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2023-08-02 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
理解There are so many things to do with kids in New York City and w
e’ve narrowed down for you some amazing things for this week, whi
ch are fun for all ages so the whole family will be happy.Soar Ov
er at RISENYRISENY places visitors inside a 180-degree capsule to
create the sense of flight. The experience begins with a film to
ld by actor Jeff, which touches on the city’s history, specifical
ly Times Square and its global impact. Then visitors are taken to
a re-creation of the city’s first subway station at City Hall in
1904, which transforms into a theater with special visual effect
s. Eventually, a present-day subway car virtually transports gues
ts to the galleries.Learn About Insects in DangerIn this new phot
ography exhibition at AMNH, photographer Levon has photographed 4
0 endangered species (selected from the Museum’s world-class rese
arch collection). Some of the extinct and endangered samples more
than 100 years old are almost brought back to life through the p
hotos that show their extreme details and features. Each photogra
ph took about three weeks to create.Brain: The Inside StoryThis n
ew exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History challenges c
hildren to think lovely thoughts about thinking. At the Brain Puz
zle station, youngsters build a model starting with the areas tha
t control basic functions, and then add regions that strengthen c
omplex operations, such as remembering, feeling emotions and plan
ning.Battery Park City LibraryAs one of the city’s most beautiful
libraries, nearly every architectural feature is made from recyc
lable material. Like the rest of the branch, the spacious childre
n’s room is classic and comfortable. Our favorite element is the
reading corner designed by Green way, which invites kids to under
stand that reading must be done in an upright position.1.What do
we know about Jeff?A.He designed the reading comer.B.He told peop
le New York’s history.C.He took photos of endangered species.D.He
worked at the Brain Puzzle station.2.What can visitors do at the
Brain Puzzle station?A.Build a complete model of a brain.B.Learn
to sit upright while reading.C.Visit a theatre with special visu
al effects.D.Appreciate photos of endangered species.3.Which of t
he following places contributes to environmental protection?A.Cit
y Hall.B.RISENY.C.Battery Park City Library.D.The American Museum
of Natural History.One might expect that the ever-growing demand
s of the tourist trade would bring nothing but good for the count
ries that receive the holiday-makers. Indeed, a rosy picture is p
ainted for the long-term future of the holiday industry. Every mo
nth sees the building of a new hotel somewhere. And every month a
nother rock-bound Pacific island is advertised as the ‘last parad
ise(天堂) on earth’.However, the scale and speed of this growth see
m set to destroy the very things tourists want to enjoy. In those
countries where there was a rush to make quick money out of sea-
side holidays, over-crowded beaches and the concrete jungles of e
ndless hotels have begun to lose their appeal.Those countries wit
h little experience of tourism can suffer most. In recent years,
Nepal set out to attract foreign visitors to fund developments in
health and education. Its forests, full of wildlife and rare flo
wers, were offered to tourists as one more untouched paradise. In
fact, the nature all too soon felt the effects of thousands of h
oliday-makers traveling through the forest land. Ancient tracks b
ecame major routes for the walkers, with the consequent exploitat
ion of precious trees and plants.Not only can the environment of
a country suffer from the sudden growth of tourism. The people as
well rapidly feel its effects. Farmland makes way for hotels, ro
ads and airports; the old way of life goes. The one-time farmer i
s now the servant of some multi-national organization; he is no l
onger his own master. Once it was his back that bore the pain; no
w it is his smile that is exploited. No doubt he wonders whether
he wasn''t happier in his village working his own land.Thankfully,
the tourist industry is waking up to the responsibilities it has
towards those countries that receive its customers. The protecti
on of wildlife and the creation of national parks go hand in hand
with tourist development and in fact obtain financial support fr
om tourist companies. At the same time, tourists are being encour
aged to respect not only the countryside they visit but also its
people.The way tourism is handled in the next ten years will deci
de its fate and that of the countries we all want to visit. Their
needs and problems are more important than those of the tourist
companies. Increased understanding in planning world-wide tourism
can preserve the market for these companies. If not, in a few ye
ars'' time the very things that attract tourists now may well have
been destroyed.4.What does the author indicate in the last sente
nce of Paragraph 1?A.The Pacific island is a paradise.B.The Pacif
ic island is worth visiting.C.The advertisement is not convincing
.D.The advertisement is not impressive.5.The example of Nepal is
used to suggest ________.A.its natural resources are untouchedB.i
ts forests are exploited for farmlandC.it develops well in health
and educationD.it suffers from the heavy flow of tourists6.What
can we learn about the farmers from Paragraph 4?A.They are happy
to work their own lands.B.They have to please the tourists for a
living.C.They have to struggle for their independence.D.They are
proud of working in multi-national organizations.7.Which of the f
ollowing determines the future of tourism?A.The number of tourist
s.B.The improvement of services.C.The promotion of new products.D
.The management of tourism.8.The author''s attitude towards the de
velopment of the tourist industry is ________.A.optimisticB.doubt
fulC.objectiveD.negativeMental illness and disability were family
problems for English people living between 1660 and 1800. Most w
omen and men who suffered from mental illness were not institutio
nalized as this was the period before the extensive building of m
ental hospitals. Instead, they were housed at home, and cared for
by other family members.Now a new study by Cambridge historian D
r. Elizabeth Foyster will reveal the impact on families of caring
for mentally ill and disabled relatives.Much has been written ab
out the insane themselves but few studies have considered mental
illness from the perspective of the carers. The lifetime burden o
f caring for those individuals whose mental development did not p
rogress beyond childhood, and who contemporaries labeled as ‘idio
ts’ or ‘fools’, has been little explored by historians. Foyster’s
research, which has been funded by the Leverhulme Trust, will ca
refully examine the emotional and economic consequences for famil
ies at a time when the Poor Law bound them to look after their me
ntally ill and disabled family members.By asking key questions ab
out the impact of ‘care in the community’ in the 18th century, Fo
yster hopes that her research will bridge social and medical hist
ory. Specifically, she aims to provide an historical perspective
for contemporary debates such as how resources can be stretched t
o provide for children with learning difficulties and an aging po
pulation.“The stresses and strains of family were worsened by hig
h infant mortality and low life expectancy, and many individuals
were pushed towards mental breakdown,” she explained. “Moreover,
inherited conditions, senility(高龄) and what today would be descri
bed as ‘special needs’ could put great emotional demands on famil
y members who had primary responsibility for their sick or disabl
ed relatives.”The research will shed light upon how caring for th
e mentally ill and disabled raised difficult issues for families
about the limits of intergenerational responsibility, and whether
family ties were weakened or strengthened by the experience. The
questions of how far shame was attached to having insanity or id
iocy within a family, and at what point families began to seek ou
tside help, will also be addressed.“The family must have seemed a
n inescapable feature of daily life between 1660 and 1800,” said
Foyster. “Although there were those who were abandoned and reject
ed, for the majority, mental disability was accommodated within t
he family unit. I aim to get to the heart of what this really mea
nt for people’s lives.”9.Which is NOT the reason why those mental
ly ill and disabled were not institutionalized from 1660 to 1800?
A.Mental illness and disability were family problems then.B.The e
xtensive building of mental hospitals didn’t start yet.C.They wer
e abandoned by the government and the family.D.The family would b
e found guilty if they didn’t care for them.10.Why does Foyster w
ant to carry out this study?A.Because it can provide some food fo
r thought for some current social issues.B.Because the stresses a
nd strains of family life have driven many people crazy.C.Because
she’s looking for ways to communicate with the sick or disabled
people.D.Because the limits of intergenerational responsibility i
n such families, interest her.11.Which question will NOT be studi
ed in the research?A.How should resources today be stretched to p
rovide for an aging population?B.How did caring for the sick and
disabled affect the family’s earning power?C.How shameful did a f
amily feel when their insane or disabled relatives were found out
?D.At what point did those families have to begin to look for out
side help?12.The passage is written in order to ________.A.reveal
the impact on families of caring for mentally ill and disabled r
elativesB.provide an historical perspective to contemporary debat
esC.shed light upon whether family ties were weakened or strength
enedD.introduce a new historical study carried out by a Cambridge
historianIt was our first evening dog-sitting while our teenage
daughter was away on vacation. Louie searched the entire house fo
r his “mommy”. While we were watching TV, this six-month-old dog
dragged his large carrier down the stairs. This project took most
of the evening. What happened next made us realize that he obvio
usly put thought and reasoning into each move. He pulled each of
his personal things down the stairs and put them in the carrier.A
fter Louie finished packing his “suitcase”, he jumped inside and
pulled the zipper (拉链) closed. Then he lay down and went to sleep
. The message was clear. He had seen his mommy pack her suitcase
and go away. He must do the same to find her. In the morning, bel
ieving he had arrived, he jumped up — but his mommy was not there
.He surprised us with new undertakings every day. His favorite ac
tivity was going for a car ride to McDonald’s for chicken. But on
e day, my husband Paul didn’t stop at McDonald’s and left Louie i
n the car with the window open while he went off. That dog manage
d to jump out the window, walked two blocks and found Paul in a s
tore. As Paul was paying for his things, he was shocked to look d
own and find Louie. Indeed, they stopped for some chicken on the
way home.One evening, when I was outside with Louie, I noticed a
huge black bear. I screamed at Louie to come back inside the hous
e. Instead, he fearlessly rushed to the bear’s back legs. The bea
r ran to get away from the little annoying dog. I was surprised a
t Louie’s bravery.For Christmas that year, I turned Louie’s daily
journal (日志) into a book written in a dog’s voice. Writing Louie
’s story changed my life, and set me on the path to a new career
as an author and radio talk-show host.13.What did Louie do the ev
ening his mommy left?A.He decided to look after the author.B.He c
hecked his own things all night.C.He got prepared to leave to fin
d her.D.He tried to quarrel with the author.14.Why did Louie jump
out of the car window?A.To ask Paul for chicken.B.To share a rid
e with Paul.C.To get a seat in McDonald’s.D.To help Paul carry th
e things.15.What happened one evening outside the author s home?A
.Louie was hurt by a bear.B.Louie fought against a bear.C.Louie m
ade the author angry.D.Louie made friends with a black dog.16.Wha
t is the change happened to the author because of Louie?A.She joi
ned a club for homeless dogs.B.She bought Christmas gifts for dog
s.C.She printed her first book of diaries.D.She turned a writer a
nd a radio host.二、七选五If you really knew how smart, sensitive, and
creative these animals are, you’d be amazed. They live in societ
ies with their own cultures, self-medicate with plants, protect p
eople and other animals in trouble, and even paint. 17 Of all ani
mal funeral ceremonies, there is none as well-documented or well-
known as the elephant’s. Upon seeing the bones or remains of anot
her elephant, a family will stop and investigate them, even if th
e elephant was unrelated to the group. The ceremony includes touc
hing bones gently with their trunks while remaining very quiet, c
overing the body with leaves and grass. 18Elephant researcher Ma
rtin had this story to tell: The entire family of a dead female l
eader were all gently touching her body with their trunks, trying
to lift her. The elephant herd(群) were all roaring loudly. Her y
oung calf was observed to be weeping and made sounds that sounded
like a scream, but then the entire herd fell incredibly silent.
They then began to throw leaves and dirt over the body and broke
off tree branches to cover her. 19They sometimes had to leave to
get water or food, but they would always return. 20A news report
in Kenya told of an elephant that stamped(踩踏)a human mother and
her child and then stopped to bury them before disappearing in th
e bush. The fact is it’s pretty obvious to see that elephants wou
ld be at least somewhat emotionally harmed when we go around kill
ing entire herds.We all have different ways of giving respect to,
and letting go of, our dead, but seeing how animals sorrow for t
heirs shows us how capable they are of loving others. 21A.Honest
ly, elephants do it all.B.They spent the next two days quietly st
anding over the body.C.Hopefully, this changes our view point on
how we treat fellow animals.D.However, the situation is quite dif
ferent when it comes to a human being.E.If the elephant belonged
to their own, they’d stay with the body for days or weeks.F.Eleph
ants are such kind animals that they’ll even sorrow for and bury
their number one killers-us.G.Elephants have such close social gr
oups that they become extremely upset when one of their own dies.
三、完形填空Concerns about the harm caused by “too much” screen time—pa
rticularly when it is spent on social media—are widespread. But w
orking out what a “healthy” 22 might be is far from easy.Some n
egative experiences on social media—like 23 how your appearanc
e compares to others—do affect some children. However, this does
not mean that technology use in 24 is harmful and it is diffic
ult to make claims about how it will affect different people.Cons
ider the picture painted by a UNICEF review of existing research
into the effects of digital technology on children’s 25 comfor
t, including happiness, mental health and social life. Rather tha
n stating that social media was harmful, it suggested a more 26
effect.The UNICEF report highlighted a 2017 study that examined
120,000 UK 15-year-olds. Among those teenagers who were the ligh
test users, it was found that increasing the time spent using tec
hnology was linked to 27 comfort—possibly because it was impor
tant for keeping up friendships. 28 , among the heaviest users
of technology, any increase in time was linked to lower levels of
comfort. Overall, the UNICEF study suggested that some screen ti
me could be good for children’s mental health.A broader look at e
vidence provided by some other high quality studies again suggest
s the story is not 29 . An early study in 2013 looked at how th
e television and video game habits of 11,000 UK five-year-olds af
fected them two years later. It is one of few studies actually 3
0 the effects of technology over time. It suggested that, compa
red with children who watched one hour of television or less on a
weekday, a small increase in conduct problems was seen among tho
se who watched more than three hours each day. Playing electronic
games, however, was not seen as leading to a greater 31 of fr
iendship or emotional problems.So how much time should our childr
en spend looking at screens? It is difficult to be 32 as diffe
rent people spend time online in such different ways. A useful co
mparison might be with sugar. Broadly speaking, people 33 that
too much sugar can be bad for your health. But the effect it mig
ht have can depend on many factors, from the type of sugar to the
person and the amount. We would not 34 trust anyone who claim
s to predict how someone is affected by consuming one gram of sug
ar. The same could be said for 35 usage: the outcomes depend o
n so many factors that only very 36 predictions are possible.22
.A.amountB.comparisonC.experienceD.medium23.A.accounting for B.bo
asting ofC.commenting onD.worrying about24.A.generalB.particularC
mC.relativeD.small28.A.As a ruleB.In contrastC.On the wholeD.Wors
e still29.A.convincingB.definiteC.probableD.true30.A.estimatingB.
35.A.emotion therapy B.social mediaC.TV broadcastingD.video game3
适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写在答题卡相应的位置上。I truly believe the secre
t to a successful quit lies in the desire to quit. No 37 (progra
m) work when you don’t really want to stop 38 (smoke). If your d
esire to quit is 39 (great) than your need to smoke, you will 4
0 (success). We all deserve. 41 smoke-free life. No matter what
causes us 42 (quit) smoking or spurs (鞭策) us on, we deserve heal
th and 43 (happy) that being smoke-free provides. You’ll have a
44 (wonder) existence without nicotine addiction. If you still s
truggle with the desire 45 you have to continue smoking after yo
u’ve quit, I believe you need to re-examine your reasons 46 quit
ting in the first place.五、英译汉(单词/短语)英译汉47.sth. be worth it48.carr
y sb. through49.set forth for50.feel obligated to do sth51.get no
where52.in sympathy with53.cast sb. down54.be enthusiastic about5
5.in terms of56.show respect for sb.六、英汉互译英汉互译57.carve out58.post
pone doing sth.59.be spotted with60.be ignorant of61.因某事向某人道歉62.b
e limited to63.figure on64.be lacking in sth.65.抱着……的希望66.contain
oneself67.settle down to sth.七、汉译英(整句)68.在搬入新家之前,爸爸让人把房子重新装修了一番,
把地板都换了。(have sth done.)(汉译英)69.然而,一些科学家决意要帮助人类实现探索太空的梦想。(determin
ed, explore) (汉译英)70.对我来说,没有什么比健康的身体更重要。(nothing...than) (汉译英)71.
作者暗示, 在一定程度上, 男女主人公对最后的悲惨结局都负有责任。(indicate, to…extent, tragic) (汉
译英)72.我经常在业余时间和一些英语网友聊天,这对我的英语口语很有帮助。(contribute to, which的非限制性定语
从句) (汉译英)73.集邮不仅给了我极大的满足感,也帮助我在学习压力下放松。(not only...but also) (汉译英
)74.他没有被重点大学录取的原因是因为他的分数太低。(the reason why…is/was that…)(汉译英)八、读后
续写75.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。My three-year-old son,
Charles, has loved watching trucks, cars and all types of vehicle
s (交通工具) since he could sit up and look around. Charles was a fan
of fire trucks, ambulances, garbage (垃圾) trucks and other vehicl
es which have wheels.Because of his deep love for anything with w
heels, I always made it a point to take him outside to watch garb
age trucks drive up and down. Charles loved watching the workers
and would get so excited when the drivers beeped the horns (鸣喇叭)
at him as they went by. Charles would wave and shyly say, “Thank
you.”There was a particular waste management employee who was ext
ra friendly. Charles was attracted by him, and after we knew his
name — Lonnie, Charles talked about him throughout the day. One d
ay, Lonnie rode by and said, “Charles, I promise when this pandem
ic (流行病) is over, I’m going to let you ride in my truck.” However
, we were going to move out of the state about a week later. I ha
d to tell Lonnie the truth.The next week, we waited for the garba
ge truck. Finally, late in the afternoon, I heard the loud noise
of the truck. I raced to the door, carrying Charles. We did not w
ant to miss seeing Lonnie on our last week in Birmingham. Lonnie
stopped the truck and got out. He told me he had some things for
Charles — a hat, a yellow safety vest, two toy garbage cans, colo
ring books and so on. Charles was absolutely excited, especially
by the garbage cans, and I was so touched. The next day, Charles
and I were playing in the front yard when a man approached me. He
said, “I’m Lonnie’s manager, and he has something special planne
d for Charles. Are you going to be here around 11 am?” I said, “O
f course we will.”注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。At noon,
something surprising happened.__________________________________
____________________________________Even though we moved out of t
he state, Charles still misses Lonnie.___________________________
___________________________________________参考答案1.B 2.A 3.C【
据第一个广告Soar Over at RISENY的“RISENY places visitors inside a 180-de
gree capsule to create the sense of flight. The experience begins
with a film told by actor Jeff, which touches on the city’s hist
ory, specifically Times Square and its global impact. (RISENY将游客置
”可知,Jeff是个演员,在他的电影中他讲述了纽约的历史。故选B项。2.细节理解题。根据第三个广告Brain: The Insid
e Story的“This new exhibit at the American Museum of Natural Histo
ry challenges children to think lovely thoughts about thinking. A
t the Brain Puzzle station, youngsters build a model starting wit
h the areas that control basic functions, and then add regions th
at strengthen complex operations, such as remembering, feeling em
otions and planning. (美国自然历史博物馆的这个新展览挑战孩子们思考关于思考的可爱想法。在大脑拼图工作站,孩子
理判断题。根据最后一则广告Battery Park City Library的“As one of the city’s most
beautiful libraries, nearly every architectural feature is made
from recyclable material.?(作为这座城市最美丽的图书馆之一,几乎每一个建筑特色都是由可回收材料建造的。)
”可知,Battery Park City Library体现了环保因素。故选C项。4.C 5.D 6.B 7.
D 8.C【分析】本文为说明文。文章主要介绍了旅游业的发展对当地人们的生活以及环境等方面的影响。4.推理判断题。由第一段中的
最后一句And every month another rock--bound Pacific island is adverti
sed as the ''last paradise(天堂)on earth''.可知,每个月广告上不停地更换所谓的太平洋上某个岛是“
地球上最后的天堂”,由此可推出这些广告是不可信的,故选C项。5.推理判断题。根据第三段中的In fact, the nature
all too soon felt the effects of thousands of holiday-makers trav
eling through the forest land.(事实上,大自然很快就感受到了成千上万的度假者穿越森林的影响)可知,尼
痛苦。故选D项。6.推理判断题。由第四段中的后几句“The one -time farmer is now the servant
of some multi--national organization;he is no longer his own mas
ter.Once it was his back that bore the pain;now it is his smile t
hat is exploited.”可知,从前的农夫现在是一个多民族组织的仆人,他不再是他自己的主人了。从前是他背痛,现在是他的微
笑被利用了。由此推断他们不得不通过取悦游客来谋生。故选B项。7.细节理解题。根据最后一段中的"The way tourism is
handled in the next ten years will decide its fate and that of t
he countries we all want to visit.(未来十年旅游业的经营方式将决定其命运,也将决定我们都想去的国
jective)态度。故选C项。9.C 10.A 11.A 12.D【分析】本文是一篇说明文。介绍了剑桥历史学家
伊丽莎白·福斯特博士的一项新研究将揭示照顾精神病患者和残疾亲属对家庭的影响。9.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“as this was
the period before the extensive building of mental hospitals.”可知
,这是在精神病院广泛建立之前的时期,根据第一段中的“Instead, they were housed at home, and
cared for by other family members.”可知,相反,他们被安置在家里,由其他家庭成员照顾(当时精神疾
病和残疾主要是家庭问题),根据第三段中的“at a time when the Poor Law bound them to lo
ok after their mentally ill and disabled family members.”可知,当时的济贫
收容的原因,文中并没有提到原因是他们被政府和家庭遗弃。故C项正确。10.细节理解题。根据第四段中的Specifically, sh
e aims to provide an historical perspective for contemporary deba
tes such as how resources can be stretched to provide for childre
n with learning difficulties and an aging population”可知,具体地说,她旨在为
会问题提供一些发人深思的东西。故A项正确。11.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“will carefully examine the
emotional and economic consequences for families at a time when t
he Poor Law bound them to look after their mentally ill and disab
led family members.”可知,该研究将仔细研究在济贫法规定家庭必须照顾他们的精神病和残疾家庭成员的情况下照顾精神病
患者和残疾人给家庭造成的经济后果,再根据倒数第二段中的“The questions of how far shame was at
tached to having insanity or idiocy within a family, and at what
point families began to seek outside help, will also be addressed
研究的内容,而没有提到要研究当今的资源应如何用于应对人口老龄化。故A项正确。12.推理判断题。根据第二段“Now a new st
udy by Cambridge historian Dr. Elizabeth Foyster will reveal the
impact on families of caring for mentally ill and disabled relati
ow a new study by Cambridge historian Dr. Elizabeth Foyster will
reveal the impact on families of caring for mentally ill and disa
bled relatives.”可知,本文主要介绍了剑桥历史学家伊丽莎白·福斯特博士的一项新研究将揭示照顾精神病患者和残疾亲属对家
庭的影响,因此本文的目的就是介绍这项新的历史研究。故D项正确。13.C 14.A 15.B 16.D【导语】本文
记改写成了书,她也因此走上了新的职业道路:成为一个作家和电台脱口秀节目主持人。13.细节理解题。根据文章第一段“What happ
ened next made us realize that he obviously put thought and reaso
ning into each move. He pulled each of his personal things down t
he stairs and put them in the carrier.( 接下来发生的事情让我们意识到,他的每一个动作显然都
经过了思考和推理。他把自己的私人物品都拉下楼梯,放进了行李架里)”和文章第二段“After Louie finished pack
ing his “suitcase”, he jumped inside and pulled the zipper closed
. Then he lay down and went to sleep. The message was clear. He h
ad seen his mommy pack her suitcase and go away. He must do the s
ame to find her.(路易收拾好他的“手提箱”后,他跳进去拉上拉链。然后他躺下睡着了。传递的信息很明确。他看见妈妈收拾
段“His favorite activity was going for a car ride to McDonald’s fo
r chicken. But one day, my husband Paul didn’t stop at McDonald’s
and left Louie in the car with the window open while he went off
. That dog managed to jump out the window, walked two blocks and
found Paul in a store. As Paul was paying for his things, he was
shocked to look down and find Louie. Indeed, they stopped for som
e chicken on the way home.(他最喜欢的活动是开车去麦当劳吃鸡肉。但是有一天,我丈夫保罗没有在麦当劳停下来
理解题。根据文章第四段“One evening, when I was outside with Louie, I noticed
a huge black bear. I screamed at Louie to come back inside the h
ouse. Instead, he fearlessly rushed to the bear’s back legs. The
bear ran to get away from the little annoying dog.(一天晚上,当我和路易在外面的
易在作者的家外面与一只熊搏斗。故选B。16.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“For Christmas that year, I t
urned Louie’s daily journal (日志) into a book written in a dog’s v
oice. Writing Louie’s story changed my life, and set me on the pa
th to a new career as an author and radio talk-show host.(那年的圣诞节,
选D。17.G 18.E 19.B 20.F 21.C【分析】这是一篇说明文。本文详细阐述了大象的葬礼仪式
,并借此说明动物是聪明、敏感和富有创造力的。17.下文“Of all animal funeral ceremonies, the
re is none as well-documented or well-known as the elephant’s.”说明
在所有的动物葬礼仪式中,只有大象的葬礼有充分的文献记载并广为人知,因此,G项“Elephants have such close
social groups that they become extremely upset when one of their
own dies(大象有着如此亲密的社会群体,当它们自己的一头大象死去时,它们会变得非常不安)”中的“become extreme
ly upset”是关键词,与上文构成因果关系,说明大象有亲密的社会群体并对同伴的死去非常不安,这种特点使得大象的葬礼广为人知并有
文献记载。故选G项。18.上文“The ceremony includes touching bones gently with
their trunks while remaining very quiet, covering the body with l
eaves and grass(仪式包括用象鼻轻轻触摸骨头,同时保持安静,用树叶和草覆盖身体)”说明了大象葬礼仪式细节,因此,E项
“If the elephant belonged to their own, they’d stay with the body
for days or weeks(如果大象是属于它们自己的,它们会在尸体旁边呆上几天或几周)”中的“stay with the
body for days or weeks”是关键词,与上文“remaining very quiet”相呼应,构成顺承关系,
说明大象葬礼有哪些活动。故选E项。19.根据上文“The elephant herd(群) were all roaring lo
udly. Her young calf was observed to be weeping and made sounds t
hat sounded like a scream, but then the entire herd fell incredib
ly silent. They then began to throw leaves and dirt over the body
and broke off tree branches to cover her(象群都在大声吼叫,可以观察到她的小象崽在哭泣,
“They sometimes had to leave to get water or food, but they would
always return(他们有时不得不离开去拿水或食物,但他们总会回来)”可知,说明了在雌性大象首领的葬礼上,大象群为她所举
行的一系列悼念活动,因此,B项“They spent the next two days quietly standing ove
r the body(接下来的两天,他们静静地站在尸体旁边) ”中的“quietly standing over the body
”是关键词,与上文“but they would always return”相呼应,说明到活动最后,它们会持续几天静静陪伴在尸体
旁边,除了拿水或者食物,都不离开。故选B项。20.根据下文“A news report in Kenya told of an e
lephant that stamped(踩踏)a human mother and her child and then sto
pped to bury them before disappearing in the bush(肯尼亚的一则新闻报道说,一头大
们。因此,F项“Elephants are such kind animals that they’ll even sorrow
for and bury their number one killers-us(大象是如此善良的动物,他们甚至会为我们悲伤,埋葬
他们的头号杀手)”中“bury their number one killers-us”是关键词,与上文“bury them”相呼
应,与上文构成顺承关系。故选F项。21.根据上文“We all have different ways of giving res
pect to, and letting go of, our dead, but seeing how animals sorr
ow for theirs shows us how capable they are of loving others(我们每个
ly, this changes our view point on how we treat fellow animals(希望
这能改变我们对待同类动物的观点)”中的“loving others”是关键词,说明有些动物是非常有爱的,我们要改变对待同类动物的观
点。故选C项。22.A 23.D 24.A 25.D 26.A 27.A 28.B 29
.B 30.D 31.D 32.C 33.A 34.B 35.B 36.C【分析】本文是
遍担心“过多”的屏幕时间(尤其是在社交媒体上)会造成伤害。但要弄清楚一个“健康”的量是多么的不容易。A. amount数量;B.
comparison比较;C. experience经验;D. medium媒介。空前说人们普遍担心“过多”的屏幕时间会造成伤害,
比如担心自己的外貌与别人的比较,确实会影响一些孩子。A. accounting for导致;B. boasting of吹嘘;C.
commenting on评述;D. worrying about担心。根据空后的“how your appearance co
mpares to others—do affect some children.”可知,担心自己的外貌与别人的比较会对一些孩子造
。A. in general通常、普遍;B. in particular特别、尤其;C. in private私下;D. in p
所描述的关于数字技术对儿童心理安慰的影响的研究,包括幸福、心理健康和社会生活。A. domestic国内的;B. material
物质的;C. physical体力的;D. psychological心理的。根据空后的“including happiness,
mental health and social life.”可知此处指“心理安慰”,故D项正确。26.考查形容词词义辨析。句意
:它没有说社交媒体有害,而是表明了一种更复杂的影响。A. complex复杂的;B. dramatic引人注目的;C. harml
ess无害的;D. predictable可预言的。根据下文对其研究发现的介绍可知,联合国儿童基金会的研究表明社交媒体对儿童的影响
舒适度有关,因为这对维持友谊很重要。A. improved改进的、提高的;B. maximum最大极限的;C. relative相
关的;D. small小的。根据空后的“possibly because it was important for keeping
up friendships.”可知,因为这对维持友谊很重要,所以对那些最不常使用电子产品的青少年来说,增加使用电子产品的时间会
A. As a rule照例;B. In contrast相比之下、与此相反;C. On the whole大体上;D. Wors
e still更糟的是。根据语境可知,此处是与那些最不常使用电子产品的青少年的对比,故B项正确。29.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对
其他一些高质量研究提供的证据进行更广泛的研究再次表明,这一说法并不能站得住脚。A. convincing令人信服的;B. defi
nite一定的、确切的;C. probable可能的;D. true正确的。根据下文对2013年的一项早期研究结果的介绍可知,空前
响随时间变化的研究之一。A. estimating评估;B. experiencing体验;C. reducing减少;D. tr
。A. connection连接;B. power力量;C. promotion提升;D. risk风险。根据空后的“of fri
endship or emotional problems”可知此处指“友谊或情感问题的风险”,故D项正确。32.考查形容词词义辨
析。句意:那么我们孩子的屏幕时间应该是多少呢?由于不同的孩子在网上花费时间的方式不同,所以很难准确地界定。A. balanced平
衡的;B. independent独立的;C. precise明确的、精确的;D. subjective主观的。不同的孩子在网上花
对健康有害。A. agree同意;B. forget忘记;C. object反对;D. remember记得。根据空后的“that
too much sugar can be bad for your health”可知,一般来说,人们都会同意过多的糖是对健康
有害的,故A项正确。34.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们不会轻易相信那些声称能预测一克糖对人的影响的人。A. equally平等地;
B. readily容易地;C. reluctantly勉强;D. weakly无力地。空前说它可能产生的效果取决于从糖的种类到人
的使用也是如此:结果取决于如此多的因素,以至于只能粗略地预测。A. emotion therapy情绪疗法;B. social m
edia社交媒体;C. TV broadcasting电视广告;D. video game视频游戏。本文主要讲的就是社交媒体的屏幕
时间,故B项正确。36.考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. confident自信的;B. optimistic乐观的;C. ro
ugh粗略的;D. wild荒凉的。社交媒体使用的结果取决于很多因素,所以不能精确地说出一个健康的屏幕时间,只能是粗略地预测,故C
项正确。【点睛】本篇第8空难度较大,抓住空后介绍的2013年的那项早期研究的结果是关键,根据“It suggested that,
compared with children who watched one hour of television or les
s on a weekday, a small increase in conduct problems was seen amo
ng those who watched more than three hours each day.”可知,这项研究表明,与工
的心理健康”这种说法是站不住脚的,故B项definite正确。37.programs 38.smoking 39.gr
eater 40.succeed 41.a 42.to quit 43.happiness 44.w
onderful 45.that 46.for【导语】本文是议论文。文章主要表达作者的观点:成功戒烟的秘诀在于想戒烟的
,此处是固定搭配stop doing,表示“停止正在做的事情”的意思。故填smoking。39.考查形容词比较级。句意:如果你戒烟
是固定搭配cause sb. to do,表示“使某人做某事”的意思。故填to quit。43.考查名词。句意:见第6题详解。根据
sons for,表示“……的原因”的意思。故填for。47.某事是值得的 48.帮助某人渡过难关 49.出发前往
50.觉得有义务做某事 51.一事无成,毫无进展 52.同情,赞成,和……一致 53.使某人感到沮丧
54.热衷于;对……热心 55.依据;依照;根据……来说 56.对某人表示尊敬【解析】47.sth.某事,be wor
th it,值得;是值得的,故填“某事是值得的”。48.carry携带,through 通过,carry sb. through帮
助某人渡过难关,故填“帮助某人渡过难关”。49.set forth出发,set forth for出发前往,故填“出发前往”。50
.obligated有义务的,feel obligated to do sth觉得有义务做某事,故填“觉得有义务做某事”。51.n
owhere无处,哪里都不,get nowhere一事无成,毫无进展,故填“一事无成,毫无进展”。52.sympathy同情,介词
短语in sympathy with对……同情,同情,赞成,和……一致。故填“同情,赞成,和……一致”。53.cast把某人表现为
,down情绪低落,cast sb. down使某人感到沮丧,故填“使某人感到沮丧”。54.enthusiastic热情的,热心的
,be enthusiastic about热衷于,故填“热衷于;对……热心”。55.terms 表达方式,in terms of
依据;依照;根据……来说,是固定短语,故填“依据;依照;根据……来说”。56.respect尊敬,show respect for
sb.对某人表示尊敬,故填“对某人表示尊敬”。57.创业;开拓;雕刻出 58.推迟做某事 59.满是……的斑点
60.不知道, 不了解 61.apologize to sb. for doing sth. 62.局限于 6
3.估计到;打算;指望 64.缺乏, 缺少 65.in the hope of 66.自制 67.专心致志
于【解析】57.考查短语。carve out创业;开拓;雕刻出。故翻译为:创业;开拓;雕刻出。58.考查短语。postpone d
oing sth. 推迟做某事。故翻译为:推迟做某事。59.考查短语。be spotted with满是……的斑点。故翻译为:满是
……的斑点。60.考查短语。be ignorant of不知道, 不了解。故翻译为:不知道, 不了解。61.考查短语。“因某事向某
人道歉”的英文翻译为apologize to sb. for doing sth. 故翻译为apologize to sb. fo
r doing sth.62.考查短语。be limited to局限于。故翻译为:局限于。63.考查短语。figure on估计
到;打算;指望。故翻译为:估计到;打算;指望。64.考查短语。be lacking in sth.缺乏, 缺少。故翻译为:缺乏,
缺少。65.考查短语。“抱着……的希望”的英文翻译为in the hope of 。故翻译为in the hope of66.考查
短语。contain oneself自制。故翻译为:自制。67.考查短语。settle down to sth.专心致志于。故翻译
为:专心致志于。68.Before moving into the new house, my father had the ho
use redecorated and the floors changed.【详解】考查句子结构,固定句型。分析可知,本句描述过
去发生的事情,用一般过去时。表示时间状语“在搬入新家之前”可用介词加动名词构成短语,为before moving into the
new house;主语为my father;用have sth done“请别人做某事;让……被做”句型表示“让人把房子重新装
修了一番,把地板都换了”为had the house redecorated and the floors changed,过去分
词作宾语补足语。句首字母大写,故翻译为Before moving into the new house, my father ha
d the house redecorated and the floors changed.69.However, some s
cientists are determined to help human beings realize their dream
of exploring space.【详解】考查固定短语。表示“然而”应用副词however;主语为some scientis
ts;表示“决意……”短语为be determined to;表示“帮助人类实现探索太空的梦想”翻译为help human bei
ngs realize his dream of exploring space。句子用一般现在时。故翻译为However, so
me scientists are determined to help human beings realize their d
ream of exploring space.70.Nothing is more important to me than g
ood health.【详解】考查时态和比较级。分析句意可知,句子描述客观事实,时态用一般现在时,“对我来说”是to me,“没有
什么”是nothing,“健康的身体”是good health,“更重要”是more important,“比”是than,因此整
句话翻译为“Nothing is more important to me than good health”。故答案为Nothi
ng is more important to me than good health.71.The author indicat
es that to some extent the hero and heroine are both responsible
for the tragic situation in the end.【详解】考查宾语从句和动词时态。表示“作者”应用the a
uthor;表示“暗示”应用indicate,后面需用that引导宾语从句;表示“在一定程度上”应用to some extent;
表示“男女主人公”应用 the hero and heroine;表示“对……都有责任”应用be both responsible
for;表示“悲惨结局”应用the tragic situation;表示“最后”应用in the end;此处陈述客观事实,使
用一般现在时,主句谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式;从句主语为并列的名词,be动词用are。故翻译成:The author indic
ates that to some extent the hero and heroine are both responsibl
e for the tragic situation in the end.72.I often chat with some E
nglish net friends in my spare time, which contribute to my spoke
n English.【详解】考查固定短语和定语从句。主语为I;表示“和某人聊天”短语为chat with sb.;表示“在业余时间
”短语为in one’s spare time;“这对我的英语口语很有帮助”处理为非限制性定语从句,先行词为整个主句内容,从句缺少
主语,应用关系代词which引导;表示“有帮助”短语为contribute to;表示“英语口语”短语为spoken Englis
h。句子时态为一般现在时。故翻译为I often chat with some English net friends in my
spare time, which contribute to my spoken English.73.Collecting
stamps not only gives me great satisfaction, but also helps me relax under the pressure of study.【详解】考查短语、非谓语动词和主谓一致。句子陈述客观事实,用一般现在时。collect stamps集邮,用动名词作主语;not only...but also不仅……而且……连接并列谓语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式;“给了我极大的满足感”用gives me great satisfaction;help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事;under the pressure of在……的压力下,“帮助我在学习压力下放松”用 helps me relax under the pressure of study。故翻译为Collecting stamps not only gives me great satisfaction, but also helps me relax under the pressure of study.74.The reason why he was not admitted to a key university was that his score was too low.【详解】考查句子结构,主系表固定句型。分析可知,本句描述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时。表示主语“他没有被重点大学录取的原因”为the reason why he was not admitted to a key university,the reason为先行词,后文为why引导的限制性定语从句,从句中为一般过去时的被动语态的否定句式;系动词用was;表示“因为他的分数太低”用that引导表语从句,为that his score was too low。句首字母大写,故翻译为The reason why he was not admitted to a key university was that his score was too low.75.参考范文At noon, something surprising happened. Five garbage trucks came to our street and stopped near my house. Then they started to beep the horns in turn. The sounds sounded like a song, which made Charles laugh heartily. A few minutes later, Lonnie jumped down from one truck. He came into our yard. Charles gave him a big hug and talked with Lonnie. Lonnie said, “This is all for you.” All of the neighbors had huge smiles on their faces. We were witnessing something precious and wonderful.Even though we moved out of the state, Charles still misses Lonnie. He often pretends he is riding the truck with Lonnie, or helping Lonnie push garbage cans. Recently, he put on the hat Lonnie gave him and said, “I look like Lonnie.” Any time he sees a garbage truck, he will tell me something about his friend, Lonnie. Luckily, I keep in touch with Lonnie, so he can watch my little boy grow up. I hope he grows up to be kind, like Lonnie.【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者三岁大的儿子查尔斯喜欢看任何有轮子的交通工具,于是作者特意带儿子出去看来来往往的垃圾车,而且遇到了一个名叫朗尼的格外友好的废弃物管理员工,他还承诺流行病结束后让查尔斯坐上他的垃圾车。朗尼得知我们不久就要搬家的消息后,不仅送了许多礼物给查尔斯,而且还为查尔斯准备了一个惊喜。【详解】1. 段落续写:①由第一段首句内容“中午,一件令人惊讶的事情发生了。”可知,第一段可描写朗尼为查尔斯计划的惊喜,作者和儿子感觉开心且美好。②由第二段首句内容“虽然我们搬走了,但是查尔斯还是很想念朗尼。”可知,第二段可描写查尔斯想念朗尼的具体表现,作者一直和朗尼保持联系,朗尼也见证了查尔斯的成长。2. 续写线索:送惊喜——拥抱——开心——想念——保持联系——感悟3. 词汇激活:行为类①发生:happen/occur/take place②亲眼看到:witness/see…with one’s own eyes/appear in one’s sight③想念:miss/yearn/long for情绪类①开心:laugh heartily /have huge smiles/happy/delighted/joyful②美好:precious and wonderful/nice/fine【点睛】[高分句型1]. The sounds sounded like a song, which made Charles laugh heartily.(关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句)[高分句型2]. He often pretends he is riding the truck with Lonnie, or helping Lonnie push garbage cans.(省略连接词that宾语从句)[高分句型3]. Recently, he put on the hat Lonnie gave him and said, “I look like Lonnie.”(关系代词that或which引导的限制性定语从句,修饰the hat,关系代词充当宾语时可省略)[高分句型4]. Any time he sees a garbage truck, he will tell me something about his friend, Lonnie.(由连接词any time引导的时间状语从句)答案第11页,共22页试卷第11页,共33页答案第11页,共22页试卷第11页,共33页