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野性的呼唤第16节 重点词汇
2023-08-09 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
野性的呼唤第16节 重点词汇

When Buck earned sixteen hundred dollars in ?ve minutes for John Thornton, he

made it possible for his master to pay o? certain debts and to journey with his

partners into the East after a fabled lost mine, the history of which was as old as

the history of the country. Many men had sought it; few had found it; and more

than a few there were who had never returned from the quest. This lost mine was

steeped in tragedy and shrouded in mystery. No one knew of the ?rst man. The

oldest tradition stopped before it got back to him. From the beginning there had

been an ancient and ramshackle cabin. Dying men had sworn to it, and to the

mine the site of which it marked, clinching their testimony with nuggets that were

unlike any known grade of gold in the Northland.

g404steep? v. 使沉浸


be steeped in sth ?饱含(某品质)

steep sth in sth在(液体)中浸泡(?物)

steep yourself in sth?沉浸于;潜?于



adj. 陡峭的

g404swear? v. 赌咒发誓地说;肯定地说


swear to sb (on sth) 向某?赌咒发誓地说;向某?肯定地说

swear by sb/sth? 以……名义发誓

The months came and went, and back and forth they twisted through the

uncharted vastness, where no men were and yet where men had been if the Lost

Cabin were true. They went across divides in summer blizzards, shivered under

the midnight sun on naked mountains between the timber line and the eternal

snows, dropped into summer valleys amid swarming gnats and ?ies, and in the

shadows of glaciers picked strawberries and ?owers as ripe and fair as any the

Southland could boast. In the fall of the year they penetrated a weird lake

country, sad and silent, where wild- fowl had been, but where then there was no

life nor sign of life-- only the blowing of chill winds, the forming of ice in

sheltered places, and the melancholy rippling of waves on lonely beaches.

g404swarm? ?v. 成群地来回移动


swarm with sb/sth 挤满



n. ?群(蜜蜂等昆?),?群

Spring came on once more, and at the end of all their wandering they found, not

the Lost Cabin, but a shallow placer in a broad valley where the gold showed like

yellow butter across the bottom of the washing-pan. They sought no farther.

Each day they worked earned them thousands of dollars in clean dust and

nuggets, and they worked every day. The gold was sacked in moose-hide bags,

?fty pounds to the bag, and piled like so much ?rewood outside the spruce-

bough lodge. Like giants they toiled, days ?ashing on the heels of days like

dreams as they heaped the treasure up.

g404seek? v. 寻找


seek for sb/sth?寻找

seek out 找出

seek after 追求、探索

seek through 彻底搜查

And closely akin to the visions of the hairy man was the call still sounding in the

depths of the forest. It ?lled him with a great unrest and strange desires. It

caused him to feel a vague, sweet gladness, and he was aware of wild yearnings

and stirrings for he knew not what. Sometimes he pursued the call into the

forest, looking for it as though it were a tangible thing, barking softly or de?antly,

as the mood might dictate. He would thrust his nose into the cool wood moss, or

into the black soil where long grasses grew, and snort with joy at the fat earth

smells; or he would crouch for hours, as if in concealment, behind fungus-

covered trunks of fallen trees, wide-eyed and wide-eared to all that moved and

sounded about him. It might be, lying thus, that he hoped to surprise this call he

could not understand. But he did not know why he did these various things. He

was impelled to do them, and did not reason about them at all.

g404vague? adj. (思想上)不清楚的,含糊的,不明确的,模糊的


have a?vague impression/memory/recollection?of sth 对某事印象╱记忆模糊

have a?vague idea??概知道

g404dictate? ?v. 影响、?配;决定


?determine v. 决定



v. 听写,命令

g404impel? v.? 促使;驱策;迫使


impel sb (to do sth)??促使;驱策;迫使

Irresistible impulses seized him. He would be lying in camp, dozing lazily in the

heat of the day, when suddenly his head would lift and his ears cock up, intent

and listening, and he would spring to his feet and dash away, and on and on, for

hours, through the forest aisles and across the open spaces where the

niggerheads bunched. He loved to run down dry watercourses, and to creep and

spy upon the bird life in the woods. For a day at a time he would lie in the

underbrush where he could watch the partridges drumming and strutting up and

down. But especially he loved to run in the dim twilight of the summer midnights,

listening to the subdued and sleepy murmurs of the forest, reading signs and

sounds as man may read a book, and seeking for the mysterious something that

called--called, waking or sleeping, at all times, for him to come.

g404subdued? adj.? 压低的;?声的


a subdued conversation??声的谈话



adj. 闷闷不乐的;?光线或?彩柔和的,商业低迷的

One night he sprang from sleep with a start, eager-eyed, nostrils quivering and

scenting, his mane bristling in recurrent waves. From the forest came the call (or

one note of it, for the call was many noted), distinct and de?nite as never

before,--a long-drawn howl, like, yet unlike, any noise made by husky dog. And

he knew it, in the old familiar way, as a sound heard before. He sprang through

the sleeping camp and in swift silence dashed through the woods. As he drew

closer to the cry he went more slowly, with caution in every movement, till he

came to an open place among the trees, and looking out saw, erect on haunches,

with nose pointed to the sky, a long, lean, timber wolf.

g404distinct? adj.? 清晰的;清楚的;?


a distinct smell of gas 明显的煤?味



adv. distinctly 清楚地,明显地;

de?nite? adj. 清楚的;明显的


a de?nite sign 明显的信号

a de?nite feeling 明显的感觉



v.?de?ne 使明确

adv. de?nitely 清楚地,明确地

n. de?nition 定义,清晰度



adj. inde?nite 模糊不清的,不明确的




g404caution? n. 谨慎;??;慎重


extreme/great caution?特别谨慎;??翼翼

with caution?慎重



adj. cautious 谨慎的

adv. cautiously 谨慎地

He had made no noise, yet it ceased from its howling and tried to sense his

presence. Buck stalked into the open, half crouching, body gathered compactly

together, tail straight and sti?, feet falling with unwonted care. Every movement

advertised commingled threatening and overture of friendliness. It was the

menacing truce that marks the meeting of wild beasts that prey. But the wolf ?ed

at sight of him. He followed, with wild leapings, in a frenzy to overtake. He ran

him into a blind channel, in the bed of the creek where a timber jam barred the

way. The wolf whirled about, pivoting on his hind legs after the fashion of Joe

and of all cornered husky dogs, snarling and bristling, clipping his teeth together

in a continuous and rapid succession of snaps.

g404succession? n. ?连串;?系列;连续的?(或事物)


a succession of??连串、?系列

in succession?连续

in quick succession?紧接的

Buck did not attack, but circled him about and hedged him in with friendly

advances. The wolf was suspicious and afraid; for Buck made three of him in

weight, while his head barely reached Buck''s shoulder. Watching his chance, he

darted away, and the chase was resumed. Time and again he was cornered, and

the thing repeated, though he was in poor condition, or Buck could not so easily

have overtaken him. He would run till Buck''s head was even with his ?ank, when

he would whirl around at bay, only to dash away again at the ?rst opportunity.

g404suspicious? ?adj. 怀疑的


suspicious of sb/sth? 不信任的;持怀疑态度的



n. suspicion 怀疑

v. suspect? 怀疑




g404resume v. 重新开始;(中断后)继续


resume talks/negotiations?重新进?会谈╱谈判

resumed her career 重新上岗?

resume driving?继续开?

But in the end Buck''s pertinacity was rewarded; for the wolf, ?nding that no harm

was intended, ?nally sni?ed noses with him. Then they became friendly, and

played about in the nervous, half- coy way with which ?erce beasts belie their

?erceness. After some time of this the wolf started o? at an easy lope in a

manner that plainly showed he was going somewhere. He made it clear to Buck

that he was to come, and they ran side by side through the sombre twilight,

straight up the creek bed, into the gorge from which it issued, and across the

bleak divide where it took its rise.

g404reward? v. 奖励;奖赏;给以报酬


reward sb for /doing sth? 因为某事奖赏某?



?adj.? rewarding 值得的,报答的
