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2023-07-05 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
________一、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Joel looked
at what was lying on the ground: a robotic glove. It was made of
1, with black and yellow paint. He looked 2 his backyard. How w
as a robotic glove here? In any case, Joel had found it and nobod
y else was around. That meant only one thing: finders keepers. If
you found something and couldn’t find the owner, it was 3.Picki
ng up the glove, Joel realized it wasn’t as 4 as he expected it
would be. Even though it was much bigger than his own 5, he deci
ded to try it on. Joel put his hand inside and 6 the machine com
e to life. He walked over to a huge stone and wrapped (用……围紧) the
robotic fingers around it. The glove began to work and he 7 the
stone. It should have been heavy, 8 with the glove it was no he
avier than a pencil. He couldn’t believe it. Now, 9 was he going
to do with such a great thing? Mom was inside fixing a new sofa.
He could say “Do you need a hand with that?” before 10 picking
up the sofa and setting it somewhere else. At the library, he cou
ld say “Let me help!” and carry the boxes filled with 11. Everyt
hing would feel as light as a pencil. He’d 12 a superhero. Sudde
nly, he heard someone call, “Has anyone seen my robotic glove mad
e of steel?” It was their new neighbor, Mr. Shore. Joel’s eyes wi
dened. Finders keepers didn’t work if you found the 13. He wasn’
t going to be a superhero after all. He took a deep breath and 1
4 up the glove, “I think I found it!” Just then, Mom called out t
he window, “It’s time to move the 15!” Mr. Shore looked at Joel
with a big smile. “Would you like to use it?” “Yes, please,” Joel
put on the glove before hurrying inside and this time he really
felt like a superhero.1.A.steelB.woodC.silkD.cotton2.A.forB.overC
.booksB.fruitsC.snacksD.dollars12.A.ask forB.think ofC.feel likeD
.depend on13.A.helperB.ownerC.neighborD.policeman14.A.setB.tookC.
heldD.looked15.A.bedB.sofaC.deskD.chair二、阅读单选Who Is Your Hero?We
asked you to tell your real-life heroes. Thank you for your inspi
ring answers! Here are just a few!My hero is J.K. Rowling because
she wrote all the Harry Potter books and started Lumos, an organ
ization that helps poor children. I really like the main characte
r Harry Potter. He is a very common boy: polite, friendly, brave
and clever. So when I read about Harry, I always imagine being li
ke him.Liam?Age 11Jackie Robinson is my hero. He showed the world
that you should treat people the same no matter what. He was lau
ghed at, but that didn’t stop him. Stopping Jackie was like movin
g a 1,000,000,000-pound rock. He was a good baseball player, too.
He was the first African American baseball player to play in Maj
or League Baseball in the modern era (当代). He was a great man.Tho
mas?Age 13My hero is very sweet. We like to cook something delici
ous together. She is very kind. Whenever I feel lonely and sad, s
he’s always there and inspires me to follow my dreams. She is als
o my music teacher at school. She makes sure we try our best and
she says that even if we make mistakes, it’s fine because it’s wh
at makes us better. My sweet, amazing mom and teacher!Ellie?Age 1
216.What’s the passage mainly about?A.Real-life heroes.B.Amazing
teachers.C.Famous writers.D.Different players.17.Which of the fol
lowing is TRUE according to the passage?A.Liam wants to be a pers
on like Harry Potter.B.J.K. Rowling started a book club named Lum
os.C.Jackie was the first American basketball player.D.Ellie does
her best to cook delicious food at school.18.The passage probabl
y comes from the column (栏目) of ____ in a magazine.A.HealthB.Spor
tsC.PeopleD.FoodIsatou grew up in a small village of N’jau, the G
ambia—the smallest country in Africa. She lived with her sisters,
brothers and her parents, and from a young age was interested in
recycling. She would even use left-over cloth to make toys! Sadl
y, her father passed away when she was just 10 years old, and Isa
tou left school to support her family.When Isatou was little, she
would carry a basket to the market. When it broke, she found a p
lastic bag to use—it worked a treat! But the plastic bags soon ca
used problems. People couldn’t deal with them properly and they w
ere simply thrown out and started to cover the streets. They spre
ad diseases, and were eaten by livestock (家禽) who often died as a
result.As an adult, Isatou joined the US Peace Corps as a volunt
eer—here, she learned more about recycling. She was also inspired
to make a change...Could those throwaway plastic bags become som
ething that helped her village?Joined by five friends, Isatou had
an idea to weave (编织) plastic bags into purses. The bags were cl
eaned and dried, and took eight hours to weave into a purse! The
purses were sold at a city market—and people loved them! Within a
year, 50 more women joined them, with the money the women made,
some of their children were able to continue with education.The r
ecycling group was known as the ‘one plastic bag’ action, and Isa
tou was known as ‘The Queen of Recycling’! Years later, a book ab
out her life came out. Because of her achievements, Isatou receiv
ed the Difference Maker Award(奖) and the Inspiration Award in 202
0.19.When did Isatou leave school to feed her family?A.When she c
ould make toys.B.After her father lost his job.C.When she was ten
years old.D.After she became a volunteer.20.What can we infer(推断
) from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2?A.Isatou didn’t lik
e the plastic bag at all.B.Isatou wasn’t allowed to use the plast
ic bag.C.The plastic bag was too expensive to afford.D.The plasti
c bag looked good and worked well.21.Which of the following is th
e RIGHT order according to the passage?a. Isatou made toys by usi
ng left-over cloth.b. Isatou was in the US Peace Corps as a volun
teer.c. Isatou used a plastic bag instead of a broken basket.d. I
satou got some awards because of her achievements.e. Isatou recyc
led plastic bags and turned them into purses.A.c—a—b—d—eB.a—c—b—e
—dC.a—b—c—d—eD.c—b—a—e—d22.The best title for the passage can pro
bably be ________. A.The Secret to SuccessB.The Special Recycling
GroupC.The Queen of RecyclingD.The Importance of Recycling2023 i
s the Year of the Rabbit according to the Chinese lunar calendar.
Let’s think and find out some facts about this cute animal.Do yo
u know why a year would be named after a rabbit? Rabbits usually
aren’t seen as very powerful animals. But in Chinese culture, the
rabbit is known as the luckiest of all the zodiac (十二生肖) animals
. It is a symbol of beauty and kindness. Rabbits are also seen as
being very clever. If you are born in the Year of the Rabbit, th
en according to the Chinese zodiac, you are calm and peaceful, an
d you don’t like to fight. You are artistic and smart, but don’t
like to change.However, not every culture connects rabbits with g
ood luck. Some native Americans consider rabbits cheats. In child
ren’s stories, a rabbit cheat is also funny, careless, and has a
big self-importance. The Spain culture didn’t view rabbits as che
ats or symbols of luck. Rabbits were connected with drink called
pulque, which was made from a special plant.Some cultures have be
liefs (信仰) on the color of a rabbit. A white rabbit is a symbol o
f love, strength and good luck. Dreaming about a white rabbit mig
ht mean that something good will happen. However, a dream about a
black rabbit might mean stress, fear and feeling helpless. If yo
u dream about a brown rabbit, it might mean that you will be rich
but weak. Whatever symbolism or stories there might be about rab
bits, for the most part, rabbits mean good luck, so don’t forget
to say, “rabbit, rabbit” at the beginning of the next new month.
It could mean 30 days of good luck!23.What might the person born
in the Year of the Rabbit be like according to the passage?A.Acti
ve and brave.B.Rich and friendly.C.Clever and peaceful.D.Funny an
d careful.24.The Spain culture connects rabbits with .A.luckB.ch
eatsC.plantsD.drink25.If you dream about a black rabbit, what may
happen?A.You may be stressed out.B.You may make much money.C.You
may become strong at once.D.You may have a good time all day.26.
According to the passage, we can infer that the writer wants us t
o .A.protect rabbitsB.be lucky like rabbitsC.keep rabbits as pet
sD.talk with rabbits every monthDo you often compare yourself to
other people? Are you happy when you compare yourself to your fri
end? Comparisons (比较) can help to make decisions but they can als
o pull you into a comparison trap (陷阱).Why is it so easy to compa
re yourself to others? Whether it’s the number of goals you’ve sc
ored at football or how many books you’ve read, it’s easy to comp
are yourself to someone else. Scientists say it helps humans lear
n from each other, live happily together and achieve more. Althou
gh comparing can be good for you, it’s not always helpful and you
can find yourself stuck in a comparison trap. This is when you a
lways compare yourself to others and base your feelings on how we
ll they seem to be doing. ▲ Becky is a child therapist (someone w
ho helps children understand their feelings). She tells The Week
Junior that comparisons can make us feel good and bad about ourse
lves. “Comparing up” means seeing someone doing better than you a
nd using that to inspire yourself to aim higher and try harder. H
owever, she says, “Sometimes it can make you feel rubbish about y
ourself and knock your confidence.” “Comparing down” is when you
see someone who seems like they’re not doing as well as you. “Thi
s might make you feel you’re doing well,” says Becky, “but it can
also stop you wanting to improve.”Escape the comparison trap. If
your feelings depend on what other people are doing, “Stay with
cheerleaders (拉拉队长),” suggests Becky. Spend time with friends who
make you confident rather than compare themselves to you. Find s
ome people that make you laugh or show you lovely places. Finally
, pay attention to your own achievements and how you can improve.
“The best person you can compete with is yourself,” says Becky.2
7.The writer starts to introduce the topic by ________.A.telling
storiesB.asking questionsC.giving examplesD.sharing experiences28
.The underlined word “it” refers to “________”.A.reading a lot of
booksB.comparing yourself to othersC.scoring goals at footballD.
feeling good about yourself29.Which of the following can be put i
n the ________ in Paragraph 4?A.Can comparisons be good for you?B
.Would you like to compare to others?C.How do you compare yoursel
f to others?D.Why are comparisons important to you?30.What is the
main purpose of the passage?A.To help readers build up confidenc
e again.B.To remind readers not to compare to others.C.To share r
eaders with different comparisons.D.To encourage readers to make
healthy comparisons.三、阅读匹配Do you have a good habit? And do you wa
nt to be healthy? Making exercise a habit can be good for you. He
re are five tips that can help you to make exercise a way of life
! 31Which days can you exercise? Making plans to find some time e
ach week for your exercise will keep you heading in the right dir
ection. 32Your list should include things like making sure your
sports bag is packed, and your shoes and water are ready for the
activity ahead. 33Choosing a form of exercise that you find enjoy
able will make you more willing to do it. When you take part in e
xercise that is fun, it’s more likely to become a habit. 34If you
don’t have a goal, you’re more likely to get bored. So why not j
oin in a school race or a ball game? Having something to train fo
r will keep you driven to succeed. 35Haven’t missed a training al
l week? Then reward yourself with a Friday night on your favourit
e video game or other things you like. Whether you reward yoursel
f once a week or once a month, having something to look forward t
o will keep you active.A.Make a listB.Reward yourselfC.Do what yo
u enjoyD.Make plans for itE.Set a goal四、多句选词填空用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限
用一次。cut?beside?leaf?either?her36.__________ the beef into thin pi
eces, please!37.Look! My bag is bigger than __________.38.Nancy w
alked to the girl and sat __________ her.39.It was autumn and the
__________ were yellow.40.You don’t study Japanese and he doesn’
t study it, __________.五、短文汉语提示填空阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空
一词)。To celebrate the 70th anniversary(周年) of our school, we had a
special activity: designing our own school uniforms.We were all
excited and couldn’t 41 (等待) to get started. My classmate Pei Yo
uyang designed 42 (三) types of sports uniforms to wear in differ
ent seasons. These 43 (衣服) are all comfortable and good for play
ing sports. To keep students safe at night, she also 44 (增加) som
e lights on the trousers.Wang Yuchuan made some dresses only for
girls. “Most of the school uniforms look mostly the same, and the
y can 45 (几乎不) show girls’ beauty and personality,” said Wang. “
So I designed some beautiful dresses to let girls show themselves
46 (开心地).”As for me, I designed uniforms in a traditional Chine
se style. I 47 (希望) they’ll look good when students take part in
important activities.“I’m 48 (骄傲的) of the students who did such
a great job,” said Sun Congmin from the school. “Their designs a
re pretty and 49 (有帮助的). This is really a meaningful activity wh
ere students showed their 50 (才能) and creativity. I’m looking fo
rward to seeing more creative works from students.”六、语法填空阅读下面短文,在
空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。As an engineer, I’ve spent’ years liv
ing in Beijing. But I haven’t had many truly outdoor experiences.
However, 51 trip to Nanshan Skiing Village gave me some unforge
ttable memories. As my friend and I sat together, I felt for the
52 (one) time that I had truly left the busy life of Beijing. Hu
ng up in the air a few 53 (meter) off the ground, I took in the
wide view of the countryside and 54 (enjoy) the peace. My friend
s had already started making their way down the hill. And I was a
bout to join them but suddenly felt afraid as I found how easy it
was to pick up speed. I tried to turn to the side to slow down,
but I ended up 55 (fall) down into the snow instead. However, I
was not ready to give 56 and pulled myself together. I worked ha
rd to make 57 (I) way to one of the starting points. 58 I still
felt nervous, I made some progress after failing to slow down a
few times. I was able to ski 59 (well) and faster. By the day’s
end, I have learned by accepting what seems scary, and find both
confidence 60 peace. I have also understood what it meant to tak
e risks and get out of my comfort zone(舒适区).七、材料作文61.近年来,“双减政策”开展
文。Free-time activitiesReasonsvolunteer to help...feel happy, ...t
ake up a hobbymake yourself better, .........要求:1. 文中应包含表格中的所有要点,
可适当进行拓展;2. 文中不得提及真实的人名、校名等相关信息;3. 80~100词左右(短文开头已给出,仅供选择使用,不计入总词数
)。Because of the “double reduction” policy, we have more time to
do what we like to enjoy study and life. ________________________
____________________________________参考答案:1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D
5.B 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.C 13
.B 14.C 15.B【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了乔尔捡到机器人手套的故事。1.句意:它是用钢做的,有黑色和
黄色的油漆。steel钢;wood木材;silk丝绸;cotton棉花。根据后文“Has anyone seen my robot
ic glove made of steel?”可知,手套是钢制成的。故选A。2.句意:他环视了一下自家后院。for为了;over
超过;after之后;around围绕。根据下文“How was a robotic glove here?”可知,Joel应是环
他的;mine我的;yours你的;theirs他们的。根据“If you found something and couldn’
t find the owner, it was...”可知,你捡到了东西却找不到失主,那你捡到的东西就是你的了。yours符合语
据“Has anyone seen my robotic glove made of steel?”可知,那只机器人手套是钢制的,
。head头;hand手;face脸;foot足。根据“Even though it was much bigger than h
is own...”可知,手套比他的手大很多。故选B。6.句意:乔尔把手伸进里面,他感觉到机器复活了。felt感觉;suggest
ed建议;explained解释;remembered记得。根据“Joel put his hand inside and...t
he machine come to life.”可知,是Joel感觉到机器活了过来。故选A。7.句意:手套开始起作用了,他举起了
石头。built建造;threw扔;hugged拥抱;lifted举起。根据“it was no heavier than a p
r否则;but但是;because因为。根据“It should have been heavy...with the glove
it was no heavier than a pencil.”可知,前后句意存在转折关系,空处应是but。故选C。9.句意:
现在,他要用这么棒的一样东西来做什么呢?why为什么;who谁;when什么时候;what什么。根据“Now...was he g
oing to do with such a great thing?”可知,空处应是what,表示“他打算做什么”。故选D。10
.句意:他可以说“你需要帮忙吗?” 然后轻松地拿起沙发放在其他地方。sadly伤心地;easily容易地,轻易地;weakly弱地
;carefully仔细地。根据前文“It should have been heavy...with the glove it
was no heavier than a pencil.”可知,戴上手套后举起石头,感觉石头不比铅笔重,所以拿起沙发应是很轻松的
一件事。故选B。11.句意:在图书馆里,他可以说“让我帮忙!” 然后拿着装满书的箱子。books书;fruits水果;snacks
零食;dollars美元。根据“At the library”可知,图书馆里的箱子应是装着书的。故选A。12.句意:他会觉得自己像
一个超级英雄。ask for请求;think of考虑;feel like感觉像;depend on依赖。根据后文“this ti
me he really felt like a superhero”可知,他感觉自己像超级英雄。故选C。13.句意:如果你找到了
失主,就不是谁捡到就是谁的了。helper帮助者;owner主人;neighbor邻居;policeman警察。结合前文“If y
ou found something and couldn’t find the owner, it was...”可知,捡到东西
找到了!”set设置;took拿;held举办;looked看。根据“...up the glove”可知,乔尔举起手套,告诉邻居
ng up the sofa and setting it somewhere else”可知,要把沙发放在别的地方。故选B。16
.A 17.A 18.C【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了三个人心目中的英雄,以及将其作为英雄的原因。16.主旨
大意题。根据 “We asked you to tell your real-life heroes. ” 可知,文章的话题是介绍
现实生活的英雄。故选A。17.推理判断题。根据 “So when I read about Harry, I always ima
gine being like him.” 可知,Liam非常喜欢Harry Potter,每次读书时,总是会想象着像他一样。故选
A。18.推理判断题。根据 “We asked you to tell your real-life heroes. Thank
you for your inspiring answers! Here are just a few!” 可知,文章主要讨论现实
生活中的英雄,因此是关于人物的话题,文章应会出现在杂志的人物专栏。故选C。19.C 20.D 21.B 22.C
会。19.细节理解题。根据“Sadly, her father passed away when she was just 10
years old, and Isatou left school to support her family.”可知,10岁的时
候辍学了,故选C。20.推理判断题。根据“When Isatou was little, she would carry a ba
sket to the market. When it broke, she found a plastic bag to use
—it worked a treat”可知,当篮子坏了的时候,她找一个塑料袋来用,这也很好用,故选D。21.细节理解题。根据“Sh
e would even use left-over cloth to make toys”可知,很小的时候会用剩下的布做玩具,根
据“When Isatou was little, she would carry a basket to the market.
When it broke, she found a plastic bag to use—it worked a treat”
可知,用一个塑料袋来代替破损的篮子;根据“As an adult, Isatou joined the US Peace Corp
s as a volunteer”可知,成为了一名志愿者;根据“Joined by five friends, Isatou ha
d an idea to weave (编织) plastic bags into purses”可知,回收塑料袋,把它们变成了钱
包;根据“Because of her achievements, Isatou received the Difference
Maker Award(奖) and the Inspiration Award in 2020”可知,在2020年获得了两种奖项
,故选B。22.最佳标题题。根据“The recycling group was known as the ‘one plasti
c bag’ action, and Isatou was known as ‘The Queen of Recycling’!”
题是:回收女王,故选C。23.C 24.D 25.A 26.B【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了兔子在不同文化
中的象征意义。23.细节理解题。根据第二段“If you are born in the Year of the Rabbit,
then according to the Chinese zodiac, you are calm and peaceful,
and you don’t like to fight.”可知,如果你出生在兔年,那么根据中国的十二生肖,你平静、平和,不喜欢打架
。你很有艺术感,很聪明,但不喜欢改变。故选C。24.细节理解题。根据第四段“The Spain culture ... Rabbi
ts were connected with drink called pulque, which was made from a
special plant.”可知,在西班牙文化中,兔子与一种由植物制成的饮料相关。故选D。25.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“H
owever, a dream about a black rabbit might mean stress, fear and
feeling helpless.”可知,一个关于黑兔子的梦可能意味着压力、恐惧和无助。故选A。26.推理判断题。根据最后一段“.
..for the most part, rabbits mean good luck, so don’t forget to s
ay, ‘rabbit, rabbit’ at the beginning of the next new month. It c
ould mean 30 days of good luck!”可知,在大多数情况下,兔子意味着好运,所以不要忘记在下个月初说“兔
子,兔子”,这可能意味着30天的好运!由此推断作者希望我们像兔子一样幸运。故选B。27.B 28.B 29.A
题。根据“Do you often compare yourself to other people? Are you happy
when you compare yourself to your friend?”可知,作者问大家是否经常把自己和别人比较,当
比较时,我们是否很开心,通过这两个问题,引出作者接下来要阐述的观点。故选B。28.词句猜测题。根据“it’s easy to co
mpare yourself to someone else”和“Although comparing can be good f
or you”可知,此处指的是科学家认为与他人比较有助于人类相互学习,快乐地生活在一起,并取得更多成就。故选B。29.推理判断题。
根据“She tells The Week Junior that comparisons can make us feel go
od and bad about ourselves.”可知,本段主要说比较可以让我们感觉良好或糟糕。故选A。30.主旨大意题。根
据“Do you often compare yourself to other people? Are you happy wh
en you compare yourself to your friend? Comparisons (比较) can help
to make decisions but they can also pull you into a comparison t
rap (陷阱).”可知,本文主要讲述与他人比较会让我们陷入比较陷阱里,这会影响我们自己,我们应该不与他人比较。故选B。31.D
32.A 33.C 34.E 35.B【导语】本文主要讲了可以养成好的锻炼习惯的五个技巧。31.根据“Ma
king plans to find some time each week for your exercise”可知要制定计划每
周抽出时间锻炼,选项D“制定计划”与之对应。故选D。32.根据“Your list should include things …
”可知清单里需要包含一些详细的事项,所以需要制作清单,选项A“制作清单”与之对应。故选A。33.根据“Choosing a for
m of exercise that you find enjoyable will make you more willing
to do it.”可知说的是做喜欢的事情,才更有可能成为一种习惯,选项C“做你喜欢的事”与之对应。故选C。34.根据“If yo
u don’t have a goal, you’re more likely to get bored.”可知,说的是有目标才不
会无聊,选项E“设定目标”与之对应。故选E。35.根据“Whether you reward yourself once a we
ek or once a month, having something to look forward to will keep
you active.”可知奖励自己会让你保持活跃,选项B“奖励你自己”与之对应。故选B。36.Cut 37.hers 3
8.beside 39.leaves 40.either【解析】36.句意:请把牛肉切成薄片。根据“please!”可
知此句是祈使句,动词原形开头,cut...into pieces表示“切成碎片”。故填Cut。37.句意:看!我的袋子比她的大。根
据“My bag is bigger than”可知此处是两者比较,空后没有名词,用名词性物主代词hers代替,表示“她的包”。故
填hers。38.句意:Nancy走向女孩,坐在她旁边。根据“Nancy walked to the girl and sat..
t was autumn”可知秋天叶子会变黄,根据were可知,主语用复数,leaf复数为leaves。故填leaves。40.句
意:你不学日语,他也不学。根据“You don’t study Japanese and he doesn’t study it”
可知否定句表示“也”,用either,位于句末。故填either。41.wait 42.three 43.clothe
s 44.added 45.hardly 46.happily 47.hope 48.proud
49.helpful 50.talent【导语】本文介绍同学们为庆祝70周年校庆,自己设计校服活动。41.句意:我们都很
兴奋,迫不及待地想开始。考查固定搭配“can’t wait to do”,意为“迫不及待做某事”。根据“couldn’t”可知,情
子上增加了一些发光带。根据上句“Pei Youyang designed”可知,时态为一般过去时,用动词过去式。“增加”add的过
形式为proud。故填proud。49.句意:他们的设计很漂亮又有帮助的。根据“pretty and”可知,and前后一致,此空也
52.first 53.meters 54.enjoyed 55.falling 56.up
57.my 58.Although/Though 59.better 60.and【导语】本文讲述了作者的南山
静。a few修饰复数名词,meter的复数形式为meters。故填meters。54.句意:驻足在离地几米远的高处,我俯瞰着广阔
向一边放慢速度,但最终却摔倒在雪地里。end up doing sth意为“结果是”,动词fall的动名词为falling。故填falling。56.句意:然而,我并没有准备放弃,而是振作起来。根据“and pulled myself together”可知此处应用动词短语give up表示“放弃”。故填up。57.句意:我努力前进,争取到达其中一个起点。way为名词,应用代词I的形容词性物主代词my来修饰名词。故填my。58.句意:尽管我仍然感到紧张,在几次减速失败后,我取得了一些进步。根据“I still felt nervous”和“I made some progress”可知,尽管我仍然感到紧张,但我取得了一些进步,应用although或though来引导让步状语从句,位于句首,首字母要大写。故填Although/Though。59.句意:我能够更好更快地滑雪。根据“and faster”可知此处应用well的比较级better来修饰动词ski。故填better。60.句意:一天下来,我学会了接受看似可怕的事情,并找到了自信和平静。根据“confidence”和“peace”可知此处应用并列连词and连接两个名词。故填and。61.例文:Because of the “double reduction” policy, we have more time to do what we like to enjoy study and life. In my free time, I choose to volunteer to help children without parents, which makes me feel happy and meaningful. I help them with their lessons and sometimes offer them some new books. What’s more, I have taken up hobbies — playing tennis and chess. Hobbies make me better in both my body and my mind. Hobbies also make me better at managing my time. In addition, I try to do more housework so that when I grow up, I can take care of myself. My parents can feel more relaxed after a day’s hard work.Let’s take action and make full use of our free time to make after-school life more colorful.【详解】[总体分析]① 题材:这是一篇材料作文;② 时态:主要是一般现在时;③ 提示:写作要点已经给出,写出至少三点课余活动及其对应的理由,且每个理由不止一点。[写作步骤]第一步,描写三种课余活动:做志愿工作、发展爱好、做家务,并且阐明理由。这是本文写作重点;第二步,呼吁行动起来,利用好课余时间、丰富生活。[亮点词汇]① what’s more 而且② make me better at managing my time 让我更善于管理时间③ after a day’s hard work 经过一天的辛苦工作④ make full use of our free time 充分利用空余时间[高分句型]① I choose to volunteer to help children without parents, which makes me feel happy and meaningful.(定语从句)② I try to do more housework so that when I grow up, I can take care of myself.(目的状语从句)试卷第1页,共3页试卷第1页,共3页答案第1页,共2页答案第1页,共2页