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2024-09-10 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
韩老师 Perry Han今日主题:购物英语Let’s go shoppingI’m bored. 我很无聊!I’ll go shoppin
g, you wanna come? 我要去购物,你一起来吗?母句型:I’ll go swimming, you wanna co
me? 我要去游泳,你一起来吗?母句型:I’ll go walking, you wanna come? 我要去遛弯儿,你一起来吗
?母句型:I’ll go doing yoga, you wanna come? 我要去做瑜伽,你一起来吗?母句型:do yoga
Sure, let’s go没问题,走呗!I''ll take a rain check. 改天吧!雨天延期券You have an
ything in mind? 你有啥想买的吗?母句型:你想点点什么呀?你有啥提议没?You have anyone in min
d? 你有对象了吗?母句型:你有合适的人选了吗?You have anywhere in mind? 你想去哪个饭店呀?母句型:Y
ou have a car in mind? 你相中哪款车了?母句型:You have a college in mind? 你打
算考哪个大学呀?母句型:【询问目标和理想】I’m a sucker for bags. 我一见到包包就腿软!What can I
do for you? 有什么可以帮您?连读:失爆+辅元+弱化What can I get you? 您点点啥?Nothing,
I’m just looking. 没什么,我就随便逛逛!But I’ll let you know. 如果需要的话,我会找你的!
I’m looking for a gift for my son. 我正在给我儿子选个礼物!母句型:I’m looking fo
r a pair of earrings for my daughter. 我正在给我女儿选对耳环!母句型:I’m looking
for a watch for my dad. 我正在给我爸爸选块手表!母句型:I’m looking for a new of
fice for my company. 我正在给我们公司选个新的办公区!母句型:I’m looking for a soluti
on for our problem. 我正在为我们的问题找解决方案!母句型:I’m looking for a new scho
ol for my kid. 我正在给我孩子选个新学校!母句型:少学多用尺寸:size 颜色:color款式:style [丝带啊
]Do you have this in my size?这件有我的号吗?母句型:Do you have this in her
size?这件有她的号吗?母句型:Do you have this in size L ?这件有大号的吗?母句型:Do you h
ave this in size M?这件有中号的吗?母句型:MediumDo you have this in size XL?
这件有中号的吗?母句型:XL=Extra LargeDo you have this in one size up?这件有大1号的
吗?母句型:Do you have this in one size down?这件有小1号的吗?母句型:Do you have
this in red?这件有红的吗?母句型:Do you have this in other colors?这件有别的颜色的吗
?母句型:Do you have this in other styles?这件有别的款式的吗?母句型:style Is this
on sale? 这件有优惠吗?这件打折吗?这件能便宜点吗?Everything is 15% off. 全场八五折!Half
price. 半价、五折不是词汇量不够是不会用!小词活用:off Turn off. 关闭Take off. 脱掉;起飞Take
two days off. 休两天假。I’ll let you off this time.放你一马It rained on an
d off. 断断续续;时下时不下;一阵一阵的 Mary and I are on and off. 分分合合;时好时坏;若即若离
You seem off. You don’t say. 不会吧?真的假的?I have no say in this. 这事儿我
没有发言权纠音:th [θ] [e]Thank you. I want this one. Not this one, that
one!It’s for you. What? 啥?So what? 那又咋样?Tell you what! 你猜怎么着!I g
et it. 我明白了!不是词汇量不够,是不会用!小词活用:suck 吸吮The movie sucks. 这片子真烂!Tom s
ucks at football. 汤姆脚贼臭You’re a sucker. 你是不是傻?你咋这么容易上当受骗呢?I’m 100
dollars short. 我还差一百美元。 He shorted me. 他给我缺斤短两了。Next time. Anoth
er time. Another day. Some other day. Wanna do= want to doI wanna
do it. I wanna call you. I wanna help you. I get it. 我明白了!纠音:[?:
r] or Sore 疼痛的My throat is sore. There’s more. It’s pouring. 在下大雨[?:r] [?] [θ] [e][?v] [ɑ?f] [d?] [ t? ]1