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2023-09-21 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
1、who指人,在从句中作主语That is the man who teaches us English.那位就是教我们英语的那
个人2、whom指人,在句中作宾语,常可省略The professor (whom) you wish to see has co
me.你想见的那位教授已经来了3、whose通常指人,也可指事物,在从句中作定语This is the scientist who
se name is known all over the country.这就是那位闻名全国的科学家4、which指事物,在从句
中作定语或宾语,作宾语时,常可省略。A dictionary is a book which gives the meaning
of words.词典是解释词语的书5、that指事物,也可指人,在句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时,常可省略She is the on
ly one among us that knows French.她是我们当中唯一懂法语的人5、as引导的定语从句as也可以用作
关系代词,既可以单独引出定语从句,又可与主句中的the same或such相呼应,从句中谓语动词常省略We jumped for
joy at the news,as was natural.我们听到消息时高兴地跳了起来,这是很自然的事情二、关系副词引导的定语
从句1、when表示时间,其先行词往往是表示时间的名词(如time,day,hour,year等)From the time wh
en he was little,he had known what he wanted to be when he grew u
,street,area等)Is this the room where we were living last winter.这
就是我们去年冬天住过的房间吗?3、why表示原因,常用在先行词reason后面I don''t know the reason wh
y she looks unhappy today.我不知道为什么她今天看上去不愉快三、关系代词前带介词的定语从句1、关系代词wh
ich,whom在定语从句中作介词的宾语时,从句常由“介词+which(或whom)”引出Great changes are ta
king place in the city in which they live.他们所居住的城市正在发生着巨大的变化This
is the teacher from whom we‘ve learns a lot.这就是我们从他那里学到很多东西的那位老师2
、定语从句也可以由“名词(或代词或数词)+介词+which(whom)”引出The house the windows of wh
ich were damaged has now been repaired.窗子遭破坏的那幢房子现在已经修理好了四、四种类型的定
,little,none等词时,定语从句引导词多为that例1:Tell me everything that you know
about it.把你知道的都告诉我。2、先行词被序数词或形容词最高级或由下面词汇修饰时,应该用that这些词分别是:first,
the only,last,any,few,same,no,some例2:To face fear is the only met
hod that really works.去面对恐惧是唯一真正行之有效的方法。先行词method由the only修饰,所以应该
用that;例3:The present moment is the best gift that you can give yo
中用作表语的时候,需要用that例4:He is not the simple-minded man that he was fi
ve years ago.他不再是五年前那个头脑简单的人了。4、当并列的两个先行词分别指人或物的时候,需要用that例5:He w
as watching the children and parcels that filled the car.他看着车上的孩子
如果that的先行词是all,nobody,no one,someone,somebody等不定代词时,that往往可以省略;其次
从句中作主语的时候,则不可以省略。五、as与which引导非限制性定语从句的区别这类定语从句只能由 which 或 as 引导。两
者之间的区别在于:1、which 引导的定语从句只能位于主句后,但as引导的从句可位于主句前、中、后。如:David, as yo
u know, is a photo geographer. 戴维是个摄影师,你是知道的。(不可用which)Li Ming is
late, as is often the case. 李明迟到了,这事是经常发生的。(不可用which)2、as在定语从句中作
主语时,从句谓语通常要有be或别的系动词,但which不受此限制。如:Li Ming was late, which (=and
this) made Mr. Zhang very angry. 李明迟到了,这件事使张先生非常生气。(不可用as)3、as 引导
的定语从句只表示一个众所周知或意料之中的事,但 which 不受此限制。如:He married her, which was u
nexpected. 他和她结婚了,这是出乎意料的。(不可用as)4、 as有“正如”之意,而which则意为“这(件事,一点)”
,可用and this/that/it来代替。5、 as多用于固定搭配中:as is often the case(这是常有的事)
,as was expected(不出所料),as often happens(正如经常发生的那样),as is known to
all(众所周知),as has been said before(如上所述),as is mentioned above(正如
上面所提到的)等。注:which 代表整个句子,还可用于in which case, at which point, on whi
ch occasion等。如:I may have to work late, in which case I''ll teleph
one you. 我可能得晚点下班,那样我会给你打电话的。六、of whom / which引导的定语从句在非限制性定语从句中,先
行词作为一个整体,表示整体中的一部分,即表示“部分与整体”的关系时,用…of which / whom或者of which / w
hom…都可以。但与表示所属关系不同,这里不能用whose来代替of which。1、表示整体中的部分The buses, mos
t of which were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd.
公共汽车大多数都已经挤满了人,它们被愤怒的人群包围着。I picked up the apples, some of which
were badly bruised. 我拣起那些苹果,其中有一些伤得很厉害。I bought a dozen eggs, six
of which broke when I dropped the box. 我买了一打鸡蛋,六个在我失手掉了盒子时摔碎了。Th
ere are two bottles left, one of which is almost finished and the
other of which is not quite. 只剩两瓶,一瓶快喝完了,另一瓶没完全喝完。The treasure s
ome of which has been recovered, has been sent to the British Mus
eum. 这些宝藏已送往大英博物馆,其中有一些是失而复得的。2、表示所属关系He''s written a book, the name of which I''ve forgotten. 他写了一本书,书名我忘了。句中的the name of which=whose name。It was an agreement the details of which could not be altered. 这是一项其细节不可更改的协定。句中的the details of which=whose details。