relat
ionship between a person and their surroundings (环境),智慧是互动的,而不是 的
:它是人们与他们周围环境之间的关系,可知智慧随着周围环境变化而互动,不是一成不变的,所以not static的意思为“不是不变的
【答案】34. What is art? 35. the two areas of art. 36. Applied art re
quires an object to be functional as well as beautiful。 37. In th
e 20th century. 38. Art makes our ordinary, everyday lives a litt
le more special.【解析】本文主要讲了两种艺术领域的共同点与区别。【34题详解】题干句意:几个世纪以来,什么问题使伟
大的思想家困惑?根据上文What is art?This question has confused great thinkers
for centuries. 什么是艺术?这个问题使伟大的思想家困惑几个世纪。故答案为What is art?【35题详解】题干
句意:第二段主要讲什么?根据本段的主题句Art is usually divided into two areas: fine a
rt, such as painting, music and sculpture (雕塑)and applied art (实用
美术),such as fashion design, furniture making and gardening. 艺术通常分
为两个领域:美术,如绘画、音乐和雕塑和实用美术,如时装设计、家具制造和园艺。可知本段主要讲了艺术的两个领域。故答案为the two
areas of art.【36题详解】题干句意:根据这篇文章,应用艺术要求什么?根据上文Applied art require
s an object to be functional as well as beautiful. 应用艺术要求物体既要实用又要
美观。故答案为Applied art requires an object to be functional as well as
beautiful.【37题详解】题干句意:艺术家什么时候开始挑战公认的艺术理念?根据上文In the twentieth ce
ntury, however, artists began to challenge the accepted idea of a
rt. 然而,在二十世纪,艺术家开始挑战公认的艺术理念。故答案为In the 20th century.【38题详解】题干句意:作
者对艺术有什么看法?根据上文Art can make our ordinary, everyday lives a little
more special. This idea may not work for all art, but perhaps we
can agree that it is a goal towards which all artists should work
. 艺术可以使我们平凡的日常生活更特别一点。这个想法可能不适合所有的艺术,但也许我们赞同这是一个所有艺术家都应该努力实现的目标。可
知作者对艺术的看法是“艺术可以使我们平凡的日常生活更特别一点。”,故答案为Art makes our ordinary, everyday lives a little more special.书面表达五、文段表达39.【答案】例文Dear Peter,I''m glad to receive your email. And I would like to tell you something about the main content of the course. Chinese traditional culture is about custom, festival, tea art, papercut art and so on. You need to choose one that you’re interested in and do some preparing before class. You can look up some useful information online. And in class, we should listen to the teacher carefully and follow the teacher''s request step by step. If you have any questions, you can ask the teacher or the classmates. I’m interested in tea art. To complete the course, I collect some information in different ways. I really learned a lot about the history of the tea art. If there is anything more that I can help with, please let me know.Yours,Li Hua【解析】【详解】1.题干解读:本文要求用英语给Peter回复一封邮件,告诉他课程的主要内容,学习要求并分享如何学习课程的一些想法。首先认真审题,看清题目中的要求和要点;再根据提示内容,列出写作要点及每个要点中可能要用到的表达;然后紧扣要点,动笔写作,在写作过程中,要注意句与句、段与段之间的过渡平稳、自然流畅。2.例文点评:本文时态主要为一般现在时,人称主要为一人称。文章紧扣题目要点,内容完整,表述准确,语言的表述符合语法的结构,造句符合英语的表达习惯。3.高分亮点:短语:would like to do,look up,step by step,be interested in,in different ways.句型: that引导定语从句:You need to choose one that you’re interested in.If引导条件状语从句:If you have any questions, you can ask the teacher or the classmates.40.【答案】例文Self-directed learning is a kind of learning mode and a kind of ability for learners to manage themselves .It is also a way for teenagers to face the world and future. In the past, we planned my study by showing language goal. I managed time so that I can make full use of it. I downloaded some useful apps in order to get more learning resources. The learning tools can help me improve my study. I get many benefits from self- directed learning. I have improved my learning ability a lot. I become more confident. Besides, I become more interested in learning.【解析】【分析】【详解】1.题干解读:本文要求以“自主学习(self-directed learning)”为主题,用英语写一篇短文。首先认真审题,看清题目中的要求和要点;再根据提示内容,列出写作要点及每个要点中可能要用到的表达;然后紧扣要点,动笔写作,在写作过程中,要注意句与句、段与段之间的过渡平稳、自然流畅。2.例文点评:本文时态主要为一般过去时,人称主要为第一人称。文章紧扣题目要点,内容完整,表述准确,语言的表述符合语法的结构,造句符合英语的表达习惯。3.高分亮点:短语:a kind of ability,in the past,in order to,besides, be interested in句型:so that引导目的状语从句:I managed time so that I can make full use of it. 1 / 1