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2023-08-01 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
2022-2023学年安徽省高一下学期期末考试英语试卷一、阅读理解According to the World Health Organiz
ation, a global group that studies public health, 1.1 billion you
ng adults are at risk of developing hearing loss. Smartphones are
largely to blame. Can some headphones really damage your hearing
?Nerves carry messages to each other, such as sounds or sensation
s. Most hearing loss is the result of nerve wreck. Scientists use
decibels to measure volume. You can listen to 85 decibels pretty
much all day without causing any damage. That is about the noise
level of busy city traffic. Things quickly become dangerous once
you get louder than that. The noise level produced at a rock con
cert or by a chain saw is about 115 decibels. At this level, dama
ge can happen in less than a minute. You might not immediately no
tice large hearing loss. It will add up over time. Some smartphon
es can crank (调高) music to 120 decibels. Say: you listen to 10 so
ngs in a row at that volume. You might notice hearing loss by the
time you take off your headphones.What kind of headphones should
people use? All of them have different benefits and downsides. E
ar buds have a bad reputation because they sit in your ear canal.
This allows them to release the sound closer to your ear. That m
eans what you hear is almost the full force of the sound. Big, pa
dded over-ear headphones do not sit as close to your eardrum. The
y still trap in sound, though. Sound from these headphones also r
eaches your eardrum at nearly full force. Then there are some spe
cial over-ear headphones, the kind with foam (泡沫) earphone covers
which are better at blocking noise. They deliver sound around yo
ur ear instead of straight into it. It might not sound as good, b
ut it’s healthier for your ears. Solid-plastic in-ear headphones
are not very good at blocking out background noise. This might ma
ke you want to pump up the volume.Doctors recommend that their pa
tients get fitted for headphones which will help block background
noise. In theory, this should encourage people to listen at lowe
r volumes. But they are not sure it works that way because they t
hink people just have a habit of turning it all the way up.1.What
does the word “wreck” in paragraph 2 mean?A.Loss.B.Damage.C.Tens
ion.D.Decrease.2.Which activity will probably damage your hearing
?A.Driving at the city center.B.Enjoying ten songs.C.Using a chai
n saw.D.Watching an action movie.3.What can you infer from paragr
aph 3?A.It is the volume that really damages people’s hearingB.It
’s unnecessary to turn down the volume for people with normal hea
ringC.Picking right headphones has nothing to do with people’s he
aring.D.A good pair of headphones can adjust the volume of the sm
artphone.4.What kind of headphone do doctors probably recommend p
eople to use?A.Solid-plastic in-ear headphones.B.Tiny in-ear head
phones.C.Big padded over-ear headphones.D.Special over-ear headph
ones.“What will you do if a person you don’t know wants to give y
ou a ride?” I asked my children. “What if he says Mom is hurt, an
d you have to come to the hospital with him?” I knew they pretend
ed to listen to me, because I interrupted their TV time. Here I a
lso want to ask some parents, “Have you ever told your children h
ow to protect themselves?” If you haven’t, I would like to give y
ou four words to help you teach your children how to protect them
selves. No! If a stranger walks to the children, they should keep
their distance from the stranger. If the stranger keeps walking
to them in a terrible manner, they should run quickly and shout “
No!” as loudly as possible. Go! If the shout does not change the
situation, they should run as quickly as possible to a safe place
. It is helpful for children to know some safe places such as sch
ools, restaurants and gas stations. Yell! It means that the child
ren should shout loudly. They can yell out, “Stranger!”Call! Once
they get to a safe place, they should call their parents, teache
rs or other persons they trust.5.The underlined word “pretend” me
ans in Chinese.A.故意B.假装C.喜欢D.讨厌6.How many ways of protecting chil
dren are mentioned in the passage?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.7.Th
e passage is probably written by ________.A.a teacherB.a policema
nC.a motherD.a doctor8.Where can you probably read this passage?A
.In a travel guide.B.In an ad.C.In a storybook.D.In a newspaper.H
ave you ever imagined the life in space? The following will show
you the astronauts’ daily life. Eating in spaceIf you go camping
for more than a week with some friends, you will make sure you ha
ve plenty of foods and keep them properly. At the end of your cam
ping trip, you would deal with your rubbish properly before the r
ide home. Astronauts almost do the same thing when they go to spa
ce. Preparation changes with the food type. Some foods can be eat
en in their natural forms, such as chocolate cakes and fruits. Ot
her foods require adding water, such as cheese. Of course, an ove
n is provided at the space station to heat the food. But there ar
e no fridges, so space food must be kept properly. Sleeping in sp
aceAfter a long day at work, nothing is better than a good night’
s sleep! Just like on the earth, in space astronauts go to bed at
a certain time, then get up and prepare for work again. When goi
ng to sleep, they have to attach themselves, so they don’t float
(漂浮) around or hit their bodies against something. They usually u
se sleeping bags located in small crew cabins (乘员舱). Each crew ca
bin is just big enough for one person. Generally, astronauts have
an eight-hour sleep each day when they finish their task. Doing
sports in spaceExercise is an important part of every astronaut’s
daily life to prevent muscle loss (肌肉萎缩). Usually, astronauts ex
ercise two hours every day. Lifting 200pounds on the earth may be
a lot of work. But lifting that same object in space would be mu
ch easier. That means the things for exercise need to be speciall
y designed, so astronauts can receive the exercise needed. Living
in space is not just all work and no play. Astronauts have fun,
too. They like to look out the window and play with their food. F
un plays an important role in the quality of their life.9.Which f
ood can’t be brought to the space?A.ApplesB.Chocolate cakesC.Ice-
creamD.Cheese10.Why do astronauts play sports in space?A.To have
funB.To keep healthyC.To sleep wellD.To prevent muscle loss.11.Wh
at’s the passage mainly about?A.The life in spaceB.The food in sp
aceC.The work in spaceD.The sports in space二、七选五Conservation is t
he main focus of most zoos today. Public perception has, to a lar
ge extent, not yet caught up with this shift in focus. Zoos put a
n enormous effort into educating the public about their valuable
role as conservation centers.At the same time, most people come t
o zoos at least in part to be entertained. 12The recent addition
of a giraffe-feeding platform at the Reid Park Zoo in Tues on, Ar
izona, has been wildly successful. Most of the program’s profits
go to conservation projects around the world.Zoo professionals pu
t a great deal of effort into tools and activities that provide a
nimals with stimulation (刺激). It has been proven that captive (圈养
) animals with habitat enrichment do much better than those witho
ut it. 13Zookeepers may spend months developing a new form of enr
ichment and then discover that an animal has no interest in it.Zo
o keepers often stimulate natural behaviors by using techniques s
uch as hiding food in enclosures so that animals need to search a
nd reach for it. 14Some zoos make frozen taste treats for their a
nimals, in eluding rats and fish.Many zoos do some amount of beha
vioral training of animals-often as a way to enable staff to prov
ide better care. For example, lions and tigers can be trained to
touch a “target” or to put their tails through a fence. Later, th
ey will accept an injection in the same manner. A baboon (狒狒) can
be trained to present a shoulder for the same purpose. 15A const
ant concern at all zoos is where money is going to come from. It
takes a huge amount of money to keep and care for zoo animals, ma
intain exhibits, and pay staff salaries. 16Every zoo has a “wish
list” of projects, including updating exhibits and developing new
ones.A.Zoos must always look for ways to pay for expenses.B.Othe
r forms of enrichment include things that stimulate the senses.C.
Zoos vary greatly in size and in the amount of money they have fo
r expansion.D.Such training can help zoo vets provide better, and
often less intrusive care.E.Other sensory enrichment may include
stimulating the sense of smell with cooking spices.F.Zoos must k
eep the public interested, so they are always working to develop
new programs and exhibits.G.The goal of enrichment is to keep ani
mals stimulated for as long a time as possible, and efforts invol
ve a great deal of trial and error.三、完形填空I have had the privilege
to meet many amazing people, people who have been my role models
and my inspirations. But the greatest 17was when had the chance
to meet a fourteen-year-old girl named Nicole.I had been 18by the
Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada,an organization that tries
to make the dreams of young people suffering from terminal illnes
ses come true. Nicole had been 19with cancer for over two years,
and her 20to the Foundation had been a simple one:She asked if sh
e could meet me. The foundation agreed by flying her here to Los
Angeles, and 21our meeting at Universal Studios.It was 22not to l
ike Nicole from the very first moment I met her. Her outgoing per
sonality and great 23swept me up and immediately 24my spirits.Her
positive attitude about dealing with her disease 25me. When I me
ntioned during our initial meeting that I was very sorry that she
should have to 26something so difficult, she thanked me, but rep
lied that she did not want me to feel bad-she wasn’t looking for
anyone to feel sorry for her. A(n) 27I had never known before sho
ne in her eyes.As time went on, I realized how true it was. She d
idn’t want 28she just wanted to hang out and do things that 29do
together. We ate junk food and shared funny stories. The more we
laughed over 30things, the more our friendship grew. I began to r
ealize that I was just as lucky as she was to have this opportuni
ty to have her 31.I know that wherever she is,or wherever I go, s
he will always remain in my heart.17.A.prideB.honorC.dutyD.surpri
dC.frightenedD.amazed26.A.see throughB.go throughC.give upD.take
.happinessD.generosity29.A.acquaintances B.strangersC.patientsD.f
式。People eat rice all over the worldRice is grown in warm climate
s, mainly in Asia 32 there is a lot of rain, but it is eaten all
over the world.One of 33(popular) dishes in Singapore is Hainan
Chicken Rice. It is seen 34 Singapore’s national dish! This dis
h first came from China 35 (actual). However, influenced by Sing
aporean cooking styles, it has changed over the years.In China, r
ice is eaten up to three times a day. It is eaten from a bowl wit
h chopsticks, but Chinese people never leave their chopsticks 36
(stick) up their bowls of rice. This 37(remind) people of making
offerings to the dead.In Spain, 38 popular rice dish is called
Paella. It 39 (cook) with lots of spices (香料), vegetables and mi
xed seafood. In Japan, Sushi is popular as a kind of cooked rice
with sweet vinegar, often 40 (serve) with raw fish.People also e
at rice puddings (布丁) all over the world. In Portugal, rice puddi
ngs are a 41(tradition) part of a Christmas meal. In Thailand, a
favorite pudding is mango and sticky rice with coconut milk (椰子汁
). In South American, people eat rice with milk and some spices.五
、根据中英文提示填写单词42.If you have any questions, do not h________(犹豫) to
tell me. (根据中英文提示填空)43.Her efforts paid off and she e________(最终
) achieved her goal. (根据中英文提示填空)44.China’s first manned spaceship
was l________(发射) in 2003. (根据中英文提示填空)45.Now he has a________(承认
) making a mistake in the scientific experiment. (根据中英文提示填空)46.Ja
ck’s main m________(任务) is to help young people in his local comm
unity. (根据中英文提示填空)47.If you cannot solve the problem by yourself,
s________(寻求) help is a good idea. (根据中英文提示填空)48.It needs skills
to m________(保持) friendship with your friends over the years. (根
据中英文提示填空)49.The top student failed the exam again, u________(使沮丧)
both teachers and parents.(根据中英文提示填空)50.M________(道义的) as well as
financial support was what we should provide for the poor. (根据中英
文提示填空)六、根据汉语意思填写单词51.To a person nothing is more p_______ (珍贵的) t
han their life.七、其他应用文52.假定你是李华,为了让学生感受大自然之美,上周末学校组织了学生去植物园的赏花活动,
请给校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:1. 活动内容;2. 活动感受。注意:写作词数应为 80 词左右。_______________
,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。I spent most of my teenage years i
n an old farmhouse in the Durham County countryside. That was mor
e than 30 years ago, but life there dated back to an even earlier
era I spent my summer days doing manual labor in the tobacco fie
lds, while my summer evenings were spent preparing vegetables in
the backyard. My fall weekends were often spent cutting wood and
storing logs for the fire. Some of my neighbors still had outhous
es. We had an indoor TV receiver which helped us tune into the fe
w television stations we could watch.Living where we did, we coul
d see three or four other houses from our own, none of them withi
n shouting distance. We knew our neighbors, most of whom were eld
erly. My father wouldn’t let other folks do without when he had e
nough, so we helped them out when they needed it.Jimmy lived acro
ss the street, on the far side of a tobacco field. He was seventy
years old and lived alone. He lost his wife two years ago. He ha
d barely supported himself these last couple of years since his h
ealth had gotten worse. One day, we went to visit him at his home
. It was a small wooden house with dirty windows and a curtain th
at had been mended several times. The poor old man would sit in a
n armchair by the window, holding a faded (褪色的) photo, and with t
ears in his eyes, recall happy memories of his wife.One weekend,
my father went to check on Jimmy, but a rare heavy snow happened
to fall. It was so heavy that he couldn’t get his old truck up Ji
mmy’s uneven (不平坦的), snow-covered road Nobody could understand wh
at made Dad climb the 400 yards or so to Jimmy’s house. My brothe
r and I were waiting anxiously at home. After a long time, he rus
hed home and told us that Jimmy was sick and had no firewood left
.续写要求:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Paragraph 1:My father ask
ed us if we would like to help.__________________________________
_______________________________We knocked on Jimmy’s door, and he
greeted us._____________________________________________________
____________参考答案1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了耳机对耳朵健康的
影响以及不同耳机的不同效能和影响。1.词句猜测题。根据第一段最后一句“Can some headphones really dam
age your hearing? (有些耳机真的会损害你的听力吗?)”可知,下文将探讨耳机对听力的损害情况。根据第二段第一句和第
二句划线句“Nerves carry messages to each other, such as sounds or sens
ations. Most hearing loss is the result of nerve wreck. (神经相互传递信息
紧张”和decrease“减少”不符合语境。故选B项。2.细节理解题。根据第二段第7至8句“The noise level pro
duced at a rock concert or by a chain saw is about 115 decibels.
At this level, damage can happen in less than a minute. (摇滚音乐会或链锯
推理判断题。根据第三段后五句“Then there are some special over-ear headphones, t
he kind with foam (泡沫) earphone covers which are better at blocki
ng noise. They deliver sound around your ear instead of straight
into it. It might not sound as good, but it’s healthier for your
ears. Solid-plastic in-ear headphones are not very good at blocki
ng out background noise. This might make you want to pump up the
volume. (还有一些特殊的入耳式耳机,那种带有泡沫耳机盖的耳机,更能阻挡噪音。它们在你的耳朵周围传递声音,而不是直接进入耳朵
音量。由此推知,音量是损害耳朵健康的主要原因。故选A项。4.推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“Doctors recommend t
hat their patients get fitted for headphones which will help bloc
k background noise. (医生建议他们的病人戴上耳机,这将有助于阻挡背景噪音)”可知,医生应该会推荐病人戴能阻挡噪
音的耳机;根据第三段倒数第五句“Then there are some special over-ear headphones,
the kind with foam (泡沫) earphone covers which are better at block
ing noise. (还有一些特殊的入耳式耳机,那种带有泡沫耳机盖的耳机,更能阻挡噪音)”可推知,特殊的入耳式耳机能有效阻挡噪音
,可以被推荐给病人。故选D项。5.B 6.D 7.C 8.D【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了家长如何教孩子
们在遇见陌生人时保护自己的几个方法。5.词义猜测题。根据划线单词该句中的“because I interrupted their
TV time.(因为我打断了他们看电视的时间)”可推知,此处应为我知道他们假装在听我说话,因为我打断了他们看电视的时间。故可猜测
划线单词pretend为“假装”的意思。故选B项。6.细节理解题。根据第二段中“If you haven’t, I would l
ike to give you four words to help you teach your children how to
protect themselves.(如果你没有,我想给你四个词来帮助你教会你的孩子如何保护自己)”可知,文章中提到了四种保护
儿童的方法。故选D项。7.推理判断题。根据文章大意以及第一段中“I asked my children.(我问我的孩子们)”和第二
段中“Here I also want to ask some parents, “Have you ever told your
children how to protect themselves?”(在这里我也想问一些家长:“你有没有告诉过你的孩子如何保
陌生人时保护自己。由此推知,你可能在报纸上读到这篇文章。故选D项。9.C 10.D 11.A【导语】本文是一篇说明文。
文章主要介绍了宇航员在太空的日常生活。9.细节理解题。根据Eating in space下面的“But there are no
fridges, so space food must be kept properly.(但是没有冰箱,所以太空食物必须妥善保存
)”可知,在太空中不能带冰激凌。故选C。10.细节理解题。根据Doing sports in space下面的“Exercise
is an important part of every astronaut’s daily life to prevent m
uscle loss (肌肉萎缩).(锻炼是每个宇航员日常生活的重要组成部分,可以防止肌肉损失)”可知,宇航员在太空中做运动为了宇
航员在太空中做运动。故选D。11.主旨大意题。根据第一段“Have you ever imagined the life in s
pace? The following will show you the astronauts’ daily life.(你想象
过太空生活吗?下面将向你展示宇航员的日常生活)”可知,文章主要介绍了宇航员在太空中的日常生活。故选A。12.F 13.G
14.B 15.D 16.A【导语】这是一篇说明文,文章主要讲述当今动物园的重点是保护动物,文章讲述了动物园对动物
的一些保护措施。12.下文“The recent addition of a giraffe-feeding platform a
t the Reid Park Zoo in Tues on, Arizona, has been wildly successf
3.根据下文“Zookeepers may spend months developing a new form of enric
hment and then discover that an animal has no interest in it.(动物园
“富集的目的是尽可能长时间地使动物保持兴奋状态,这需要大量的试验和错误”与下文语义一致,故选G。14.上文“Zoo keepers
often stimulate natural behaviors by using techniques such as hi
ding food in enclosures so that animals need to search and reach
for it.(动物园管理员经常使用一些技巧来刺激动物的自然行为,比如把食物藏在围栏里,这样动物就需要自己去寻找和获取食物)”提到
文形成并列关系,故选B。15.上文“Later, they will accept an injection in the sam
e manner. A baboon (狒狒) can be trained to present a shoulder for
the same purpose.(之后,他们将以同样的方式接受注射。出于同样的目的,狒狒也可以被训练露出肩膀)”提到一些动物被训
练露出肩膀,D项“这样的训练可以帮助动物园的兽医提供更好的、通常更少侵扰性的护理”描述上文训练的好处,故选D。16.上文“It t
akes a huge amount of money to keep and care for zoo animals, mai
ntain exhibits, and pay staff salaries.(饲养和照顾动物园的动物、维护展品和支付工作人员的工
资需要大量的钱)”提到动物园运转需要大量的资金,下文“Every zoo has a ‘wish list’ of project
s, including updating exhibits and developing new ones.(每个动物园都有一个
符合语境,故选A。17.B 18.A 19.C 20.C 21.A 22.B 23.B
24.C 25.D 26.B 27.C 28.B 29.D 30.B 31.A【导语】这
辨析。句意:但最大的荣誉是我有机会遇到一个名叫妮可的14岁女孩。A. pride自豪;B. honor荣誉;C. duty义务;D
. surprise惊喜。呼应上文“I have had the privilege to meet many amazing p
eople, people who have been my role models and my inspirations.(我
句意:加拿大儿童愿望基金会联系了我,这个组织致力于帮助身患绝症的年轻人实现梦想。A. contacted联系;B. followe
d跟随;C. introduced介绍;D. commanded命令。根据后文“by the Children’s Wish Fo
undation of Canada”可知,联系作者的是加拿大儿童愿望基金会这个组织。故选A。19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:妮可与
癌症抗争了两年多,她对基金会的要求很简单:她问我是否可以见她一面。A. competing竞争;B. staying停留;C. b
attling战斗;D. compromising妥协。根据后文“with cancer for over two years”指
面。A. attraction吸引力;B. response回复;C. request要求;D. attachment附加。根据后
文“She asked if she could meet me”可知,妮可的要求就是和作者见面。故选C。21.考查动词词义辨析。
句意:基金会同意让她飞到洛杉矶,并安排我们在环球影城见面。A. arranging安排;B. ordering命令;C. laun
ching发射;D. designing设计。根据后文“our meeting at Universal Studios”可知,基
本会安排作者和女孩在影城见面。故选A。22.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:从我第一次见到妮可的那一刻起,我就不可能不喜欢她。A. ty
pical典型的;B. impossible不可能的;C. common共同的;D. unnecessary不必要的。后文“Her
outgoing personality”主要列举了妮可的优点,此处双重否定等于肯定,表示“不可能不喜欢”。故选B。23.考查名
词词义辨析。句意:她外向的个性和充沛的精力使我精神振奋。A. effort努力;B. energy精力,能量;C. force力量
;D. voice声音。根据上文“Her outgoing personality and great”可知是在说明妮可优点,结合
我精神振奋。A. destroyed破坏;B. kept保持;C. upped提高价格,使振奋;D. lowered降低。根据后文
“my spirits”以及上文提到作者喜欢妮可,所以是妮可振奋了作者的精神,故选C。25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她对待疾病的积
极态度令我吃惊。A. confused使困惑;B. satisfied满足;C. frightened使害怕;D. amazed使
惊讶。根据上文“Her positive attitude about dealing with her disease”妮可对待
我,但回答说她不想让我难过——她不是在找任何人为她感到难过。A. see through看穿;B. go through经历;C.
give up放弃;D. take up开始从事。根据后文“something so difficult”指经历癌症这样困难的事
情,故选B。27.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一种我从未知道的强大力量在她的眼睛里闪耀。A. shyness害羞;B. anxiety
焦虑;C. strength力量;D. relief安慰。根据上文“she did not want me to feel bad
-she wasn’t looking for anyone to feel sorry for her(她不想让我难过——她不想
朋友们一起做的事情。A. kindness善良;B. sympathy同情;C. happiness幸福;D. generosit
y慷慨。根据上文“she did not want me to feel bad-she wasn’t looking for a
nyone to feel sorry for her(她不想让我难过——她不想让任何人为她感到难过)”可知,她不想要同情,故选B
。29.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她不想要同情,她只是想出去玩,做一些朋友们一起做的事情。A. acquaintances熟人;B.
strangers陌生人;C. patients病人;D. friends朋友。根据上文“she just wanted to
hang out and do things that”可知,妮可想要出去玩,做一些朋友们一起做的事情。故选D。30.考查形容词词
义辨析。句意:我们对傻事笑得越多,我们的友谊就越深厚。A. unique独特的;B. silly愚蠢的;C. serious严肃的
;D. formal正式的。根据上文“The more we laughed over”可知,让人发笑的应该是傻事。故选B。31.
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我开始意识到我和她一样幸运,有这个机会有她的陪伴。A. company陪伴;B. support支持;C.
respect尊重;D. understanding理解。根据上文可知作者和妮可在影视城会面,即有妮可的陪伴,故选A。32.wh
ere 33.the most popular 34.as 35.actually 36.sticking
37.reminds 38.a 39.is cooked 40.served 41.traditi
之一。结合句意表示“最受欢迎的”,应用形容词最高级。故填the most popular。34.考查介词。句意:它被视为新加坡的国
菜!结合句意表示“把某人/某物看作……;视为……”短语为see sb./sth. as,此处为被动语态。故填as。35.考查副词。
设空处作状语修饰谓语came from,应用actual的副词形式actually,表示“事实上”。故填actually。36.考
词形式,且此处表示“使某物保持做某事的状态”短语为leave sth. doing sth.故填sticking。37.考查动词时
时态及语态。主语It指代上句中的Paella,与 cook之间为被动关系,且在此表示一般性的事实,应用一般现在时的被动语态,主语为
It,谓语动词用单数。故填is cooked。40.考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,serve在句中应用非谓语动词形式,且Sus
如果您有任何问题,请随时告诉我。根据词义和首字母提示可知,对应的单词是hesitate,动词词性,do not 后接动词原形。故填
根据汉语和首字母m提示可知,moral道义的,形容词作定语修饰名词 support。故填Moral。51.precious【详解】
语,与more一起构成比较级,故填precious。52.One possible version:Aiming to arous
e our appreciation for natural beauty, our school organized an ou
ting to the botanical garden last weekend, which left us with a s
weet and unforgettable memory. We gathered around the school gate
, took a bus and arrived at the botanical garden around 8 o’clock
. As winter gave way to spring, a wide variety of trees were in f
ull blossom. The pink, white, red flowers were gently swaying in
the breeze, keeping us spellbound by their intoxicating fragrance
and colorfulness. Some of us couldn’t wait to take out their cam
eras to capture this breathtaking scenery, some just sitting quie
tly under the sea of blossom to have a nice relaxation, some taki
ng a stroll to explore the beauty hidden around some humble corne
rs. What an amazing experience! During this activity, we came to
realize that there are so much joy and beauty in our life that wa
it for us to discover and appreciate.【导语】本文是一篇应用文。要求考生给校英文报关于上周末学
校组织了学生去植物园的赏花活动写一篇报道。【详解】1.词汇积累难忘的:unforgettable →memorable集合:gat
her →get together到达:arrive at →reach休闲:relaxation →leisure2.句式拓展同
义句转换原句:What an amazing experience!拓展句:It is such an amazing exper
ience as we will never forget!【点睛】【高分句型1】Aiming to arouse our app
reciation for natural beauty, our school organized an outing to t
he botanical garden last weekend, which left us with a sweet and
unforgettable memory. (运用了which引导的非限定性定语从句)【高分句型2】During this act
ivity, we came to realize that there are so much joy and beauty in our life that wait for us to discover and appreciate.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)53.My father asked us if we would like to help. We all nodded our heads willingly, but my brother was secretly worried. He asked my father how we could help. Although we could meet Jimmy’s needs for things like food and firewood, my father held the belief that the loss of his wife made Jimmy unhappy, and wanted to offer Jimmy a moment of joy. We left the house and walked across the snow-covered fields. Our footprints went deep in the snow, only to disappear as the snow continued to fall. We headed across the field, aiming for Jimmy’s house.We knocked on Jimmy’s door, and he greeted us. Jimmy appeared calm in the face of the dangerous snowstorm. However, we could see that his spirits were low due to sickness. We lit a fire to try and get some warmth into the house. We sat down and had a long meaningful conversation with Jimmy. At first, he frowned, but then his face slowly broke into a smile. He was happy that his neighbors cared about his well-being, and said having us over for company was the best gift we could have given him.【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者在一个偏远农村度过少年时光的经历,他们从事手工劳动,生活中缺乏现代化设施。有一个邻居叫Jimmy,他年迈孤独,生病了,生活十分困难。有一次大雪封路,作者一家人克服重重困难,给Jimmy送去了生活必需品,展示了社区互助的重要性。【详解】1.段落续写①由第一段首句内容“我父亲问我们是否愿意帮忙。”可知,第一段可描写作者一家人同意帮忙,一家人克服困难穿过雪地去吉米家。②由第二段首句内容“我们敲了吉米的门,他向我们打招呼。”可知,第二段可描写我们和吉米交谈,他很开心作者一家能去看望他。2.续写线索:父亲问我们是否愿帮忙——我们愿意帮忙——我们穿过雪地——吉米开门打招呼——交谈——开心3.词汇激活行为类①提供某人某物:offer sb. sth./provide sb. with sth.②消失:disappear/vanish/fade③皱眉:frown/knit the brows情绪类①担心的:worried/concerned/anxious②开心的:happy/cheerful/delighted/pleasant【点睛】[高分句型1] Although we could meet Jimmy’s needs for things like food and firewood, my father held the belief that the loss of his wife made Jimmy unhappy, and wanted to offer Jimmy a moment of joy.(由Although引导的让步状语从句和that引导的同位语从句)[高分句型2] However, we could see that his spirits were low due to sickness.(由that引导的宾语从句)答案第11页,共22页试卷第11页,共33页答案第11页,共22页试卷第11页,共33页