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野性的呼唤第2节 重点词汇
2023-07-25 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
野性的呼唤第2节 重点词汇

Buck had accepted the rope with quiet dignity. To be sure, it was an unwonted

performance: but he had learned to trust in men he knew, and to give them credit

for a wisdom that outreached his own. But when the ends of the rope were

placed in the stranger''s hands, he growled menacingly. He had merely intimated

his displeasure, in his pride believing that to intimate was to command. But to his

surprise the rope tightened around his neck, shutting o? his breath. In quick rage

he sprang at the man, who met him halfway, grappled him close by the throat,

and with a deft twist threw him over on his back. Then the rope tightened

mercilessly, while Buck struggled in a fury, his tongue lolling out of his mouth and

his great chest panting futilely. Never in all his life had he been so vilely treated,

and never in all his life had he been so angry. But his strength ebbed, his eyes

glazed, and he knew nothing when the train was ?agged and the two men threw

him into the baggage car.

g404credit n. 认可,赞扬


? give somebody credit for… 相信某人有......能力, 因......而赞扬,尊重

? on credit 赊账

? credit A with B 认为是......的功劳;把......归于......;认为......有(良好的品质或特点)



? n. 信贷,学分

? v. 相信(尤指令人惊奇或意外的事物)

g404intimate v. (间接)表示;暗示;透露


? adj. 亲密的

? n. 密友



intimacy n. 关系密切,亲密行为


? adj. 亲密的

? n. 密友



intimacy n. 关系密切,亲密行为

g404aware adj. 知道;意识到;明?


be aware of sth. 意识到;发觉



? awareness n. 意识,认识;明白,知道

? unaware adj. 未察觉的;没意识到

“Yep, has ?ts," the man said, hiding his mangled hand from the baggageman,

who had been attracted by the sounds of struggle. “I''m takin'' ''m up for the boss

to ''Frisco. A crack dog-doctor there thinks that he can cure ''m."

g404?t n.(癫痫等的)突发,发作


fitness n. 健康;适合



? adj. 健康的,适合的

keep fit 保持健康

be fit for sth. 适合做某事

? v. 适合,合身(不用于进行时)

The coat fits well. 这件大衣很合身。

? n. (强烈感情)发作;冲动

in a fit of anger/rage/temper/pique 一阵愤怒╱狂怒╱怒火╱恼怒

Concerning that night''s ride, the man spoke most eloquently for himself, in a little

shed back of a saloon on the San Francisco water front.“All I get is ?fty for it,"

he grumbled; “an'' I wouldn''t do it over for a thousand, cold cash."His hand was

wrapped in a bloody handkerchief, and the right trouser leg was ripped from knee

to ankle.“How much did the other mug get?" the saloon-keeper demanded.A

hundred," was the reply. “Wouldn''t take a sou less, so help me."“That makes a

hundred and ?fty," the saloon-keeper calculated; “and he''s worth it, or I''m a

squarehead."The kidnapper undid the bloody wrappings and looked at his

lacerated hand. “If I don''t get the hydrophoby--"“It''ll be because you were born

to hang," laughed the saloon- keeper. “Here, lend me a hand before you pull

your freight," he added.

g404grumble v. 抱怨,嘟囔






? grumble at/to sb. about/at sb/sth. 向某人抱怨某人/某事;嘟囔;发牢骚

? grumble about sth that... 因某事......而发牢骚

Dazed, su?ering intolerable pain from throat and tongue, with the life half

throttled out of him, Buck attempted to face his tormentors. But he was thrown

down and choked repeatedly, till they succeeded in ?ling the heavy brass collar

from o? his neck. Then the rope was removed, and he was ?ung into a cagelike


g404intolerable adj. ?法忍受的;不能容忍的,主语是物



? intolerable主语是令人无法忍受的人或物

? intolerant主语是无法忍受的主体(一般是人)




? tolerable adj. 过得去的,可接受的

? tolerant adj. 容忍的, 能在困难条件下生存(或操作)的

? tolerate v. 允许;忍受

? tolerance n. 忍受;宽容;耐力

? intolerance n. 不宽容,偏狭

g404attempt v. 努?;尝试;企图



? attempt较正式用词,侧重已经开始,且希望完成,但常隐含着不一定有预期的结果。 后接


? try普通用词,可与attempt换用,但强调努力或尝试,后跟不to do表示努力或争取;后跟




attempt to do 尝试做某事



? n. 企图,尝试

g404?ing? v.指??地“扔、投、掷”(常常带有??的情绪,动作?较粗鲁。)


Fling/throw/cast/ pitch/hurl:

? throw最普通、使用最广泛,指“扔、投、掷”,是一个普通词,只是强调动作,不带感情


? cast 通常指用力把一个较轻的物体迅速地扔出去,如扔飞盘、扔书、抛渔网等。是一个比较


? pitch指用力地“扔”,通常是瞄准了目标或方向后用力扔,还被用于棒球运动中,指把球


? hurl 猛扔、猛投、猛摔



小说中用到的fling oneself指“猛动(自己的身体或身体部位)”。

There he lay for the remainder of the weary night, nursing his wrath and wounded

pride. He could not understand what it all meant. What did they want with him,

these strange men? Why were they keeping him pent up in this narrow crate? He

did not know why, but he felt oppressed by the vague sense of impending

calamity. Several times during the night he sprang to his feet when the shed door

rattled open, expecting to see the Judge, or the boys at least. But each time it

was the bulging face of the saloon-keeper that peered in at him by the sickly

light of a tallow candle. And each time the joyful bark that trembled in Buck''s

throat was twisted into a savage growl.

g404oppress v. 压抑;使窒息;使烦恼



? oppress 表示用不公平的力量或权力让人低头和使人感到压抑、喘不过气;

? suppress 在意思上比oppress更广、更常用,表示(1) 终止;(2)抑制;(3)使不被





? oppression n. 沉闷,苦恼

? oppressor n. 压迫者

? oppressive adj. 压迫的,沉重的,难以忍受的

? oppressively adv. 压迫地,沉重地

But the saloon-keeper let him alone, and in the morning four men entered and

picked up the crate. More tormentors, Buck decided, for they were evil-looking

creatures, ragged and unkempt; and he stormed and raged at them through the

bars. They only laughed and poked sticks at him, which he promptly assailed with

his teeth till he realized that that was what they wanted. Whereupon he lay down

sullenly and allowed the crate to be lifted into a wagon. Then he, and the crate in

which he was imprisoned, began a passage through many hands. Clerks in the

express o?ce took charge of him; he was carted about in another wagon; a truck

carried him, with an assortment of boxes and parcels, upon a ferry steamer; he

was trucked o? the steamer into a great railway depot, and ?nally he was

deposited in an express car.

g404promptly adv.? ?即,迅速地(经常?在动词前)




? promptly使用场合更正式

? quickly使用的场合更多



? prompt adj. 迅速的,立即的

? promptness n. 敏捷,迅速

g404assail v. 攻击



? attack 是常用词, 指"攻击敌人"或"用言论攻击他人"

? assail 指"猛烈连续地攻击"

? assault 语气比 assail还强,指"突然猛烈地进攻"

? charge 指"猛攻"或"猛冲"



assail with 用......攻击,责骂



? assailant n. 攻击者,行凶者

? assailable adj. 易受攻击的,有隙可乘的

? assailment n. 攻击



v. 困扰;使苦恼

For two days and nights this express car was dragged along at the tail of

shrieking locomotives; and for two days and nights Buck neither ate nor drank. In

his anger he had met the ?rst advances of the express messengers with growls,

and they had retaliated by teasing him. When he ?ung himself against the bars,

quivering and frothing, they laughed at him and taunted him. They growled and

barked like detestable dogs, mewed, and ?apped their arms and crowed. It was

all very silly, he knew; but therefore the more outrage to his dignity, and his anger

waxed and waxed. He did not mind the hunger so much, but the lack of water

caused him severe su?ering and fanned his wrath to fever-pitch. For that matter,

high-strung and ?nely sensitive, the ill treatment had ?ung him into a fever,

which was fed by the in?ammation of his parched and swollen throat and tongue.

g404advance n. 前进??


in advance of 预先,事先



? v. 前进;发展;促进

? n. 发展,进步



advanced adj. 先进的,高级的

g404feed v.给......施肥,可以理解为?喻义“给......增加燃料”


? feed sb/sth (on) sth 用......喂某人/饲养动物

? feed sth to sb/sth 将食物给人/动物



? v. 喂养,饲养

? v. 养活

He was glad for one thing: the rope was o? his neck. That had given them an

unfair advantage; but now that it was o?, he would show them. They would never

get another rope around his neck. Upon that he was resolved. For two days and

nights he neither ate nor drank, and during those two days and nights of torment,

he accumulated a fund of wrath that boded ill for whoever ?rst fell foul of him.

His eyes turned blood-shot, and he was metamorphosed into a raging ?end. So

changed was he that the Judge himself would not have recognized him; and the

express messengers breathed with relief when they bundled him o? the train at


g404accumulate v. 积累,积聚


? collect v. 收集;聚集(侧重指有区别地作选择或有安排有计划地把零散物集中起来)

? collect lots of boxes 收集了许多盒子

? A crowd began to collect in front of the house. 门前慢慢聚集起了人群。



accumulation n. (数量)积累,积聚

g404relief? n. 宽慰,轻松;解脱、


? relief of/from sth. (焦虑、痛苦等的)减轻,消除,缓和

? a sense of relief 解脱感

? to one''s relief 令人如释重负/令人感到放松的是




? relief 侧重消除痛苦、不适或困难的负担,常暗含不利因素已不存在的意思。

? comfort 通常指在摆脱烦人、痛苦的事情,或在要求、愿望得到满足后所感到的安慰、慰


? ease 指因没有担心和忧虑而轻松。

? leisure 专指闲暇时间或悠闲状态。

? relaxation 强调消除肌肉疲劳或思想的紧张状态,使身心松弛,得到休息。

? rest与work相对,强调消除身心疲劳,不着重休息方式。
